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An Object should be a list with 2 elements in it: { {f[t], g[t] } , {t,t_min,t_max} } The first element is a pair of functions parametrizing something in the plane, and the second element describing how long to run the parameter for the first object. Similarly for Draw3dL. :[font = input; preserveAspect] ClearAll[Draw2dL]; Draw2dL[Obj_,Mat_] := Module[ {graph1table = Obj,graph2table = Obj,Func,Rang}, Do[ Func = Obj[[i]][[1]]; Rang = Obj[[i]][[2]]; graph1table[[i]] = ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Func], Evaluate[Rang], PlotStyle->{{Red,Thickness[.02]}}, AspectRatio->Automatic, DisplayFunction->Identity]; graph2table[[i]] = ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Mat.Func], Evaluate[Rang], PlotStyle->{{Blue,Thickness[.02]}}, AspectRatio->Automatic, DisplayFunction->Identity], {i,1,Length[Obj]} ]; Show[Join[graph1table,graph2table], {DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction}]] ;[s] 1:0,0;657,-1; 1:1,0,0 ,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect] ClearAll[Draw3dL]; Draw3dL[Obj_,Mat_] := Module[ {graph1table = Obj,graph2table = Obj,Func,Rang}, Do[ Func = Obj[[i]][[1]]; Rang = Obj[[i]][[2]]; graph1table[[i]] = ParametricPlot3D[ Evaluate[Join[Func,{{Red,Thickness[.02]}}]], Evaluate[Rang], DisplayFunction->Identity]; graph2table[[i]] = ParametricPlot3D[ Evaluate[Join[Mat.Func,{{Blue,Thickness[.02]}}]], Evaluate[Rang], DisplayFunction->Identity], {i,1,Length[Obj]} ]; Show[Join[graph1table,graph2table], {DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction}]] ;[s] 1:0,0;577,-1; 1:1,0,0 ,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect] Parabola3d = { {t,t^2,-1} , {t,-5,5} }; Cir3d = { {Cos[t]+1,Sin[t]-1,1}, {t,0,2Pi} }; Hyperb3d = { {Cosh[t]+1, Sinh[t]-1,-2}, {t,-2,2} }; Pt3d = { {2,3,0} , {t,0,1} }; Pt3d2 = { {1,2,-1}, {t,0,1} }; Parabola2d = { {t+1,t^2-2} , {t,-5,5} }; Cir2d = { {Cos[t]+1,Sin[t]-2}, {t,0,2Pi} }; Hyperb2d = { {Cosh[t]+1, Sinh[t]-2}, {t,-2,2} }; Pt2d = { {2,3} , {t,0,1} }; Pt2d2 = { {-1,-2}, {t,0,1}}; ;[s] 1:0,0;406,-1; 1:1,0,0 ,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect] MatrixForm[ M2d = {{0,1},{1,0}}] Draw2dL[{Pt2d2,Cir2d, Parabola2d}, M2d] ;[s] 1:0,0;80,-1; 1:1,0,0 ,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect] t1 := (45)(Pi)/(180) MatrixForm[M= N[{{Cos[t1],-Sin[t1]},{Sin[t1],Cos[t1]}}]] Draw2dL[{Pt2d2,Cir2d, Parabola2d}, M] ;[s] 1:0,0;116,-1; 1:1,0,0 ,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect] MatrixForm[ M3d = {{1,0,0},{0,0,0}, {0,1,0}}] Draw3dL[{Pt3d, Pt3d2,Parabola3d,Cir3d}, M3d] ;[s] 1:0,0;90,-1; 1:1,0,0 ,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; ^*)