Math 105, Section 04, Fall 1993 Classes meet MWF at 1:15 - 2:05 PM in Room 129 DeBartolo Classroom Building. Instructor: Jan Spalinski, Room 229, Computer/Mathematics Blg., Phone 1-8848. Office hours: Will be announced later. Homework: Homework will be assigned at (almost) every class and will be due next class. Late homework will not be graded (except when the delay is excused) but its submission will be recorded and partial credit will be given. Tests: The time and place of the departmental exams for Section 4 is as follows: Test 1: Tuesday, 9/21 at 8:00 in Room 107 of the Library Test 2: Thursday, 10/21 at 8:00 in Room 141 DeBartolo Test 3: Tuesday. 11/30 at 8:00 in Room 107 of the Library Final : The final examination will take place on Thursday, December 16 at 1:45 pm. The location will be announced later.