Here are descriptions of the files I've put here (in alphabetical order): exam.cls File for documentclass `exam' final-pic.fig Picture, in xfig format, for final exam. Same picture, in postscript format. final.tex Final exam. homework.tex List of homework assignments. html Directory of html files. See below for descriptions. ln.eps Picture, in postscript, for problem 26? of supplementary problems review-final.tex review1.tex Review sheets review2.tex for exams review3.tex supp.tex Supplementary problems suppanswers.tex Answers to supplementary problems syll.tex Course information sheet test1-answers.tex test1.tex test2-answers.tex tests and test2.tex answers test3-answers.tex text3.tex -------------------- html directory: Info.html html version of the course information sheet (syll.tex). answers Directory containing Answers.html: answers to all of the homework problems. homework.html html version of homework.tex. index.html Math 105 home page. old-assignments.html List of what was assigned when. (Also commented out: what was assigned when in Fall '98) reading.html What topics were covered when, for both Spring 1999 and Fall 1998. supp Directory containing supp.html: html version of supplementary problems (supp.tex).