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Find the equation of the plane tangent to the surface ", StyleBox["x^3 y - z^3 x == 2", "Input"], StyleBox[" at the point ", "Text"], StyleBox["{1,3,1}", "Input"], StyleBox[".", "Text"] }], "Subsubsection", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 2}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, CellLabelMargins->{{27, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell["Solution", "Subsubsection", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 73}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, CellLabelMargins->{{27, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The normal vector to the surface at ", StyleBox["{1,3,1}", "Input"], " is given by the gradient:." }], "Text", CellMargins->{{18, 73}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, CellLabelMargins->{{27, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "Grad[", StyleBox["x^3 y - z^3 x", "Input"], "]" }], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[BoxData[ \({3\ x\^2\ y - z\^3, x\^3, \(-3\)\ x\ z\^2}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["n = % /. {x->1, y->3, z->1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({8, 1, \(-3\)}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["The equation of thetangent plane is then given by", "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["n.{x,y,z} == n.{1,3,1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(8\ x + y - 3\ z == 8\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "2. Show that the points ", StyleBox["{1,1}", "Input"], " and ", StyleBox["{-1,-1}", "Input"], " are critical points of the\nfunction ", StyleBox["f[x_,y_] = 2y^3 - 3 y + 2 x^3 - 3x^2 y", "Input"], " and determine whether\nthese points are local maxima, local minima, or \ saddle points.\n" }], "Subsubsection", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 19}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, CellLabelMargins->{{27, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell["Solution", "Subsubsection", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 73}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, CellLabelMargins->{{27, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[StyleBox[ "f[x_,y_] = 2y^3 - 3 y + 2 x^3 - 3x^2 y;", "Input"]], "Input"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "We must show that ", StyleBox["{\[PlusMinus]1,\[PlusMinus]1}", "Input"], " are solutions of" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[StyleBox[ "eqns = { D[f[x,y],x] == 0,\n D[f[x,y],y] == 0 }", "Input"]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({6\ x\^2 - 6\ x\ y == 0, \(-3\) - 3\ x\^2 + 6\ y\^2 == 0}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["eqns /. {x->1, y->1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({True, True}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["eqns /. {x->-1, y->-1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({True, True}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["We can also see this by solving the equations...", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Solve[eqns]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{x \[Rule] \(-1\), y \[Rule] \(-1\)}, {x \[Rule] 1, y \[Rule] 1}, { y \[Rule] \(-\(1\/\@2\)\), x \[Rule] 0}, {y \[Rule] 1\/\@2, x \[Rule] 0}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "or using the function ", StyleBox["CriticalPoints[]", "Input"], ":" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "cp = CriticalPoints[", StyleBox["f[x,y]", "Input"], "]" }], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{x \[Rule] \(-1\), y \[Rule] \(-1\)}, {x \[Rule] 1, y \[Rule] 1}, { y \[Rule] \(-\(1\/\@2\)\), x \[Rule] 0}, {y \[Rule] 1\/\@2, x \[Rule] 0}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ To detect which are max/min or saddle points we use the second \ derivative test.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["d = D[f[x,y],x,x]D[f[x,y],y,y] - D[f[x,y],x,y]^2", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(-36\)\ x\^2 + 12\ \((12\ x - 6\ y)\)\ y\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Evaluate ", StyleBox["d", "Input"], " at the critical points ", StyleBox["{\[PlusMinus]1,\[PlusMinus]1}", "Input"], ":" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["d /. {x->1, y->1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(36\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["d /. {x->-1, y->-1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(36\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Since ", StyleBox[" d > 0", "Input"], ", the graph is uniformly curved at these points. To see if it is curved up \ or down, check a second partial derivative:" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["D[f[x,y],x,x] /. {x->1, y->1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(6\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Positive means curved up at ", StyleBox["{1,1}", "Input"], ", so ", StyleBox["f[x,y]", "Input"], " has a local minimum at ", StyleBox["{1,1}.", "Input"] }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["D[f[x,y],x,x] /. {x->-1, y->-1}", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(-6\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Negative means curved down at ", StyleBox["{-1,-1}", "Input"], ", so ", StyleBox["f[x,y]", "Input"], " has a local maximum at ", StyleBox["{-1,-1}.", "Input"] }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Plot3D[f[x,y], {x,-2,2}, {y,-2,2}, BoxRatios->{1,1,1},ViewPoint->{2.560, 2.094, 0.713}]\ \>", "Input"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .90361 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { 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.90361 m 1 .87996 L s 1 .87996 m .971 .2194 L s .971 .2194 m .47123 .33975 L s .03146 .18669 m .56907 0 L s .56907 0 m .57384 .83567 L s .57384 .83567 m 0 .87345 L s 0 .87345 m .03146 .18669 L s .47123 .33975 m .46914 .90361 L s .46914 .90361 m 0 .87345 L s 0 .87345 m .03146 .18669 L s .03146 .18669 m .47123 .33975 L s .971 .2194 m .56907 0 L s .56907 0 m .57384 .83567 L s .57384 .83567 m 1 .87996 L s 1 .87996 m .971 .2194 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .90361 L 0 .90361 L closepath clip newpath .5 Mabswid .449 0 0 r .47031 .58716 .50174 .60482 .47511 .60554 .44366 .57511 Metetra .614 .08 0 r .44366 .57511 .47511 .60554 .44778 .59438 .41641 .55302 Metetra .743 .252 0 r .41641 .55302 .44778 .59438 .41977 .57491 .38855 .52451 Metetra .838 .381 0 r .38855 .52451 .41977 .57491 .3911 .55089 .36005 .49335 Metetra .892 .468 .135 r .36005 .49335 .3911 .55089 .36169 .52627 .33085 .46344 Metetra .905 .516 .269 r .33085 .46344 .36169 .52627 .33146 .50514 .30083 .43886 Metetra .885 .532 .372 r .30083 .43886 .33146 .50514 .30025 .49181 .2698 .42383 Metetra .846 .526 .446 r .2698 .42383 .30025 .49181 .26786 .49083 .23754 .42286 Metetra .799 .508 .497 r .23754 .42286 .26786 .49083 .234 .50711 .20372 .44084 Metetra .748 .483 .53 r .20372 .44084 .234 .50711 .1983 .54609 .16794 .48318 Metetra .698 .455 .552 r .16794 .48318 .1983 .54609 .16027 .61396 .12969 .55612 Metetra .651 .426 .565 r .12969 .55612 .16027 .61396 .11929 .718 .08829 .66707 Metetra .605 .396 .572 r .08829 .66707 .11929 .718 .07454 .86707 .04287 .8251 Metetra .682 .387 .468 r .04287 .8251 .07454 .86707 .03355 .87124 0 .87345 Metetra .26 .766 .863 r .50174 .60482 .53395 .59952 .50748 .61303 .47511 .60554 Metetra .024 .543 .864 r .47511 .60554 .50748 .61303 .48021 .61288 .44778 .59438 Metetra 0 .292 .727 r .44778 .59438 .48021 .61288 .45219 .60253 .41977 .57491 Metetra .471 0 0 r .41977 .57491 .45219 .60253 .42344 .58571 .3911 .55089 Metetra .676 .153 0 r .3911 .55089 .42344 .58571 .39393 .56635 .36169 .52627 Metetra .801 .308 0 r .36169 .52627 .39393 .56635 .3636 .54858 .33146 .50514 Metetra .836 .396 .182 r .33146 .50514 .3636 .54858 .33231 .53672 .30025 .49181 Metetra .812 .428 .327 r .30025 .49181 .33231 .53672 .29989 .53535 .26786 .49083 Metetra .762 .427 .419 r .26786 .49083 .29989 .53535 .26608 .54939 .234 .50711 Metetra .705 .411 .476 r .234 .50711 .26608 .54939 .23055 .58425 .1983 .54609 Metetra .649 .388 .511 r .1983 .54609 .23055 .58425 .19284 .64604 .16027 .61396 Metetra .597 .362 .531 r .16027 .61396 .19284 .64604 .15239 .74188 .11929 .718 Metetra .549 .335 .542 r .11929 .718 .15239 .74188 .10874 .87174 .07454 .86707 Metetra .266 0 0 r .07454 .86707 .10874 .87174 .06804 .86897 .03355 .87124 Metetra .637 .962 .809 r .53395 .59952 .56678 .57444 .54061 .60067 .50748 .61303 Metetra .544 .899 .973 r .50748 .61303 .54061 .60067 .51353 .61151 .48021 .61288 Metetra .369 .749 .989 r .48021 .61288 .51353 .61151 .48562 .6103 .45219 .60253 Metetra .159 .584 .934 r .45219 .60253 .48562 .6103 .45691 .60068 .42344 .58571 Metetra 0 .405 .816 r .42344 .58571 .45691 .60068 .4274 .58654 .39393 .56635 Metetra .38 0 0 r .39393 .56635 .4274 .58654 .39706 .57201 .3636 .54858 Metetra .613 .044 0 r .3636 .54858 .39706 .57201 .36577 .5614 .33231 .53672 Metetra .695 .2 .065 r .33231 .53672 .36577 .5614 .3334 .5593 .29989 .53535 Metetra .676 .269 .266 r .29989 .53535 .3334 .5593 .29973 .57061 .26608 .54939 Metetra .625 .288 .379 r .26608 .54939 .29973 .57061 .26444 .60069 .23055 .58425 Metetra .571 .285 .443 r .23055 .58425 .26444 .60069 .22713 .65554 .19284 .64604 Metetra .519 .271 .479 r .19284 .64604 .22713 .65554 .18729 .74208 .15239 .74188 Metetra .471 .246 .49 r .15239 .74188 .18729 .74208 .14422 .86857 .10874 .87174 Metetra .188 .712 .863 r .10874 .87174 .14422 .86857 .10353 .86663 .06804 .86897 Metetra .717 .944 .64 r .56678 .57444 .6001 .53311 .57436 .57191 .54061 .60067 Metetra .744 .99 .882 r .54061 .60067 .57436 .57191 .5476 .59367 .51353 .61151 Metetra .66 .917 .977 r .51353 .61151 .5476 .59367 .5199 .60155 .48562 .6103 Metetra .541 .821 .998 r .48562 .6103 .5199 .60155 .49134 .5991 .45691 .60068 Metetra .407 .737 .992 r .45691 .60068 .49134 .5991 .46193 .59013 .4274 .58654 Metetra .241 .659 .961 r .4274 .58654 .46193 .59013 .43165 .57871 .39706 .57201 Metetra 0 .542 .836 r .39706 .57201 .43165 .57871 .40045 .56916 .36577 .5614 Metetra .287 0 0 r .36577 .5614 .40045 .56916 .3682 .56604 .3334 .5593 Metetra .443 0 0 r .3334 .5593 .3682 .56604 .33471 .57421 .29973 .57061 Metetra .463 .061 .19 r .29973 .57061 .33471 .57421 .29973 .59896 .26444 .60069 Metetra .439 .119 .325 r .26444 .60069 .29973 .59896 .26289 .64615 .22713 .65554 Metetra .405 .14 .396 r .22713 .65554 .26289 .64615 .22371 .72251 .18729 .74208 Metetra .369 .144 .435 r .18729 .74208 .22371 .72251 .18158 .83593 .14422 .86857 Metetra .761 .909 .941 r .14422 .86857 .18158 .83593 .14005 .86423 .10353 .86663 Metetra .657 .844 .439 r .6001 .53311 .63381 .47925 .60863 .53047 .57436 .57191 Metetra .786 .988 .743 r .57436 .57191 .60863 .53047 .5823 .56305 .5476 .59367 Metetra .778 .98 .909 r .5476 .59367 .5823 .56305 .55494 .57997 .5199 .60155 Metetra .705 .911 .967 r .5199 .60155 .55494 .57997 .52662 .58464 .49134 .5991 Metetra .624 .849 .985 r .49134 .5991 .52662 .58464 .49738 .58077 .46193 .59013 Metetra .544 .813 .996 r .46193 .59013 .49738 .58077 .46726 .57238 .43165 .57871 Metetra .455 .804 .998 r .43165 .57871 .46726 .57238 .4362 .56373 .40045 .56916 Metetra .315 .785 .931 r .40045 .56916 .4362 .56373 .40412 .55934 .3682 .56604 Metetra .3682 .56604 .40412 .55934 .37087 .56403 .33471 .57421 Metetra .131 0 0 r .33471 .57421 .37087 .56403 .33622 .58301 .29973 .59896 Metetra .217 0 .118 r .29973 .59896 .33622 .58301 .29987 .62201 .26289 .64615 Metetra .238 0 .266 r .26289 .64615 .29987 .62201 .26139 .6875 .22371 .72251 Metetra .234 .002 .343 r .22371 .72251 .26139 .6875 .22022 .78703 .18158 .83593 Metetra .827 1 .802 r .18158 .83593 .22022 .78703 .17765 .86175 .14005 .86423 Metetra .63381 .47925 .66787 .41674 .64337 .48021 .60863 .53047 Metetra .713 .911 .554 r .60863 .53047 .64337 .48021 .61759 .52353 .5823 .56305 Metetra .803 1 .814 r .5823 .56305 .61759 .52353 .59065 .54946 .55494 .57997 Metetra .777 .962 .926 r .55494 .57997 .59065 .54946 .56266 .56122 .52662 .58464 Metetra .717 .902 .962 r .52662 .58464 .56266 .56122 .53368 .56242 .49738 .58077 Metetra .662 .863 .976 r .49738 .58077 .53368 .56242 .50377 .55699 .46726 .57238 Metetra .619 .858 .988 r .46726 .57238 .50377 .55699 .4729 .54912 .4362 .56373 Metetra .578 .886 .991 r .4362 .56373 .4729 .54912 .44103 .54329 .40412 .55934 Metetra .501 .905 .914 r .40412 .55934 .44103 .54329 .40805 .54426 .37087 .56403 Metetra .37087 .56403 .40805 .54426 .37376 .55715 .33622 .58301 Metetra .33622 .58301 .37376 .55715 .33791 .58753 .29987 .62201 Metetra .015 0 .074 r .29987 .62201 .33791 .58753 .30012 .64167 .26139 .6875 Metetra .068 0 .218 r .26139 .6875 .30012 .64167 .2599 .72676 .22022 .78703 Metetra .22022 .78703 .2599 .72676 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