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The main \ difference is that my method returns a function whereas the book's returns a \ table of values. You should also compare results obtained with Euler's \ method with results obtained using the Runge-Kutta method. \ \>", "Text"], Cell["Problem 1.", "Subsection"], Cell["Problem 4.", "Subsection"], Cell["Problem 12.", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Problem 15.", "Subsection"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TextForm\`And\ finally, \ here' s\ a\ problem\ that\ doesn' t\ come\ from\ the\ \(book : \)\)], "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Quadratic Version of Euler's Method", "Subsection"], Cell[BoxData[{ FormBox[ \(Euler' s\ method\ for\ approximating\ solutions\ of\), TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", \(y' \((x)\)\ = \ f \((x, y)\), \ \ \ \ \ y \((x\_0)\)\ = \ y\_0\)}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ \(works\ by\ assuming\ that\ y\ is\ approximately\ linear\ on\ small\ intervals . Describe\ a\ variation\ on\), " "}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ \(Euler'\), "s", " ", "method", " ", "that", " ", "works", " ", "by", " ", "assuming", " ", "that", " ", "y", " ", "is", " ", StyleBox["quadratic", FontSlant->"Italic"], StyleBox[" ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "on", " ", "small", " ", \(intervals . \ Implement\)}], " "}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ "this", " ", "new", " ", "method", " ", "as", " ", "a", " ", "Mathematica", " ", "command", " ", "called", " ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["QuadMethod", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".", " ", "Use"}], " ", "my", " ", StyleBox["EulerMethod", FontWeight->"Bold"]}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"and", " ", \((especially)\), " ", StyleBox["RKMethod", FontWeight->"Bold"], " ", "commands", " ", "as", " ", "models", " ", "for", " ", "syntax"}], ",", " ", \(etc . \ \ When\ you\ get\ your\)}], " "}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["QuadMethod", FontWeight->"Bold"], " ", "command", " ", "working"}], ",", " ", \(try\ to\ answer\ the\ following\ questions\ by\ applying\ the \)}], " "}], TextForm], FormBox[ \(command\ in\ specific\ examples \((e . g . \ the\ y'\ = \ y, \ y \((0)\)\ = \ 1\ example; \ \ also\ try\ y'\ = \ 3 y/x, \n y \((1)\)\ = \ 1\ to\ check\ that\ your\ method\ works\ for\ non - autonomous\ ODE' s . \n\t\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \((a)\)\ How\ do\ local\ and\ global\ truncation\ errors\ depend\ on\ h?\ \ That\ is, \ are\ they\ about\ \n\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ equal\ to\ Ch?\ to\ \(Ch\^2\)?\ \ etc . \n\t\t\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \((b)\)\ Does\ the\ new \ method\ work\ better\ or\ worse\ than\ Euler' s\ \ \ method?\ \ than\ the\ Runge - \n\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Kutta\ \(method?\)\ \)\), TextForm]}], "Text"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"X 3.0", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 1024}}, WindowSize->{520, 600}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 346}, {86, Automatic}} ] (*********************************************************************** Cached data follows. 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