Math 126

Calculus II

Spring Semester, 2004

TEXT: Single Variable Calculus by James Stewart, 5th edition
126A-01   Taylor        MWF    8:30- 9:20   EART  102                 26AT-01   Jones         T      9:30-10:20   HAYE  215                                                                                                                
                                                                      26AT-02   Jones         T     11:00-11:50   HAYE  215                                          

126B-01   Nicholls      MWF    9:35-10:20   OSHA  204                 26BT-01   Taber         T      9:30-10:20   HAYE.117                                                                                                                 
                                                                      26BT-02   Taber         T     12:55- 1:45   HAYE  229                                          

126C-01   Barron        MWF   10:40-11:30   CSC   124                 26CT-01   Tiglay        T      2:00- 2:50   HAYE  215                                                                                                                
                                                                      26CT-02   Olson         T      3:55- 4:45   HAYE  229                                          

General course information is here. The Syllabus is here. Click here for the homework assignments. Click here for solutions to last year's quizzes. Click here for solutions to this year's quizzes so far.

Information for the exams. Follow the links for locations and other useful information.

Exam 1 Tuesday February 3 8:00-9:15am Exam 2 Tuesday March 16 8:00-9:15am Exam 3 Tuesday April 20 8:00-9:15am Final Thursday May 6 1:45-3:45pm

    Instructor          email                   room  bldg  phone         office hours                  
    Barron              106  HAYE  631-3981      Mon. 12-1 & Wed. 3-4, and by appointment
    Nicholls          108  HAYE  631-8706      Tue. & Wed. 3-4 and by appointment
    Taylor              246  HAYE  631-7468      Mon. & Thu. 3-4pm, and by appointment and drop-in

TA email room bldg phone office hours Jones 295 HURL 631-5706 Mon. 11-12 & Tue. 2-3 Olson 295 HURL 631-5706 Mon. 6-7 & Tue. 5-6 Taber 237 HAYE 631-3741 Mon. 5-6 and Tue. 3-4 Tiglay 281 HURL 631-9585 Tue. 10-11 and Wed. 11:30-12:30