Jacques Maritain Center

Art and Scholasticism

by Jacques Maritain

Translated by Joseph W. Evans

Table of Contents

Translator's Note

This new translation of Art and Scholasticism was undertaken at Professor Maritain's suggestion, and is made from the third and final edition (1935) of Art et Scolastique. The "The Frontiers of Poetry" essay, which was added as a supplement in the second edition (1927), is again included in the 1930 translation, but it is now given, as Professor Maritain desired, equal prominence with "Art and Scholasticism"; it is translated from the revised version presented in Frontières de la poésie et autres essais (1935). The "Appendices" have had restored to them here their original status as addenda to "Art and Scholasticism"; two of them -- "The 'Triomphe de Saint Thomas' at the Theatre" and "Apropos an Article by Montgomery Belgion"--are new to this edition. Finally, the "Notes" contain some minor revisions and a considerable number of additions.

I wish to thank Professor Maritain for the privilege of translating this work. Also, I am grateful to Professor Wilfred Quinn for reading the manuscript and making a number of suggestions, and for checking some of the bibliographical detail.

Joseph W. Evans
Notre Dame, Indiana

Illustrations: details from St Luke Painting the Virgin and Child by Roger Van der Weyden.

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