ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

257. Sources and Bibllography. -- The great critical edition of St. Bonaventure's works, published at Quaracchi, 1882-1902, is a scientific monument of the highest excellence and a model of the best style ot editing scholastic works. Vols. i - iv contain the Commentaries on the Sentences. Each volume contains critical prolegomena, a critical edition of the text, and, after the principal questions, scholia which are veritable monographs on the history of the theories dealt with in the questions. Vol. v. contains eight theologico-philosophical opuscula. Vols. vi - ix. contain but little of interest to philosophy. Many portions of the text, especially the Quaestiones Disputatae (except the De Paupertate) are here published for the first time (vol. v.). The prolegomena to vol. iii. give tables of philosophical divergences of view between St. B. and St. Thomas Aquinas in their Commentaries on the Sentences. Vol. x. gives a dissertation on the life and writings of the Saint: very useful. See too a list of the principal scholia of the first four volumes -- and a study of some 108 apocryphal or doubtful writings. The scholastic side of the Saint's life and personality is excellently handled.

JOANNES DE RUBINO ET ANTONUS MARIA A VICETIO, Lexicon Bonaventurianum (Venice, 1880). The materials for a comprehensive review of St. Bonaventure's philosophical writings and their place in history, are collected in the scholia of the Quaracchi edition, hut such review has not yet appeared. A. DE MARGERIE, Essai sur la philosophie de S. Bonaventure (Paris, 1855): insufficient. DE MARTIGNÉ, op. cit., 237. KRAUSE, Die Lehre d. hl. B. über d. Natur d. körperl. u. geistigen Wesen u. ihr Verhältniss z. Thomismus (Paderborn, 1888): special question, well treated. Same author: Comment. philos. Quomodo S. B. mundum non esse aeternum sed tempore or turn demons traverit (Brunsberg, 1890). On Exemplarism: De Humanae Cognitionis Ratione Anecdota Quaedam Seraphici D. S. Bonaventurae at nonnullorum ipsius discipulorum, edita studio et cura PP. Coll. a S. Bonaventura (Quaracchi, 1883): an excellent monograph followed by text of a question and sermon of St. B. (supra, 255, III., note), questions of Matthew of Aquasparta, John Peckham, Eustachius, Roger the Englishman and Richard of Middleton, on the foundations of human certitude. ZIESCHÉ, Die Lehre v. Materie u. Form bei B. (Philos. Jahrb., 1900, p. 1); Die Naturlehre Bonaventura's (ibid., 1908). EDUARD LUTZ, Die Psychologie Bonaventuras nach Quellen dargestellt (Münster, 1909).

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