University of Notre Dame
Jacques Maritain Center   

Books in the Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame


Aquinas, Thomas. White, Victor, O.P., commentator. How to Study. London: Blackfriars, 1955.

Aquinas, Thomas. Opusculum De Ente et Essentia: Diligentissime Recognitum. Turin: Marietti, 1948.

Adler, Mortimer J. Adult Education. Reprint, Journal of Higher Education, XXIII/2, Feb., 1952.

Adler, Mortimer J. Doctor and Disciple. Reprint, Journal of Higher Education, XXIII/4, April, 1952.

Adler, Mortimer J. and Philip F. Mulhern, O.P. Footnote to The Theory of Democracy. Reprint, From an Abundant Spring, P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1952.

Adler, Mortimer J. Freedom: A Study of the Development of the Concept in the English and American Traditions of Philosophy. Reprint, The Review of Metaphysics, XI/3, March, 1958.

Adler, Mortimer J. The Hierarchy of Essences. Reprint, The Review of Metaphysics, VI/1, September, 1952.

Adler, Mortimer J. Labor, Leisure, and Liberal Education. Reprint, The Journal of General Education, VI/1, Oct., 1951.

Adler, Mortimer J. The Next Twenty-five Years in Philosophy. Reprint, The New Scholasticism, XXV/1, January, 1951.

Adler, Mortimer J. A Question about Law/ Footnotes (2 vols.). Essays in Thomism?, 19?.

Anderson, James F. Some Disputed Questions on Our Knowledge of Being. Reprint, The Review of Metaphysics, XI/4, June, 1958.

Anshen, Ruth Nanda. The Universality of Hellenism. ?: Encyclopedia Americana, 1952.

Apostolat des Laiques. Congrès Mondial de Rome 7-14 Octobre 1951 Brochure d'Information. Rome: Le Comité Organisateur, Apostolat des Laiques, 1951.

Barberi, Domenico, Beato. L'Azione Divina sulla Libertà Umana. Rome: Libreria Editrice Della Pontificia Univeritá, 1966.

Basehart, M. Catharine, S.C.N. On Education Women: The Relevance of Stein. Reprint, Continuum, 1966.

Bell, Charles G. Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre. Reprint, Common Cause, A Journal of One World,, 1951.

Bell, Charles G. Toward a New Organic. Reprint, Common Cause, A Journal of One World,, 1951.

Bergin G. Saturday 1:30 P.M. (poetry). Madison: The Picaflor Press, 1975.

Bjerknes, Chris. Orpheus Gone to Hell and Other Poems. New York: Round Quarter Series of Poets and Artists,, 1952.

Bobik, Joseph. Some Remarks on Father Owens' "St. Thomas and the Future of Metaphysics". Reprint, The New Scholasticism, XXXIII/1, January, 1959.

Boudin, Leonard B. The Constitutional Privilege in Operation. Reprint, Lawyers Guild Review, XII/3, Summer, 1952.

Boyle, Joseph M., Jr. Contraception and Natural Family Planning. Copy, International Review of Natural Family Planning, 1980.

Boyle, Joseph M., Jr. Toward Understanding the Principle of Double Effect. Reprint, Ethics 90, July, 1980.

Brain, Russell (Sir). The Contribution of Medicine to Our Idea of the Mind The Rede Lecture for 1952. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952.

Broglie, Louis de. Book review: Yourgrau, Wolfgang and Mandelstam, Stanley. Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum Theory. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 2 série, LXXX1,, 1957.

Brownson, H. F. Equality and Democracy. Detroit, Mich.: H. F. Brownson, 1897.

Brownson, Josephine Van Dyke. Learn of Me: First Lessons in Catechism. Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 1922.

Brownstein, Donald. Aspects of the Problem of Universals. University of Kansas Humanistic Studies, 44, 1973.

Buchanan, Scott. The Corporation and the Republic. New York: The Fund for the Republic, 1958.

Buela, Alberto. Esquemas de las Obras Eticas de Aristoteles. Buenos Aires: Fundacion Cultura et Labor, 1985.

Buela, Alberto. Social Cristianismo o Identidad Nacional Iberoamericana. ?, nd.

Bulletin of the University of Notre Dame, XXXVII/3 The Graduate School. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1942.

Butterfield, Herbert. Christianity and History. Fontana Books, 1957.

Butterfield, Victor L. The Faith of a Liberal College: The President's Annual Report to the Board of Trustees. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University, 1955.

Les Cahiers du Collège Iconique: Communications et Débats. INA, direction de l’Inath&e\grave;que de France (Dépôt légal de la radio-teéleévision), 1996. Contains an article by Louis Chammings called "La Vérité de la image dans la perspective Thomiste".

Caldera, Rafael. Revolucion y Juventud. Caracas, Venezuela: Rafael Caldera, 1965.

Caldera, Rafael. Towards a New Hemispheric Treatment. Caracas: Oficina Central de Informacion, 1970.

Campbell, Harry M. The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer and Fictional Religion. Reprint, The Thomist, XXXIII/4, October, 1969.

Campbell, Jeff H. John Howard Griffin Southwest Writers Series, No. 35. Austin, Texas: Steck- Vaughn Co., 1970.

Campbell- Fisher, Ivy G. Aesthetics and the Logic of Sense. Reprint, The Journal of General Psychology, 43, 1950.

Campbell- Fisher, Ivy G. An Experiment on the Expressiveness of Shell and Textile "Montages". Reprint, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 40/4, Aug, 1950.

Campbell- Fisher, Ivy G. Intrinsic Expressiveness. Reprint, The Journal of General Psychology, 45, 1951.

Campbell- Fisher, Ivy G. Static and Dynamic Principles in Art. Reprint, The Journal of General Psychology, 45, 1951.

Carr, H., C.S.B. Philosophy Ninety-one, Book I.

Caspar, Ruth. "All Shall Be Well": Prototypical Symbols of Hope. Journal of the History of Ideas, XLII/1, Jan.- March, 1981.

Caspar, Ruth. The "Neglected Argument" Revisited: From C. S. Peirce to Peter Berger. Reprint, The Thomist, 44/1, January, 1980.

Chatalian, George. Probability: Inductive versus Deductive. Reprint, Philosophical Studies, III/4, June, 1952.

Chenu, Marie- Dominique, Yves Congar, Karl Rahner,. Edward Schillebeeckx Four Sermons on Thomas Aquinas. Collected by Thomas F. O'Meara, O.P., 1952.

Chinard, Gilbert. America en el Espiritu Frances del Siglo SVIII. Reprint, The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1951.

Chinard, Gilbert. Aspects de l'Exotisme. Les Dialogues, No. 13, November, 1954.

Chinard, Gilbert. The Eminent Dignity of Literature. Reprint, Publications of the Modern Language, 1957.

Chinard, Gilbert. La Litterature Comparee et l'Histoire des Idees dans l'Etude des Relations Franco- Americaines. Reprint, Comparative Literature, Proceedings of the, 1959.

Clemens, Cyril. My Chat with Thomas Hardy. Webster Groves, Mo.: International Mark Twain Society, 1944.

Comitato nazionale per le celebrazioni del bicentenario della nascita di Antonio Rosmini (1797-1997.

Congar, Yves M. -J., O.P. L'Église Catholique devant la Question Raciale. Paris: Unesco, 1953.

Cooper, Lane. Certain Rhythms in the English Bible: With Illustrations from the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Lord's Prayer. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1952.

Corpus Reformatorum Italicorum: Avvertenze ai Collaboratori. Florence: G. C. Sansoni; Chicago: Newberry Library, 1959.

Crosignani, Giacomo, C.M. La Teoria del Naturale e del Soprannaturale Secondo S. Tommaso d'Aquino. Piacenze, Italy: Collegio Alberoni, 1974.

The Crypt of St. Vincent Archabbey. Latrobe, Pennsylvania: St. Vincent Archabbey, 1949.

Damerini, Adelmo. Boezio Pensieri sulla Musica. Firenze: Fussi, 1949.

Del Acebo Ibañez, Enrique. La Idea del Hombre. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Macchi, 1955.

Delos, J. T., O.P. Temoignage sur la Crise Actuelle. Quebec: L'Ecole des Sciencs Sociales, 1941.

Delos, J. T., O.P. L'Opinion, le Gouvernement d'Opinion, le Gouvernement de Foule. Quebec: L'Ecole des Sciences Sociales, 1943.

Démann, Paul. Les Juifs dans la Catechese Chretienne. Paris: Cahiers Sioniens, 1952.

Denissoff, Elie and Marie- Jacqueline. Conversion of Russia. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press, 1950.

Roover, Raymond de. La Pensée Économique des Scolastiques: Doctrines et Méthodes. Montreal: Inst. d'Études Médiévales, 1970.

Descartes, René. Discourse on Method. Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Publishing Co., 1980.

Diepen, H., O.S.B. La Critique du Baslisme selon Saint Thomas d'Aquin I. Reprint, la Revue Thomiste, no. 1, 1950.

Disputed Questions in Education, Vol. 1. Anton C. Pegis. Catholic Education and American Society Gilson, Etienne The Eminence of Teaching. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1954.

Disputed Questions in Education, Vol. 2. Etienne Gilson. The Role of Science in Catholic Education Clare, Sister Maria The Teaching of Science in Catholic Elementary School. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1955.

Disputed Questions in Education, Vol. 3. Etienne Gilson. The Place of History in Catholic Education. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1956.

Dodds, Harold W. On the Place of the Intellectual in America. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1957.

Dumaine, Roger, et al. A La Memoire d'Edmond Michelet 1889-1970. Paris: l'Office de Propagande Générale 1957.

Duns Scotus Congress, Second International Scholastic Congress, 11-17 September 1966. Rome: Scotistic Commission, 1966.

École Libre des Hautes Études (Université Française de New York) 1952, 1957-1958, 1959-1960. New York: École Libre des Hautes Études, 1952-1959.

École Pratique des Hautes Études. Annuaire 1950- 1951. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1950.

Egan, Edward M. Latin and the Church. New York: Wethersfield Institute, 1987.

Elders, Leo J., S.V.D. The Philosophical and Religious Background of Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Città del Vaticano: Pontificia Accademia di S. Tommaso, 1984.

Elders, Leo J., S.V.D. Santo Tomás de Aquino Hoy y Otros Estudios. Buenos Aires: Sociedad tomista Argentina, 1989.

Elders, Leo J., S.V.D. Sobre el Metodo en Santo Tomás de Aquino. Buenos Aires: Sociedad Tomista Argentina, 1992.

Epictetus. The Enchiridion. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs- Merrill, 1948.

Erdei, László. Gegansatz und Widerspruch in der Logik. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1972.

Ethique, economie et developpement l’enseignement des eveques des cinq continents. Colloque International-International Conference, Fribourg: Suisse: 1-3 Avril 1993. Document n. 3, Resultats du Colloque-Conclusions, Institut International Jacques Maritain. Fribourg: Université de Fribourg Suisse, 1993.

Fitzgerald, Mark J., C.S.C., editor. Proceedings of the Symposium on Pacem in Terris by Pope John XXIII, University of Notre Dame, 8 May 1965. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame, 1965.

Fitzsimmons, M. A. The Future of Notre Dame: Three Preliminary Questions. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame, 1972.

Fontanelle, R. Petit Catéchisme de l'Année Sainte 1950. Fribourg, Switzerland: Éditions Saint Paul, 1950.

Foot, Philippa. Moral Relativism. The Lindley Lecture, University of Kansas, 19 April, 1978.

The Fordham College Honors Plan and Junior Year in Paris. New York: Fordham University, nd.

Gabriel, Astrik L. The Academic Career of Blasius de Varda, Hungarian Humanist at the University of Paris. Reprint, Manuscripta, XX, 1976.

Gabriel, Astrik L. The Conflict between the Chancellor and the University of Masters and Students at Paris during the Middle Ages. Miscellanea Mediaevalia: Veroffentlichungen des, 1976.

Gabriel, Astrik L. The Ideal Master of the Mediaeval University. Reprint, The Catholic Historical Review, LX/1, April, 1974.

Gabriel, Astrik L. The Role of the Canons of Prémontré in the Intellectual Movements of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. ?, nd.

Gabriel, Astrik L. Titres et Travaux. Notre Dame, Ind.: Mediaeval Institute,, 1971.

Gabriel, Astrik L. "Via Antiqua" and "Via Moderna" and the Migration of Paris Students and Masters to the German Universities in the Fifteenth Century. Miscellanea Mediaevalia: Veroffentlichungen des, 1974.

Gallagher, Donald. Contemporary Thomism. Reprint, A History of Philosophical Systems, edited by, 1950?.

Garavini, Sadio. Mito y Democracia. Revista del Ministerio de Justicia, No. 104, Apr-June, 1979.

Garavini, Sadio. El Populismo Latinoamericano un Caso Atipico: Guyana. Caracas: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1979.

Gardet, Louis. La Connaissance Mystique chez Ibn Sina et Ses Présupposés Philosophiques. Cairo: L'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1952.

Gardet, Louis. Interpénétration des Cultures. Beyrouth: Mouvement International des Intellectuals, 1956.

Gardet, Louis. La Langue Arabe et l'Analyse des "États Spirituels". Damascus: Institut Français de Damas, 1957.

Garrido, Luis, John U. Nef, and Francesco Vito. Trois Aspects du Développement de l'Université d'Aujourd'hui. Paris: Bureau International des Universités, 1953.

Gauthier, David. Constituting Democracy. The Lindley Lecture. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, 1989.

Gilson, Etienne. L'École à la Croisée des Chemins. Montreal: Collège Jean- de- Brébeuf, 1954.

Gilson, Etienne. Saint Thomas Aquinas. Annual Lecture on a Master Mind Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy. London: Humphrey Milford Amen House, E.C.,, 1935.

Gilson, Etienne. The Terrors of the Year Two Thousand. Toronto: St. Michael's College, 1949.

Gilson, Etienne. Théologie et Historie de la Spiritualité. Leçon Inaugurale de la Chaire d'Histoire de la Spiritualité Prononcée a l'Institut Catholique de Paris le 15 Novembre 1943. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1943.

Gilson, Etienne. The Breakdown of Morals and Christian Education. Rochester, N.Y.: St. John Fisher College, 1960.

Goldkamp, Dick. The Pope, the Press, the Profs and the People: Reassessing the Tug-of-War between Church and Campus. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Human Life International, 1989.

Goulet, Denis A. Kierkegaard, Aquinas, and the Dilemma of Abraham. Reprint, Thought, Forham Univ. Quarterly, XXXII/125,, 1957.

Gredt, Joseph, O.S.B. De Cognitione Sensuum Externorum: Inquisitio Psychologico- Criteriologica circa Realismum Criticum et Objectivitatem Qualitatum Sensibilium. Rome: S.A.L.E.R. (Soc. An. Librai Editori Riuniti), 1924.

Greenburg, Robert M. The Notion of Person and the Encounter with Being. San Antonio: Institute of Christian Higher Education, 1988.

Greenburg, S. Thomas. Mission to Rome: To Construct a Desperately Needed Catechesis on the Philosophy of the Person for the Personnel of the Church. San Antonio: Institute of Catholic Higher Education, 1992/04.

Greenwood, Thomas. Essais sur la Pensée Géométrique. Ottawa: Les Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1943.

Greenwood, Thomas. Logique et Méthodologie. I. Les Fondements de la Logique Symbolique. 1. Critique du Nominalisme Logistique. Paris: Hermann and Cie, 1938.

Greenwood, Thomas. La Nature du Transfini. Ottawa: Les Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1946.

Greenwood, Thomas. Prolégomènes à la Théorie des Quanta. Ottawa: Les Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1942.

A Guide to the Princeton Campus and Its Treasures. Princeton, N.J.: The University League, nd.

Hammarskjold, Dag. Prelude to Independence: The International Significance of the Bill of Rights. Williamsburg, Virginia: ?, 1956/0515.

Harvard University. Board of Overseers of Harvard College: Committee Assignments, 1950-51. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1950.

Heston, Edward L., C.S.C. Notes on Vatican II. Notre Dame, Ind.: Dept. of Theology, University of, 1966.

Historic Princeton: The Story of a Revolutionary Town and a Guide to Princeton University and Sundry Landmarks of Interest. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Municipal Improvement, Inc., 1940.

Hiuga- Yosinori. Awakening to Truth through Buddhism. Kyoto: Kyoto Syudoin, 1978.

Holmer, Paul L. Kierkegaard und der Verfuhrer- Kierkegaard the Cripple. Reprint, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,, 1951.

Houtryve, I. Van. Liturgie et Contemplation. Les Questions Liturgiques et Paroissiales, No. 2, 1960.

The Humanistic Tradition in the Century Ahead: Princeton Univ. Bicentennial Conferences, Series I, Conference 6. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University, 1946.

Institut Universitaire d'Études Européennes de Turin. Annuaire 1960. Turin: Édition de l'Institut Universitaire d'Études, 1960.

Ijsewijn, Jozef. The Universities in the Late Middle Ages. Louvain: Leuven University Press, 1978.

Isaac, Rael Jean and Erich Isaac. Sanctifying Revolution: Mainline Churchmen Turn Radical. Ethics and Public Reprint, 31. Washington, D.C.: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1981/05.

Johnston, Herbert. College Education for What Habits?. Reprint, Catholic Educational Review, November, 1955.

Journet, Charles. Le Christianisme Est- Il Responsable de la Culture Européenne?. Reprint, Comprendre, No.17-18, 1957.

Journet, Charles. La Naissance de la Foi. Fribourg, Switzerland: Éditions St. Paul, 1950.

Journet, Charles. Petit Catéchisme de la Sainte Vierge. St. Maurice, Switzerland: Editions de l'Oeuvre, 1951.

Journet, Charles. Petit Catéchisme de la Sainte Vierge. St. Maurice, Switzerland: Editions de l'Oeuvre, 1968.

Journet, Charles. Propriété Chrétienne et Pauvreté Chrétienne. Fribourg, Switzerland: Éditions St. Paul, 1951.

Journet, Charles. Le Quiétisme: Sa Déviation Théologique. Fribourg, Switzerland: Éditions St. Paul, 1951.

Journet, Charles. La Sainte Messe: Ou La Permanence du Sacrifice de la Loi Nouvelle. Fribourg, Switzerland: Éditions St. Paul, 1951.

Journet, Charles. La Vision Teilhardienne du Monde. Rome: Edizione "Divinitas," Pontificia Universitá, 1959.

Kelly, John V. Telepathy. Omaha, Nebraska: John V. Kelly, 1953.

Kommers, Donald P. The Jurisprudence of Free Speech in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. Reprint, Southern California Law Review, 53/2, January, 1980.

Kommers, Donald P. Review Essay: Liberalism and the Supreme Court. Reprint, Review of Politics, 49/1, Winter, 1987.

Koslowski, Peter. Evolution und Gesellschaft: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Soziobiologie. Tubingen: Mohr, 1989.

Kowalczyk, Stanislaw. Ontological Principles of Hegel's Dialectic. Piacenza: Collegio Alberoni, 1979.

Kubovy, Myriam. Monologues avec Dieu. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 1957.

Kuntz, Paul G. Can Whitehead be Made a Christian Philosopher?. Reprint, Process Studies, 12/4, Winter, 1982.

Lamont, Corliss. New Light on Dewey's Common Faith. Reprint, Journal of Philosophy, LVIII/1, January 5, 1961.

Laval, Frère Henri - Dominique. Saint Dominique d'Après l'Oeuvre de Fra Angelico. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1952.

Lawler, Philip F., editor. Papal Economics. The Heritage Lectures, 6. Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, nd.

Leroy, Marie- Vincent, O.P. Yves R. Simon (1903-1961): A Bio- Bibliography. Reprint, The New Scholasticism, LIV/4, Autumn, 1980.

Leroy, Olivier. Suite au XXVIIIe Chapitre des Fondations. Reprint, Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique, 142, Apr-Jun, 1960.

Levi, Albert William. Nature and Art. New Orleans: The Graduate School of Tulane University, 1980?.

Liste des Amis de Pax Romana. Fribourg, Switzerland: Pax Romana, 1954/06.

Lowrie, Walter. About "Justification by Faith Alone". Reprint, Journal of Religion, XXXII/4, October, 1952.

Lowrie, Walter. "Existence" as Understood by Kierkegaard and/or Sartre. Reprint, Sewanee Review, July, 1950.

Lowrie, Walter. Johann Georg Hamann: An Existentialist. Princeton Pamphlets-- No. 6, 1950.

Lumbreras, Peter, O.P. The Twenty-four Fundamental Theses of Official Catholic Philosophy. Reprint, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 23/p. 588-598,, 1944.

Lynch, William F., Joseph W. Evans, and J. M. O'Neill. Church and State: Three Studies. Reprint, Thought, Fordham Univ. Quarterly, XXVI/103,, 1951-52.

The McAuley Lectures, 1953. Truth and the Philosophy of Teaching Gilson, Etienne "The Eminence of Teaching" Pegis, Anton C. "Teaching and the Freedom to Learn". West Hartford, Conn.: Saint Joseph College, 1953.

The McAuley Lectures, 1966. In Search of Saint Thomas Aquinas Pegis, Anton C. "Catholic Intellectualism at the Crossroad" Pegis, Anton C. "Thomism 1966" Gilson, Etienne "On the Art of Misunderstanding Thomism". West Hartford, Conn.: Saint Joseph College, 1966.

McInerny, Ralph. Apropos of Art and Connaturality. Reprint, The Modern Schoolman, XXXV, March, 1958.

McInerny, Ralph. The Logic of Analogy. Reprint, New Scholasticism, XXXI/2, April, 1957.

McInerny, Ralph. Metaphysics and Subjectivity: An Approach to Karl Jaspers. Reprint, Proceedings of the American Catholic, 1958.

McInerny, Ralph. Book review, St. Thomas Aquinas on Analogy, by George P. Klubertanz, S.J. Reprint, New Scholasticism, XXXVI/1, January, 1962.

McInerny, Ralph. Le Terme "Ame" est-il Équivoque ou Univoque?. Reprint, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 58/Novembre, 1960.

McKeon, Richard. Being, Existence, and That Which Is. Reprint, Review of Metaphysics, XIII/4, June, 1960.

Mackin, Edward. The Iron Apes and Other Poems. Dyfed, Wales: Envoi Poets Publications, nd.

Maestri, William F. My Way of the Cross Journal: A Lenten Journey with Jesus. New York: Alba House, 1993.

Maggiani, M. Un Enseignement Modern Massif. Nécessité et Caractéristiques d'un Enseignement Moderne Véritable. XXIV Congrès de la Fédération des Associations, 1949.

Marchiando- Pacchiola, Mario, editor. L'Arte e Il Mistero Cristiano. Pinerolo, Italy: Collezione Civica d'Arte Palazzo, 1989.

Marx, Jean. La Naissance de l'Amour de Tristan et Iseut dans les Formes les Plus Anciennes de la Légende. Reprint, Romance Philology, IX/2, 1955.

Marx, Jean. Observations sur un Épisode de la Légende de Tristan. Reprint, Recueil de Travaux offert à M. Clovis Brunel, 1955.

Marx, Jean. Robert de Boron et Glastonbury. Reprint, Revue Le Moyen Age, Nos. 1-2, 1953.

Massa, Eugenio. Il Libero Amore nel Medioevo. Viareggio et Rome: Edizioni Giolitine, 1976.

The Mediaeval Institute of the Univ. of Notre Dame. Bulletin Number One, Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. Press, 1947/02.

The Mediaeval Institute of the Univ. of Notre Dame. Bulletin Number Five, Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. Press, 1950-51.

The Mediaeval Institute of the Univ. of Notre Dame. Bulletin No. Six, Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. Press, 1951-52.

The Mediaeval Institute of the Univ. of Notre Dame. Bulletin No. Seven, Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ Press, 1952-53.

Felix Meiner Verlag. Klassische Werke Philosophischer Tradition Funfundsiebzig Jahre Kurze Chronologie und Gesamtkatalog. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1986.

Mertensotto, Leon, C.S.C. The Political Realism of the Natural Law. Notre Dame, Ind.: ?, 1964.

Merton, Thomas, O.C.S.O. A Balanced Life of Prayer. Trappist, Kentucky: Cistercian Monks of the Strict, 1951.

Merton, Thoms, John Howard Griffin, Monsignor Horrigan. The Thoms Merton Studies Center. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Unicorn Press, 1971.

Merton, Thomas, O.C.R. What is Contemplation. Holy Cross, Ind.: Saint Mary's College, 1948.

Messori, Vittorio and Hans Urs von Balthasar. Un Papa Nutrito di Preghiera per Questa Chiesa Offesa e Ferita. Milan: Piemme-- Avvenire, nd.

Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Publishing Co., 1979.

Milosz, Czeslaw. Die Grosse Versuchung: Die Tragodie der Intellektuellen in den Volksdemokratien. Berlin: Kongress fur Kulturelle Freiheit, 1952.

Mirkine- Guetzévitch, Boris. L'O. N. U. et la Doctrine Moderne des Droits de l'Homme (Théorie- Technique- Critique). Paris: Éditions A. Pedone, 1951.

Mirkine- Guetzévitch, Boris. Propos de Méthode. Revue Internationale d'Histoire Politique et, 1951.

Mirkine- Guetzévitch, Boris. Quelques Problemes de la Mise en Oeuvre de la Declaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme. Leyden, The Netherlands: A. W. Sijthoff, 1953.

Mirkine- Guetzévitch, Boris. Quelques Remarques sur les Déclarations des Droits Américaines et Françaises. Reprint, Les Etudes Philosophiques, 7/1-2, Jan-June, 1952.

Mourant, John A. Recherches Augustiniennes. Vol. IV: Augustine and the Academics. Paris: Études Augustiniennes, 1966.

Murray, John Courtney. Governmental Repression of Heresy. Woodstock, Maryland: Proceedings of the Catholic, nd.

Murray, John Courtney. Leo XIII: Separation of Church and State. Reprint, Theological Studies, XIV/2, June, 1953.

Murray, John Courtney. Leo XIII: Two Concepts of Government. Reprint, Theological Studies, XIV/4, December, 1953.

Murray, John Courtney. St. Robert Bellarmine on the Indirect Power. Reprint, Theological Studies, IX/4/December, 1948.

Nath, Brij. Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram (The True, the Good, and the Beautiful). Rikhikesh, India: Shri Ram Ashram Library, 1947?.

Nef, John U. The Significance of "The Review of Politics". Reprint, The Review of Politics, 7/1, January, 1955.

Notre Dame Faculty Publications in Medieval Studies. Notre Dame, Ind.: The Medieval Institute, University, 1976.

Oesterle, John A. Theoretical and Practical Knowledge. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame, nd.

Oesterreicher, John M. The Apostolate to the Jews: A Study of the Church's Apostolate to the Jews, Its Theology, History, Methods and Present Needs. A Missionary Academia Study Published by the Society, 1948.

Oesterreicher, John M. The Elder Brother: The Prayer of the Church for Israel. New York: John M. Oesterreicher, 1951.

Oesterreicher, John M. Why Judaeo- Christian Studies. Newark, N.J.: The Institute of Judaeo- Christian, 1954.

Olsen, Glenn W. From Bede to the Anglo- Saxon Presence in the Carolingian Empire. Extract of "Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di, 1986.

O'Reilly, Peter. Knowledge of God in Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Nature: The Tertia Via. Reprint, Proceedings of the American Catholic, 1956.

Ott, Jack. Infinity, Rightly Defined: With Brief Intuitive Comments on Godel's Incompleteness Theorem and Cantor's Theory of Transfinite Numbers. ?: Jack Ott, .

Pedrizetti, Raymond A., OSB. David Hume and Modern Culture. Faculty Colloquium, No. 2. Collegeville, Minn.:, 1983/05.

Pegis, Anton C. Nature and Spirit: Some Reflections on the Problem of the End of Man. Reprint, Proceedings of the American Catholic, 1949.

Pell, George, Bishop. Rerum Novarum: One Hundred Years Later. Boston University: The University Professors, 1992.

Pendle Hill Bulletin: Annual Report of the Director for the Year 1950-1951. No. 105, October. Wallingford, Penn.: Pendle Hill (A Center for, 1950-51.

Les Petits Frères de Jésus: Nouvelles Périodiques pour les Amis des Fraternités. Marseille: SOPIC, 1959/12.

Phelan, Gerald B. Artistic Liberty and Moral Responsibility. Lecture given at Notre Dame, Ind.: St. Mary's College, 1952/0114.

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