(*^ ::[ Information = "This is a Mathematica Notebook file. It contains ASCII text, and can be transferred by email, ftp, or other text-file transfer utility. It should be read or edited using a copy of Mathematica or MathReader. If you received this as email, use your mail application or copy/paste to save everything from the line containing (*^ down to the line containing ^*) into a plain text file. On some systems you may have to give the file a name ending with ".ma" to allow Mathematica to recognize it as a Notebook. 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Before you begin, you may want to review the notebooks MaxMin and AdvancedCalculusDemo in the Notebook folder or the back of the Lecture Notes. There are also many examples of how to do these problems in the Quizzes folder. Be sure to type in comments explaining what you are doing. Remember to uncheck Show In/Out Names in the File menu and close this group before printing. ;[s] 9:0,0;273,2;279,0;284,2;304,0;523,1;540,0;548,1;552,0;596,-1; 3:5,13,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;2,13,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0;2,13,9,Times,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = subsubsection; inactive; noKeepOnOnePage; preserveAspect; startGroup] Initialization :[font = input; initialization; noKeepOnOnePage; preserveAspect] *) <