ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

153. Sources and Blbliography. -- Gerberon's edition of St. Anselm, 1675 (containing his life by his secretary, Eadmer), reprinted in 1721 and again by Migne, 158, 159. On works wrongly attributed to St. Anselm, see HAURÉAU, Not. et Extr., etc., iv., pp. 192, 320.

VAN WEDDINGEN, Essai critique sur la philosophie de S. Anselme, Paris (memoir crowned by the Belg. Acad., 1875). Very valuable, but prolix and not free from historical errors. RAGEY, Histoire de S. Anselme, Paris, 1890, 2 vols. LUIGI VIGNA, San Anselmo filosofo, Milan. Incomplete. BAINVEL, S. Anselme (Dict. Théol. Cathol., 1901). Studies Anselm's theology mainly. Complete bibliography. DOMET DE VORGES, S. Anselme (collect. Les Grands Philosophes, 1901). Excellent. Studies his teaching from standpoint of development of scholasticism. KENT, St. Anselm (in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907). On the ontological argument, which has a copious recent literature, see BERTIN (Brussels Scientific Congress, 1894); HURTAUD (Revue Thomiste, 1895); ADLHOCH (Philosoph. Jahrb., viii., ix. and x.); FUZIER (Fribourg Congress, 1898); ADLHOCH, Roscelin u. S. Anselm, etc. (148). On reason and faith see GRABMANN, op. cit., 134; MARECHAUX, A propos du fides quaerens intellectum de S. Anselme (Revista Stor. Benedettina, 1909).

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