MATH 211

Computer Programming and Problem Solving

Spring, 2001

TIME: MWF 10:40-11:50 PM.		ROOM: 228 DBRT

INSTRUCTOR: Laurence Taylor
OFFICE:     CCMB 232     		PHONE: 1-7468

OFFICE HOURS: 3-4 Mon. and Wed. as well as by appointment and

TEXT: The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie
MIDTERM:  Friday , March 23, 2001 in class. It is open book, open notes. 
A copy of lasts year's midterm with solutions is here.  
FINAL:   Friday, May 11, 2001  8-10am in DBRT 228 and 
is open book, open notes.
A copy of last year's final is here.
Solutions are at the end of the file.

Assignments are here. You can get copies of files created for assignements or created in class by typing

copy_file name_of_file

This will put a copy of name_of_file into your math211hw directory if you do not already have a file by that name there. To see a list of the files available for copying, type


Grading, Honor Code, etc.

Computer Issues.