Math 125

Calculus I

Fall, 2001

TEXT: Single Variable Calculus by James Stewart, 4th edition
     125A-01     Taylor     MWF      8:30- 9:20     DBRT     138               25AT-01     Hubbard        T      2:00- 2:50     HAYE     229
                                                                               25AT-02     Hubbard        T      3:55- 4:45     HAYE     229

125B-01 Alber MWF 9:35-10:25 HAYE 127 25BT-01 Hubbard T 9:30-10:20 HAYE 229 25BT-02 Hubbard T 11:00-11:50 HAYE 229
125C-01 Hind MWF 10:40-11:30 HAYE 127 25CT-01 Dumitrescu T 2:00- 2:50 CUSH 303 25CT-02 Dumitrescu T 3:55- 4:45 CUSH 303
125E-01 Cao MWF 11:45-12:35 NIEU 127 25ET-01 Dumitrescu T 9:30-10:20 HAYE 215 25ET-02 Dumitrescu T 12:55- 1:45 HAYE 215
125F-01 Hind MWF 1:55- 2:45 HAYE 127 25FT-01 Berenstein T 11:00-11:50 EART 102 25FT-02 Berenstein T 12:55- 1:45 HAYE 229

The First Year Learning Resource Center runs a Math 125 Workshop on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 in OSHA 207. On Monday & Wednesday from 4:00 until 5:30 or on Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 until 7:30, the First Year Learning Resource Center runs a Collaborative Learning Program for Math 125. The First Year Learning Resource Center also will organize Tutoring Sessions. More information is available here.

General course information is here. The Syllabus is here. Click here for the homework assignments.

Information for the exams. Follow the link for further information.
     Exam I          Tuesday           September  25         8:00-9:00am   STEP  100
     Exam II         Tuesday           October    30         8:00-9:00am   STEP  100
     Exam III        Tuesday           December   04         8:00-9:00am   STEP  100
     Final           Friday            December   14         1:45-3:45pm   STEP  100   

     Instructor     email                              Office       Phone        Office hours                         
     Alber                     136 HAYE     631-8371     Monday 4-5 pm.                       
     Cao                         222 HAYE     631-8847     1-3 Mon.                             
     Hind                       216 HAYE     631-6227     1-1:50 MWF                           
     Taylor                    246 HAYE     631-7468     3-4 Mon. 8-9 Tues. and by appointment

TA email Office Office hours Berenstein 281 HURL 4-6 Mon. Dumitrescu 221 HAYE Tue 10:30-11:30 Wed 1:30- 2:30 Hubbard 289 HURL 1:50-2:50 Mon. 3:00-3:50 Tues.