SPRING SEMESTER 1997/98 MATHEMATICS 126 Section 1 INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS TEXT: Calculus,by Thomas and Finney, 9th edition, Addison-Wesley, 1996. TEACHERS: Lecturer: Prof. W. WONG M-W-F 9:35-10:25 DeBartolo Bldg. 102 Tutors: C. MILLER 1238 Sec. 1, TU 9:30 - 10:20 Pasquerilla Cen. 105 J. HEIDENREICH 0745 Sec. 3, TU 11:00 - 11:50 Pasquerilla Cen. 105 0078 Sec. 5, TU 12:30 - 1:20 Pasquerilla Cen. 105 0427 Sec. 6, TU 2:00 - 2:50 Pasquerilla Cen. 114 R. SMARANDACHE 1934 Sec. 2, TU 9:30 - 10:20 Cushing Engin. Bldg. 302 1625 Sec. 4, TU 11:00 - 11:50 Haggar Hall 200 EXAMS: Exam I Thursday, February 12 DeBartolo 101 Exam II Thursday, March 19 DeBartolo 101 Exam III Tuesday, April 21 DeBartolo 101 All three Exams will be from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM. While most of each exam will involve material covered after the previous exam, some of the earlier material can reappear. The FINAL EXAM will be held on Monday, May 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at a location to be announced. It will cover all the material of the semester. GRADES: Grades will be based on a total of 450 points, distributed as follows: Exam I 102 points Exam II 96 points Exam III 102 points Final exam 150 points Homework performance will be an important consideration in borderline cases. (OVER) TUTORIALS: The Tuesday Tutorial is a very important component of the course. While the Monday - Wednesday - Friday lectures will concentrate on the exposition and development of the subject matter, the tutorials will focus on detailed solutions of the homework problems, questions arising from class and additional sample problems. About 10% of the questions on the hour exams will come directly from homework problems discussed in the tutorials. EXAMS: Absence from an exam, without an official excuse from the Office of Residence Life or (if extenuating circumstances call for it) prior consultation with and approval of Prof. Wong, will result in a grade of 0 for that exam. Sleeping in is not an acceptable excuse for missing a test. If you arrive late for a test, you will not be given extra time to complete it. Leaving early on vacation or arriving back late from vacation is not an acceptable excuse for missing a test. Exam questions will be of multiple choice type; care and accuracy are essential. Calculators will not be permitted, unless otherwise announced. The Honor Code is in effect. If you notice any instance of dishonest or questionable behavior, you should report it immediately. Remember: a cheater is stealing from you. ATTENDANCE: While you are expected to attend all lectures, there are no other specific attendance requirements. There is usually, however, a direct correlation between attendance and performance on the exams. HOMEWORK: Homework is an integral part of the course. It will be assigned regularly during the lectures. Many (but not necessarily all) of the exam problems will be of a type similar to the homework problems. Each week's assignment is to be turned in at your tutorial session when specified (late homework will not be accepted). It will be corrected and returned during the subsequent tutorial session. You are permitted, in fact encouraged, to work together and help one another with homework, without breach of the honesty code, although what you turn in should be written out by you. In order to receive full credit the solutions must be provided in well organized form and in full detail. Answers alone are not sufficient. HELP SESSIONS: In addition to the lectures and tutorials there will be a weekly workshop conducted by the Freshman Learning Resource Center. The times and places of these sessions will be announced. OFFICE HOURS: Prof. Wong's regular office hours are Thursdays, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., room 315, Computer Center - Math. Building. Appointments may also be made for other times. Phone 631-7776. Your tutorial instructors will also hold regularly scheduled office hours (at times to be announced soon) at which you may get assistance. E-MAIL: Prof. Wong's e-mail address is wong.1@nd.edu. Information (e.g. test results) will often be distributed to you by e-mail. COPIES OF LECTURES: Copies of the Monday - Wednesday - Friday Lectures will be made available in the Reserve Book Room (Main Library Second Floor); the Math. Library (Second Floor of the Computer Center - Math. Building); and the Freshman Year Learning Resource Center (Brownson Hall).