ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

321. James of Viterbo. -- When Giles was proclaimed official doctor of the Augustinian Hermits, he formed around him a schola which grew to be very extensive in the following century. One of his earliest disciples was JAMES CAPOCCI OF VITERBO (Jacobus de Viterbo, "Doctor Speculativus "), who like his master must have attained to celebrity in his order, seeing that in the year 1293 he was entrusted for a second time (de novo) with a master's chair at Paris. He taught alongside Giles, and like the latter wrote some Quodlibeta and finally exchanged the doctor's cap for the mitre.{1} In the official assessment of the academic library, published by the University on the 25th of February, 1304, we find the Quodlibeta of James classified along with those of Giles of Rome and Godfrey of Fontaines among the classic works of the time. James also wrote a compendium of the Sentences of Giles. In 1295 the order requested him to publish his own works in sacra pagina.{2} He seems to have followed closely the teaching of his master. His works are still unpublished and neglected.

{1} He was archbishop of Beneventum in 1302, and, later in the same year, of Naples (Chartul., ii., n. 62).

{2} Ibid.

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