The Reason Why
/ by Bernard J. Otten, S.J.
- Act, creative, 20, 21; of faith, 116, 117; of reflection, 14; of production, 21.
- Actions, common to man, animals, and mineral substances, 6; index of a being's nature and origin, 5; proper to man, 7; source of, 11.
- Activity, intellectual, implied in progress, 11; in rational language, 11; in religion, 12.
- Adoration, of Christ, see Worship; essence of divine worship, 61.
- Apologists, Christian, on divinity of Christ, 258-261.
- Apostles, Doctrine of the twelve, see Didache; sent by Christ, 296-298; infallible teachers, 299-300.
- Arians, teaching of concerning Christ, 252.
- Atheism, charge of against Christians, 258.
- Athenagoras, on divinity of Christ, 250, 251.
- Augustine, St., on authority as a source of knowledge, 109; on introduction of Christian religion, 195, 196.
- Authenticity, of the Gospels, 166-171.
- Authority, in education, 109; in faith, 113; of God, 42, 80, 99.
- Barnabas, epistle of, 169.
- Barry, Dr. W., on tradition of Scripture, 169.
- Batiffol, Mgr., on primitive Catholicism, 189, 190.
- Bede, Ven., on conversion of England, 2.
- Bertrin, Georges, on miracles of Lourdes, 148.
- Beza, Theo., on Protestant dissensions, 313.
- Calvin, on Protestant dissensions, 313.
- Carter, Dr. S. T., and the Nassau Presbytery, 316.
- Catholic Church, the only true, 326, 327; necessary for all, 325, 326; unity of, in principle, 320-321; in fact, 321-323; in claim, 323, 324.
- Celsus, accusations of against Christians, 259-261.
- Cerinthus, heresy of, 206.
- Channing, on the imitableness of Christ's character, 200.
- Christ, approved by signs and wonders, 164; assumption of authority of, 211-221; charity of, 235-238; divinity of, 199-268; humility of, 240-242; religious submission of, 238-240; Son of God, 221-229; teaching of, 293-295; ultimate standard of holiness, 216-221.
- Christianity, conservation of, 194, 195; fundamental doctrines of, 199, 200; a moral miracle, 185-196; preparation for, 187; propagation of, i86-190; a supernatural religion, 269-277.
- Church, founded by Christ, 292-296; one only, 3oo; still exists, 307; unity of as distinguishing mark, 308; see Catholic and Protestant.
- Cicero, on the consensus of nations as a proof of the existence of God, 55.
- Clement, of Rome, St., on the Gospels, 169; on divinity of Christ, 250; of Alexandria, St., on divinity of Christ, 251.
- Creation, concept of, 34; consequence of, 39, 99, 122; first effect of, 39; of man's soul, 32, 36; of man's body, 36; of matter, 37, 38; possibility of, 35.
- Consistory of Berlin, on unity of faith, 318.
- Coupe, C., on the Church, 316, 317.
- Creature, meaning of, 20, 21; dependence of on Creator, 40; see Dependence; is man a, 19-39.
- Credentials, of Christianity, 163-184; example of, 142; miracles and prophecies as, 145, 146; of revelation, 141.
- Credibility, motives of, 113, 114, 117, 118.
Critics, Higher, on Christ's divinity, 202, 203; on Christ's human perfection, 234, 235; on Christ in the early Church, 203, 246; on the Gospels, 168, 180, 181.
- Dependence, consequence of, 42, 43; of man on God, 39, 40, 41, 42; of man's actions on God, So, 81.
- Deposit of faith, 295.
- Destiny, man's, 3, 4.
- Didache, on the Gospels, 169; on Christian worship, 255.
- Difference, specific, indicated by a being's proper activity, 5, 6.
- Divines, English, on unity of faith, 316, 317.
- Divinity of Christ, in the early Church, 247-268; proved from baptismal symbols, 248-250; from Christ's perfect character, 234-245; from Christian worship, 254-257; from Church's attitude towards heretics, 252-254; from St. John, 204-207; from miracles, 232, 233; from the Synoptics, 207-231; from teaching of Church's representative men, 250-253.
- Dorner, on divinity of Christ in the Synoptics, 208.
- Ethical Culture societies, 89, 90.
- Euplius, martyrdom of, bears witness to divinity of Christ, 263-265.
- Evangelists, see Gospel.
- Evolution, as a fact, 26; of human life, 27; of man's body, 25; of orders, 25; of species, 24; scientists on, 31; as a theory, 24, 25.
- Evolutionists, fundamental mistake of, 30, 31.
- Faith, act of, 116, 117; an act of the intellect, 113, 118-120; compared with scientific knowledge, 113, 114; divine and human, 107-111; nature of, 112; obscurity of, 111; Protestant view of, 116; reasonableness of, 106; unity of, 300, 301.
- Fechner, on knowledge conditioned by faith, 111.
- Gnostics, teaching of concerning Christ, 206.
- God, concurrence of with secondary causes, 81, 82, 153; exemplar of all created perfections, 50; infinitely perfect, 51-53; intimately present to all creatures, 74; man's dependence on, 39-44; not a blind force, 48; object of worship, 64; personality of, 40, 50.
- Gospels, authenticity of 166-171; authors of, 167; fundamental teaching of, 183, 199, 200; not interpolated, 177-180; truthful, 172-177.
- Greeks, conversion of, 188.
- Gruender, H., on free will and psychology without a soul, 15.
- Harnack, on the Gospels, 170; on miracles, 181; on interpretation, 182.
- Heresy, as an obstacle to the spread and conservation of Christianity, 191, 192.
- Heretics, their use of the Gospels, 171.
- Hermas, Shepherd of, references to the Gospels, 169.
- Hettinger, Dr. F., on divine worship, 62; on authenticity of the Gospels, 168.
- Hippolyte, St., on divinity of Christ, 251.
- Huxley, on limitation of human knowledge, 112; on the laws of nature, 152.
- Hypothesis, Nebular, 27.
- Ignatius of Antioch, St., on divinity of Christ, 250; on the Gospels, 169; on worship of Christ, 257.
- Indifferentism, chief obstacle to conversion, 328-332; Christ on, 298-302; meaning of, 282, 283; opposed to revelation, 296-305; to right reason, 284-290; prevalence of, 278-281; St. Paul on, 302-305.
- Instinct, in animals, 29; relation of to intelligence, 13.
- Intellect, in man, 11, 28; not in animals, 29, 30; training of, 92.
- Irenaeus, St., on divinity of Christ, 251; on the Gospels, 269; on the baptismal symbol, 248.
- Jews, conversion of, 188; persecution by, 190.
- Johnson, Dr. E., on nutrition, 35.
- Josephus, testimony of to Christ, 175.
- Justin, St., on charge of Atheism, 259; on divinity of Christ, 250; on the Gospels, 170; on the symbol, 248; on worship of Christ, 255.
- Knowledge, conditioned by faith, 108-111; influence of on morality, 92-95.
- Lacordaire, on personal God, 51.
- Language, rational, sign of intellectuality, 9.
- Law, moral, demands of, 61; meaning of, 84; inseparable from religion, 84, 90-93.
- Laws of nature, definition of, 151, 152; exception to, 153; God's cooperation with, 153-156; not unalterable, 160.
- Rousseau, J. J., on Christ's divinity, 201; on the Gospels, 175; on miracles, 147; on religion and morality, 87.
- Ruinart, acta martyrum, 265.
- Rule, of faith, Catholic, 320; Protestant, 311.
- Ryle, Dr., on the English Church, 316.
- Sanction of moral law, 85-88.
- School, public, and moral training, 91.
- Sects, in relation to the Church of Christ, 194.
- Sermon on the Mount, 209, 210.
- Talmud, Jewish, in reference to Christ, 175.
- Tatian, Gospel Harmony, 171.
- Tertullian, on baptismal symbol, 248; on rapid spread of Christianity, 189; on testimony of nature to religion, 55; on worship of Christ, 259.
- Valentinus, on the Gospels, 171.
- Vaughan, Mgr., on life after death, 35.
- Votaw, on the Sermon on the Mount, 210, 211.
- Wasmann, E., on instinct and intelligence, 13.
- Will, free, fact of, 15; not found in animals, 29; postulates a spiritual soul, 16.
- Worship, duty of, 58, 59, 64; external, 63, 66-72; in early Church, 254-264; internal, 63, 65; law of, 61; private, 63; public, 63, 72-74; relation of to morality, 61.