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Now we compute the discriminant. :[font = input; preserveAspect] m = {{D[f[x,y],x,x],D[f[x,y],x,y]}, {D[f[x,y],y,x],D[f[x,y],y,y]}}; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] m //MatrixForm :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] MatrixForm[{{12*(-1 + x)^2 + 4*(-1 + y^2), 8*(-1 + x)*y}, {8*(-1 + x)*y, 4 + 4*(-1 + x)^2}}] ;[o] 2 2 12 (-1 + x) + 4 (-1 + y ) 8 (-1 + x) y 2 8 (-1 + x) y 4 + 4 (-1 + x) :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] d = Det[m] //Simplify :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 16*(2 - 6*x + 3*x^2)*(2 - 2*x + x^2 - y^2) ;[o] 2 2 2 16 (2 - 6 x + 3 x ) (2 - 2 x + x - y ) :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] In one step: :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] d = Discriminant[f[x,y]] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 16*(2 - 6*x + 3*x^2)*(2 - 2*x + x^2 - y^2) ;[o] 2 2 2 16 (2 - 6 x + 3 x ) (2 - 2 x + x - y ) :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] d /. cp :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {64, -16, 64, 128, 128, 128, 128} ;[o] {64, -16, 64, 128, 128, 128, 128} :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] D[f[x,y],x,x] /. cp :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {8, -4, 8, -8, -8, -8, -8} ;[o] {8, -4, 8, -8, -8, -8, -8} :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] Since d < 0 at (1,0), f[x,y] has a saddle point at (1,0). At the points (0,0), and (2,0), d > 0 and D[f[x,y],x,x] > 0, so f[x,y] has local minima at these points. ;[s] 19:0,0;6,1;11,0;15,1;20,0;23,1;29,0;52,1;57,0;73,1;78,0;84,1;89,0;91,1;96,0;101,1;119,0;124,1;130,0;165,-1; 2:10,13,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;9,13,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Plot3D[f[x,y],{x,-1,3}, {y,-1,1}, BoxRatios->{1,1,2}] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 203; pictureHeight = 320] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1.57733 MathPictureStart %% SurfaceGraphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.243632 1.51159 0.0279529 1.51159 [ [(-1)] .38564 1.55843 .01941 -1 Msboxa [(0)] .52383 1.52469 -0.0018 -1 Msboxa [(1)] .66609 1.48995 -0.02386 -1 Msboxa [(2)] .81259 1.45416 -0.04683 -1 Msboxa [(3)] .96354 1.41728 -0.07077 -1 Msboxa [(-1)] .03635 1.28378 .0762 -1 Msboxa [(-0.5)] .13119 1.35835 .06029 -1 Msboxa [(0)] .22073 1.42876 .04561 -1 Msboxa [(0.5)] .30543 1.49536 .03202 -1 Msboxa [(1)] .38564 1.55843 .01941 -1 Msboxa [(0)] .09344 .31011 1 -0.3861 Msboxa [(5)] .0758 .53941 1 -0.36191 Msboxa [(10)] .05655 .78962 1 -0.33541 Msboxa [(15)] .03548 1.06374 1 -0.30624 Msboxa [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.57733 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .38601 1.53954 m .96221 1.39843 L s P p .002 w .38601 1.53954 m .38619 1.5301 L s P [(-1)] .38564 1.55843 .01941 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .5238 1.5058 m .52378 1.49635 L s P [(0)] .52383 1.52469 -0.0018 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .66564 1.47106 m .66541 1.46162 L s P [(1)] .66609 1.48995 -0.02386 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .81171 1.43529 m .81127 1.42585 L s P [(2)] .81259 1.45416 -0.04683 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .96221 1.39843 m .96154 1.389 L s P [(3)] .96354 1.41728 -0.07077 -1 Mshowa p .001 w .41325 1.53287 m .41334 1.5272 L s P p .001 w .44065 1.52616 m .44071 1.52049 L s P p .001 w .46821 1.51941 m .46825 1.51374 L s P p .001 w .49592 1.51263 m .49594 1.50696 L s P p .001 w .55184 1.49893 m .5518 1.49326 L s P p .001 w .58004 1.49202 m .57998 1.48636 L s P p .001 w .6084 1.48508 m .60832 1.47941 L s P p .001 w .63694 1.47809 m .63683 1.47242 L s P p .001 w .69451 1.46399 m .69435 1.45832 L s P p .001 w .72355 1.45688 m .72336 1.45121 L s P p .001 w .75276 1.44972 m .75255 1.44406 L s P p .001 w .78215 1.44253 m .78191 1.43686 L s P p .001 w .84145 1.428 m .84116 1.42234 L s P p .001 w .87137 1.42068 m .87105 1.41502 L s P p .001 w .90147 1.4133 m .90112 1.40765 L s P p .001 w .93175 1.40589 m .93137 1.40023 L s P P p p .002 w .03779 1.26494 m .38601 1.53954 L s P p .002 w .03779 1.26494 m .03851 1.25552 L s P [(-1)] .03635 1.28378 .0762 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .13232 1.33949 m .13289 1.33006 L s P [(-0.5)] .13119 1.35835 .06029 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .2216 1.40989 m .22203 1.40045 L s P [(0)] .22073 1.42876 .04561 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .30603 1.47647 m .30633 1.46703 L s P [(0.5)] .30543 1.49536 .03202 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .38601 1.53954 m .38619 1.5301 L s P [(1)] .38564 1.55843 .01941 -1 Mshowa p .001 w .05714 1.2802 m .05755 1.27455 L s P p .001 w .07626 1.29528 m .07666 1.28963 L s P p .001 w .09517 1.31019 m .09554 1.30453 L s P p .001 w .11385 1.32492 m .11421 1.31927 L s P p .001 w .15059 1.35389 m .15091 1.34823 L s P p .001 w .16864 1.36813 m .16895 1.36247 L s P p .001 w .18649 1.3822 m .18678 1.37654 L s P p .001 w .20414 1.39612 m .20442 1.39046 L s P p .001 w .23886 1.4235 m .2391 1.41784 L s P p .001 w .25593 1.43696 m .25615 1.4313 L s P p .001 w .27281 1.45028 m .27302 1.44461 L s P p .001 w .28951 1.46344 m .28971 1.45778 L s P p .001 w .32237 1.48936 m .32254 1.48369 L s P p .001 w .33854 1.50211 m .33869 1.49644 L s P p .001 w .35453 1.51472 m .35467 1.50905 L s P p .001 w .37035 1.5272 m .37048 1.52153 L s P P p p .002 w .11572 .24227 m .03779 1.26494 L s P p .002 w .11107 .3033 m .11988 .2999 L s P [(0)] .09344 .31011 1 -0.3861 Mshowa p .002 w .09356 .53298 m .10245 .52977 L s P [(5)] .0758 .53941 1 -0.36191 Mshowa p .002 w .07447 .78361 m .08342 .78061 L s P [(10)] .05655 .78962 1 -0.33541 Mshowa p .002 w .05354 1.05821 m .06258 1.05544 L s P [(15)] .03548 1.06374 1 -0.30624 Mshowa p .001 w .10768 .34769 m .11298 .34567 L s P p .001 w .10424 .39283 m .10955 .39083 L s P p .001 w .10074 .43875 m .10606 .43677 L s P p .001 w .09719 .48546 m .10251 .4835 L s P p .001 w .08988 .58134 m .09522 .57944 L s P p .001 w .08613 .63056 m .09148 .62868 L s P p .001 w .08231 .68067 m .08767 .67881 L s P p .001 w .07842 .73167 m .08379 .72985 L s P p .001 w .07044 .83651 m .07582 .83473 L s P p .001 w .06633 .89039 m .07172 .88864 L s P p .001 w .06215 .94528 m .06755 .94356 L s P p .001 w .05789 1.00121 m .0633 .99952 L s P p .001 w .11439 .25965 m .11967 .25759 L s P p .001 w .04912 1.11631 m .05454 1.11468 L s P p .001 w .0446 1.17554 m .05004 1.17395 L s P p .001 w .04 1.23594 m .04545 1.23438 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.57733 L 0 1.57733 L closepath clip newpath p .002 w .11572 .24227 m .03779 1.26494 L s .03779 1.26494 m .38601 1.53954 L s .38601 1.53954 m .40488 .56757 L s .40488 .56757 m .11572 .24227 L s .63667 .03779 m .89148 .39898 L s .89148 .39898 m .96221 1.39843 L s .96221 1.39843 m .66282 1.08731 L s .66282 1.08731 m .63667 .03779 L s .11572 .24227 m .03779 1.26494 L s .03779 1.26494 m .66282 1.08731 L s .66282 1.08731 m .63667 .03779 L s .63667 .03779 m .11572 .24227 L s .40488 .56757 m .89148 .39898 L s .89148 .39898 m .96221 1.39843 L s .96221 1.39843 m .38601 1.53954 L s .38601 1.53954 m .40488 .56757 L s P p .85 .614 .58 r .0015 w .36762 1.34613 .38654 1.51245 .43065 1.1076 .41169 .98403 Metetra .823 .601 .602 r .41169 .98403 .43065 1.1076 .469 .87931 .45003 .78371 Metetra .782 .584 .632 r .45003 .78371 .469 .87931 .50484 .75482 .48587 .67875 Metetra .726 .564 .67 r .48587 .67875 .50484 .75482 .53984 .69109 .5209 .62892 Metetra .666 .548 .711 r .5209 .62892 .53984 .69109 .57482 .6603 .55593 .60761 Metetra .629 .549 .745 r .55593 .60761 .57482 .6603 .61007 .64419 .59125 .59704 Metetra .632 .568 .765 r .59125 .59704 .61007 .64419 .64562 .63211 .62684 .58667 Metetra .653 .586 .767 r .62684 .58667 .64562 .63211 .68144 .62054 .66264 .573 Metetra .649 .577 .761 r .66264 .573 .68144 .62054 .71769 .61304 .69869 .55952 Metetra .583 .523 .753 r .69869 .55952 .71769 .61304 .75491 .62037 .73542 .55686 Metetra .397 .383 .727 r .73542 .55686 .75491 .62037 .79434 .66119 .77393 .58312 Metetra .008 .093 .604 r .77393 .58312 .79434 .66119 .83832 .76421 .81629 .66568 Metetra 0 0 .335 r .81629 .66568 .83832 .76421 .89101 .97457 .86624 .84652 Metetra .741 .492 0 r .86624 .84652 .89101 .97457 .96022 1.37032 .93069 1.19648 Metetra .857 .622 .582 r .34872 1.20642 .36762 1.34613 .41169 .98403 .3928 .87823 Metetra .827 .609 .607 r .3928 .87823 .41169 .98403 .45003 .78371 .43113 .70042 Metetra .78 .591 .643 r .43113 .70042 .45003 .78371 .48587 .67875 .46695 .61137 Metetra .712 .567 .688 r .46695 .61137 .48587 .67875 .5209 .62892 .50197 .57297 Metetra .639 .546 .733 r .50197 .57297 .5209 .62892 .55593 .60761 .53701 .55952 Metetra .604 .55 .767 r .53701 .55952 .55593 .60761 .59125 .59704 .57238 .55354 Metetra .626 .579 .782 r .57238 .55354 .59125 .59704 .62684 .58667 .60804 .54458 Metetra .666 .606 .778 r .60804 .54458 .62684 .58667 .66264 .573 .64384 .52911 Metetra .679 .606 .767 r .64384 .52911 .66264 .573 .69869 .55952 .67978 .51061 Metetra .632 .565 .761 r .67978 .51061 .69869 .55952 .73542 .55686 .71619 .49962 Metetra .469 .445 .749 r .71619 .49962 .73542 .55686 .77393 .58312 .75401 .51387 Metetra .07 .153 .645 r .75401 .51387 .77393 .58312 .81629 .66568 .79512 .57972 Metetra 0 0 .344 r .79512 .57972 .81629 .66568 .86624 .84652 .84289 .73679 Metetra .773 .506 0 r .84289 .73679 .86624 .84652 .93069 1.19648 .90356 1.05048 Metetra .867 .633 .583 r .32963 1.09092 .34872 1.20642 .3928 .87823 .37383 .78896 Metetra .835 .621 .613 r .37383 .78896 .3928 .87823 .43113 .70042 .41219 .6288 Metetra .781 .602 .657 r .41219 .6288 .43113 .70042 .46695 .61137 .44799 .55235 Metetra .698 .573 .71 r .44799 .55235 .46695 .61137 .50197 .57297 .48298 .52307 Metetra .609 .547 .759 r .48298 .52307 .50197 .57297 .53701 .55952 .51803 .51592 Metetra .577 .553 .791 r .51803 .51592 .53701 .55952 .57238 .55354 .55344 .51363 Metetra .619 .593 .801 r .55344 .51363 .57238 .55354 .60804 .54458 .58916 .50578 Metetra .68 .628 .79 r .58916 .50578 .60804 .54458 .64384 .52911 .62502 .48881 Metetra .707 .635 .774 r .62502 .48881 .64384 .52911 .67978 .51061 .66094 .46623 Metetra .674 .604 .769 r .66094 .46623 .67978 .51061 .71619 .49962 .69715 .44848 Metetra .529 .501 .769 r .69715 .44848 .71619 .49962 .75401 .51387 .73449 .45308 Metetra .117 .208 .683 r .73449 .45308 .75401 .51387 .79512 .57972 .77466 .50565 Metetra 0 0 .341 r .77466 .50565 .79512 .57972 .84289 .73679 .82075 .64404 Metetra .812 .524 0 r .82075 .64404 .84289 .73679 .90356 1.05048 .87845 .92965 Metetra .879 .648 .584 r .31016 .99782 .32963 1.09092 .37383 .78896 .35463 .7153 Metetra .847 .638 .62 r .35463 .7153 .37383 .78896 .41219 .6288 .39309 .56836 Metetra .786 .619 .673 r .39309 .56836 .41219 .6288 .44799 .55235 .4289 .50143 Metetra .685 .585 .737 r .4289 .50143 .44799 .55235 .48298 .52307 .46387 .47909 Metetra .576 .551 .79 r .46387 .47909 .48298 .52307 .51803 .51592 .49892 .47674 Metetra .547 .56 .819 r .49892 .47674 .51803 .51592 .55344 .51363 .53437 .47727 Metetra .613 .609 .823 r .53437 .47727 .55344 .51363 .58916 .50578 .57017 .47023 Metetra .693 .651 .804 r .57017 .47023 .58916 .50578 .62502 .48881 .60612 .45207 Metetra .73 .662 .782 r .60612 .45207 .62502 .48881 .66094 .46623 .64209 .42628 Metetra .709 .639 .777 r .64209 .42628 .66094 .46623 .69715 .44848 .67824 .4033 Metetra .578 .552 .789 r .67824 .4033 .69715 .44848 .73449 .45308 .71528 .40047 Metetra .144 .255 .72 r .71528 .40047 .73449 .45308 .77466 .50565 .75478 .44292 Metetra 0 0 .318 r .75478 .44292 .77466 .50565 .82075 .64404 .79962 .56725 Metetra .855 .545 .017 r .79962 .56725 .82075 .64404 .87845 .92965 .85503 .83201 Metetra .894 .665 .584 r .29012 .92585 .31016 .99782 .35463 .7153 .33506 .65656 Metetra .863 .659 .626 r .33506 .65656 .35463 .7153 .39309 .56836 .37373 .51872 Metetra .798 .644 .691 r .37373 .51872 .39309 .56836 .4289 .50143 .4096 .4584 Metetra .676 .607 .771 r .4096 .4584 .4289 .50143 .46387 .47909 .44458 .44091 Metetra .538 .561 .826 r .44458 .44091 .46387 .47909 .49892 .47674 .47964 .44194 Metetra .515 .57 .849 r .47964 .44194 .49892 .47674 .53437 .47727 .51514 .44442 Metetra .608 .63 .848 r .51514 .44442 .53437 .47727 .57017 .47023 .55104 .43792 Metetra .705 .676 .819 r .55104 .43792 .57017 .47023 .60612 .45207 .58712 .41885 Metetra .751 .689 .792 r .58712 .41885 .60612 .45207 .64209 .42628 .62319 .39071 Metetra .738 .673 .787 r .62319 .39071 .64209 .42628 .67824 .4033 .65938 .36396 Metetra .617 .6 .811 r .65938 .36396 .67824 .4033 .71528 .40047 .69629 .35584 Metetra .141 .29 .756 r .69629 .35584 .71528 .40047 .75478 .44292 .73537 .39116 Metetra 0 0 .266 r .73537 .39116 .75478 .44292 .79962 .56725 .77931 .50569 Metetra .895 .565 .073 r .77931 .50569 .79962 .56725 .85503 .83201 .83302 .75614 Metetra .911 .685 .582 r .2693 .87416 .29012 .92585 .33506 .65656 .31495 .61231 Metetra .884 .687 .631 r .31495 .61231 .33506 .65656 .37373 .51872 .35398 .47967 Metetra .818 .68 .712 r .35398 .47967 .37373 .51872 .4096 .4584 .39 .42316 Metetra .671 .642 .812 r .39 .42316 .4096 .4584 .44458 .44091 .42504 .40849 Metetra .498 .579 .867 r .42504 .40849 .44458 .44091 .47964 .44194 .46014 .41147 Metetra .481 .587 .883 r .46014 .41147 .47964 .44194 .51514 .44442 .4957 .41507 Metetra .602 .655 .874 r .4957 .41507 .51514 .44442 .55104 .43792 .53172 .40882 Metetra .715 .703 .837 r .53172 .40882 .55104 .43792 .58712 .41885 .56795 .38913 Metetra .769 .717 .804 r .56795 .38913 .58712 .41885 .62319 .39071 .6042 .3595 Metetra .762 .707 .8 r .6042 .3595 .62319 .39071 .65938 .36396 .64051 .3304 Metetra .646 .648 .838 r .64051 .3304 .65938 .36396 .69629 .35584 .67744 .31906 Metetra .092 .306 .785 r .67744 .31906 .69629 .35584 .73537 .39116 .71631 .3501 Metetra .743 .374 0 r .71631 .3501 .73537 .39116 .77931 .50569 .75965 .45888 Metetra .925 .581 .134 r .75965 .45888 .77931 .50569 .83302 .75614 .81216 .70109 Metetra .931 .707 .578 r .24748 .84233 .2693 .87416 .31495 .61231 .29416 .58231 Metetra .91 .719 .633 r .29416 .58231 .31495 .61231 .35398 .47967 .33372 .45107 Metetra .847 .729 .733 r .33372 .45107 .35398 .47967 .39 .42316 .37001 .39565 Metetra .677 .696 .861 r .37001 .39565 .39 .42316 .42504 .40849 .40518 .38179 Metetra .457 .609 .913 r .40518 .38179 .42504 .40849 .46014 .41147 .44035 .38534 Metetra .447 .611 .918 r .44035 .38534 .46014 .41147 .4957 .41507 .47601 .38922 Metetra .597 .685 .903 r .47601 .38922 .4957 .41507 .53172 .40882 .51216 .38294 Metetra .725 .732 .856 r .51216 .38294 .53172 .40882 .56795 .38913 .54859 .36291 Metetra .784 .746 .819 r .54859 .36291 .56795 .38913 .6042 .3595 .58506 .33263 Metetra .781 .742 .818 r .58506 .33263 .6042 .3595 .64051 .3304 .62158 .3026 Metetra .66 .698 .874 r .62158 .3026 .64051 .3304 .67744 .31906 .65864 .29006 Metetra 0 .283 .785 r .65864 .29006 .67744 .31906 .71631 .3501 .69747 .31962 Metetra .829 .425 0 r .69747 .31962 .71631 .3501 .75965 .45888 .7405 .42656 Metetra .943 .589 .193 r .7405 .42656 .75965 .45888 .81216 .70109 .79223 .66641 Metetra .95 .731 .57 r .22442 .83038 .24748 .84233 .29416 .58231 .27249 .56659 Metetra .938 .755 .629 r .27249 .56659 .29416 .58231 .33372 .45107 .31283 .43295 Metetra .886 .788 .748 r .31283 .43295 .33372 .45107 .37001 .39565 .34953 .37588 Metetra .695 .773 .911 r .34953 .37588 .37001 .39565 .40518 .38179 .38492 .36085 Metetra .42 .655 .957 r .38492 .36085 .40518 .38179 .44035 .38534 .42023 .36355 Metetra .415 .644 .952 r .42023 .36355 .44035 .38534 .47601 .38922 .45602 .36687 Metetra .592 .719 .932 r .45602 .36687 .47601 .38922 .51216 .38294 .49234 .36029 Metetra .732 .764 .878 r .49234 .36029 .51216 .38294 .54859 .36291 .52898 .3402 Metetra .794 .777 .837 r .52898 .3402 .54859 .36291 .58506 .33263 .56572 .31012 Metetra .793 .781 .842 r .56572 .31012 .58506 .33263 .62158 .3026 .60251 .28057 Metetra .652 .75 .921 r .60251 .28057 .62158 .3026 .65864 .29006 .6398 .26886 Metetra 0 .182 .688 r .6398 .26886 .65864 .29006 .69747 .31962 .67875 .29972 Metetra .882 .465 .049 r .67875 .29972 .69747 .31962 .7405 .42656 .72171 .40872 Metetra .948 .591 .246 r .72171 .40872 .7405 .42656 .79223 .66641 .77304 .65206 Metetra .969 .754 .559 r .19983 .8387 .22442 .83038 .27249 .56659 .24976 .56537 Metetra .965 .791 .618 r .24976 .56537 .27249 .56659 .31283 .43295 .29116 .42545 Metetra .927 .851 .748 r .29116 .42545 .31283 .43295 .34953 .37588 .32846 .36395 Metetra .728 .868 .947 r .32846 .36395 .34953 .37588 .38492 .36085 .36418 .34571 Metetra .394 .716 .987 r .36418 .34571 .38492 .36085 .42023 .36355 .39971 .34615 Metetra .388 .686 .978 r .39971 .34615 .42023 .36355 .45602 .36687 .43567 .34807 Metetra .585 .759 .961 r .43567 .34807 .45602 .36687 .49234 .36029 .47219 .3409 Metetra .735 .798 .903 r .47219 .3409 .49234 .36029 .52898 .3402 .50908 .32103 Metetra .8 .812 .861 r .50908 .32103 .52898 .3402 .56572 .31012 .54611 .292 Metetra .795 .824 .875 r .54611 .292 .56572 .31012 .60251 .28057 .58323 .26437 Metetra .594 .797 .977 r .58323 .26437 .60251 .28057 .6398 .26886 .62083 .25554 Metetra .546 .003 0 r .62083 .25554 .6398 .26886 .67875 .29972 .66003 .29054 Metetra .903 .489 .15 r .66003 .29054 .67875 .29972 .72171 .40872 .70311 .4056 Metetra .945 .589 .29 r .70311 .4056 .72171 .40872 .77304 .65206 .75438 .65848 Metetra .984 .774 .542 r .17338 .86819 .19983 .8387 .24976 .56537 .22574 .57913 Metetra .985 .82 .597 r .22574 .57913 .24976 .56537 .29116 .42545 .26855 .42884 Metetra .958 .903 .724 r .26855 .42884 .29116 .42545 .32846 .36395 .30667 .36001 Metetra .763 .954 .936 r .30667 .36001 .32846 .36395 .36418 .34571 .34289 .33647 Metetra .389 .785 .987 r .34289 .33647 .36418 .34571 .39971 .34615 .37873 .33321 Metetra .371 .735 .99 r .37873 .33321 .39971 .34615 .43567 .34807 .41492 .33284 Metetra .577 .801 .984 r .41492 .33284 .43567 .34807 .47219 .3409 .45167 .3248 Metetra .732 .835 .929 r .45167 .3248 .47219 .3409 .50908 .32103 .48883 .30545 Metetra .796 .85 .891 r .48883 .30545 .50908 .32103 .54611 .292 .52618 .27834 Metetra .777 .872 .918 r .52618 .27834 .54611 .292 .58323 .26437 .56366 .25409 Metetra .412 .79 .992 r .56366 .25409 .58323 .26437 .62083 .25554 .60164 .25027 Metetra .714 .18 0 r .60164 .25027 .62083 .25554 .66003 .29054 .6412 .29236 Metetra .904 .503 .227 r .6412 .29236 .66003 .29054 .70311 .4056 .68457 .41769 Metetra .937 .585 .326 r .68457 .41769 .70311 .4056 .75438 .65848 .73607 .68659 Metetra .994 .79 .523 r .1447 .92025 .17338 .86819 .22574 .57913 .20019 .60863 Metetra .996 .84 .567 r .20019 .60863 .22574 .57913 .26855 .42884 .24482 .44355 Metetra .971 .929 .673 r .24482 .44355 .26855 .42884 .30667 .36001 .28405 .36432 Metetra .785 .996 .862 r .28405 .36432 .30667 .36001 .34289 .33647 .32094 .33328 Metetra .412 .847 .941 r .32094 .33328 .34289 .33647 .37873 .33321 .35721 .3248 Metetra .37 .786 .978 r .35721 .3248 .37873 .33321 .41492 .33284 .39371 .32127 Metetra .565 .842 .997 r .39371 .32127 .41492 .33284 .45167 .3248 .43073 .31205 Metetra .718 .873 .954 r .43073 .31205 .45167 .3248 .48883 .30545 .46818 .29351 Metetra .776 .891 .926 r .46818 .29351 .48883 .30545 .52618 .27834 .50587 .26923 Metetra .712 .915 .964 r .50587 .26923 .52618 .27834 .56366 .25409 .54373 .24988 Metetra .01 .576 .789 r .54373 .24988 .56366 .25409 .60164 .25027 .58213 .25329 Metetra .785 .295 .05 r .58213 .25329 .60164 .25027 .6412 .29236 .62211 .30561 Metetra .899 .512 .283 r .62211 .30561 .6412 .29236 .68457 .41769 .66592 .44579 Metetra .928 .581 .354 r .66592 .44579 .68457 .41769 .73607 .68659 .7179 .7379 Metetra .999 .8 .501 r .11332 .99687 .1447 .92025 .20019 .60863 .17279 .65494 Metetra .998 .849 .531 r .17279 .65494 .20019 .60863 .24482 .44355 .21978 .47017 Metetra .966 .928 .607 r .21978 .47017 .24482 .44355 .28405 .36432 .26046 .37721 Metetra .795 .991 .748 r .26046 .37721 .28405 .36432 .32094 .33328 .29824 .33634 Metetra .462 .889 .856 r .29824 .33634 .32094 .33328 .35721 .3248 .33508 .32106 Metetra .387 .832 .939 r .33508 .32106 .35721 .3248 .39371 .32127 .37198 .31342 Metetra .548 .876 .992 r .37198 .31342 .39371 .32127 .43073 .31205 .40931 .30271 Metetra .687 .906 .973 r .40931 .30271 .43073 .31205 .46818 .29351 .44707 .28531 Metetra .722 .925 .96 r .44707 .28531 .46818 .29351 .50587 .26923 .4851 .26479 Metetra .531 .9 .964 r .4851 .26479 .50587 .26923 .54373 .24988 .52335 .25194 Metetra .402 0 0 r .52335 .25194 .54373 .24988 .58213 .25329 .56219 .26494 Metetra .814 .366 .175 r .56219 .26494 .58213 .25329 .62211 .30561 .60265 .33091 Metetra .892 .519 .324 r .60265 .33091 .62211 .30561 .66592 .44579 .64699 .49101 Metetra .919 .578 .375 r .64699 .49101 .66592 .44579 .7179 .7379 .69967 .81457 Metetra 1 .806 .479 r .07865 1.10085 .11332 .99687 .17279 .65494 .1432 .71949 Metetra .993 .849 .496 r .1432 .71949 .17279 .65494 .21978 .47017 .1932 .50949 Metetra .954 .911 .543 r .1932 .50949 .21978 .47017 .26046 .37721 .23573 .39911 Metetra .804 .962 .639 r .23573 .39911 .26046 .37721 .29824 .33634 .27468 .34589 Metetra .53 .91 .757 r .27468 .34589 .29824 .33634 .33508 .32106 .31226 .32212 Metetra .423 .868 .878 r .31226 .32212 .33508 .32106 .37198 .31342 .34965 .30941 Metetra .525 .898 .963 r .34965 .30941 .37198 .31342 .40931 .30271 .38735 .29689 Metetra .625 .923 .975 r .38735 .29689 .40931 .30271 .44707 .28531 .42544 .28093 Metetra .597 .926 .965 r .42544 .28093 .44707 .28531 .4851 .26479 .4638 .26516 Metetra .148 .692 .778 r .4638 .26516 .4851 .26479 .52335 .25194 .50243 .26051 Metetra .617 .081 0 r .50243 .26051 .52335 .25194 .56219 .26494 .54169 .28568 Metetra .829 .413 .253 r .54169 .28568 .56219 .26494 .60265 .33091 .58265 .36907 Metetra .887 .525 .354 r .58265 .36907 .60265 .33091 .64699 .49101 .62759 .55488 Metetra .912 .575 .391 r .62759 .55488 .64699 .49101 .69967 .81457 .68115 .91964 Metetra .998 .808 .458 r .04 1.23594 .07865 1.10085 .1432 .71949 .11101 .80419 Metetra .986 .843 .464 r .11101 .80419 .1432 .71949 .1932 .50949 .16481 .56251 Metetra .943 .891 .49 r .16481 .56251 .1932 .50949 .23573 .39911 .20969 .43058 Metetra .82 .931 .555 r .20969 .43058 .23573 .39911 .27468 .34589 .25013 .36224 Metetra .605 .917 .666 r .25013 .36224 .27468 .34589 .31226 .32212 .28865 .32818 Metetra .473 .892 .804 r .28865 .32818 .31226 .32212 .34965 .30941 .32666 .30935 Metetra .496 .903 .91 r .32666 .30935 .34965 .30941 .38735 .29689 .36479 .29469 Metetra .521 .907 .94 r .36479 .29469 .38735 .29689 .42544 .28093 .40321 .28052 Metetra .351 .825 .875 r .40321 .28052 .42544 .28093 .4638 .26516 .44189 .27054 Metetra .276 0 0 r .44189 .27054 .4638 .26516 .50243 .26051 .48087 .27592 Metetra .716 .238 .11 r .48087 .27592 .50243 .26051 .54169 .28568 .52052 .31608 Metetra .839 .447 .305 r .52052 .31608 .54169 .28568 .58265 .36907 .56195 .42115 Metetra .884 .532 .376 r .56195 .42115 .58265 .36907 .62759 .55488 .6075 .63943 Metetra .907 .574 .404 r .6075 .63943 .62759 .55488 .68115 .91964 .66207 1.05722 Metetra P p .002 w .63667 .03779 m .89148 .39898 L s .89148 .39898 m .96221 1.39843 L s .96221 1.39843 m .66282 1.08731 L s .66282 1.08731 m .63667 .03779 L s .11572 .24227 m .03779 1.26494 L s .03779 1.26494 m .66282 1.08731 L s .66282 1.08731 m .63667 .03779 L s .63667 .03779 m .11572 .24227 L s P p p .002 w .03779 1.26494 m .38601 1.53954 L s P p .002 w .03779 1.26494 m .03851 1.25552 L s P [(-1)] .03635 1.28378 .0762 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .13232 1.33949 m .13289 1.33006 L s P [(-0.5)] .13119 1.35835 .06029 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .2216 1.40989 m .22203 1.40045 L s P [(0)] .22073 1.42876 .04561 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .30603 1.47647 m .30633 1.46703 L s P [(0.5)] .30543 1.49536 .03202 -1 Mshowa p .002 w .38601 1.53954 m .38619 1.5301 L s P [(1)] .38564 1.55843 .01941 -1 Mshowa p .001 w .05714 1.2802 m .05755 1.27455 L s P p .001 w .07626 1.29528 m .07666 1.28963 L s P p .001 w .09517 1.31019 m .09554 1.30453 L s P p .001 w .11385 1.32492 m .11421 1.31927 L s P p .001 w .15059 1.35389 m .15091 1.34823 L s P p .001 w .16864 1.36813 m .16895 1.36247 L s P p .001 w .18649 1.3822 m .18678 1.37654 L s P p .001 w .20414 1.39612 m .20442 1.39046 L s P p .001 w .23886 1.4235 m .2391 1.41784 L s P p .001 w .25593 1.43696 m .25615 1.4313 L s P p .001 w .27281 1.45028 m .27302 1.44461 L s P p .001 w .28951 1.46344 m .28971 1.45778 L s P p .001 w .32237 1.48936 m .32254 1.48369 L s P p .001 w .33854 1.50211 m .33869 1.49644 L s P p .001 w .35453 1.51472 m .35467 1.50905 L s P p .001 w .37035 1.5272 m .37048 1.52153 L s P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] SurfaceGraphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -SurfaceGraphics- :[font = subsubsection; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] 2. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function f[x_,y_] = 3x - 2y subject to the constraint 4x^2 + y^2 == 4 ;[s] 4:0,0;56,1;75,0;101,1;117,-1; 2:2,13,9,Times,1,12,0,0,0;2,13,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = subsubsection; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Solution :[font = input; preserveAspect] f[x_,y_] = 3x - 2y; :[font = input; preserveAspect] g[x_,y_] = 4x^2 + y^2; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] eqns = {D[f[x,y],x] == lambda D[g[x,y],x], D[f[x,y],y] == lambda D[g[x,y],y], g[x,y] == 4} :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {3 == 8*lambda*x, -2 == 2*lambda*y, 4*x^2 + y^2 == 4} ;[o] 2 2 {3 == 8 lambda x, -2 == 2 lambda y, 4 x + y == 4} :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] From the first two equations we see that neither x nor y can be zero, so we can divide to get lambda == 3/(8x) = -1/y y == (8/3) x ;[s] 6:0,0;49,1;50,0;55,1;56,0;94,1;139,-1; 2:3,13,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;3,13,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] Plug this into the last equation: :[font = input; preserveAspect] 4x^2 + (8x/3)^2 == 4 (4 + 64/9)x^2 == 4 x^2 == 4(9/100) == 9/25 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] Thus x == ± 3/5 and y == ± 8/5, and the critical points are (3/5, 8/5) and (-3/5, -8/5). Using Mathematica to solve: ;[s] 10:0,0;5,1;15,0;20,1;30,0;60,1;70,0;75,1;87,0;116,1;117,-1; 2:5,13,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;5,13,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] lp = Solve[eqns] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {{lambda -> -5/8, x -> -3/5, y -> 8/5}, {lambda -> 5/8, x -> 3/5, y -> -8/5}} ;[o] 5 3 8 {{lambda -> -(-), x -> -(-), y -> -}, 8 5 5 5 3 8 {lambda -> -, x -> -, y -> -(-)}} 8 5 5 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] In one step: :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] lp = Lagrange[f[x,y],4x^2 + y^2 == 4] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {{x -> -3/5, y -> 8/5}, {x -> 3/5, y -> -8/5}} ;[o] 3 8 3 8 {{x -> -(-), y -> -}, {x -> -, y -> -(-)}} 5 5 5 5 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] Evaluate the function at thee points to see which i sthe maximum and which is the minimum. :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] f[x,y] /. lp :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {-5, 5} ;[o] {-5, 5} :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect] Therefore, f[x,y] has a maximum of 5 at the point (3/5, 8/5), and a minimum of -5 at the point (-3/5,-8/5). ;[s] 10:0,0;11,1;17,0;35,1;36,0;50,1;60,0;79,1;81,0;95,1;108,-1; 2:5,13,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;5,13,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0; ^*)