MATH 211

Computer Programming and Problem Solving

Spring, 2002

TIME: MWF 10:40-11:30 PM.		ROOM: 228 DBRT

INSTRUCTOR: Laurence Taylor
OFFICE:     246 HAYE                    PHONE: 1-7468

OFFICE HOURS: 3-4 Mon. and Wed. as well as by appointment and drop-in.

TEXT: The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie
MIDTERM:  Wednesday March 27 in class. It is open book, open notes. 
A copy of last year's midterm with solutions is here.  
A copy of this year's midterm with solutions is here.  
FINAL:   Monday, May 6, 2002  8-10am in the regular classroom. It is open book, open notes.
You might want to print out the C++ pages.
A copy of last year's final with solutions is here.
A copy of this year's final with solutions is here.

C++ stuff is here.
Lots of computer links are here.

Assignments are here. You can get copies of files created for assignements or created in class by typing

copy_file name_of_file

This will put a copy of name_of_file into your math211hw directory if you do not already have a file by that name there. To see a list of the files available for copying, type


Grading, Honor Code, etc.

Computer Issues.