This is the Helpme-setup file Math 211 Spring 1997 This file contains simple instructions. You can do a fancy setup if you know what you are doing. Consult someone with expertise if you are not sure. Every student of the University of Notre Dame has an afs account. You should customize your account for use with Math 211 course. 1) The course related files are in /afs/ You may wish to create a symbolic link to your home directory by the command ln -s /afs/ ~/math211 If this is correctly set, next time you can go to this directory from your home directory simply by the command cd math211 2) You should add /afs/ to your search path. You can do so by editing the .cshrc file in your home directory. Add the following line at the end of your .cshrc file set path = ( $path /afs/ ) You can test whether this is correctly set by the following procedure logout, then login, then type the command 211 You should see a greeting message. If you see "211: Command not found", then it is not correctly set. 3) Your Math 211 related information such as homework scores can only be accessed from your afs account by you, your instructor, the TA, and the computer system manager. You have the access to such an information as long as you can login into your afs account. 4) In order to do step 2), you need to know how to edit your file. You should familiarize yourself with the unix system. This includes file creation, editing, copying, renaming, etc. You may use your favorite editor such as vi or emacs. A file "unix.commands" in this folder has A Summary of Basic UNIX Commands. 5) Make a directory in your home directory called math211hw for your homeworks by the command mkdir ~/math211hw This directory should not have the read permission for your classmate. You can set this by the command fs setacl ~/math211hw system:anyuser none You should keep your homeworks in this directory. (You should not keep your homeworks in a directory which has the read permission for your classmate.) 6) Once you have done Step 2), by typing 211help you will see some more helpful information for the course. 7) You may automatically set up steps 1) to 5) by the command /afs/ (Yes, you need to type such a long command!) Then you can check your setup by step 6).