DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Information for Students in Math 126, Sec 9-15 Lecturer: Professor Barth Pollak (Office: 317 CCMB) TA's - Brian Allen (Office: 220 CCMB) Charley Miller (Office: 316 CCMB) CharlesMcCoy (Office: 216 CCMB) Textbook: Calculus by G.B. Thomas and R. Finney, 9th Edition Class meets: 11:15 MWF in 117 Cushing (Engineering Auditorium) Each student is also assigned to a Tuesday lab section. It is the student s responsibility to know the time, place and section number of his/her lab section. Tests. There will be four one-hour exams during the semester. All will be given in class. The dates are Friday, Feb. 7 Friday, Feb. 28 Wednesday, Mar. 26 Friday, Apr. 18 There will also be a two-hour final examination on May 8 at 1:45 - 3:45 PM (place to be announced). (No one will be allowed to take the exam early. Plan accordingly.) Unexcused absences will result in the grade zero. Grades. Each of the one hour exams is worth 100 points. The final exam is worth 150 points. Grades are determined by the total of your final exam score and the top three one hour exam scores (the lowest score of the four one hour exams will be discarded). In symbols, your grade will be determined by the size of your number GR, where GR = F + \sum_{i=1}^4 Ti - \min_{i=1}^4 Ti F = final exam score Ti = score on ith one-hour exam Homework. Homework will be assigned on Wednesday. It will cover three lectures and be collected in your Lab on the following Tuesday. Late homework will not be accepted. Real collaboration among students on homework assignments is acceptable. Merely copying the results of someone else is not. (Your conscience is your guide - remember this course operates under an Honor Code.) Doing homework is essential to deepen your understanding of the subject. To encourage doing homework I shall award bonus points to your total GR. The number of such points is determined by the percentage of your total homework score at the end of the semester as follows: Percentage Bonus points 83-85 86-88 89-91 92-94 95-97 98-100 (The principal effect of the addition of bonus points to the test score total GR is to push someone who is just below a cut off between two grades over the boundary to the higher grade.) ABSENCES. You are expected to attend each class. Although I do not plan to rigorously enforce it, University Policy allows me to give an F to any Freshman (Freshperson?) who accumulates more than 3 unexcused absences. EXTRA HELP. The First Year Learning Resource Center provides extra help for students who are doing poorly.