DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME MATHEMATICS 106 Ð FALL SEMESTER 1996 Text: Calculus and its Applications by Goldstein, Schneider and Siegel (7th edition) We plan to cover some or all of the following chapters 6,7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of the text. Examinations, homework and grades: There will be three tests during the semester and a final exam (whose dates and times are listed below). Each test will be worth 100 points. The final exam is a two-hour exam and will be worth 150 points. The final exam will cover all the material of the course. Grades (A,B,C,D and F) will be assigned for each exam based on the numerical scores for that exam. Cutoffs for grades tend to fluctuate from exam to exam, depending on the kind of material that is covered. Homework will be assigned regularly. It will be collected, corrected, recorded and returned. The homework will be due at the beginning of class on the day or days specified by the teacher in your class. Late homework will not be accepted unless a valid excuse is presented. The teacher will determine and specify what constitutes a valid excuse. The course grade (A, A- etc.) will be determined on the basis of 500 points: 300 points for departmental exams 150 points for final exam 30 points for homework 20 points for class participation All examinations an homework are conducted under the honor code. While cooperation in doing homework is permitted, copying is not. Calculators will not be allowed in examinations, although their use in homework is, of course, allowed. A student who misses an examination will receive zero points for that exam unless an official excuse is presented. Keep this in mind when you make your travel plans for fall break, Thanksgiving break and end of semester; travel plans do not constitute a valid excuse. Absence Ð The instructor may periodically take attendance, and a first year student may be given an F if he or she accumulates more than three unexcused absences. Before assigning this grade the instructor must give one warning in writing, with a copy to the dean of the First Year of Studies, that any further non-excused absences may result in a grade of F. Class Participation: Late arrivals for class tend to be disruptive. This and other disruptive behavior may result in loss of some or all of the points for class participation. This can also happen if excessive absences occur. EXAM DATES: ??ÊExamÊ1:ÊÊWed.,ÊÊSeptemberÊ18,ÊÊExamÊ2:ÊÊWed.,ÊÊOctoberÊÊÊ16,ÊÊExamÊ3:ÊÊWed.,ÊÊNovemberÊ20ÊÊÊ during class time Final: Monday December 16, 1:45Ð3:45 PM