\problem A model rocket having initial mass $m_0$~kg is launched vertically from the ground. The rocket expels gas at a constant rate of $\alpha$ kg/sec and at a constant velocity $\beta$~m/sec relative to the rocket, providing an upward force of $\alpha\beta$. The rocket's mass is given by $m = m_0 - \alpha t$ at $t$ seconds after launch. Assume that the force of gravity is $-mg$ where $g = 10\ {\rm m}/{\rm sec}^2$ and that there are no frictional forces. Use Newton's second law to derive a differential equation for the velocity $v$ and solve this equation for $0 < t < m_0/\alpha$. \correct $v = -g t - \beta\ln(1 - {\alpha\over m_0} t)$ \wrong $v = ({\alpha\beta\over m} - g)t$ \wrong $v = -{1\over 2}g t^2 - {\alpha\beta\over m_0} t$ \wrong $v =-(m_0t - {1\over2}\alpha t^2)g + \alpha\beta t$ \wrong $v = -g t + \beta\ln(m_0 - \alpha t)$