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Do this is by evaluating the statement"], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["Needs[\"Calculus`Advanced`\"]"], "Input", InitializationCell->True, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "Note: the notation ", StyleBox["i", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["j", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["k", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " for the standard unit vectors is avoided since it conflicts too easily \ with variables named ", StyleBox["i", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["j", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["k", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " in Mathematica. A vector is always represented by a list of numbers or \ expressions:" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["v = {1,2,3}; w = {4,5};"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["r[t_] = {t, t^2, t^3};"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData["Vector"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function ", StyleBox["Vector[v0,v1] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "creates a thick line segment from ", StyleBox["v0 ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "to ", StyleBox["v1", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " as a ", StyleBox["Graphics3D", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " object which can be used to plot vectors.\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Show[{Vector[{0,0,0}, {1,2,3}], Vector[{0,0,0}, {-2,3,-1}]}, Axes->Automatic, 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1000=Goo000YOol40004Ool20008Ool00e[FOomoo`0GOol4000EOol2000ROol002Yoo`03001oogoo 00Ioo`8000Ioo`03F]Ioogoo019oo`H001Moo`04001oogoo000QOol002]oo`03001oogoo00Ioo`80 00Eoo`03F]Ioogoo00eoo`03001oo`0000<001aoo`04001oogoo000QOol002aoo`03001oogoo00Mo o`8000=oo`03F]Ioogoo00Qoo`03001oogoo00@0021oo`04001oogoo000QOol002Uoo`04001oogoo 000:Ool20002Ool00e[FOomoo`07Ool4000TOol01000Oomoo`008Goo000ZOol2000=Ool200000e[F Ool00003Ool4000YOol2000ROol003Yoo`03001JeWoo00@001Eoo`<003Uoo`00>goo0P006Woo00<0 07ooOol0>7oo001@Ool50002Ool00`00Oomoo`0hOol005Moo`03001oogoo03Qoo`00Egoo00<007oo Ool0>7oo000hOol30002Ool4000EOol2000jOol003]oo`04001oogoo001COol003Moo`D000=oo`03 001oogoo051oo`00>Goo0P001Goo00<007ooOol0Cgoo000kOol00`00Ool00002Ool00`00Oomoo`1? Ool003Qoo`<000=oo`80059oo`00TWoo002BOol0099oo`00TWoo0000\ \>"], ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 145}, {188, 0}} -> {0.0572945, -0.0366629, 0.00576216, 0.00576216}}], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ The Unformatted text for this cell was not generated. Use options in the Actions Preferences dialog box to control when Unformatted text is generated.\ \>", "\<\ -Graphics3D-\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Norm"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function", StyleBox[" Norm[v] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "calculates the norm (or the length) of a vector ", StyleBox["v", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\nExample:" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Norm[{1,2,3}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 14^(1/2)\ \>", "\<\ Sqrt[14]\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"], " Find the speed of a particle whose position function is" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["r[t_] = {t, t^2, t^3};"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "And find the distance travelled by the particle from time ", StyleBox["t = 0", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " to ", StyleBox["t = 1", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "\n", StyleBox["Solution:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["speed[t_] = Norm[r'[t]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ (1 + 4*t^2 + 9*t^4)^(1/2)\ \>", "\<\ 2 4 Sqrt[1 + 4 t + 9 t ]\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["dist = Integrate[ speed[t], {t, 0, 1} ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 14^(1/2)/3 + (2*Integrate[(1 + 2*t^2)/ (1 + 4*t^2 + 9*t^4)^(1/2), {t, 0, 1}])/3\ \>", "\<\ 2 1 + 2 t 2 Integrate[---------------------, {t, 0, 1}] 2 4 Sqrt[14] Sqrt[1 + 4 t + 9 t ] -------- + --------------------------------------------- 3 3\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The decimal approximation is given by the function ", StyleBox["N[]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["N[dist]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 1.8630229825128\ \>", "\<\ 1.86302\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Pr"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function ", StyleBox["Pr[v,w] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "computes the projection of the vector ", StyleBox["v", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " onto the vector ", StyleBox["w", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Pr[{1,2,3},{4,5,6}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {128/77, 160/77, 192/77}\ \>", "\<\ 128 160 192 {---, ---, ---} 77 77 77\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Cross"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function ", StyleBox["Cross[v,w]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " computes the cross product of the 3-dimensional vectors ", StyleBox["v", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " and ", StyleBox["w", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Cross[{1,2,3},{4,5,6}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {-3, 6, -3}\ \>", "\<\ {-3, 6, -3}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function", StyleBox[" Grad[f] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "computes the gradient of a function", StyleBox[" f", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ". The default variables are ", StyleBox["x", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["y", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " and ", StyleBox["z.\n\nExample:", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad[ x^2 + y^2 + z^2 ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {2*x, 2*y, 2*z}\ \>", "\<\ {2 x, 2 y, 2 z}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[ "To use other variables, just include them as a second argument to the \ function.\n(See the section on Vars for setting the default variables.)\n\n\ Example:"], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad[ u^3 - v^3, {u,v} ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {3*u^2, -3*v^2}\ \>", "\<\ 2 2 {3 u , -3 v }\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad[ x^2 + y^2, {x,y} ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {2*x, 2*y}\ \>", "\<\ {2 x, 2 y}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "\n", StyleBox["Example: ", FontWeight->"Bold"], "Find the equation of the plane tangent to the unit sphere at the point" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["p = {1/3,2/3,2/3};"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Solution:", FontWeight->"Bold"], " The normal vector is given by the gradient of the equation of the sphere \ evaluated at the point ", StyleBox["p", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[ "n = Grad[x^2 + y^2 + z^2] /. {x->1/3, y->2/3, z->2/3}"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {2/3, 4/3, 4/3}\ \>", "\<\ 2 4 4 {-, -, -} 3 3 3\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData["The equation of the tangent plane is"], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["n.{x,y,z} == n.p"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ (2*x)/3 + (4*y)/3 + (4*z)/3 == 2\ \>", "\<\ 2 x 4 y 4 z --- + --- + --- == 2 3 3 3\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Vars"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "If you will be working with a particular set of variables, say only ", StyleBox["x", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " and ", StyleBox["y", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " instead of ", StyleBox["x", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["y", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", and ", StyleBox["z", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", then you can change what the default variables are by setting the ", StyleBox["Vars", "Input"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad[ x^2 + y^2 ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {2*x, 2*y, 0}\ \>", "\<\ {2 x, 2 y, 0}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The gradient is a 3-dimensional vector because 3 variables ", StyleBox["x", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["y", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", and ", StyleBox["z", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " are assumed.\n\nTo set the default variables to just ", StyleBox["x", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " and ", StyleBox["y", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Vars = {x,y}"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {x, y}\ \>", "\<\ {x, y}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad[ x^2 + y^2 ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {2*x, 2*y}\ \>", "\<\ {2 x, 2 y}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[ "Remember, you can always specify the variables in any function that relies \ on them:"], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Grad[u^2 + v^2, {u,v}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {2*u, 2*v}\ \>", "\<\ {2 u, 2 v}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[ "Be sure to reset Vars if you move onto three variable problems."], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Vars = {x,y,z}"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {x, y, z}\ \>", "\<\ {x, y, z}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["CriticalPoints"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function", StyleBox[" CriticalPoints[f] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "gives the critical points of the function ", StyleBox["f", "Input"], " in its natural domain by solving the equations", StyleBox[" D[f,x] == 0 ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "and", StyleBox[" D[f,y] == 0", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["f[x_,y_] = x^2 - 3 x y + y^3;"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["CriticalPoints[f[x,y]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {{x -> 9/4, y -> 3/2}, {x -> 0, y -> 0}}\ \>", "\<\ 9 3 {{x -> -, y -> -}, {x -> 0, y -> 0}} 4 2\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "This answer means that the points ", StyleBox["{9/4, 3/2}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " and ", StyleBox["{0,0}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " are critical points. Mathematica uses this format so that the results can \ be substituted into other expressions like ", StyleBox["Discriminant[f[x,y]]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", see the following section." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "To use ", StyleBox["CriticalPoints[]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " with functions of other variables, just mention those variables as a \ second argument or reset ", StyleBox["Vars", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " as usual.\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["cp = CriticalPoints[u^2 v - v^3 + v, {u, v} ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ {{u -> 0, v -> 3^(-1/2)}, {u -> 0, v -> -3^(-1/2)}, {u -> I, v -> 0}, {u -> -I, v -> 0}}\ \>", "\<\ 1 1 {{u -> 0, v -> -------}, {u -> 0, v -> -(-------)}, {u -> I, v -> 0}, Sqrt[3] Sqrt[3] {u -> -I, v -> 0}}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Answers can be converted to decimal approximations with the function ", StyleBox["N[]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " :" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["N[cp]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ {{u -> 0., v -> 0.5773502691896258}, {u -> 0., v -> \ -0.5773502691896258}, {u -> 1.*I, v -> 0.}, {u -> -1.*I, v -> 0.}}\ \>", "\<\ {{u -> 0., v -> 0.57735}, {u -> 0., v -> -0.57735}, {u -> 1. I, v -> \ 0.}, {u -> -1. I, v -> 0.}}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "You should ignore solutions which are complex numbers (those with the \ symbol ", StyleBox["I=Sqrt[-1]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " in them)." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Discriminant"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function ", StyleBox["Discriminant[f]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " calculates the quantity", StyleBox[" f", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox["xx", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->"Subscript"}], StyleBox[" f", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox["yy", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->"Subscript"}], StyleBox[" - (f", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox["xy", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->"Subscript"}], StyleBox[")^2 ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "used in determining whether a critical point is a saddle point or a local \ max/min.\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"], "" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["f[x_,y_] = x^2 - 3x y + y^3;"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["d = Discriminant[f[x,y]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ -9 + 12*y\ \>", "\<\ -9 + 12 y\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["cp = CriticalPoints[f[x,y]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {{x -> 9/4, y -> 3/2}, {x -> 0, y -> 0}}\ \>", "\<\ 9 3 {{x -> -, y -> -}, {x -> 0, y -> 0}} 4 2\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData["Evaluate the discriminant at the critical points:"], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["d /. cp"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {9, -9}\ \>", "\<\ {9, -9}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "This shows that the second critical point", StyleBox[" {0,0} ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "is a saddle point since", StyleBox[" d < 0", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ". The first point ", StyleBox["{9/4, 3/2} ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "is either a local max or local min since", StyleBox[" d > 0", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ". We look at the second derivative in any direction to determine which." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["D[f[x,y],{x,2}] /. {x->9/4, y->3/2}"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 2\ \>", "\<\ 2\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Positive means curved up, so", StyleBox[" {9/4, 3/2} ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "is a local min of ", StyleBox["f", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "To use", StyleBox[" Discriminant[] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "with functions of other variables, just mention those variables as a \ second argument or reset ", StyleBox["Vars", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " as usual (see the section on", StyleBox[" ", FontFamily->"Courier"], StyleBox["Vars", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ").\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox["", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Discriminant[ Cos[u v], {u,v} ]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ u^2*v^2*Cos[u*v]^2 - (-(u*v*Cos[u*v]) - Sin[u*v])^2\ \>", "\<\ 2 2 2 2 u v Cos[u v] - (-(u v Cos[u v]) - Sin[u v])\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Lagrange"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function", StyleBox[" Lagrange[f, g==c] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "computes the critical points of the function ", StyleBox["f", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " under the constraint ", StyleBox["g == c", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"], " Find the maximum and minimum of the function" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["f[x_,y_] = x^2 - 3 x y + y^3;"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["on the unit circle."], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "\n", StyleBox["Solution:", FontWeight->"Bold"], "" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["lp = Lagrange[f[x,y], x^2 + y^2 == 1]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ {ToRules[Roots[2*lambda == -70 - 108*y + 178*y^2 + 165*y^3 - 36*y^4 + \ 54*y^5, lambda, Using -> Roots[3*x == 54 + 70*y - 129*y^2 - 106*y^3 + 21*y^4 - 36*y^5, x, Using -> Roots[-40*y^2 + 12*y^3 + 31*y^4 - 12*y^5 + 9*y^6 == -9, y]]]]}\ \ \>", "\<\ 2 3 4 \ 5 {ToRules[Roots[2 lambda == -70 - 108 y + 178 y + 165 y - 36 y + 54 y , lambda, Using -> 2 3 4 5 Roots[3 x == 54 + 70 y - 129 y - 106 y + 21 y - 36 y , x, 2 3 4 5 6 Using -> Roots[-40 y + 12 y + 31 y - 12 y + 9 y == -9, \ y]]]]}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "To get numerical approximations for this answer apply the function", StyleBox[" N[] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["N[lp]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ {{lambda -> -2.079213266048797, x -> -0.4379388572612773, y -> -0.899004759331485}, {lambda -> 1.862176943202197, x -> 0.866986980334528, y -> -0.4983307896672842}, {lambda -> 1.07712786382308 - 1.373674370120286*I, x -> -2.221907951905981 - 0.5926295958284982*I, y -> 0.6569674004710488 - 2.004313167689302*I}, {lambda -> 1.07712786382308 + 1.373674370120286*I, x -> -2.221907951905981 + 0.5926295958284982*I, y -> 0.6569674004710488 + 2.004313167689302*I}, {lambda -> -0.4744634494031175, x -> 0.713151197237103, y -> 0.701010249482487}, {lambda -> 2.537244044603341, x -> -0.698383416498307, y -> 0.7157238319075172}}\ \>", "\<\ {{lambda -> -2.07921, x -> -0.437939, y -> -0.899005}, {lambda -> 1.86218, x -> 0.866987, y -> -0.498331}, {lambda -> 1.07713 - 1.37367 I, x -> -2.22191 - 0.59263 I, y -> 0.656967 - 2.00431 I}, {lambda -> 1.07713 + 1.37367 I, x -> -2.22191 + 0.59263 I, y -> 0.656967 + 2.00431 I}, {lambda -> -0.474463, x -> 0.713151, y -> 0.70101}, {lambda -> 2.53724, x -> -0.698383, y -> 0.715724}}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Evaluate", StyleBox[" f[x,y] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "at these points:" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["f[x,y] /. N[lp]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {-1.715921146773415, 1.924053076699357, 4.894176672575971 - 4.101998346128415*I, 4.894176672575971 + 4.101998346128415*I, -0.6467070549222782, 2.353925483545836}\ \>", "\<\ {-1.71592, 1.92405, 4.89418 - 4.102 I, 4.89418 + 4.102 I, -0.646707, \ 2.35393}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The maximum value is", StyleBox[" 1.924 ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "and the minimum value is", StyleBox[" -1.716 ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "(we ignore the other answers since they are complex numbers)." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Curl"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function", StyleBox[" Curl[F] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "calculates the curl of a vector-valued function", StyleBox[" F", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["F[x_,y_,z_] = {x^2 y, z^3 x, z^3};"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Curl[F[x,y,z]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {-3*x*z^2, 0, -x^2 + z^3}\ \>", "\<\ 2 2 3 {-3 x z , 0, -x + z }\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ " ", StyleBox["Curl[F[x,y,z]] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "always returns a 3-dimensional vector. The variables can be changed to 3 \ other variables as usual:" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Curl[{u v, v w, w u}, {u,v,w}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {-v, -w, -u}\ \>", "\<\ {-v, -w, -u}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Curl[] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "can be used with two dimensional vectors if the third coordinate is \ assumed to be 0:" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Curl[{x^2 - y^2, 2 x y, 0}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ {0, 0, 4*y}\ \>", "\<\ {0, 0, 4 y}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Div"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "The function", StyleBox[" Div[F] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "calculates the divergence of a vector valued function ", StyleBox["F", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["F[x_,y_,z_] = {x^2 y, z^3 x, z^3};"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Div[F[x,y,z]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 2*x*y + 3*z^2\ \>", "\<\ 2 2 x y + 3 z\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Other variables can be used instead of ", StyleBox["x", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["y", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["z", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " as usual (see the section on ", StyleBox["Vars", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " above):" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Div[{u v, v w, w u}, {u,v,w}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ u + v + w\ \>", "\<\ u + v + w\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "We can verify the theorem that", StyleBox[" Div[Curl[F]] == 0 ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "for any vector function", StyleBox[" F ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "by substituting general expressions for the components of", StyleBox[" F", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["Clear[p,q,r]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Curl[{p[x,y,z], q[x,y,z], r[x,y,z]}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData[ "\<\ {-Derivative[0, 0, 1][q][x, y, z] + Derivative[0, 1, 0][r][x, y, z], Derivative[0, 0, 1][p][x, y, z] - Derivative[1, 0, 0][r][x, y, z], -Derivative[0, 1, 0][p][x, y, z] + Derivative[1, 0, 0][q][x, y, z]}\ \>", "\<\ (0,0,1) (0,1,0) {-q [x, y, z] + r [x, y, z], (0,0,1) (1,0,0) p [x, y, z] - r [x, y, z], (0,1,0) (1,0,0) -p [x, y, z] + q [x, y, z]}\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Div[Curl[{p[x,y,z], q[x,y,z], r[x,y,z]}]]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 0\ \>", "\<\ 0\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Example: ", FontWeight->"Bold"], "Calculate the flux of the vector function" }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData["F[x,y,z] = { x y, y z, z x };"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "through the surface of the unit cube ", StyleBox["0 <= x, y, z <= 1", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ "\n", StyleBox["Solution:", FontWeight->"Bold"], " The flux is the integral of", StyleBox[" F[x,y,z].n ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "over the surface of the cube where ", StyleBox["n", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " is the unit normal vector to the cube. By the Divergence Theorem this \ surface integral equals the triple integral of", StyleBox[" Div[F[x,y,z]] ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "over the volume of the cube." }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[ "flux = Integrate[Div[F[x,y,z]], {z,0,1}, {y,0,1}, {x,0,1}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[OutputFormData["\<\ 3/2\ \>", "\<\ 3 - 2\ \>"], "Output", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["VectorField"], "Subsection", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["VectorField[F,{x,x0,x1},{y,x0,y1}]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " plots the 2-dimensional vector field", StyleBox[" F ", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], "on a grid of points ", StyleBox["{x,y}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " where ", StyleBox["x0 <= x <= x1", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " and ", StyleBox["y0 <= y <= y1", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ". \n", StyleBox["VectorField[F, {x, x0, x1, dx}, {y, y0, y1, dy}]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " will space the grid points ", StyleBox["{dx,dy}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " apart. Options are passed to ", StyleBox["Show[]", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["Example:", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[ "VectorField[{x/5,y/5}, {x,-10,10,2}, {y,-10,10,2},\n\t\ AxesLabel->{\"x\",\"y\"}]"], "Input", AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.039683 0.5 0.039683 [ [(-10)] 0.10317 0.5 0 2 Msboxa [(-5)] 0.30159 0.5 0 2 Msboxa [(5)] 0.69841 0.5 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] 0.89683 0.5 0 2 Msboxa [(x)] 1.025 0.5 -1 0 Msboxa [(-10)] 0.4875 0.10317 1 0 Msboxa [(-5)] 0.4875 0.30159 1 0 Msboxa [(5)] 0.4875 0.69841 1 0 Msboxa [(10)] 0.4875 0.89683 1 0 Msboxa [(y)] 0.5 1 0 -4 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 1.001 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath %%Object: Graphics [ ] 0 setdash 0 setgray gsave 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grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.34127 moveto 0.50375 0.34127 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.38095 moveto 0.50375 0.38095 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.42063 moveto 0.50375 0.42063 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.46032 moveto 0.50375 0.46032 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.53968 moveto 0.50375 0.53968 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.57937 moveto 0.50375 0.57937 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.61905 moveto 0.50375 0.61905 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.65873 moveto 0.50375 0.65873 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.7381 moveto 0.50375 0.7381 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.77778 moveto 0.50375 0.77778 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.81746 moveto 0.50375 0.81746 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.85714 moveto 0.50375 0.85714 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.06349 moveto 0.50375 0.06349 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.02381 moveto 0.50375 0.02381 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.93651 moveto 0.50375 0.93651 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.5 0.97619 moveto 0.50375 0.97619 lineto stroke grestore [(y)] 0.5 1 0 -4 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0.5 0 moveto 0.5 1 lineto stroke grestore grestore 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto closepath clip newpath gsave gsave gsave gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.10317 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.10317 moveto 0.02381 0.02381 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.18254 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.18254 moveto 0.02381 0.11905 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.2619 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.2619 moveto 0.02381 0.21429 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.34127 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.10317 0.34127 moveto 0.02381 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0.42063 0.65873 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.65873 moveto 0.40476 0.69048 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.7381 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.7381 moveto 0.40476 0.78571 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.81746 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.81746 moveto 0.40476 0.88095 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.89683 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.42063 0.89683 moveto 0.40476 0.97619 lineto stroke grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.5 0.10317 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.5 0.10317 moveto 0.5 0.02381 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.5 0.18254 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.5 0.18254 moveto 0.5 0.11905 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.5 0.2619 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.5 0.2619 moveto 0.5 0.21429 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.5 0.34127 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.5 0.34127 moveto 0.5 0.30952 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.5 0.42063 Mdot 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lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.2619 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.2619 moveto 0.59524 0.21429 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.34127 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.34127 moveto 0.59524 0.30952 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.42063 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.42063 moveto 0.59524 0.40476 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.5 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.5 moveto 0.59524 0.5 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.57937 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.57937 moveto 0.59524 0.59524 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.65873 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.65873 moveto 0.59524 0.69048 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.7381 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.7381 moveto 0.59524 0.78571 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.81746 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.57937 0.81746 moveto 0.59524 0.88095 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0.6779 0.85579 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.6779 0.85579 moveto 0.63812 0.87568 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.6779 0.94474 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.6779 0.94474 moveto 0.6366 0.96126 lineto stroke grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.05526 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.05526 moveto 0.80498 0.07814 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.14421 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.14421 moveto 0.80242 0.17089 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.23315 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.23315 moveto 0.79829 0.2646 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.3221 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.3221 moveto 0.79152 0.35911 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.41105 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.41105 moveto 0.78091 0.45324 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.015 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.5 Mdot 0.004 setlinewidth 0.76685 0.5 moveto 0.76685 0.54447 lineto stroke grestore gsave 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