ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

310. Sources and Bibliography. -- WILLIAM OF TOCCO, who was in personal touch with many of the circumstances of St. Thomas's life, has left a biography utilized in the BOLLANDISTS' Life of St. Thomas, Acta Sanctorum, 7th March. QUETIF and ECHARD. DE GROOT, Het Leven van den hl. Th. v. Aquino (Utrecht, 1907, 2nd edit.): excellent for biography, chronology, authenticity of works, etc.; cf. ENDRES, in the Histor. Jahrb., 1908: Studien z. Biographie d. hl. Thomas von Aquin. A Life of St. Thomas by Père Sertillanges is announced in the series Les Grands Philosophes.

We possess two ancient catalogues of the works of St. Thomas. The first is that of Stams, v. 266. The other, drawn up from the depositions of a witness in the canonization process, is published by BALUZIUS, Vitae Paparum Avenionensium (Paris, 1693), t. ii., p. 7. Cf. the dissertations of DE RUBEIS in the second Venice edition. MANDONNET, Des écrits authentiques de S. Thomas (Revue Thomiste, 1909): excellent classification of sources.

The complete works of St. Thomas have been many times edited. Among the ancient editions we may mention those of Rome (1570, edit, of Pius V.), Venice (1592), Antwerp (1612), Paris (1660), Venice (1787). In 1852 his works were reedited at Parma. In 1882, under the auspices of Leo XIII., a new edition was commenced at Rome by the Dominicans. T. i. Comment, on the Perihermen. and the Post. Anal. (1882); t. ii. on the Physics (1884); t. iii. on the De Coelo et Mundo, De Gen. et Corrupt, and Meterolog. (1886); t. iv.-xii. Summa Theol. (1888-1906), with Cajetan's commentaries. There are numerous partial editions, especially of the Summa Theologica, which cannot be mentioned here. DE MARIA has published, in three vols., the Opuscula Philosophica et Theologica and the Quodlibeta (1886, Città di Castello); Prof. Thiéry, the Commentary on the De Anima (Louvain, 1907). The De Pulchro et Bono, which UCELLI has published, according to what he claims to be an autograph MS. of St. Thomas (Naples, 1869), is merely an extract from the commentary of Albert the Great on the De Divinis Nominibus of Pseudo-Denis. SCHÜTZ, Thomas Lexicon (2 Aufl., Paderborn, 1894): very useful.

JOURDAIN, La philosophie de S. Thomas (Paris, 1858). WERNER, D. hl. Th. v. Aquino (1858). PLASSMANN, Die Schule d. hl. Thomas v. Aquino (1858-1865). FROSCHAMMER, Die Philos. ti. Th. v. Aquino. krit. gewiürdigt (1889). All those are insufficient. WILLMANN, Geschichte d. Idealismus, ii., §§ 74-79. ROUSSELOT, L'Intellectualisme de S. Thomas (Paris, 1898) : a very excellent and very much discussed book; see our notice in the Revue Néo-Scolastique, Feb., 1909. Same author: Pour l'histoire du problème de l'amour au moyen âge. Cf. R. Néo-Scol., Feb., 1909. GUTBERLET, Voluntarismus (Philos. Jahrb., 1904): exposition of intellectualist and voluntarist arguments. DEHOVE, Essai sur le realisme thomiste (Lille, 1908). Numerous studies in Thomistic philosophy have been published everywhere since the Encyclical, Aeterni Patris, of Leo XIII. was issued; especially in the following reviews: Philosophisches Jahrbuch, Jahrbuch f. Philos. u. spek. Theol., Zeitschr. f. Kathol. Theologie, St. Thomas Blätter, Revue Thomiste, Revue Néo-Scolastique, Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques. Few of those studies, however, are historical.

SCHÜTZ, D. hl. Th. u. seine Verständniss d. Griechischen (Philos. Jahrb., 1895). MIGUEL ASIN v PALACIOS, El Averroïsmo teologico de Sto. Tomas de Aquino (Extracto d. homenaje a Fr. Codera), Zaragoza, 1904, pp. 275-92; new theses: that in the question of the relations of philosophy to theology St. Thomas followed Averroës, through the medium of Raymond Martin. Opposed by GETINO who has published a reply under the same title. Relations with other philosophers: VACANT, Études comparées sur la philos. de S. Thomas d'Aquin et sur celle de Duns Scot (Paris, 1897). GUTTMANN, Die Verhältniss d. Th. v. A. zur Jüdischen Litteratur (1891). WITTMANN, Die Stellung d. Th. v. Aq. zu Avencebrol: good. VON HERTLING, Augustinus-Citate bei Thomas, Akad. Bair., iv., 535-602. For relations with Siger of Brabant, see MANDONNET, op. cit. MAURENBRECHER, Thomas v. Aquino's Stellung z. Wirtschaftsleben seiner Zeit. (H. 1, Leipzig, 1898): seeks evidences and analogies bearing on communal organization in the works of St. Thomas; further studies promised. DE WULF, Études historiques sur l'esthétique tie S. Thomas d'Aquin (Louvain, 1896).

For the scholastic system of philosophy generally, the following may be consulted: KLEUTGEN, Die Philosophie d. Vorzeit, French trans., La Philosophie scolastique, 4 vols. (Paris, 1868-1870): contains valuable dissertations on special questions. Same author: Beiträge zu d. Werken über ti. Theol. u. Philos. d. Vorseit (Münster, 1875). WILLMANN, op. cit., ii., §§ 67-73. DE WULF, Scholasticism Old and New (Dublin, 1907), §§ 52-57. BAUR, Gundissalinus, etc. (246): ch. iii. contains a good history of medieval classification of the sciences, clearer and more methodic than MARIÉTAN'S (135). SCHINDELE, Zur Gesch. d. Unterscheidung v. Wesenheit u. Dasein in d. Scholastik (München, 1900): notes on the leading scholastics of the thirteenth century. A. LALANDE, Histoire des sciences. La Physique du moyen âge (in the Rev. de synth. histor., Oct., 1903): a study of the experimental sciences rather than of Physics as understood in the Middle Ages. J. LAMINNE, Les quatre éléments, le feu, l'air, l'eau, la terre (Brussels, 1904). BRANTS, Esquisse des théories éonomiques professées par les écrivains des xiiie et xive s. (Louvain, 1895): good. KANTOROWICZ, Albertus Gandinus und das Strafrecht d. Scholastik (Berlin, 1908). Cf. DOMET DE VORGES, La philos. thomiste pendant les années 1888-1898 (in the Congrès Bibliograph. Internat., Paris, 1899), and GRABMANN, Studium d. Thomasphilosophie (in the Jahrb. f. Philos. und spek. Theol., 1900, pp. 137 sqq.): gives numerous bibliographical references. PERRIER, op. cit., 120.

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