211 The C Programming Language, Spring 1997 INSTRUCTOR: Bei Hu, CCMB 219 PHONE: 1-5352 TIME: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM. OFFICE HOURS: M 2:00-2:50PM, W 10:00-10:50AM, F 4:00-4:50PM TEXTS: K.N. KING, C Programming - A Modern Approach COMPUTER SYSTEM: The Sun computers in the computer clusters on campus. WEB: http://www.nd.edu/~b1hu/ COURSE GRADE, HOMEWORKS, TESTS, etc: see HELP file. **************************************************************** The folders: bin: useful scripts for Math 211 course. You should add /afs/nd.edu/courses/math/math211.01/bin to your search path. See Helpme-setup in info folder. assignments: the folder which contains your submitted homeworks. code_textbbook: the code used in the text book, provided by the author of the text book. homeworks: the homework assignment information and instructions for the homeworks. answers: the folder which contains answers to some of your homework exercises. info: information such as brief introduction of unix commands, course information, etc. old_math211: the materials from the Spring 1996 and Summer 1996. **************************************************************** The files: README: this file. ****************************************************************