Math 108, Calculus II for Business Fall Semester 1997 Texts: Calculus & Its Applications (7th edition), by Goldstein, Lay and Schneider; Math 108 Lecture Notes, by A. Alexandrou Himonas Instructor: Karen Brown, CCMB 334, Phone: 634-3411 Time-Place: MWF 8:30-9:20, DeBartolo 117 Office Hours: Tuesday, 2-3; Wednesday, 7-8; Thursday 10-11; or by appointment. Objectives: Math 108 is designed to teach those mathematical concepts and techniques which are most useful to students majoring in economics and business. To achieve this goal, topics will be presented simultaneously with interesting business problems. Areas to be covered include integration, basic differential equations, partial derivatives, matrices and probability and statistices. Additionally, some topics will be presented and discussed with the aid of computer technology. This course will be taught at a fairly fast pace, as there are seven sections of the text to get through. It is extremely important that you keep up with the class material being covered. You are strongly encouraged to form small study groups to work together on homework and study for the tests. If you feel that you are falling behind in the course, you should see me immediately. Exams: There will be three in-class exams and one final exam. The dates for the exams are as follows: * Exam 1 Friday, September 19 * Exam 2 Wednesday, October 15 * Exam 3 Friday, November 21 Homework: Homework will be assigned daily and collected on Wednesdays. Homework scores will be docked 10% for each day late. It is important for you to do the homework as it will help you study for the quizzes and tests. As stated earlier, you are encouraged to work together on the homework. Grading: The course grade will be based on a scale of 500 points distributed in the following manner: * Exam 1 100 points * Exam 2 100 points * Exam 3 100 points * Homework 50 points * Final Exam 150 points Honor Code: The exams are under the honor code. The honor code does not apply to homework. You may discuss the homework with other classmates, but do not copy each other.