357. Bibliography. -- Complete edition of the works of Lully, 1721-1742 (Salzinger). The treatises bearing on the Ars Magna (Ars Brevis, De Auditu Kabalistico, Duodecim Principia Philosophiae Lullianae, Dialectica seu Logica, Rhetorica, Ars Magna) had previously gone through many editions. OBRADOZ Y BENNASAR has commenced a critical edition (t. i., 1906: obres doctrinales, Palma de Mallorca). BOVÉ, El Systema cientifico Lulliano, Ars Magna. Exposicion critica (Barcelona, 1908). OTTO KEICHER, R. Lullus und seine Stellung zur arabischen Philosophie. Mit Anhang enthaltend die zum ersten Male veröffentliche Declaratio Raymundi per modum Dialogi edita (Münster, 1909).
A Revista Lulliana was started in Barcelona in 1901. JULIAN RIBEIRA, Origenes de la filosofia de R. Lullo (Madrid, 1899). DENIFLE, Zur Verdammung d. Schriften d. Raimond Lull. (Arch. f. Litt. u. Kirchengesch., etc., 1888, p. 352). JOURDAIN, Un Collège orientaliste au xiiie s. (in the Excurs. histor., etc., p. 219).