MATH 126

Calculus II

Spring, 1999

General Information

GRADES: Grades will be based on a total of 550 points, distributed as follows: Exam I - 100 points; Exam II - 100 points; Exam III - 100 points; and Final exam - 150 points. Homework/Tutorial performance will be 100 points.

TUTORIALS: The Tuesday Tutorial is a very important component of the course. While the Monday - Wednesday - Friday lectures will concentrate on the exposition and development of the subject matter, the tutorials will involve weekly quizzes and the opportunity to explore detailed solutions to problems. Questions arising from class and/or homework assignments can also be addressed.

EXAMS: Absence from an exam, without an official excuse from the Office of Residence Life or (if extenuating circumstances call for it) prior consultation with and approval of the instructor, will result in a grade of 0 for that exam.
Leaving early on vacation or arriving back late from vacation is not an acceptable excuse for missing an exam. In particular, note the date of the final exam, and make your travel plans appropriately. You will not be allowed to take the final exam early. If you do miss an exam, consult with your instructor as soon as possible. Remember that it is better to miss part of a test than to miss all of it.
The Honor Code is in effect. If you notice any instance of dishonest or questionable behavior, you should report it immediately. Remember: a cheater is stealing from you.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance of lectures is expected. There is usually a direct correlation between attendance and performance on the exams. Since there are quizzes in tutorials, failure to attend these will result in an immediate and negative affect on your grade.

HOMEWORK: Homework is an integral part of the course. It will be assigned regularly during the lectures. Many (but not necessarily all) of the exam problems will be of a type similar to the homework problems. You are permitted, in fact encouraged, to work together and help one another with homework, without breach of the honesty code, although what you turn in should be written out by you. In order to receive full credit the solutions must be provided in well organized form and in full detail. Answers alone are not sufficient. Homework will be collected in class when due.
