Math. 104 - Finite mathematics

Fall 2000



Professor Mario Borelli


Room 236 Security Tel. 1-7514

Room 303 CCMB Tel. 1-7334 (I am rarely here)


Thursday 9:00 -- 11:00 a.m. - Room 236 Security or by appointment. Unless traveling, I am usually in my Security office daily from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Feel free to show up at any time (Secretary's name: Mary) I will not chase you away. But it is advisable to make sure I am in, it's a long walk to the Security Building!


Finite Mathematics and its Applications, by L.J. Goldstein, D.I. Schneider and M.J. Siegel. (6-th Edition) Prentice Hall.


Homework 10 percent

Class Exams 3@20 pct 60 percent

Final Examination 30 percent

TOTAL 100 percent


Homework : Assigned day X Due on day X+2

Class Exams : #1 Thursday September 21

#2 Tuesday October 31

#3 Tuesday November 28

All three class exams will be held, from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM. The locations will be announced later.

Final Exam

Time and Day To Be Announced



The break percent points determining the correspondence between numerical and letter grades are not specified at this time. The one guaranteed fact is that a numerical grade of 55% or more of the maximum possible is a passing grade (D or higher.) The class will not be graded on a curve, the instructor being perfectly willing either to pass all students with an A (the instructor's dream!) or to have no grade higher than D, if the situation warrants it.


Once the instructor has learned most of the students' names, an attendance sheet will be circulated on every class day. While attendance may not be mandatory, an excessive (³ 5) number of unexcused absences will result, at the instructor's discretion and after prior written warning, in a considerable lowering of the final grade.


The instructor personally encourages all of you to work in teams, of no less than three nor more than four. If only one member of a team does all the work, the slackers show up in the first exam, while if all members contribute to the best of their ability, the whole team membership does better. Feel free to hand in one common homework (with a resulting common grade) for all members of a team, but do identify the members. Lack of identification means "zero" for that homework.


Examinations will be conducted according to the standards of the University's Honor Code. No team work allowed here! The instructor may be occasionally present to answer questions, but not to act as a proctor.

Unannounced quizzes may be given on any class day (this is unlikely, unless the instructor notices an appreciable increase in absences.)


Starting on September 1 through December 10 there will be evening help sessions available, according to the following schedule:

Monday, Wednesday 6:30 — 8:30 PM

Room TBA

The instructor strongly encourages students to take advantage of this additional help provided by the Mathematics Department.

Course Content

(from the textbook, in the order used in class, a partial list)

• Chapter 5 All sections but 5.8

• Chapter 6 All sections

• Chapter 7 All sections

• Additional Topics in Statistics: Estimation, Confidence Intervals. Class notes will be distributed