This directory contains the following material from the 226 course I taught in fall 1998: General Information -- This is all in html format (taken from my webpage) and contains things like homework assignments, grading policies, textbook info, a short topical syllabus, etc, etc. Note that the links to mathematica notebooks now lead nowhere. Nonetheless, see below. Quizzes -- almost all of them. Mathematica demonstrations -- These are the ones I used in class, but in all fairness, I think that there are better ones out there. John Derwent and Dennis Snow both have more evolved classroom demonstrations, and much of mine is simply taken from theirs. Note that this directory does not contain exams -- those are in 22698f.01. Since we gave the same exams in both sections, it'd be redundant to include them here. Let me know if you'd like some help making sense of any of this. I'd be happy to help out. Jeff Diller