Mathematics 126, Fall Semester 1998
August 26, 1998
Teaching Assistants:
Text: Calculus and Analytic Geometry (ninth ed.), by Thomas and Finney.
Examinations, homework, and grades: There will be three one-hour departmental examinations worth 100 points and a two-hour final examination worth 150 points. The final exam will cover all the material of the course with emphasis on the material covered after the third exam. Homework will be worth 50 points. Thus the total number of possible points for the semester is 500. The numerical break points for letter grades (A, A-, B+,...) will be based only on the test scores and the homework.
A student who misses an examination will receive no points for that exam unless he or she has written permission from their dean. (Travel plans are not considered to be a sufficient excuse for taking an exam on a different date.)
Both examinations and the homework are conducted under the honor code. People may work together on the homework assignments, but the final written solutions should be your own. Tests of course should be entirely your own work.
During examination, graphing calculators may be used. You are not allowed during tests to:
Homework will be assigned regularly, and is an integral part of the course. I will give a weekly assigment due on Wednesdays.
The most recent version of this handout plus other useful
materials can be found in:, and