Example: Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of y=sin[x] at the point .
Solution: The slope of the tangent line at the point is
. The point-slope formula for a line gives the equations of the tangent line,
. Here is the graph of y=Sin[x] plotted together with the tangent line.
Example: Show that Sin[x] is approximately equal to x for x near 0.
Solution: The tangent line approximation theorem says that f[x] is approximately equal to for x near a. On our case f[x]=Sin[x], and a=0, so Sin[x] is approximately f[0] + f'[0](x-0) = 0 + 1(x-0) = x. Here is a table of values of x and Sin[x] for x near 0 to compare.
0 0
0.01 0.00999983
0.02 0.0199987
0.03 0.0299955
0.04 0.0399893
0.05 0.0499792
0.06 0.059964
0.07 0.0699428
0.08 0.0799147
0.09 0.0898785
0.1 0.0998334
Example: Find the equation of the line tangent to the curve defined by
at the point {4,2}.
Solution: Treating y[x] as an implicitly defined function of x and taking the derivative of the equation of the curve implicitly gives
y[x] + x y'[x] - Sin[x - y[x] ] (1 - 2 y[x] y'[x]) == 0
-Sin[x - y[x] ] + y[x]
{{y'[x] -> -(-------------------------)}}
x + 2 Sin[x - y[x] ] y[x]
Substuting x->4, y->2 gives the slope at this point:
The equation of the tangent line is then y = 2 - (1/2)(x-4) = 4 - x/2. We can plot the curve defined by the equation using ContourPlot[] with one contour, 9 (a contour has the form f[x]==c and we may choose the values of c).