Math 226, Section 02, Fall `98

Classroom Mathematica Demonstrations

(You will be able to download these shortly after I present them in class)

Downloading from this page: open the demo in your browser, then select "Save as..." from the "File" menu. You will be prompted for a file name. Pick any name you like as long as it ends in ".nb" Also, make sure to choose a good directory to put the file in. Then click "save". Once the file is saved, open it using Mathematica.

Downloading from AFS: go to the afs directory "". You should find copies of the worksheets there under names like "demo1.1.nb", where the "1.1" refers to the corresponding section in the textbook. Copy whichever worksheet you like into one of your own directories and then open it with Mathematica. I haven't tried it yet, but you might be able to open the worksheet from the AFS course folder directly (without copying).

Credits: I would like to thank Heide Gluessing-Luersson and John Derwent for providing me with copies of their classroom demos. The demos listed above are mostly due to them.

The End: If you like, you can go up one page, or go to Jeff Diller's Home Page.