Extra credit problem, due September 10

Calculus II
Fall 1997
John Palmieri

If you attempt this problem, please write it up separately from the rest of your homework!! Also, please use complete sentences: don't just write down a bunch of formulas and expect me to decipher what you mean by them.

This problem relates to Newton's Law of Cooling (p. 487-488 in the book).

Suppose you pour two very hot cups of coffee, both the same temperature. You add cream to cup 1, then you let them sit for a few minutes, and then you add the same amount of cream to cup 2. Which cup has hotter coffee at this point?

Part (a): What can you figure out just based on common sense? Can you solve the entire problem without using calculus?

Part (b): Now use Newton's Law of Cooling to solve the problem.

This problem is stated rather vaguely, and that's intentional. You have to decide things like: does it matter how long you let them sit (i.e., what does ``a few minutes'' mean)? Does it matter what temperature the cream is?


Part (a): I don't know a complete answer to this. Here's my best shot, though.

First, convince yourself that the amount of time the coffee sits before adding cream to cup 2 doesn't make any difference. (This is the part I can't justify, using only common sense.)

If you can get past that first step, then consider the following extreme case: pour the coffee, add cream to cup 1, then let the coffee sit for a week. Brush away any mold that has grown in the interval, then add cream to cup 2. Now it is easy to tell what happens: after a week, both cups of coffee will essentially be at room temperature, so when you add cream to cup 2, the result is:

This is actually the right answer regardless of the length of time, as the mathematics in part (b) will demonstrate.

Part (b): We will need to make some assumptions here. [By the way, there may be some complicated chemistry involved here (e.g., the cream may act as an insulating agent, so the coffee with cream may not cool off as fast). I will ignore all such issues and make assumptions that I can actually understand.]

Assumptions: we are starting with the same amounts of coffee, at the same temperature, in each cup, and we add the same amount of cream, at the same temperature, to each. Since we are ignoring chemistry, then we will use Newton's law of cooling with the same cooling constant k for each cup.

We also need to figure out what happens to the temperature of a cup of coffee when we add cream to it. If you have 8 ounces of coffee at 150 degrees, and you add 1 ounce of cream at 40 degrees, it seems reasonable that the temperature of the mixture should be

 (8 x 150  +  1 x 40) / 9  =  8/9 x 150  +  1/9 x 40.
In other words, the new temperature is a weighted average of the old temperatures--if there is more coffee, then the coffee's temperature will have a greater influence. So if the coffee is temperature T, the cream is temperature Z, and the ratio of cream to total liquid is r, then the temperature of the mixture is:
 (1-r)T + rZ.
Furthermore, if Y is the difference between coffee temperature and room temperature (T - R), and if C is the difference between cream temperature and room temperature (Z - R), then the difference between the temperature of the mixture and room temperature is:
 (temp of mixture - R) = (1-r)Y + rC.
Notice that this is the same formula, but with Y and C instead of T and Z.

Notation: since some web browsers don't like superscripts, I will write exp(...) for e raised to the power (...). Let

 A(t) = (temperature of cup 1) - (ambient temperature),
 B(t) = (temperature of cup 2) - (ambient temperature),
 Y    = (initial temperature of coffee) - (ambient temperature),
 C    = (temperature of cream) - (ambient temperature),
 r    = (amount of cream) / (amount of cream + amount of coffee).

Newton's law of cooling: if a body is cooling off, and if its temperature at time t is T(t), then T(t) satisfies the following equation:

 dT/dt = -k (T-R).
Here, R is the ambient temperature. Making the change of variables y=T-R, we get
 dy/dt = -ky,
the solution of which is
 y = y(0) exp(-kt).
y(0) is the initial value of y, of course. This equation is satisfied by the functions A(t) and B(t).

So, down to business. Since cup 1 starts at temperature Y above room temperature, then when we add cream to it, we find that its initial value is

 A(0) = (1-r)Y + rC.
So we have
 A(t) = [(1-r)Y + rC] exp(-kt).
On the other hand, B(0) = Y, so we have
 B(t) = Y exp(-kt).
Now we add cream to cup 2. Its new temperature is
 B(t) = (1-r) (current temperature) + rC
      = (1-r) Y exp(-kt) + rC.
Now we compare A(t) and B(t):
 A(t) = [(1-r)Y + rC] exp(-kt) 
      = (1-r) Y exp(-kt) + rC exp(-kt)
 B(t) = (1-r) Y exp(-kt) + rC.
 B(t) - A(t) = rC (1 - exp(-kt)).
As long as k is positive (which it is by assumption whenever you use Newton's law of cooling), and as long as t is positive (which it is because we started at t=0 and then let time elapse), then
 1 > exp(-kt).
Questions or comments? Email me at John.H.Palmieri.2@nd.edu.

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John H. Palmieri, Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, John.H.Palmieri.2@nd.edu