This is the HELP file The Math211 home page is at In order to view the files through netscape, you must use a campus cluster workstation using afs file system. If you use a Mac or a PC in your home or dormitory, you will not be able to see many files in the Math211 page. These files are protected, you must register for Math211 in order to have the permission to view the files. 1) Unix system. You should familiarize yourself with the unix system. This includes file creation, editing, copying, renaming, etc. You may use your favorite editor such as vi or emacs. A file "unix.commands" in the info folder has "A Summary of Basic UNIX Commands". If you are new to the unix system, OUC has a very good document U1010 UNIX 1, which can be found on line (using netscape) at What we need (other than editor) are contained in the first 22 pages of the document. You also need to know one editor to edit your files. contains the on line U2110 vi Pocket Reference Card. The vi editor Manual U2100 can be ordered through OUC. 2) Compiling You should compile your code before you submit your homework code. You can do so on a Sun Sparc Station by the command cc (Replace with the code you wrote, the file name must end with .c) The compiling process may detect some of your errors (if any) in the code. If everything goes well, the executable file will be written as a.out and you can now try you program by the command a.out You do not have to be personally sitting on a console to compile your homeworks. Actually, you can telnet to any of the Sun Sparc Stations on Campus Clusters to compile your homework, from any computer. College of Science has 52 Sun UltraSPARC-140 in NSH 202, and 12 Sun UltraSPARC-140 in MATH 210. 3) Homeworks Homeworks should be submitted using the command 211submit Please follow the instruction on the homework assignment for each homework. The assignment instruction is in the folder homeworks. To see the instructions, change directory to the homeworks folder from your home directory by cd math211/homeworks The instructions are in the file homework1, homewrok2, etc. To see the file homework2, for example, type more homework2 Your homeworks will be graded by a program, so you must follow the instruction very carefully. For example, you will receive 0 credit for any problem with a wrong file name. MAKE SURE your homework compiles. If any of your homework does not compile, you will not receive any credit for that problem. DO NOT submit any part of the homework which does not compile. Homeworks must be handed in before the deadline. No late homeworks. Your homeworks will be locked after the deadline, and you will not be able to submit your homeworks after the deadline. The deadline is 24:00 at midnight on the due date. To check your homework scores, use the command 211score The score for the most recent homework will usually be available two to five days after the deadline. You may discuss your homeworks with your classmates, but you should not copy homeworks from others and it is a violation of the Honor Code for such activities. You should keep your homeworks in a directory which has no read permission for your classmate. See the Helpme-setup page for help with setting. Occasionally, a program will be run to check whether any two submitted homeworks are the same. Homeworks provide good opportunity for you to practice. You should do all the homeworks. Seek help immediately if you encounter difficulties. Answers to some of the homework exercise will be posted in the answers folder after the due date. To see the answers, go to answers directory cd math211/answers 4) Course Grade The homeworks count a total of 100 points. In addition to the homeworks, there will be two midterm exams, worth 100 points each. The final exam worth 150 points. Your final grade will be based on a total of 450 points. It is YOUR responsibility to attend the exams at the scheduled time at scheduled room. If you miss an exam without a VALID excuse, a score of 0 will be assigned to that exam. Two midterm exams are 50-minutes in class exams. There are two parts on the Final exam. The first part will be in-classroom (during the final exam week - May 6, 4:15p.m. to 6:15p.m.), worth 100 points, and the second part, worth 50 points, must be handed in electronically in the same way as your homeworks.