ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

209. Sources and Bibliography. -- BARACH and WROBEL have edited the De Mundi Universitate Libri Duo, sive Megacosmus et Microcosmus of Bernard of Tours (Silvestris) (Bibl. Philos. Mediae Aetatis, 1876).

BAEUMKER, Ein Traktat gegen die Amalricianer aus dem Anfang d. xiii. Jahrh. (Jahrb. f. Phil. u. spekul. Theol., 1893, p. 346). This is a first-class source of information on Amauritian theories. The other sources are Caesarius of Heisterbach, William the Breton and an account of the acts of the council at which Amalric was condemned, published by MARTÈNE and DURAND, Thaesaurus Anecdotorum, iv., p. 163. On Amalric, see DELACROIX, op. cit., ch. ii. JOURDAIN, Mémoires sur les sources philosophiques des hérésies d'Amaury de Chartres et David de Dinant (Excursions, etc., 1888, p. 101). Conclusions need to be revised. On the Cathari, the Waldenses and the Amauricians, see P. ALPHANDÉRY, Les idées morales chez les hétéodoxes latins au debut du xiiie siècle (Biblioth. Éc. Htes. Études, sc. relig., xvi., 1, Paris, 1903). The author investigates only moral ideas, and mainly in their popular form. The ethical system of the Cathari, he tells us, is based on the principle that, sin being enslavement by matter, perfection consists in detachment from all that is corporeal. He regards the theories chronicled by Alan of Lille (207) as "deviations from the genuine teaching of the Cathari" (p. 67).

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