University of Notre Dame
Jacques Maritain Center   

Jacques Maritain Papers: Index

    37/04   F Technique of Contemplation- by Oliver LaCombe          nd

    18/06   { LaFarge?, Mabelle; Vancouver, B.C.                     1951/10/08
    20/09   { LaFarge?, Mabelle; Vancouver, BC                       1955/01/17
    20/09   { LaFarge?, Mabelle; Vancouver, BC                       1955/01/11

    32/06   F Father LaFarge [Interracial Review]                    1960/02
    36/15   F Maritain in the Americas- John LaFarge [Social Order]  1957

    36/13   F Morale Laique et Foi Chretienne- by M.D. Chenu         1953/12

     1/14   F "Language and Sign"  -   Toronto
    36/18   F The Language of Poetry- by Abu Sayeed Ayyub [Quest]    1959

    17/04   } Laugier, Henri; France Forever                         1942/08/19
    17/04   } Laugier, Henri; Universite d'Alger                     1944/03/01
    19/06   { Laugier, Henri; V.P., France Forever                   1943/04/26

    36/04   f  [Pontificium Athenaeum Salesianum Theses ad Lauream   nd

     4/02   T "Racist Law and the True Significance of Racism"
     9/06   F {The Rights of Man and Natural Law}
    33/16   F Jacques Maritain on the Natural Law and Human Rights   1979
    38/07   F Maritain and the Tradition of Natural Law- by Leo Ward 1975
    39/07   f  Review of Rights of Man and Natural Law               1987

    33/16   f  [The Catholic Lawyer]                                 1979

LAZAREFF, P.      
    16/01   { Lazareff, P.; Office of War Infromation                1944/01/13
    16/01   { Lazareff, P.; Office of War Infromation                1944/01/22
    16/01   } Lazareff, P.; Office of War Information                no date

    40/16   f  [Aus dem Leben des Geistes]                           1952/11/21

    35/19   F Review of Liturgy and Contemplation by Robert Lechner  1960/06-07

     4/08   F "Moral Education", Lecture, Montreal                   1951/04/11
    31/10   T Philosophy and Unity of the Sciences - Lecture Notes

     4/05   F Art Lectures
     4/06   F Seven Lectures on Art, Toronto, Oct-Nov, 1942          1942/10-11
     4/10   F Hunter College Lectures
     5/01-02X Princeton Lectures:  Living Problems of Philosophy
     5/03-04X Lectures- course on Medieval Philosophy- Princeton     1941
     5/07-10X Lectures:  Special Problems concerning the Theory of   1941 FALL
    24/10-13X Draft of Walgreen Lectures: "Man and the State."
    31/11   F Documents regarding Audio Tapes of Maritain Lectures
    35/14   f  [Lectures pour Tous]                                  1958
    40/08   F Two Lectures on St Thomas Aquinas by Pope John Paul II 1981
    42/10   F Articles, Lectures, Notes, etc.                        1914-

    40/02   f  The Legacy of Jacques Maritain + Reinhold Niebuhr     1986

    18/12   F Letters to Maritain: Johnson - Lenient
    18/12   { Lenient, Marcel                                        1943/07/17
    18/12   { Lenient, Marcel                                        1943/07/17

    27/05   } Letitia c/o Florence Roll                              1957/02/16

     2/16   F Letter to Fr. Lynch about an article in Thought on
     4/01   D Letter to Monsieur le Redacteur en Chef du "Devoir"
     6/06   d Letter to Maritain from Simon.
    21/11   F Letter from Francois Mauriac [photocopy]               1937/03/22
    21/12   F Letter from Maritain to Fr. Farrell                    1960/12/11
    22/05   F Letter from Brazil
    30/26   F Letter from Madame Dr. M.L. Chatelin                   1960/07/19
    30/27   F Letter from Walter Lowrie                              1948/12/12
    31/10   L Letter from ACPA Secretary Charles Hart to Maritain    1953/03/30
    39/10   F Letter from Jacques Maritain                           1932/06
    41/01   F Letter to David Goldstein from Ben Freedman            1954/10/10

    17/01-07X Letters from Maritain- alphabetical by correspondent
    18/01-06X Letters regarding the manifesto
    18/09   F Letters to Maritain: Aglion - Chirau
    18/10   F Letters to Maritain: Chinard - Gregoire
    18/11   F Letters to Maritain: Gregoire - Jacob
    18/12   F Letters to Maritain: Johnson - Lenient
    18/13   F Letters to Maritain: Levi-Strauss - Mirkine-Guetzevitch
    19/01   F Letters to Maritain: Morize - Zondervan
    19/01   f Letters to others: Benoit - Levy-Jackson
    19/02   F Letters to others: Jacob - Saussure + unidentified
    19/03   F Letters to unidentified people
    19/04   F Letters to Maritain: Aglion - Mirkine-Guetzevitch
    19/05   F Letters to Maritain: Mirkine-Guetzevitch - Weil
    21/04   F Letters from Maritain to Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange         1946/12
    21/07   f   Committee on Self-Study, College of Arts + Letters
    21/13   F Letters from Maritain to Fr. William Rossner, S.J.
    29-30   X Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1927-1967
    29/01   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1927
    29/02   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1928
    29/03   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1929
    29/04   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1930
    29/05   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1931
    29/06   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1932
    29/07   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1933
    29/08   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1934
    29/09   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1935
    29/10   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1936
    29/11   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1937
    29/12   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1938
    29/13   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1939
    29/14   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1940
    29/15   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1940
    29/16   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1941
    29/17   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1941
    29/18   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1942
    29/19   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1942
    30/01   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1943
    30/02   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1944
    30/03   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1944
    30/04   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1945
    30/05   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1946
    30/06   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1947
    30/07   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1948
    30/08   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1949
    30/09   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1950
    30/10   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1951
    30/11   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1952
    30/12   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1953
    30/13   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1954
    30/14   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1955
    30/15   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1956
    30/16   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1957
    30/17   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1958
    30/18   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1959
    30/19   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1960
    30/20   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1961
    30/21   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1962
    30/22   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1963
    30/23   F Letters from Maritain to Yves Simon                    1967
    41/04   F Two Letters from Maritain to Charles P. O'Donnell      1959,1960

    32/02   F Lettre sur le Monde Bourgeois [Esprit]                 1933/03
    38/03   t Lettre a Jacques Maritain- by Luigi d'Apollonia        1964
    41/12   D Lettre Ouverte a M. L' Abbe H. Bars par Louis Salleron 1959/06/03

    30/30   T Neuf Lettres Inedites du Jacques Maritain, Raissa      1927-1949
    32/12   F L' Esprit du Descartes [Les Lettres]                   1922/03
    37/09   F Notice of Grand Prix National des Lettres- French News 1964/04

    17/05   { Levi-Strauss, Claude; ELHE                             194?/07/03
    17/05   } Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1942/07/23
    17/05   } Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1943/07/23
    17/05   } Levi-Strauss, Claude; ELHE                             1944/03/18
    18/13   F Letters to Maritain: Levi-Strauss - Mirkine-Guetzevitch
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1944/02/04
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1944/02/03
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1944/03/13
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1944/03/13
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, C.; Latin American Center                1943/07/20
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, C.; Latin American Center                no date
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, C.; Latin American Center                1943/08/03
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, C.; Latin American Center                1943/08/09
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, C.; Latin American Center                1943/09/21
    18/13   { Levi-Strauss, C.; Latin American Center                1944/02/29
    19/02   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1944/04/10
    19/02   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1941/11/26
    19/04   { Levi-Strauss, Claude                                   1942/06/30

    17/05   { Levy, Jean Benoit                                      1943/12/27
    17/05   } Levy, Jean Benoit                                      no date
    17/05   } Levy, Jean Benoit                                      no date

    19/01   f Letters to others: Benoit - Levy-Jackson

    19/03   { Lherisson, Camille, Port au Prince                     1943/12/22

    18/13   { Lherisson, Dr. Camille                                 1943/07/02

    22/08   F "Natural Intelligence + Basic Liberal Education" Ms

     8/04   } Les Commissaires du Comite de Liberation               no date
     8/04   } Les Commissaires du Comite de Liberation               no date
    18/12   { Lang, F.; Comite de la Liberation                      1943/12/23
    19/06   { Comite Franc. de la Liberation Nationale               1943/07/25

     3/07   F "La Dialectique Immanente du Premier Acte de Liberte"
     4/01   D Chapitre IV - La Guerre et la Liberte Humaine
     4/01   T "Communion et Liberte"; Address to a rally
    32/08   F Communion et Liberte [L' Arche]                        1944/04-05
    32/09   F La Dialectique Immanente du Premier Acte du Liberte    1945

    21/08   F Maritain Display, Spring 1966, Memorial Library
    36/01   f  by Malachy Sullivan, OSB [Catholic Library World]     1942/05

     4/07   F "Connaissance Poetique", Ecole Libre                   1943/04/12
     7      X Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes
     8/01-08X Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes
    17/08   S RENAISSANCE, Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes
    22/04   F Miscellaneous: Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes

    33/14   F Truth and Human Fellowship [Spiritual Life]            1958/05
    35/12   f  JM and the Problem of Pluralism in Political Life     1960/07
    37/10   T Jacques Maritain and American Intellectual Life        1963
    38/14   F Maritain's Intellectual and Spiritual Life:            1985
    40/01   F Spiritual Life: a Catholic Quarterly                   1955-1969
    43/06   F Life with Thomas Merton- by Gerald Groves [Critic]     1963/04-05

    20/07   F Correspondence and Literary Trust Agreement
    40/06   F Times Literary Supplement review- Oeuvres Completes v4 1985/03/15

    21/13   { Little brother of Jesus                                1973/06/04
    37/10   T Jacques Maritain and the Little Brothers of Jesus      1963

    35/19   F Review of Liturgy and Contemplation by Robert Lechner  1960/06-07
    40/01   t Liturgy + Contemplation- by Jacques + Raissa Maritain  1959/06

     1/06   F Princeton  -  The Nation - II  - "A Faith to Live By"

     3/04   F Gallery of Living Catholic Authors
     4/02   t   Gallery of Living Catholic Authors
     5/01-02X Princeton Lectures:  Living Problems of Philosophy
    22/06   f Address to Gallery of Living Catholic Authors
    32/04   F Philosophy [Gallery of Living Catholic Authors]        1932-1942
    33/11   F William James + his Impetuous Philosophy [Living Age]  1921/10-12

    41/08   F Microfilm of two pages of Le Monde des Livres

    19/04   { Lockhart, J.G.; (for British Ambassador)               1944/02/18

    16/01   { Lockwood, Roy; BBC                                     1942/08/12

    31/03   A John Deely- Loras College Maritain Seminar             1987/10

    35/23   F Review of Notes on the Lord's Prayer [The Critic]      1964/04-05

    36/04   f  Pensiero di Jacques Maritain- by Nicolo Maria Loss    nd

     3/20   F Chagall, Journet, Psichari, Ibert, Lourie, Vlad, Satie

    35/04   f  by Yves Simon [Revue Philosophique de Louvain]        1972/05

    30/27   F Letter from Walter Lowrie                              1948/12/12

    22/09   F Manuscript at Luncheon in Albany, New York             1958

    35/02   F On Revolution- by Scott Buchanan and Joseph P. Lyford  1962

     2/16   F Letter to Fr. Lynch about an article in Thought on
     2/16   } Lynch, Rev.                                            no date
     2/16   } Lynch, Rev.                                            no date