Of God and His Creatures

Receptione propinqua apprehensioni. M. l'Abbé Ecalle in his French translation (Vivés, Paris, 1854) has d'une manière qui est une disposition prochaine à l'apprehension proprement dite. He takes the form to be in the storehouse of phantasy or memory before is in the intellectual faculty. I take it to be first seized by the apprehensive faculty, then consigned to the storehouse, from whence it is brought out again and re-apprehended at will. So I understand the words that follow, of revival, not of first apprehension.

For a loan of this translation, the only translation that I have seen, I am indebted to the kindness of the Reverend James Bredin, late Professor of Chemistry at Oscott College.

Of God and His Creatures: 2.74