Jacques Maritain Papers: Index
38/21 L Rabbi David Dalin to Ralph McInerny 1991/04/10
38/21 L Ralph McInerny to Rabbi David Dalin 1991/05/07
4/02 T "Racist Law and the True Significance of Racism"
4/02 T "Racist Law and the True Significance of Racism"
19/06 F Cablegrams, Telegrams, Radiograms, + Miscellaneous
3/05 { Rahv, Philip; PARTISAN REVIEW 1949/11/01
13/01 F Raissa Maritain: Correspondence, Reviews, Pictures
24/07 F Commonweal articles by Jacques or Raissa Maritain
30/30 T Neuf Lettres Inedites du Jacques Maritain, Raissa 1927-1949
31/02 F Maritain Art Gallery, Maritain Bust, Maritain + Raissa 1987-1990
31/07 F Texts + Bibliography- Raissa Maritain
31/13 F Mock-up cover- Raissa Maritain's Portes de l' Horizon
31/15 F Photographs of Jacques and Raissa Maritain
31/16 F Photographs of Raissa Maritain
37/06 F Raissa Maritain- by Georges Cattaui [Prevues] 1961
37/11 T Raissa Maritain's Poems- by Thomas Merton 1963
39/03 F Reviews of Raissa's Journal [by Raissa Maritain] 1973,1976
39/03 F Reviews of Raissa's Journal [by Raissa Maritain] 1973,1976
40/01 t Liturgy + Contemplation- by Jacques + Raissa Maritain 1959/06
40/03 F Raissa Maritain: A Tribute- by Robert Speaight 1960
41/11 F The Prince of This World- by Raissa Maritain
42/01 T Jacques Reads Raissa recorded by John Howard Griffin
42/01 t Jacques Maritain reading Poems of Raissa
42/01 t Two Canticles of Raissa [sung]
43/02 F Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley- Ramparts 1965/01-02
2/01 F Random Reflections on the American Scene
2/02 F Random Reflections on the American Scene
9/05 F {The Range of Reason}
37/08 F Ransoming the Time an Appreciation of Jacques Maritain 1962/01
18/03 { Rapaport, M. and J.L. Brown 1942/05/07
7/09-13X Rapport du President [marked "correspondence"] 1943/08/27
37/14 f Travers les Rapports de Maritain et de Mounier 1969
18/02 { Rasetti, Franco; Universite Laval 1942/03/23
18/04 { Rasetti, F. 1942/03/23
18/04 { Rasetti, Franco; Universite Laval 1942/03/31
9/10-16x Re-interpretation des positions Thomistes}
42/01 T Jacques Reads Raissa recorded by John Howard Griffin
41/24 F Maritain's Critical Realism- by John J. Fitzgerald 1960/04/24
9/05 F {The Range of Reason}
38/11 F Peace through the Recognition of Human Rights 1978
4/01 D Letter to Monsieur le Redacteur en Chef du "Devoir"
2/01 F Random Reflections on the American Scene
2/02 F Random Reflections on the American Scene
39/02 f Reflections on America 1958
41/02 T Reflections on Necessity and Contingency by JM nd
34/08 F Reflexiones sobre Norteamerica [Cuadernos] 1958
39/02 F Five reviews of Reflexions sur l' Amerique 1958
41/12 D Compte Rendu de Reflexions sur l' Amerique par JM 1959/06/03
19/08 F Should Catholic Action be Reformed? Melbourne Advocate
41/13 F Regard sur l' Histoire Moderne [Revue Universelle] 1925
2/03 F Board of Regents, University of the State of New York
2/04 f Regents Convocation of University of State of New York
42/09 f Convocation: Board of Regents of State of New York 1958/04/25
40/02 f The Legacy of Jacques Maritain + Reinhold Niebuhr 1986
31/10 F Three of Maritain's letters to Rev. Herman Reith 1957-1960
31/10 L Maritain to Herman Reith 1957/10/08
31/10 L Maritain to Herman Reith 1958/09/12
31/10 L Maritain to Herman Reith 1960/03/12
38/03 F Relations articles by or about Jacques Maritain 1958-1973
38/05 F Jacques Maritain's Political Relevance 1973
4/03 D Address to the French Relief
36/05 F Semaine Religieuse de Quebec 1950,1951
3/18 F "Bienheureux les persecutes" - "Religion and Culture"
38/09 f by Gerald A. McCool [The Journal of Religion] 1978/10
38/10 f by Gerald A. McCool [The Journal of Religion] 1978/10
40/05 F Time magazine- Religion section- articles re JM 1948,1967
13/01 { ?, Congregazione dei Religiosi 1960/11/05
1/08-09X Western Civilization and Religious Faith
22/07 f "Western Civilization and Religious Faith"
38/01 f Religious and Philosophical Profile of JM 1972
41/02 T Remarks on an Experiment in Metaphysics 1952/05
41/02 T Remarques sur l' Experience en Metaphysique- by Gilson 1952/05
41/21 F Thomas Merton: Friends Remember [St Anthony Messenger] 1978/12
17/08 S RENAISSANCE, Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes
41/28 T De Quelques Conditions de la Renaissance Thomiste
41/14 f a propos de La Jeunesse d' Ernest Renan 1925
40/10 f [Rencontre des Cultures a l' Unesco sous le Signe du 1966
41/12 D Compte Rendu de Reflexions sur l' Amerique par JM 1959/06/03
41/05 F Two Reviews of Challenges and Renewals 1966,1969
32/10 F La Repercussion de l' Empirisme sur la Culture 1952/01-03
41/26 f by Joseph Frank [New Republic] 1955/05/30
4/04 T "Vers la Quatrieme Republique Francaise"
41/02 S Summa Dialectica, Research on Freedom [Mortimer Adler] 1952-1954
41/02 T Comments by Jacques Maritain on Research on Freedom 1954/12/31
42/12 F Institute for Philosophical Research- Mortimer Adler 1952-1955
42/13 F Institute for Philosophical Research- Mortimer Adler 1952-1955
41/03 F Pour le Bien Commun: Les Responsibilites du Chretien 1934/04/19
13/02-06X {The Responsibility of the Artist}
39/05 F Three reviews of The Responsibility of the Artist 1960
1/02 F Resume of Courses at Columbia on Freedom
35/03 F College de France- Resume des Cours de 1955-1957
36/09 F Announcement of Maritain's Retirement in his own copy 1952/06/06
33/05 F Le Retour d'un Poete [Revue Hebdomadaire] 1926/05
37/02 T Revaloracion del Derecho Natural- by Domenico Barbero 1953/01
42/01 t Poems of Pierre Reverdy
3/05 F Partisan Review
3/16 F Review of John Nef's {War and Human Progress} 1950
20/01 f [Review of Politics, July 1949, pp 267-280] 1949/07
32/01 F The Problem of World Government [Dublin Review] 1951
32/06 F Father LaFarge [Interracial Review] 1960/02
33/01 F Poetic Experience [Review of Politics] 1944/10
33/02 F The Person and the Common Good [Review of Politics] 1946/10
33/03 F On the Meaning of Contemporary Atheism [Rev Politics] 1949/07
33/08 F Mankind's Illusion [Saturday Review] 1952/01/05
33/09 F The Double Heart [Sewanee Review] 1944
33/12 f Existentialism [Sewanee Review] 1948
34/03 f [American Political Science Review] 1950
35/05 F In Memoriam: Jacques Maritain [Review of Politics] 1973/10
35/06 F The Review of Politics 1957
35/09 f [Review of Metaphysics] 1951/06
35/12 F Joseph W. Evans articles in The Review of Politics 1952,1960
35/15 F Review of Creative Intuition in Art + Poetry [Thought] 1953
35/19 F Review of Liturgy and Contemplation by Robert Lechner 1960/06-07
35/21 F Review of Moral Philosophy [America] 1964/08/15
35/22 F Review of On the Use of Philosophy [The Critic] 1962/02-03
35/23 F Review of Notes on the Lord's Prayer [The Critic] 1964/04-05
36/10 F Review by John A. McAlpine of Maria Cross: Imaginative 1952/12
36/16 F Review of Vagn Lundgaard Simonsen's L' Esthetique de 1957
37/02 T Review of Social and Political Philosophy of JM 1956/10
37/10 D Review of The Degrees of Knowledge- by Joseph Sikora 1959
38/03 d Review of Richard Ares book Jacques Maritain 1958
38/04 f [American Benedictine Review] 1973/12
38/16 F Review of Understanding Maritain: Philosopher + Friend 1988
38/16 f reviewed by John Hittinger [Review of Metaphysics] 1988
39/06 F Review of Art + Scholasticism / Frontiers of Poetry 1962
39/07 f Review of Rights of Man and Natural Law 1987
40/02 F Review of J. Cooper's The Theology of Freedom: 1986
40/04 F Review of Doering's JM + French Catholic Intellectuals 1983
40/13 F Review of Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry 1953
40/13 f by W.S. Weedon [Virginia Quarterly Review] 1953
40/14 f Problem of Education- by Ellis Joseph [U Dayton Rev] 1964
41/06 F Review of On the Grace and Humanity of Jesus [TLS] 1969/11/09
41/07 F Review of Man and the State- Aurel Kolnai [Integrity] 1951/08
41/26 F Review of Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry 1955/05/30
8/09 F Book Reviews: {Approaches to God}
9/01-03X Book Reviews: {Man and the State}
13/01 F Raissa Maritain: Correspondence, Reviews, Pictures
39/03 F Reviews of Raissa's Journal [by Raissa Maritain] 1973,1976
39/07 F Reviews of Christianity + Democracy 1951,1987
41/05 F Two Reviews of Challenges and Renewals 1966,1969
43/07 F Clippings- Reviews of Maritain Books 1944-1952
35/02 F On Revolution- by Scott Buchanan and Joseph P. Lyford 1962
32/13 F Le Peche de l' Ange [Revue Thomiste] 1956
33/04 f [Revue des Jeunes] 1924/03
33/05 F Le Retour d'un Poete [Revue Hebdomadaire] 1926/05
33/06 f [Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale] 1951/04-06
33/07 F L' Obligation Morale [Revue Thomiste] 1949
33/07 f Sur la Notion de Subsistence [Revue Thomiste] 1954
35/04 f by Yves Simon [Revue Philosophique de Louvain] 1972/05
36/16 f Jacques Maritain- Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie 1957
37/14 F Naissance et Debut de la Revue Esprit Evoques a 1969
41/13 F Regard sur l' Histoire Moderne [Revue Universelle] 1925
41/14 F Histoire et Metaphysique: [Revue Universelle] 1925
18/06 { Rice, Philip; Amer. Philo. Assoc. 1954/12/04
20/02 { Richman, Robert 1954/02/??
9/06 F {The Rights of Man and Natural Law}
33/16 F Jacques Maritain on the Natural Law and Human Rights 1979
38/11 F Peace through the Recognition of Human Rights 1978
39/07 f Review of Rights of Man and Natural Law 1987
17/06 { Riwkin, E.; International Univ. Press 1943/09/15
17/06 } Riwkin, E.; International Univ. Press 1943/09/22
17/06 } Riwkin, E.; International Univ. Press 1943/09/22
27/01 { Rolfson, Sr. Helen, O.S.F. 1987/10/30
27/01 } Rolfson, Sr. Helen, O.S.F. 1987/11/06
19/01 { Rolin, Henri 1944/06/01
19/02 { Rolin, Henri 1944/06/05
19/02 } Rolin, Henri; Professeur de l'ELHE no date
27 X Maritain / Florence Roll correspondence. 1944-1957
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1951/03/27
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1951/01/08
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1949/07/21
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1954/12/02
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1951/09/17
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1951/12/19
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/04/11
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1951/07/09
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/11/21
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/11/01
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/09/26
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/09/14
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1953/11/22
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1953/11/09
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/01/02
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1949/11/01
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1950/08/23
27/01 } Roll, Florence 1955/02/12
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1951/06/12
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1947/01/14
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1947/05/30
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1946/09/29
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1947/10/18
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1945/12/19
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1952/04/23
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1945/08/31
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1953/12/12
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1952/05/30
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1950/05/27
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1953/02/27
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1953/05/20
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1954/07/25
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1950/05/20
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1950/06/03
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1950/07/26
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1944/09/09
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1952/10/07
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1952/11/14
27/02 } Roll, Florence 1952/02/06
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1945/09/14
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1949/09/xx
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1955/09/22
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1946/04/17
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1947/01/04
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1948/08/14
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1948/09/12
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1948/12/26
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1948/10/14
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1944/01/09
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1945/02/12
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1955/03/23
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1945/02/14
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1945/03/30
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1945/03/20
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1956/05/28
27/03 } Roll, Florence 1954/12/30
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1952/12/22
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1951/12/22
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1952/12/22
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1950/12/30
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1952/01/01
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1956/12/21
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1949/12/xx
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1951/07/27
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1951/06/07
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1953/12/26
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1950/01/28
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1951/10/25
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1951/01/25
27/04 } Roll, Florence 1953/08/17
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1951/06/02
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1948/05/12
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1950/12/17
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1956/08/07
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1956/08/10
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1956/07/02
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1956/07/31
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1949/02/18
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1957/09/26
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1956/11/21
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1957/12/21
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1956/06/30
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1949/05/15
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1953/06/01
27/05 } Roll, Florence 1949/06/06
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1955/12/29
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1954/01/31
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1954/02/14
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1955/12/23
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1955/04/24
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1956/01/07
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1950/12/29
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1954/04/17
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1956/09/18
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1957/03/12
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1950/10/10
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1946/10/20
27/06 } Roll, Florence 1949/07/20
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1944/07/15
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1944/11/12
27/07 } Roll, Florence no date
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1944/06/19
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1944/06/07
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1944/06/02
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1944/04/28
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1949/12/21
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1949/12/21
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1949/11/08
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1949/02/21
27/07 } Roll, Florence 1949/04/20
43/01 f at the 22nd World Congress of Pax Romana, Canada 1952
38/15 f [l' Osservatore Romano] 1986
21/14 F "Allocution du Pasteur Roser"
3/12 } Ross, Henry 1960/01/10
21/13 F Letters from Maritain to Fr. William Rossner, S.J.
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1965/08/07
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/10/18
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/11/12
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1959/08/12
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1959/11/11
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1960/01/03
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1960/10/24
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1961/01/03
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1961/03/28
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1961/11/06
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1962/10/31
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1963/06/09
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1963/09/28
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1966/12/23
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1968/10/14
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1973/01/04
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1973/06/04
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1951/08/28
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1951/11/12
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/06/05
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/06/26
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/07/12
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/08/10
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/08/17
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/08/25
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1953/12/21
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1956/05/15
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1956/08/10
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1956/12/24
21/13 } Rossner, Father no date
21/13 } Rossner, Father no date
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1957/06/29
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1957/04/23
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1957/10/21
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/01/12
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/02/08
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/04/15
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/05/02
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/05/24
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/06/30
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/07/15
21/13 } Rossner, Father 1958/09/20
17/06 } Rothschild, Madame Edouard de 1944/03/23
2/17 F Catalogue - Rouault
3/13 F Georges Rouault
19/05 { Russell, J.R.-Aid-Libraries in War Areas 1943/05/03