\input ignore.tex %This line causes the mce macros to be ignored. \preface \def\a{{\bf a}} \def\b{{\bf b}} \def\c{{\bf c}} \def\i{{\bf i}} \def\j{{\bf j}} \def\k{{\bf k}} \def\p{{\bf p}} \def\q{{\bf q}} \def\r{{\bf r}} \def\u{{\bf u}} \def\v{{\bf v}} \def\w{{\bf w}} \def\0{{\bf 0}} \def\F{{\bf F}} \def\N{{\bf N}} \def\T{{\bf T}} \def\problemskip{\vskip0.5in} \title \noindent {\bf Math 119}\hfill Name:\hbox to 2.5truein{\hrulefill}\medskip\noindent {\bf Final exam}\hfill Instructor:\hbox to 2.5truein{\hrulefill}\medskip\noindent {\sl May 8, 1997}\hfill Section:\hbox to 2.5truein{\hrulefill} \def\answerskip{\vskip0.25in} \note %1 \problem Find $\ \lim_{h\to0}\>{{\cos ({{\pi}\over 2} + h)}\over h}$ \correct $-1$ \wrong $0$ \wrong $\pi$ \wrong $-\pi$ \wrong $-2$ \note %2 \problem Find all the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of $y={{x+1}\over{{\sqrt {x-1}}}}$. \correct No horizontal asymptote; $x=1$ \wrong $y=1$; $x=1$ \wrong $y=-1$; $x=-1$ \wrong $y=0$; $x=-1$ \wrong $y=-1$; no vertical asymptote \note %3 \problem A Norman window is constructed from a rectangular sheet of glass surmounted by a semicircular sheet of glass. The light that enters through a window is propotional to the area of the window. What is the dimension of the semicircle's {\bf diameter} of the Norman window having a perimeter of 30 feet which admits the most light? \correct ${60\over {4+\pi}}$ \wrong ${30\over {4+\pi}}$ \wrong ${15\over {2+\pi}}$ \wrong ${20}$ \wrong $15$ \note %4 \problem Let $F(x)=\int_0^x {\sqrt {{u-1}\over{u+1}}}\, du$. Calculate $F'(1)$. \correct $0$ \wrong $1$ \wrong $-1$ \wrong $1\over 2$ \wrong $-{1\over 2}$ \note %5 \problem Evaluate the integral $\int_{-1}^1 (1-|x|)\, dx$ \correct $1$ \wrong $-1$ \wrong ${1\over 2}$ \wrong $-{1\over 2}$ \wrong $0$ \note %6 \problem Where is the graph of the function $$f(x) \ = \ x^3 - 6x^2 + 12x - 5$$ concave up, and where is it concave down? \correct concave up on $(2,\infty)$, concave down on $(-\infty,2)$ \wrong concave up on $(-\infty,0)$, concave down on $(0,\infty)$ \wrong concave up on $(-\infty,0)$ and $(2,\infty)$, concave down on $(0,2)$ \wrong concave up on $(0,2)$, concave down on $(-\infty,0)$ and $(2,\infty)$ \wrong concave up on $(-\infty,2)$, concave down on $(2,\infty)$ \note %7 \problem $$f(x) = \cases{1 &if $x \le 0$ \cr \cos x &if $0 < x < {\pi/2}$ \cr -1 &if $x \ge {\pi/2}$}$$ Where is $f$ continuous? \correct Everywhere but at $x = \pi/2$ \wrong Everywhere but at $x = 0$ \wrong Everywhere but at $x=0$ and $x=\pi/2$ \wrong Everywhere \wrong Nowhere \note %8 \problem If $f(x) = \sqrt{2x + 3}$, which of the following limits conforms to the definition of $f'(1)$? \correct $\lim_{h\to0}\,{{\sqrt{5+2h} - \sqrt5} \over h}$ \wrong $\lim_{h\to0}\,{{\sqrt{2h+3} - \sqrt5}\over h}$ \wrong $\lim_{h\to0}\,{{\sqrt{5+h} - \sqrt5}\over h}$ \wrong $\lim_{h\to0}\,{{\sqrt3 + \sqrt{h} - \sqrt5}\over h}$ \wrong $\lim_{h\to0}\,{{\sqrt{2h} + \sqrt3 - \sqrt5}\over h}$ \note %9 \problem Suppose $f$ and $g$ are functions satisfying the following conditions: \bigskip \hskip 1in $f(0) = 1$ \hfil $f(1) = 0$ \hfil $g(0) = 3$ \hfil $g(1) = -2$ \hskip 1in \bigskip \hskip 1in $f'(0) = 2/3$ \hfil $f'(1) = - 1/2$ \hfil $g'(0) = -5$ \hfil $g'(1) = 1/3$ \hfil \bigskip If $h(x) = g\big(f(x)\big)$, what is $h'(1)$? \correct $5/2$ \wrong $-{1/6}$ \wrong $2/9$ \wrong $-{10/3}$ \wrong 0 \note %10 \problem Find the slope of the tangent to the graph of the equation $$x^2 + y^2 +xy =1$$ at $(-1, 0)$. \correct -2 \wrong 1/2 \wrong 1 \wrong 2 \wrong does not exist \note %11 \problem Suppose a tank holds 5000 gallons of water, and it takes 40 minutes to drain a full tank. According to Toricelli's law, the volume $V$ of water remaining in the tank at the end of $t$ minutes is given by the formula $$V \ =\ 5000\Big(\,1 - {t\over{40}}\,\Big)^2 \hbox{\quad for\quad } 0 \le t \le 40$$ How fast is the tank {\bf draining} at the end of 20 minutes? (All answers are in gallons per minute.) \correct 125 \wrong 5000 \wrong 1250 \wrong 250 \wrong 500 \note %12 \problem Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function $$f(x) = {x\over4} + {9\over x}$$ on the interval $[1,8]$ \correct maximum value $= 37/4$, minimum value $= 3$ \wrong maximum value $= 37/4$, minimum value $= 25/8$ \wrong maximum value $= 12$, minimum value $= 25/8$ \wrong maximum value $= 39/4$, minimum value $= 13/4$ \wrong maximum value $= 12$, minimum value$= 3$ \note %13 \problem If $\ f(0) = 4 \hbox{\ and\ } f'(0) = 2\,,$ find the slope of the graph $$y = \sqrt{x + f(x)}$$ at the point $(0,2)$ \correct $3/4$ \wrong $1/4$ \wrong $\sqrt3/2$ \wrong $1/\sqrt2$ \wrong $\sqrt2$ \note %14 \problem Letting $ f(x) ={{x-1}\over {x+1}}$, find ${d\over{dx}} \int_1^{3x} f$ \correct ${{3(3x-1)}\over{3x+1}}$ \wrong ${{3x-1}\over{3x+1}}$ \wrong ${{x-1}\over{x+1}}-1$ \wrong $-{{x-1}\over{x+1}}$ \wrong ${{3(3x-1)}\over{3x+1}}-1$ \note %15 \problem For what $x$ is the line tangent to the graph $$y = x^2 + x + 1$$ parallel to the line through the points $(0,3)$ and $(-1,1)$. \correct $1/2$ \wrong $-3/2$ \wrong $-2$ \wrong $3$ \wrong $1$ \note %16 \problem The volume of a sphere of radius $r$ is given by the formula $$V = {4\over3}\,\pi r^3$$ When helium is pumped into a spherical balloon, both the radius and the volume change with respect to time. Suppose that at a certain moment the volume is increasing at the rate of $8\pi$ cu. ft. per minute, and the radius is increasing at the rate of 1/2 ft per minute. What is the volume of the balloon at that moment? \correct ${{32\pi}\over3}$ \wrong ${{\pi}\over4}$ \wrong $16\pi$ \wrong ${\pi\over{16}}$ \wrong ${{4\pi}\over{3\sqrt2}}$ \note %17 \problem Find $\ \lim_{x\to4}\,{{x-4}\over{\sqrt{x}-2}}\,,\ $ if it exists \correct 4 \wrong 2 \wrong 1 \wrong 0 \wrong does not exist \note %18 Suppose $f(x)$ is defined and has a derivative for all $x$ in some interval $a