Math 221 -- Section 2 -- Fall 1996
Linear Algebra
Professor: Peter Cholak
The first handout -- course information:
Homework assignments:
- Given 8/28; due 8/30; Section 1.1: 3,6,8,10,11.
- 8/30; 9/2; 1.2: 3,4,5,7,19.
- 9/2; 9/4; 1.2: 10, 12, 21, 26, 31 and 1.3: 3(a-e), 4(a-e).
- 9/4; 9/6; 1.3: 11, 12, 13, 14, 20 and 1.4: 1,2,3(a,b,c).
- 9/6; 9/9; 1.4: 4,5,6,7,15,24(c),29.
- 9/9; 9/13; 1.5: 1,2,3(a,b),4,6(a,b,c),7c,8c,14.
- 9/11; 9/13; 1.6: 2,5,7,15,17,22,25.
- 9/13; 9/16; 2.1: 4,6,10,11.
- 9/16; 9/18: 1.7: 2,4,5,6,19.
- 9/18; 9/20: 2.2: 2,3,8,9,11 and 2.3: 3,4,12.
- 9/27; 9/30: 2.4; 9,10,11,12,20,21,22.
- 9/30; 10/2: 4.1: 2,3,4,9,10,11,15,21,33.
- 10/2; 10/4: 4.2: 1,3,6,11,17,19.
- 10/4; 10/7: 4.2: 20,21,22 and 4.3:
- 10/7: 10/11: 4.3: 19,20,21,22,24 and 5.1:
- 10/11: 10/14: 5.2: 1-6(a,b) (a and b for all of the
- 10/14: 10/16: 5.2: 7-14(a) (a for all of these problems)
- 10/16: 10/18: 5.3: 1-7(a) (Part a only for all these
problems) 14, 18.
- 10/18: 10/28: 5.4: 3(a,c), 4(a,c), 5, 8a, 9a,
- 10/28: 11/1: 5.4:11,12,17,18,20, 23,26.
- 11/4: 11/6: 5.5:3ab,4,5ab,6ab,7.
- 11/6; 11/8: 5.5. 8-12ab; 5.6 2abc,4ab.
- 11/8; 11/11: 5.6; 7ab,8ab,11,14,15.
- 11/11: 11/13: 6.1: 6,7,9ab,12,13,16abd,22,23.
- 11/13: 11/15: 6.2: 2,5,7a,8a,9
- 11/15: 11/18: 6.2: 14,16ab,18,21 and 6.3: 4ab, 5, 6,
- 11/18. No homework.
- 11/20: 11/22: 6.3: 19,20,21,22,25.
- 11/25: 12/2: 6.5: 3bc,5a,6a,9ac,12,18 (In addition have a
good T-day).
- 12/6: 12/9: 7.1: 4-9a,11,20.
- 12/9: 12/11: 7.2: 1,7,11,15,16,17,20,24.