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What, by the way, are its eigenvalues and eigenvectors here?\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = {{1, 1}, {1, \(-1\)}}\ . {{2, 0}, {0, 4}} . Inverse[{{1, 1}, {1, \(-1\)}}]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({{3, \(-1\)}, {\(-1\), 3}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Now we plot the direction field for A. Unlike direction fields for \ single ODE's, direction fields for systems suppress the time variable. This \ gives us an extra dimension for plotting the dependent variables, but it \ limits us to autonomous ODE's\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(directions\ = \ RHS[x1, x2]\ \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({3\ x1 - x2, \(-x1\) + 3\ x2}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[directions, {x1, \(-3\), 3}, {x2, \(-3\), 3}, \ Axes -> \ True, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 15]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.138913 0.5 0.138913 [ [.08326 -0.0125 -6 -9 ] [.08326 -0.0125 6 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PostScript .26186 .08326 m .24507 .02615 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -3. -1.83521 -3.41116 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .1428 m .23841 .08807 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.57143 -1.88311 -2.96535 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .20233 m .2299 .1521 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.14286 -1.94438 -2.50443 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .26186 m .21977 .21977 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.71429 -2.01733 -2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .3214 m .20982 .29249 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.28571 -2.08892 -1.49385 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .38093 m .20349 .36926 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.857143 -2.13453 -0.941193 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .44047 m .20257 .44586 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.428571 -2.1411 -0.38977 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .5 m .20538 .51883 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0 -2.12086 0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .55953 m .20945 .58776 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.428571 -2.09163 0.631757 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .61907 m .21342 .65367 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.857143 -2.06303 1.10624 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .6786 m .21687 .71759 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.28571 -2.03815 1.5664 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .73814 m .21977 .78023 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.71429 -2.01733 2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .79767 m .22217 .84204 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.14286 -2.00005 2.46225 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .8572 m .22416 .90328 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.57143 -1.98567 2.90312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .26186 .91674 m .22584 .96414 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 3. -1.97361 3.34121 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .08326 m .31482 .02409 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -3. -1.33304 -3.42595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .1428 m .30972 .08442 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.57143 -1.36976 -2.99168 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .20233 m .30257 .14585 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.14286 -1.42124 -2.54944 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .26186 m .29249 .20982 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.71429 -1.49385 -2.08892 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .3214 m .2793 .2793 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.28571 -1.58876 -1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .38093 m .26668 .35748 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.857143 -1.67963 -1.02597 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .44047 m .26186 .44047 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.428571 -1.71429 -0.428571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .5 m .26492 .51883 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0 -1.69229 0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .55953 m .27035 .59016 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.428571 -1.65321 0.64907 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .61907 m .27532 .65677 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.857143 -1.61741 1.12853 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .6786 m .2793 .7207 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.28571 -1.58876 1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .73814 m .28241 .78313 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.71429 -1.5664 2.03815 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .79767 m .28485 .84466 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.14286 -1.54883 2.48115 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .8572 m .28679 .90565 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.57143 -1.53482 2.92017 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3214 .91674 m .28837 .96627 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 3. -1.52344 3.35659 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .08326 m .38406 .02381 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -3. -0.834618 -3.42798 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .1428 m .38093 .08326 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.57143 -0.857143 -3. MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .20233 m .37637 .14297 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.14286 -0.890013 -2.57017 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .26186 m .36926 .20349 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.71429 -0.941193 -2.13453 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .3214 m .35748 .26668 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.28571 -1.02597 -1.67963 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .38093 m .33883 .33883 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.857143 -1.16019 -1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .44047 m .32255 .42879 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.428571 -1.27739 -0.512621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .5 m .32445 .51883 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0 -1.26372 0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .55953 m .33249 .59414 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.428571 -1.20589 0.677674 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .61907 m .33883 .66117 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.857143 -1.16019 1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .6786 m .34323 .72468 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.28571 -1.12853 1.61741 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .73814 m .34633 .78658 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.71429 -1.10624 2.06303 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .79767 m .34859 .84765 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.14286 -1.08996 2.50267 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .8572 m .3503 .90825 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.57143 -1.07764 2.93893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38093 .91674 m .35164 .96857 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 3. -1.06802 3.3731 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .08326 m .45214 .02488 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -3. -0.344522 -3.42025 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .1428 m .45081 .08417 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.57143 -0.354092 -2.99348 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .20233 m .44889 .14339 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.14286 -0.367962 -2.56712 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .26186 m .44586 .20257 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.71429 -0.38977 -2.1411 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .3214 m .44047 .26186 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.28571 -0.428571 -1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .38093 m .42879 .32255 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.857143 -0.512621 -1.27739 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .44047 m .39837 .39837 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.428571 -0.731617 -0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .5 m .38399 .51883 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0 -0.83515 0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .55953 m .39837 .60163 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.428571 -0.731617 0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .61907 m .40586 .66751 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.857143 -0.677674 1.20589 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .6786 m .40984 .72965 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.28571 -0.64907 1.65321 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .73814 m .41224 .79055 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.71429 -0.631757 2.09163 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .79767 m .41384 .85092 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.14286 -0.620234 2.52618 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .8572 m .41498 .91101 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.57143 -0.612037 2.95874 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44047 .91674 m .41583 .97094 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 3. -0.605916 3.39016 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .08326 m .51883 .02678 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -3. 0.135526 -3.40658 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .1428 m .51883 .08632 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.57143 0.135526 -2.97801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .20233 m .51883 .14585 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.14286 0.135526 -2.54944 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .26186 m .51883 .20538 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.71429 0.135526 -2.12086 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .3214 m .51883 .26492 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.28571 0.135526 -1.69229 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .38093 m .51883 .32445 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.857143 0.135526 -1.26372 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .44047 m .51883 .38399 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.428571 0.135526 -0.83515 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .5 m .5 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0 MAarrowzero1 % End of user PostScript .5 .55953 m .48117 .61601 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.428571 -0.135526 0.83515 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .61907 m .48117 .67555 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.857143 -0.135526 1.26372 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .6786 m .48117 .73508 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.28571 -0.135526 1.69229 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .73814 m .48117 .79462 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.71429 -0.135526 2.12086 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .79767 m .48117 .85415 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.14286 -0.135526 2.54944 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .8572 m .48117 .91368 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.57143 -0.135526 2.97801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .91674 m .48117 .97322 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 3. -0.135526 3.40658 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .08326 m .58417 .02906 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -3. 0.605916 -3.39016 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .1428 m .58502 .08899 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.57143 0.612037 -2.95874 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .20233 m .58616 .14908 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.14286 0.620234 -2.52618 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .26186 m .58776 .20945 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.71429 0.631757 -2.09163 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .3214 m .59016 .27035 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.28571 0.64907 -1.65321 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .38093 m .59414 .33249 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.857143 0.677674 -1.20589 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .44047 m .60163 .39837 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.428571 0.731617 -0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .5 m .61601 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0 0.83515 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .55953 m .60163 .60163 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.428571 0.731617 0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .61907 m .57121 .67745 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.857143 0.512621 1.27739 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .6786 m .55953 .73814 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.28571 0.428571 1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .73814 m .55414 .79743 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.71429 0.38977 2.1411 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .79767 m .55111 .85661 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.14286 0.367962 2.56712 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .8572 m .54919 .91583 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.57143 0.354092 2.99348 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55953 .91674 m .54786 .97512 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 3. 0.344522 3.42025 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .08326 m .64836 .03143 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -3. 1.06802 -3.3731 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .1428 m .6497 .09175 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.57143 1.07764 -2.93893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .20233 m .65141 .15235 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.14286 1.08996 -2.50267 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .26186 m .65367 .21342 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.71429 1.10624 -2.06303 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .3214 m .65677 .27532 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.28571 1.12853 -1.61741 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .38093 m .66117 .33883 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.857143 1.16019 -1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .44047 m .66751 .40586 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.428571 1.20589 -0.677674 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .5 m .67555 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0 1.26372 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .55953 m .67745 .57121 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.428571 1.27739 0.512621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .61907 m .66117 .66117 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.857143 1.16019 1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .6786 m .64252 .73332 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.28571 1.02597 1.67963 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .73814 m .63074 .79651 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.71429 0.941193 2.13453 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .79767 m .62363 .85703 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.14286 0.890013 2.57017 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .8572 m .61907 .91674 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.57143 0.857143 3. MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61907 .91674 m .61594 .97619 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 3. 0.834618 3.42798 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .08326 m .71163 .03373 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -3. 1.52344 -3.35659 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .1428 m .71321 .09435 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.57143 1.53482 -2.92017 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .20233 m .71515 .15534 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.14286 1.54883 -2.48115 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .26186 m .71759 .21687 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.71429 1.5664 -2.03815 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .3214 m .7207 .2793 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.28571 1.58876 -1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .38093 m .72468 .34323 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.857143 1.61741 -1.12853 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .44047 m .72965 .40984 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.428571 1.65321 -0.64907 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .5 m .73508 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0 1.69229 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .55953 m .73814 .55953 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.428571 1.71429 0.428571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .61907 m .73332 .64252 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.857143 1.67963 1.02597 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .6786 m .7207 .7207 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.28571 1.58876 1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .73814 m .70751 .79018 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.71429 1.49385 2.08892 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .79767 m .69743 .85415 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.14286 1.42124 2.54944 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .8572 m .69028 .91558 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.57143 1.36976 2.99168 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6786 .91674 m .68518 .97591 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 3. 1.33304 3.42595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .08326 m .77416 .03586 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -3. 1.97361 -3.34121 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .1428 m .77584 .09672 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.57143 1.98567 -2.90312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .20233 m .77783 .15796 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.14286 2.00005 -2.46225 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .26186 m .78023 .21977 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.71429 2.01733 -2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .3214 m .78313 .28241 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.28571 2.03815 -1.5664 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .38093 m .78658 .34633 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.857143 2.06303 -1.10624 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .44047 m .79055 .41224 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.428571 2.09163 -0.631757 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .5 m .79462 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0 2.12086 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .55953 m .79743 .55414 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.428571 2.1411 0.38977 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .61907 m .79651 .63074 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.857143 2.13453 0.941193 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .6786 m .79018 .70751 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.28571 2.08892 1.49385 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .73814 m .78023 .78023 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.71429 2.01733 2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .79767 m .7701 .8479 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.14286 1.94438 2.50443 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .8572 m .76159 .91193 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.57143 1.88311 2.96535 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .73814 .91674 m .75493 .97385 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 3. 1.83521 3.41116 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .08326 m .83613 .03781 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -3. 2.41969 -3.32717 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .1428 m .83781 .09883 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.57143 2.43183 -2.88792 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .20233 m .83977 .16023 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.14286 2.4459 -2.4459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .26186 m .84204 .22217 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.71429 2.46225 -2.00005 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .3214 m .84466 .28485 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.28571 2.48115 -1.54883 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .38093 m .84765 .34859 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.857143 2.50267 -1.08996 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .44047 m .85092 .41384 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.428571 2.52618 -0.620234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .5 m .85415 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0 2.54944 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .55953 m .85661 .55111 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.428571 2.56712 0.367962 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .61907 m .85703 .62363 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.857143 2.57017 0.890013 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .6786 m .85415 .69743 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.28571 2.54944 1.42124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .73814 m .8479 .7701 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.71429 2.50443 1.94438 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .79767 m .83977 .83977 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.14286 2.4459 2.4459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .8572 m .83156 .90615 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.57143 2.3868 2.9238 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79767 .91674 m .82429 .96999 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 3. 2.33452 3.38333 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .08326 m .89765 .03958 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -3. 2.8626 -3.31447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .1428 m .8993 .1007 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.57143 2.87447 -2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .20233 m .90117 .16219 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.14286 2.88792 -2.43183 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .26186 m .90328 .22416 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.71429 2.90312 -1.98567 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .3214 m .90565 .28679 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.28571 2.92017 -1.53482 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .38093 m .90825 .3503 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.857143 2.93893 -1.07764 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .44047 m .91101 .41498 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.428571 2.95874 -0.612037 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .5 m .91368 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0 2.97801 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .55953 m .91583 .54919 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.428571 2.99348 0.354092 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .61907 m .91674 .61907 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.857143 3. 0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .6786 m .91558 .69028 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.28571 2.99168 1.36976 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .73814 m .91193 .76159 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.71429 2.96535 1.88311 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .79767 m .90615 .83156 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.14286 2.9238 2.3868 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .8572 m .8993 .8993 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.57143 2.87447 2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8572 .91674 m .89241 .96475 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 3. 2.82487 3.3456 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .08326 m .95884 .04116 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -3. 3.30305 -3.30305 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .1428 m .96042 .10235 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.57143 3.31447 -2.8626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .20233 m .96219 .16387 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.14286 3.32717 -2.41969 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .26186 m .96414 .22584 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.71429 3.34121 -1.97361 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .3214 m .96627 .28837 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.28571 3.35659 -1.52344 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .38093 m .96857 .35164 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.857143 3.3731 -1.06802 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .44047 m .97094 .41583 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.428571 3.39016 -0.605916 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .5 m .97322 .48117 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0 3.40658 -0.135526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91674 .55953 m 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\(x2'\)[t]\ == \ Part[rhs, 2], \n \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x1[0]\ == \ a, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x2[0]\ == \ b}\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["x1", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "t", "]"}], "==", \(3\ x1[t] - x2[t]\)}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["x2", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "t", "]"}], "==", \(\(-x1[t]\) + 3\ x2[t]\)}], ",", \(x1[0] == a\), ",", \(x2[0] == b\)}], "}"}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DSolve[ivp, {x1[t], x2[t]}, t]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({{x1[t] \[Rule] \(-E\^\(2\ t\)\)\ \((1\/2\ \((\(-a\) - b)\) + 1\/2\ \((\(-a\) + b)\)\ E\^\(2\ t\)) \), x2[t] \[Rule] E\^\(2\ t\)\ \((\(a + b\)\/2 + 1\/2\ \((\(-a\) + b)\)\ E\^\(2\ t\))\)}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(soln[t_, a_, b_]\ = \ Expand[{x1[t], x2[t]} /. First[%]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({1\/2\ a\ E\^\(2\ t\) + 1\/2\ b\ E\^\(2\ t\) + 1\/2\ a\ E\^\(4\ t\) - 1\/2\ b\ E\^\(4\ t\), 1\/2\ a\ E\^\(2\ t\) + 1\/2\ b\ E\^\(2\ t\) - 1\/2\ a\ E\^\(4\ t\) + 1\/2\ b\ E\^\(4\ t\)}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Table[\n\t\t\tsoln[t, .01*Cos[angle], .01*Sin[angle]], \n \t\t\t{angle, 0, 2*Pi, .05*Pi}]], \n \t\ \ \ \ \ {t, \(-1.5\), 1.5}, AspectRatio -> Automatic]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .96948 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.490858 18.2315 0.49025 18.2315 [ [.12623 .47775 -15 -9 ] [.12623 .47775 15 0 ] [.30854 .47775 -15 -9 ] [.30854 .47775 15 0 ] [.67317 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0}} -> {-0.0269291, -0.0268905, 0.000191154, 0.000191154}}] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Note that there are two \"straight line\" solutions corresponding \ to the two eigenvectors of A and that other solutions tend to diverge from \ one of the lines and become parallel to the other. Given any particular \ solution curve, the previous plot does not provide any information about which way the solution moves as t increases. On the other hand you can figure this out by looking at the direction \ field.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Example 2: Saddle Point (A has real eigenvalues of opposite sign)\ \ \>", "Subsubsection", FontSize->24], Cell["Same eigenvectors, different eigenvalues:", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = {{1, 1}, {2, \(-2\)}}\ . {{ .6, 0}, {0, \(- .7\)}} . Inverse[{{1, 1}, {2, \(-2\)}}]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({{\(-0.0499999999999999911`\), 0.324999999999999955`}, { 1.29999999999999982`, \(-0.0499999999999999911`\)}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["The direction field:", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(directions\ = \ RHS[x1, x2]\ \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({\(-0.0499999999999999911`\)\ x1 + 0.324999999999999955`\ x2, 1.29999999999999982`\ x1 - 0.0499999999999999911`\ x2}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[directions, {x1, \(-3\), 3}, {x2, \(-3\), 3}, \ Axes -> \ True, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 15]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } 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lineto stroke } ifelse grestore } def /MAarrowzero1 { gsave mathtops translate 0 0 Mdot grestore } def % End of user PostScript .0001 w .03799 .08211 m .02381 .02381 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -3. -3.09208 -3.41856 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .14181 m .02618 .08308 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -2.57143 -3.07667 -2.99309 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .20151 m .02858 .14242 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -2.14286 -3.06111 -2.56705 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .26121 m .03099 .20185 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -1.71429 -3.04549 -2.14044 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .32091 m .03339 .26135 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -1.28571 -3.02986 -1.71324 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .3806 m .03579 .32094 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -0.857143 -3.01428 -1.28548 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .4403 m .03817 .3806 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -0.428571 -2.99882 -0.857141 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .5 m .04053 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 0 -2.98353 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .5597 m .04285 .50016 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 0.428571 -2.96847 0.00116142 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .6194 m .04512 .56005 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 0.857143 -2.95369 0.431081 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .67909 m .04735 .62 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 1.28571 -2.93923 0.861473 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .73879 m .04952 .68001 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 1.71429 -2.92513 1.2923 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .79849 m .05163 .74008 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 2.14286 -2.91143 1.72354 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .85819 m .05368 .8002 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 2.57143 -2.89814 2.15514 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .03799 .91789 m .05566 .86037 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 3. -2.8853 2.58706 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .08211 m .08708 .02441 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -3. -2.68125 -3.41426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .14181 m .08981 .08351 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -2.57143 -2.66351 -2.98999 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .20151 m .09258 .14271 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -2.14286 -2.64551 -2.56498 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .26121 m .09538 .20202 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -1.71429 -2.62734 -2.13919 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .32091 m .09819 .26144 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -1.28571 -2.6091 -1.71263 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .3806 m .101 .32097 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -0.857143 -2.59089 -1.28527 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .4403 m .10378 .3806 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -0.428571 -2.57281 -0.857141 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .5 m .10653 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0 -2.55496 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .5597 m .10923 .50019 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.428571 -2.53741 0.00135193 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .6194 m .11187 .56013 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.857143 -2.52026 0.431637 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .67909 m .11444 .62015 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.28571 -2.50356 0.86255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .73879 m .11694 .68025 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.71429 -2.48738 1.29404 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .79849 m .11934 .74043 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 2.14286 -2.47175 1.72604 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .85819 m .12166 .80067 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 2.57143 -2.45672 2.15849 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .10399 .91789 m .12388 .86096 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 3. -2.44231 2.59134 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .08211 m .14935 .02541 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -3. -2.27689 -3.40707 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .14181 m .15254 .08424 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -2.57143 -2.25619 -2.98474 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .20151 m .15581 .14321 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -2.14286 -2.23494 -2.56142 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .26121 m .15914 .20232 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -1.71429 -2.21331 -2.13703 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .32091 m .16251 .26159 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -1.28571 -2.19147 -1.71152 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .3806 m .16588 .32102 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -0.857143 -2.16959 -1.28488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .4403 m .16923 .38061 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -0.428571 -2.14784 -0.857114 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .5 m .17253 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0 -2.12639 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .5597 m .17577 .50023 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.428571 -2.10538 0.00164189 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .6194 m .17891 .56025 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.857143 -2.08495 0.432501 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .67909 m .18195 .62038 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.28571 -2.06522 0.864234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .73879 m .18487 .68063 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.71429 -2.04626 1.29674 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .79849 m .18766 .74097 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.14286 -2.02815 1.72992 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .85819 m .19031 .80139 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.57143 -2.01093 2.16367 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .16999 .91789 m .19282 .86187 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 3. -1.99463 2.59788 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .08211 m .21003 .02723 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -3. -1.88286 -3.39402 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .14181 m .2138 .08559 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.57143 -1.85843 -2.97503 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .20151 m .21774 .14414 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.14286 -1.83285 -2.5547 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .26121 m .22181 .2029 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.71429 -1.80637 -2.13285 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .32091 m .22598 .2619 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.28571 -1.7793 -1.70933 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .3806 m .23019 .32114 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.857143 -1.75195 -1.28406 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .4403 m .23439 .38062 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.428571 -1.72468 -0.857017 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .5 m .23853 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0 -1.69781 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .5597 m .24256 .5003 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.428571 -1.67164 0.00212692 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .6194 m .24645 .56045 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.857143 -1.64642 0.433979 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .67909 m .25015 .62079 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.28571 -1.62235 0.86712 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .73879 m .25366 .68127 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.71429 -1.59958 1.30135 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .79849 m .25695 .74188 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.14286 -1.5782 1.73647 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .85819 m .26002 .80259 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.57143 -1.55825 2.17227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23599 .91789 m .26288 .86336 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 3. -1.53974 2.60858 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .08211 m .2681 .03089 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -3. -1.50583 -3.36773 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .14181 m .27248 .08842 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.57143 -1.47738 -2.95475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .20151 m .27727 .14616 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.14286 -1.44629 -2.54021 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .26121 m .28241 .2042 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.71429 -1.41292 -2.12354 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .32091 m .28781 .2626 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.28571 -1.3778 -1.70428 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .3806 m .29339 .32142 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.857143 -1.34162 -1.28205 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .4403 m .299 .38067 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.428571 -1.30517 -0.856701 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .5 m .30453 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0 -1.26924 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .5597 m .30988 .50043 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.428571 -1.23455 0.00306554 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .6194 m .31494 .56086 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.857143 -1.20166 0.436894 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .67909 m .31966 .62157 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.28571 -1.17101 0.872778 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .73879 m .324 .68251 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.71429 -1.14282 1.31024 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .79849 m .32795 .7436 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.14286 -1.11718 1.74882 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .85819 m .33151 .80479 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.57143 -1.09405 2.1881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .302 .91789 m .33471 .86604 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 3. -1.07332 2.62776 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .08211 m .32212 .03919 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -3. -1.15501 -3.30814 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .14181 m .32663 .09529 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.57143 -1.12575 -2.90538 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .20151 m .33207 .15143 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.14286 -1.09044 -2.50236 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .26121 m .33848 .20781 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.71429 -1.04881 -2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .32091 m .3458 .26469 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.28571 -1.00129 -1.68932 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .3806 m .35382 .3223 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.857143 -0.949226 -1.2757 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .4403 m .3622 .38083 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.428571 -0.894812 -0.855484 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .5 m .37053 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0 -0.840672 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .5597 m .37845 .50075 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.428571 -0.789277 0.00540753 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .6194 m .38566 .56188 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.857143 -0.742438 0.444207 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .67909 m .39203 .62349 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.28571 -0.701109 0.886557 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .73879 m .39751 .6854 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.71429 -0.66548 1.33096 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .79849 m .40217 .74742 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.14286 -0.635227 1.77621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .85819 m .4061 .80944 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.57143 -0.609756 2.22147 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .368 .91789 m .40939 .87139 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 3. -0.588383 2.66617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .08211 m .3733 .05867 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -3. -0.822719 -3.16829 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .14181 m .37559 .11401 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.57143 -0.807822 -2.77103 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .20151 m .37908 .16839 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.14286 -0.785164 -2.38059 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .26121 m .38445 .22177 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.71429 -0.750306 -1.99741 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .32091 m .39263 .27439 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.28571 -0.697182 -1.61966 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .3806 m .40448 .32721 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.857143 -0.620234 -1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .4403 m .41982 .382 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.428571 -0.520655 -0.847133 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .5 m .43654 .44035 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0 -0.4121 -0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .5597 m .45166 .50218 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.428571 -0.313867 0.0156352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .6194 m .46352 .566 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.857143 -0.236908 0.473817 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .67909 m .4721 .63035 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.28571 -0.181185 0.935753 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .73879 m .47815 .69442 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.71429 -0.141872 1.39573 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .79849 m .48244 .75794 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.14286 -0.114016 1.85178 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .85819 m .48554 .8209 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.57143 -0.0939134 2.3037 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .434 .91789 m .48782 .88334 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 3. -0.0790684 2.75197 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .08211 m .43477 .09119 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -3. -0.423588 -2.93483 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .14181 m .43477 .15089 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.57143 -0.423588 -2.50626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .20151 m .43477 .21059 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.14286 -0.423588 -2.07769 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .26121 m .43477 .27029 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.71429 -0.423588 -1.64912 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .32091 m .43477 .32998 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.28571 -0.423588 -1.22055 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .3806 m .43477 .38968 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.857143 -0.423588 -0.791975 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .4403 m .43477 .44938 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.428571 -0.423588 -0.363404 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .5 m .5 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0 MAarrowzero1 % End of user PostScript .5 .5597 m .56523 .55062 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.428571 0.423588 0.363404 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .6194 m .56523 .61032 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.857143 0.423588 0.791975 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .67909 m .56523 .67002 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.28571 0.423588 1.22055 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .73879 m .56523 .72971 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.71429 0.423588 1.64912 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .79849 m .56523 .78941 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.14286 0.423588 2.07769 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .85819 m .56523 .84911 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.57143 0.423588 2.50626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .91789 m .56523 .90881 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 3. 0.423588 2.93483 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .08211 m .51218 .11666 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -3. 0.0790684 -2.75197 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .14181 m .51446 .1791 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.57143 0.0939134 -2.3037 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .20151 m .51756 .24206 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.14286 0.114016 -1.85178 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .26121 m .52185 .30558 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.71429 0.141872 -1.39573 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .32091 m .5279 .36965 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.28571 0.181185 -0.935753 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .3806 m .53648 .434 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.857143 0.236908 -0.473817 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .4403 m .54834 .49782 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.428571 0.313867 -0.0156352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .5 m .56346 .55965 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0 0.4121 0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .5597 m .58018 .618 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.428571 0.520655 0.847133 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .6194 m .59552 .67279 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.857143 0.620234 1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .67909 m .60737 .72561 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.28571 0.697182 1.61966 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .73879 m .61555 .77823 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.71429 0.750306 1.99741 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .79849 m .62092 .83161 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.14286 0.785164 2.38059 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .85819 m .62441 .88599 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.57143 0.807822 2.77103 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .566 .91789 m .6267 .94133 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 3. 0.822719 3.16829 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .08211 m .59061 .12861 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -3. 0.588383 -2.66617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .14181 m .5939 .19056 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.57143 0.609756 -2.22147 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .20151 m .59783 .25258 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.14286 0.635227 -1.77621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .26121 m .60249 .3146 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.71429 0.66548 -1.33096 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .32091 m .60797 .37651 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.28571 0.701109 -0.886557 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .3806 m .61434 .43812 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.857143 0.742438 -0.444207 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .4403 m .62155 .49925 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.428571 0.789277 -0.00540753 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .5 m .62947 .55965 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0 0.840672 0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .5597 m .6378 .61917 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.428571 0.894812 0.855484 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .6194 m .64618 .6777 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.857143 0.949226 1.2757 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .67909 m .6542 .73531 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.28571 1.00129 1.68932 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .73879 m .66152 .79219 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.71429 1.04881 2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .79849 m .66793 .84857 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.14286 1.09044 2.50236 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .85819 m .67337 .90471 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.57143 1.12575 2.90538 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .632 .91789 m .67788 .96081 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 3. 1.15501 3.30814 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .08211 m .66529 .13396 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -3. 1.07332 -2.62776 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .14181 m .66849 .19521 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.57143 1.09405 -2.1881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .20151 m .67205 .2564 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.14286 1.11718 -1.74882 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .26121 m .676 .31749 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.71429 1.14282 -1.31024 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .32091 m .68034 .37843 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.28571 1.17101 -0.872778 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .3806 m .68506 .43914 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.857143 1.20166 -0.436894 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .4403 m .69012 .49957 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.428571 1.23455 -0.00306554 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .5 m .69547 .55965 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0 1.26924 0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .5597 m .701 .61933 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.428571 1.30517 0.856701 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .6194 m .70661 .67858 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.857143 1.34162 1.28205 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .67909 m .71219 .7374 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.28571 1.3778 1.70428 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .73879 m .71759 .7958 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.71429 1.41292 2.12354 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .79849 m .72273 .85384 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.14286 1.44629 2.54021 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .85819 m .72752 .91158 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.57143 1.47738 2.95475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .698 .91789 m .7319 .96911 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 3. 1.50583 3.36773 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .08211 m .73712 .13664 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -3. 1.53974 -2.60858 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .14181 m .73998 .19741 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.57143 1.55825 -2.17227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .20151 m .74305 .25812 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.14286 1.5782 -1.73647 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .26121 m .74634 .31873 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.71429 1.59958 -1.30135 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .32091 m .74985 .37921 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.28571 1.62235 -0.86712 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .3806 m .75355 .43955 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.857143 1.64642 -0.433979 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .4403 m .75744 .4997 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.428571 1.67164 -0.00212692 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .5 m .76147 .55965 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0 1.69781 0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .5597 m .76561 .61938 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.428571 1.72468 0.857017 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .6194 m .76981 .67886 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.857143 1.75195 1.28406 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .67909 m .77402 .7381 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.28571 1.7793 1.70933 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .73879 m .77819 .7971 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.71429 1.80637 2.13285 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .79849 m .78226 .85586 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.14286 1.83285 2.5547 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .85819 m .7862 .91441 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.57143 1.85843 2.97503 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76401 .91789 m .78997 .97277 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 3. 1.88286 3.39402 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .08211 m .80718 .13813 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -3. 1.99463 -2.59788 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .14181 m .80969 .19861 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.57143 2.01093 -2.16367 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .20151 m .81234 .25903 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.14286 2.02815 -1.72992 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .26121 m .81513 .31937 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.71429 2.04626 -1.29674 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .32091 m .81805 .37962 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.28571 2.06522 -0.864234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .3806 m .82109 .43975 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.857143 2.08495 -0.432501 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .4403 m .82423 .49977 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.428571 2.10538 -0.00164189 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .5 m .82747 .55965 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0 2.12639 0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .5597 m .83077 .61939 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.428571 2.14784 0.857114 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .6194 m .83412 .67898 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.857143 2.16959 1.28488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .67909 m .83749 .73841 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.28571 2.19147 1.71152 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .73879 m .84086 .79768 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.71429 2.21331 2.13703 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .79849 m .84419 .85679 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.14286 2.23494 2.56142 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .85819 m .84746 .91576 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.57143 2.25619 2.98474 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .83001 .91789 m .85065 .97459 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 3. 2.27689 3.40707 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .89601 .08211 m .87612 .13904 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -3. 2.44231 -2.59134 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .89601 .14181 m .87834 .19933 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.57143 2.45672 -2.15849 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .89601 .20151 m .88066 .25957 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.14286 2.47175 -1.72604 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .89601 .26121 m 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-1.71429 2.92513 -1.2923 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .32091 m .95265 .38 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.28571 2.93923 -0.861473 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .3806 m .95488 .43995 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.857143 2.95369 -0.431081 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .4403 m .95715 .49984 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.428571 2.96847 -0.00116142 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .5 m .95947 .55965 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0 2.98353 0.428255 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .5597 m .96183 .6194 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0.428571 2.99882 0.857141 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .6194 m .96421 .67906 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0.857143 3.01428 1.28548 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .67909 m .96661 .73865 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 1.28571 3.02986 1.71324 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96201 .73879 m .96901 .79815 L s % Start of user 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0.0499999999999999911`\ x2[t]}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(ivp\ = \ {\(x1'\)[t]\ == \ First[rhs], \ \(x2'\)[t]\ == \ Part[rhs, 2], \n \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x1[0]\ == \ a, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x2[0]\ == \ b}\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["x1", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "t", "]"}], "==", \(\(-0.0499999999999999911`\)\ x1[t] + 0.324999999999999955`\ x2[t]\)}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["x2", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "t", "]"}], "==", \(1.29999999999999982`\ x1[t] - 0.0499999999999999911`\ x2[t]\)}], ",", \(x1[0] == a\), ",", \(x2[0] == b\)}], "}"}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(DSolve[ivp, {x1[t], x2[t]}, t]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({{x1[t] \[Rule] \(-0.5`15\)\ \((2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(\(-0.70000000000000006661338148`15\)\ t\)\ \((\(-0.99999999999999988897769754`15\)\ a + 0.5`15\ b)\) - 1.`15\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(0.59999999999999997779553951`15\ t\)\ \((0.9999999999999999316785831`15\ a + 0.5`15\ b)\))\), x2[t] \[Rule] 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(\(-0.70000000000000006661338148`15\)\ t\)\ \((\(-0.99999999999999988897769754`15\)\ a + 0.5`15\ b)\) + 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(0.59999999999999997779553951`15\ t\)\ \((0.9999999999999999316785831`15\ a + 0.5`15\ b)\)}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(soln[t_, a_, b_]\ = \ Expand[{x1[t], x2[t]} /. First[%]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({0.49999999999999994448884877`14.699\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(\(-0.70000000000000006661338148`15\)\ t\)\ a + 0.49999999999999991032814032`14.5229\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(0.59999999999999997779553951`15\ t\)\ a - 0.25`14.699\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(\(-0.70000000000000006661338148`15\)\ t\)\ b + 0.24999999999999997224442438`14.5229\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(0.59999999999999997779553951`15\ t\)\ b, \(-0.99999999999999988897769754`15\)\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(\(-0.70000000000000006661338148`15\)\ t\)\ a + 0.9999999999999999316785831`15\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(0.59999999999999997779553951`15\ t\)\ a + 0.5`15\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(\(-0.70000000000000006661338148`15\)\ t\)\ b + 0.5`15\ 2.71828182845904523536028747`15 \^\(0.59999999999999997779553951`15\ t\)\ b}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Flatten[ Table[\n\t\t\tsoln[t, a, b], \n \t\t\t{a, \(-4\), 4, 1}, {b, \(-4\), 4}], 1]], \n \t\ \ \ \ \ {t, \(-2\), 2}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, \n PlotRange -> {{\(-4\), 4}, {\(-4\), 4}}]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.125 0.5 0.125 [ [0 .4875 -6 -9 ] [0 .4875 6 0 ] [.125 .4875 -6 -9 ] [.125 .4875 6 0 ] [.25 .4875 -6 -9 ] [.25 .4875 6 0 ] [.375 .4875 -6 -9 ] [.375 .4875 6 0 ] [.625 .4875 -3 -9 ] [.625 .4875 3 0 ] [.75 .4875 -3 -9 ] [.75 .4875 3 0 ] [.875 .4875 -3 -9 ] [.875 .4875 3 0 ] [1 .4875 -3 -9 ] [1 .4875 3 0 ] [.4875 0 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 0 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .125 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 .125 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .25 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 .25 0 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.94921 L .27262 .89261 L .29396 .84351 L .31374 .7964 L .33025 .75532 L .34399 .71928 L .35652 .68418 L .36671 .65309 L .37491 .62532 L .38206 .59768 L .3875 .57262 L .39182 .54729 L .39344 .53504 L .39464 .52387 L .39551 .51321 L .39588 .5073 L .39615 .50197 L .39626 .49921 L .39635 .49629 L .39642 .49378 L .39647 .49109 L .3965 .48958 L .39651 .4882 L .39652 .48754 L .39652 .48682 L .39653 .48614 L .39653 .48551 L .39653 .48478 L .39653 .4841 L .39653 .4837 L .39653 .48335 L .39653 .48295 L .39653 .48254 L .39653 .48216 L .39653 .48176 L .39652 .48104 L .39651 .48017 L .39651 .47939 L .39647 .47667 L .39644 .4753 L .3964 .4738 L .39624 .46864 L .39612 .46574 L .39597 .46263 L .39564 .45699 L .39469 .44509 L .39348 .43373 L .39031 .41179 L .38571 .38779 L Mistroke .38003 .36377 L .37313 .33873 L Mfstroke .25 1 m .27703 .94594 L .30173 .89655 L .3229 .8542 L .34295 .8141 L .36011 .77978 L .37484 .75033 L .38882 .72237 L .40079 .69841 L .41212 .67576 L .4218 .6564 L .43011 .63979 L 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We take a slightly different \ approach. Note that the middle matrix has eigenvalues \[PlusMinus]i. Why \ should A have the same eigenvalues?\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = {{1, 1}, {2, \(-1\)}}\ . {{0, 1}, {\(-1\), 0}} . Inverse[{{1, 1}, {2, \(-1\)}}]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({{1\/3, \(-\(2\/3\)\)}, {5\/3, \(-\(1\/3\)\)}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(directions\ = \ RHS[x1, x2]\ \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({x1\/3 - \(2\ x2\)\/3, \(5\ x1\)\/3 - x2\/3}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[directions, {x1, \(-3\), 3}, {x2, \(-3\), 3}, \ Axes -> \ True, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 15]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.149198 0.5 0.139409 [ [.05241 -0.0125 -6 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user PostScript .11635 .55975 m .10037 .5019 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.428571 -2.67852 0.0135954 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .11635 .61949 m .09728 .56247 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.857143 -2.69926 0.44808 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .11635 .67924 m .0945 .62309 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.28571 -2.71789 0.882946 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .11635 .73899 m .092 .68374 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.71429 -2.73461 1.318 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .11635 .79873 m .08976 .7444 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 2.14286 -2.74961 1.75308 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .11635 .85848 m .08775 .80504 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 2.57143 -2.76309 2.1881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .11635 .91823 m .08594 .86567 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 3. -2.77522 2.62298 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .08177 m .20889 .02833 L s % Start of user PostScript 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PostScript .18029 .55975 m .16367 .50205 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.428571 -2.25427 0.0147361 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .61949 m .16007 .56281 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.857143 -2.27838 0.450564 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .67924 m .15691 .62363 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.28571 -2.29957 0.886821 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .73899 m .15413 .68447 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.71429 -2.31817 1.32321 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .79873 m .15169 .74529 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.14286 -2.33452 1.75953 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .85848 m .14954 .80609 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.57143 -2.34893 2.19565 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .18029 .91823 m .14764 .86685 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 3. -2.36166 2.63149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .08177 m .28322 .03442 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -3. -1.45298 -3.3397 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .14152 m .27596 .08964 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.57143 -1.50165 -2.94353 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .20127 m .26798 .14579 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.14286 -1.55512 -2.54078 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .26101 m .25974 .20305 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.71429 -1.61034 -2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .32076 m .2517 .26142 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.28571 -1.66421 -1.71135 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .38051 m .24423 .32076 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.857143 -1.71429 -1.28571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .44025 m .23754 .38083 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.428571 -1.75915 -0.854788 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .5 m .23169 .44141 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0 -1.79834 -0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .55975 m .22667 .5023 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.428571 -1.83202 0.0164897 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .61949 m .22238 .56334 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.857143 -1.86075 0.454374 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .67924 m .21874 .62445 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.28571 -1.88517 0.892684 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .73899 m .21564 .68555 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.71429 -1.90595 1.33096 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .79873 m .21299 .7466 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.14286 -1.92369 1.76893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .85848 m .21072 .8076 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.57143 -1.9389 2.20643 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .24423 .91823 m .20876 .86852 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 3. -1.95201 2.64341 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .08177 m .35989 .04663 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -3. -0.939113 -3.25207 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .14152 m .35339 .09927 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.57143 -0.982669 -2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .20127 m .34484 .15232 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.14286 -1.03994 -2.49396 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .26101 m .33463 .20662 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.71429 -1.10837 -2.10444 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .32076 m .32368 .2628 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.28571 -1.18177 -1.70149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .38051 m .31308 .32094 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.857143 -1.25284 -1.28445 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .44025 m .30362 .38066 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.428571 -1.31625 -0.856054 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .5 m .29563 .44141 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0 -1.36976 -0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .55975 m .2891 .50272 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.428571 -1.41355 0.0195086 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .61949 m .28383 .56425 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.857143 -1.44889 0.460852 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .67924 m .27958 .6258 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.28571 -1.47738 0.902388 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .73899 m .27614 .68728 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.71429 -1.50044 1.34339 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .79873 m .27333 .74864 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.14286 -1.51928 1.78352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .85848 m .27101 .80986 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.57143 -1.53482 2.22269 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .30817 .91823 m .26908 .87095 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 3. -1.54776 2.66088 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .08177 m .43415 .06728 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -3. -0.441367 -3.10394 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .14152 m .43148 .11933 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.57143 -0.459224 -2.7306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .20127 m .42634 .1696 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.14286 -0.493715 -2.37 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .26101 m .41733 .21877 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.71429 -0.554097 -2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .32076 m .40384 .26888 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.28571 -0.644512 -1.65782 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .38051 m .38762 .32254 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.857143 -0.753199 -1.27292 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .44025 m .37212 .38051 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.428571 -0.857143 -0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .5 m .35958 .44141 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0 -0.941193 -0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .55975 m .35026 .5036 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.428571 -1.0036 0.0258028 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .61949 m .34352 .56605 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.857143 -1.04881 0.473817 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .67924 m .3386 .62836 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.28571 -1.08176 0.920718 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .73899 m .33495 .69037 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.71429 -1.10624 1.36554 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .79873 m .33217 .75208 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.14286 -1.12487 1.8082 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .85848 m .33001 .81352 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.57143 -1.13936 2.2489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37212 .91823 m .32829 .87472 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 3. -1.15087 2.68791 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .08177 m .49926 .09086 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -3. -0.00498356 -2.93483 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .14152 m .49974 .14693 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.57143 -0.00176005 -2.53263 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .20127 m .5 .20127 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.14286 0 -2.14286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .26101 m .49936 .25256 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.71429 -0.00430736 -1.77489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .32076 m .49543 .29857 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.28571 -0.0306528 -1.44488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .38051 m .48127 .33826 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.857143 -0.125526 -1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .44025 m .45157 .38229 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.428571 -0.324628 -0.844347 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .5 m .42352 .44141 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0 -0.512621 -0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .55975 m .40746 .50631 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.428571 -0.620234 0.0452455 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .61949 m .39889 .57088 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.857143 -0.677674 0.5084 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .67924 m .39395 .63428 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.28571 -0.710788 0.963181 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .73899 m .39084 .69674 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.71429 -0.731617 1.41124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .79873 m .38874 .75854 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.14286 -0.745689 1.85457 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .85848 m .38725 .81989 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.57143 -0.755737 2.2946 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .43606 .91823 m .38613 .8809 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 3. -0.763229 2.73227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .08177 m .55719 .10849 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -3. 0.383326 -2.80834 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .14152 m .55719 .16824 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.57143 0.383326 -2.37977 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .20127 m .55719 .22799 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.14286 0.383326 -1.95119 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .26101 m .55719 .28773 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.71429 0.383326 -1.52262 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .32076 m .55719 .34748 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.28571 0.383326 -1.09405 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .38051 m .55719 .40723 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.857143 0.383326 -0.66548 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .44025 m .55719 .46697 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.428571 0.383326 -0.236908 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .5 m .5 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0 MAarrowzero1 % End of user PostScript .5 .55975 m .44281 .53303 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.428571 -0.383326 0.236908 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .61949 m .44281 .59277 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.857143 -0.383326 0.66548 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .67924 m .44281 .65252 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.28571 -0.383326 1.09405 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .73899 m .44281 .71227 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.71429 -0.383326 1.52262 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .79873 m .44281 .77201 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.14286 -0.383326 1.95119 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .85848 m .44281 .83176 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.57143 -0.383326 2.37977 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .91823 m .44281 .89151 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 3. -0.383326 2.80834 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .08177 m .61387 .1191 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -3. 0.763229 -2.73227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .14152 m .61275 .18011 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.57143 0.755737 -2.2946 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .20127 m .61126 .24146 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.14286 0.745689 -1.85457 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .26101 m .60916 .30326 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.71429 0.731617 -1.41124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .32076 m .60605 .36572 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.28571 0.710788 -0.963181 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .38051 m .60111 .42912 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.857143 0.677674 -0.5084 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .44025 m .59254 .49369 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.428571 0.620234 -0.0452455 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .5 m .57648 .55859 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0 0.512621 0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .55975 m .54843 .61771 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.428571 0.324628 0.844347 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .61949 m .51873 .66174 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.857143 0.125526 1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .67924 m .50457 .70143 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.28571 0.0306528 1.44488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .73899 m .50064 .74744 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.71429 0.00430736 1.77489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .79873 m .5 .79873 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.14286 0 2.14286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .85848 m .50026 .85307 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.57143 0.00176005 2.53263 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .56394 .91823 m .50074 .90914 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 3. 0.00498356 2.93483 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .08177 m .67171 .12528 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -3. 1.15087 -2.68791 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .14152 m .66999 .18648 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.57143 1.13936 -2.2489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .20127 m .66783 .24792 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.14286 1.12487 -1.8082 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .26101 m .66505 .30963 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.71429 1.10624 -1.36554 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .32076 m .6614 .37164 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.28571 1.08176 -0.920718 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .38051 m .65648 .43395 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.857143 1.04881 -0.473817 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .44025 m .64974 .4964 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.428571 1.0036 -0.0258028 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .5 m .64042 .55859 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0 0.941193 0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .55975 m .62788 .61949 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.428571 0.857143 0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .61949 m .61238 .67746 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.857143 0.753199 1.27292 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .67924 m .59616 .73112 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.28571 0.644512 1.65782 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .73899 m .58267 .78123 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.71429 0.554097 2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .79873 m .57366 .8304 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.14286 0.493715 2.37 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .85848 m .56852 .88067 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.57143 0.459224 2.7306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62788 .91823 m .56585 .93272 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 3. 0.441367 3.10394 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .08177 m .73092 .12905 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -3. 1.54776 -2.66088 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .14152 m .72899 .19014 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.57143 1.53482 -2.22269 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .20127 m .72667 .25136 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.14286 1.51928 -1.78352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .26101 m .72386 .31272 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.71429 1.50044 -1.34339 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .32076 m .72042 .3742 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.28571 1.47738 -0.902388 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .38051 m .71617 .43575 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.857143 1.44889 -0.460852 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .44025 m .7109 .49728 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.428571 1.41355 -0.0195086 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .5 m .70437 .55859 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0 1.36976 0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .55975 m .69638 .61934 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.428571 1.31625 0.856054 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .61949 m .68692 .67906 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.857143 1.25284 1.28445 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .67924 m .67632 .7372 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.28571 1.18177 1.70149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .73899 m .66537 .79338 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.71429 1.10837 2.10444 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .79873 m .65516 .84768 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.14286 1.03994 2.49396 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .85848 m .64661 .90073 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.57143 0.982669 2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .69183 .91823 m .64011 .95337 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 3. 0.939113 3.25207 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .08177 m .79124 .13148 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -3. 1.95201 -2.64341 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .14152 m .78928 .1924 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.57143 1.9389 -2.20643 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .20127 m .78701 .2534 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.14286 1.92369 -1.76893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .26101 m .78436 .31445 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.71429 1.90595 -1.33096 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .32076 m .78126 .37555 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.28571 1.88517 -0.892684 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .38051 m .77762 .43666 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.857143 1.86075 -0.454374 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .44025 m .77333 .4977 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.428571 1.83202 -0.0164897 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .5 m .76831 .55859 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0 1.79834 0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .55975 m .76246 .61917 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.428571 1.75915 0.854788 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .61949 m .75577 .67924 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.857143 1.71429 1.28571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .67924 m .7483 .73858 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.28571 1.66421 1.71135 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .73899 m .74026 .79695 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.71429 1.61034 2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .79873 m .73202 .85421 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.14286 1.55512 2.54078 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .85848 m .72404 .91036 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.57143 1.50165 2.94353 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .75577 .91823 m .71678 .96558 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 3. 1.45298 3.3397 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .08177 m .85236 .13315 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -3. 2.36166 -2.63149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .14152 m .85046 .19391 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.57143 2.34893 -2.19565 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .20127 m .84831 .25471 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.14286 2.33452 -1.75953 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .26101 m .84587 .31553 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.71429 2.31817 -1.32321 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .32076 m .84309 .37637 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.28571 2.29957 -0.886821 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .38051 m .83993 .43719 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.857143 2.27838 -0.450564 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .44025 m .83633 .49795 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.428571 2.25427 -0.0147361 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .5 m .83225 .55859 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0 2.22691 0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .55975 m .82764 .61903 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.428571 2.19601 0.853833 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .61949 m .82249 .67918 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.857143 2.16147 1.28531 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .67924 m .81681 .73893 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.28571 2.1234 1.71384 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .73899 m .81067 .79813 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.71429 2.08225 2.13855 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .79873 m .8042 .8567 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.14286 2.03891 2.55863 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .85848 m .79761 .91454 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.57143 1.9947 2.97358 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .81971 .91823 m .79111 .97167 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 3. 1.95119 3.38333 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .08177 m .91406 .13433 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -3. 2.77522 -2.62298 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .14152 m .91225 .19496 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.57143 2.76309 -2.1881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .20127 m .91024 .2556 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.14286 2.74961 -1.75308 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .26101 m .908 .31626 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.71429 2.73461 -1.318 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .32076 m .9055 .37691 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.28571 2.71789 -0.882946 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .38051 m .90272 .43753 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.857143 2.69926 -0.44808 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .44025 m .89963 .4981 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.428571 2.67852 -0.0135954 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .5 m .89619 .55859 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0 2.65548 0.420249 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .55975 m .89239 .61893 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.428571 2.62999 0.853123 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .61949 m .88821 .67909 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.857143 2.60196 1.28463 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .67924 m .88365 .73899 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.28571 2.57143 1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .73899 m .87875 .79856 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.71429 2.53856 2.14159 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .79873 m .87355 .85773 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.14286 2.50372 2.56605 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .85848 m .86814 .91644 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.57143 2.46748 2.9872 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .88365 .91823 m .86265 .97466 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 3. 2.43063 3.40478 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .94759 .08177 m .97619 .13521 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -3. 3.19166 -2.61667 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .94759 .14152 m .97448 .19573 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.57143 3.1802 -2.18258 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .94759 .20127 m .97261 .25625 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 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.83483 L .59523 .83669 L .59524 .83839 L .59523 .84025 L .5952 .8422 L .59516 .8439 L .59511 .84547 L .59496 .84902 L .59485 .85086 L .59472 .8528 L .59444 .85624 L .59358 .86389 L .59259 .8703 L .59124 .87715 L .58804 .88908 L .58422 .89937 L .57919 .90953 L .57298 .91884 L .56699 .9256 L .55979 .93166 L .55558 .93437 L .55145 .93651 L .54762 .9381 L .54335 .93944 L .54109 .93999 L .53857 .94047 L .53729 .94066 L .53591 .94084 L .53459 .94097 L .53338 .94105 L .53218 .94111 L .53106 .94115 L .52982 .94115 L .52913 .94114 L .52851 .94113 L .52735 .94108 L .52609 .94101 L .5249 .94091 L .5238 .94079 L .5214 .94047 L .5192 .94009 L .51423 .93894 L Mistroke .50959 .93749 L .50518 .9358 L .49526 .93088 L .48456 .92382 L .46547 .90645 L .44687 .88257 L .43189 .85638 L .42044 .8293 L .41522 .81326 L .41118 .79774 L .40838 .78375 L .40722 .77643 L .40621 .76854 L .40577 .76423 L .40544 .76027 L .40518 .75659 L .40507 .75465 L .40497 .75257 L .4049 .75069 L .40484 .74899 L .4048 .74728 L 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.53124 .9785 L .52973 .97835 L .52702 .97799 L .52408 .97749 L .51782 .97604 L .51089 .97384 L .49682 .96749 L .48381 .95939 L .47185 .95 L .44796 .92515 L .42821 .89713 L .41074 .86411 L .40307 .84579 L .39582 .8249 L .39059 .80626 L .38618 .78601 L .38431 .77485 L .38295 .76467 L .38198 .75501 L .38161 .75019 L .38144 .74746 L .3813 .74495 L .3812 .74263 L .3811 .7401 L .38103 .73756 L .381 .73618 L .38098 .73489 L .38095 .73252 L .38095 .73036 L .38096 .72918 L .38097 .72789 L .38101 .72555 L Mistroke .38106 .72327 L .38113 .72122 L .38135 .71665 L .38162 .71247 L .38194 .70857 L .38296 .69936 L .38421 .69115 L .38593 .68242 L .38813 .67358 L .39274 .65947 L .39885 .64581 L .40569 .63444 L .41275 .62546 L .42166 .61694 L .43065 .61075 L .43561 .60817 L .44126 .60588 L .44418 .60493 L .44736 .60408 L .45018 .60347 L .45175 .60319 L .45324 .60297 L .45468 .60278 L .45625 .60262 L .45769 .6025 L .45902 .60242 L .46027 .60237 L .46166 .60234 L .46312 .60234 L .46449 .60237 L .46526 .6024 L .46611 .60244 L .46765 .60254 L .46916 .60267 L .47057 .60282 L .47376 .60327 L .47718 .6039 L .48356 .60549 L .48959 .60748 L .50343 .61379 L .51566 .62138 L .52835 .63131 L .55014 .65367 L .57126 .68315 L .58821 .71476 L .59648 .73419 L .60321 .75318 L .60827 .77044 L .61275 .78965 L .61605 .8088 L Mistroke .61735 .81921 L .61785 .82419 L .61824 .82889 L .61853 .83317 L .61877 .83782 L .61885 .83986 L .61893 .84202 L .61898 .84406 L .61901 .84589 L .61904 .84822 L .61905 .85034 L .61903 .85267 L .619 .85511 L .61895 .85723 L .61889 .8592 L .61869 .86364 L .61856 .86593 L .6184 .86835 L .61805 .87266 L .61698 .88221 L .61574 .89023 L .61405 .89879 L .61005 .9137 L .60528 .92657 L .59899 .93926 L .59122 .95091 L .58374 .95936 L .57473 .96693 L .56947 .97032 L .56431 .973 L .55953 .97498 L .55419 .97666 L .55137 .97735 L .54822 .97795 L .54661 .97819 L .54488 .9784 L .54324 .97856 L .54173 .97868 L .54022 .97875 L .53882 .97879 L .53728 .9788 L .53642 .97879 L .53563 .97877 L .53418 .97871 L .53261 .97862 L .53112 .97849 L .52975 .97835 L .52675 .97795 L .524 .97747 L .51779 .97603 L Mistroke .51199 .97423 L .50647 .97211 L .49408 .96596 L .48071 .95713 L .45684 .93541 L .43359 .90557 L .41487 .87283 L .40054 .83899 L .39402 .81893 L .38898 .79954 L .38547 .78204 L .38402 .77289 L .38277 .76303 L .38222 .75764 L .3818 .7527 L .38148 .7481 L .38134 .74567 L .38121 .74307 L .38112 .74072 L .38106 .73859 L .381 .73645 L .38097 .73443 L .38095 .73218 L .38095 .73011 L .38097 .72784 L .38101 .72544 L .38107 .72306 L .38115 .72088 L .38139 .71601 L .38167 .71177 L .38205 .70735 L .38312 .69817 L .3847 .68844 L .38652 .67984 L .38856 .67202 L .39319 .65829 L .39933 .64492 L .40724 .63226 L .4151 .62294 L .42471 .6146 L .42989 .61119 L .4357 .60814 L .44138 .60583 L .44418 .60493 L .44674 .60423 L .44932 .60364 L .45215 .60313 L .45372 .6029 L .45516 .60273 L .45665 .60258 L Mistroke .45804 .60248 L .45924 .60241 L .46053 .60236 L .46197 .60234 L .46329 .60234 L .46466 .60238 L .46617 .60244 L .46759 .60254 L .46892 .60265 L .4719 .60299 L .47472 .60343 L .4812 .60484 L .48757 .60676 L .49447 .60942 L .49594 .61007 L Mfstroke .58176 1.00717 m .57595 1.01004 L .57037 1.01224 L .56409 1.01412 L .5605 1.01494 L .55719 1.01553 L .55549 1.01577 L .55368 1.01599 L .5521 1.01615 L .5504 1.01628 L .54856 1.01637 L .54684 1.01643 L .54578 1.01644 L .54478 1.01645 L .54387 1.01644 L .54288 1.01641 L .54106 1.01634 L .5394 1.01624 L .53749 1.01609 L .53567 1.0159 L .53243 1.01548 L .5289 1.01487 L .52139 1.01313 L .51307 1.01049 L .49618 1.00287 L .48058 .99315 L .46622 .98189 L .43755 .95207 L .41385 .91844 L .39289 .87882 L .38369 .85684 L .37498 .83176 L .36871 .8094 L .36342 .7851 L .36117 .77171 L .35955 .7595 L .35838 .7479 L .35794 .74212 L .35773 .73884 L .35756 .73582 L .35744 .73305 L .35732 .73001 L .35723 .72696 L .3572 .7253 L .35717 .72375 L .35715 .72091 L .35714 .71832 L .35715 .7169 L .35716 .71535 L .35721 .71254 L Mistroke .35728 .70981 L .35736 .70735 L .35762 .70187 L .35794 .69685 L .35833 .69217 L .35955 .68112 L .36106 .67126 L .36312 .66079 L .36575 .65018 L .37128 .63325 L .37863 .61686 L .38683 .60321 L .3953 .59243 L .40599 .58221 L .41678 .57478 L .42273 .5717 L .42952 .56894 L .43301 .56781 L .43683 .56678 L .44022 .56605 L .4421 .56572 L .44388 .56545 L .44562 .56522 L .4475 .56503 L .44923 .56489 L .45082 .56479 L .45233 .56473 L .454 .56469 L .45574 .5647 L .45738 .56473 L .45832 .56476 L .45933 .56481 L .46119 .56494 L .463 .56509 L .46468 .56527 L .46852 .56581 L .47262 .56656 L .48027 .56847 L .48751 .57086 L .50412 .57843 L .51879 .58754 L .53403 .59946 L .56016 .6263 L .58551 .66167 L .60585 .6996 L .61577 .72291 L .62385 .7457 L .62992 .76642 L .6353 .78946 L .63926 .81245 L Mistroke .64082 .82494 L .64141 .83091 L .64188 .83655 L .64223 .84169 L .64253 .84727 L .64263 .84971 L .64271 .85231 L .64278 .85475 L .64282 .85696 L .64285 .85975 L .64286 .8623 L .64284 .86509 L .6428 .86802 L .64274 .87056 L .64267 .87293 L .64243 .87825 L .64228 .88101 L .64208 .88391 L .64166 .88908 L .64037 .90054 L .63889 .91016 L .63686 .92043 L .63206 .93833 L .62634 .95377 L .61878 .969 L .60947 .98298 L .60049 .99312 L .58968 1.00221 L .58337 1.00626 L .57717 1.00948 L .57143 1.01186 L .56503 1.01388 L .56164 1.0147 L .55786 1.01542 L .55594 1.01571 L .55386 1.01597 L .55189 1.01616 L .55007 1.0163 L .54827 1.01639 L .54659 1.01643 L .54474 1.01644 L .5437 1.01643 L .54276 1.01641 L .54102 1.01634 L .53913 1.01622 L .53735 1.01608 L .5357 1.01591 L .5321 1.01543 L .52881 1.01486 L .52135 1.01312 L Mistroke .51438 1.01096 L .50777 1.00842 L .4929 1.00104 L .47685 .99045 L .44821 .96438 L .42031 .92858 L .39784 .88928 L .38065 .84867 L .37283 .8246 L .36678 .80133 L .36256 .78034 L .36083 .76935 L .35932 .75753 L .35866 .75105 L .35815 .74513 L .35777 .7396 L .35761 .73669 L .35746 .73357 L .35735 .73076 L .35727 .72819 L .35721 .72563 L .35717 .72321 L .35714 .72051 L .35714 .71802 L .35716 .7153 L .35721 .71242 L .35729 .70956 L .35738 .70694 L .35766 .7011 L .35801 .69601 L .35846 .69071 L .35975 .67969 L .36164 .66802 L .36383 .65769 L .36627 .64831 L .37183 .63183 L .37919 .61579 L .38869 .60059 L .39812 .58941 L .40965 .57941 L .41587 .57532 L .42283 .57165 L .42966 .56889 L .43301 .56781 L .43609 .56697 L .43919 .56626 L .44258 .56564 L .44446 .56537 L .4462 .56516 L .44798 .56498 L Mistroke .44964 .56486 L .45109 .56478 L .45264 .56472 L .45436 .56469 L .45594 .5647 L .4576 .56474 L .4594 .56482 L .46111 .56493 L .4627 .56506 L .46629 .56548 L .46967 .566 L .47744 .56769 L .48509 .57 L .49337 .5732 L .49512 .57397 L Mfstroke .59539 1.04327 m .58861 1.04661 L .5821 1.04918 L .57477 1.05138 L .57058 1.05234 L .56672 1.05302 L .56474 1.05331 L .56262 1.05356 L .56078 1.05374 L .5588 1.05389 L .55666 1.05401 L .55464 1.05407 L .55341 1.05409 L .55224 1.05409 L .55118 1.05408 L .55003 1.05405 L .5479 1.05397 L .54597 1.05386 L .54374 1.05368 L .54162 1.05346 L .53783 1.05296 L .53371 1.05226 L .52495 1.05023 L .51525 1.04715 L .49554 1.03825 L .47734 1.02692 L .46059 1.01377 L .42714 .97899 L .3995 .93975 L .37504 .89353 L .36431 .86788 L .35415 .83863 L .34683 .81254 L .34065 .78418 L .33804 .76857 L .33614 .75432 L .33477 .74079 L .33426 .73404 L .33402 .73021 L .33382 .7267 L .33368 .72346 L .33354 .71991 L .33344 .71636 L .3334 .71442 L .33337 .71262 L .33334 .7093 L .33333 .70628 L .33334 .70462 L .33336 .70282 L .33341 .69954 L Mistroke .33349 .69635 L .33359 .69348 L .33389 .68708 L .33427 .68123 L .33472 .67577 L .33615 .66288 L .3379 .65138 L .3403 .63916 L .34338 .62678 L .34983 .60703 L .3584 .58791 L .36796 .57199 L .37785 .55941 L .39032 .54749 L .40291 .53882 L .40985 .53522 L .41777 .532 L .42185 .53068 L .4263 .52949 L .43026 .52864 L .43245 .52825 L .43453 .52793 L .43655 .52767 L .43875 .52744 L .44076 .52727 L .44262 .52716 L .44439 .52709 L .44633 .52705 L .44837 .52705 L .45028 .52709 L .45137 .52713 L .45255 .52719 L .45472 .52733 L .45683 .52751 L .45879 .52773 L .46327 .52835 L .46806 .52923 L .47698 .53145 L .48543 .53424 L .50481 .54307 L .52192 .5537 L .5397 .56761 L .57019 .59892 L .59977 .64019 L .6235 .68443 L .63507 .71163 L .64449 .73822 L .65157 .76239 L .65785 .78928 L .66247 .81609 L Mistroke .66429 .83067 L .66498 .83763 L .66553 .84421 L .66594 .85021 L .66628 .85672 L .6664 .85957 L .6665 .8626 L .66657 .86545 L .66662 .86802 L .66666 .87128 L .66667 .87425 L .66665 .87751 L .6666 .88093 L .66653 .8839 L .66645 .88665 L .66617 .89287 L .66599 .89608 L .66576 .89947 L .66527 .9055 L .66377 .91887 L .66204 .93009 L .65967 .94208 L .65407 .96296 L .64739 .98097 L .63858 .99874 L .62771 1.01505 L .61724 1.02688 L .60463 1.03748 L .59726 1.04221 L .59004 1.04597 L .58334 1.04874 L .57587 1.0511 L .57191 1.05206 L .5675 1.0529 L .56526 1.05324 L .56284 1.05354 L .56053 1.05376 L .55842 1.05392 L .55631 1.05402 L .55435 1.05408 L .55219 1.05409 L .55098 1.05408 L .54989 1.05405 L .54786 1.05397 L .54566 1.05383 L .54357 1.05366 L .54165 1.05346 L .53745 1.0529 L .53361 1.05224 L .52491 1.05022 L Mistroke .51678 1.04769 L .50906 1.04473 L .49171 1.03612 L .47299 1.02376 L .43958 .99335 L .40703 .95158 L .38082 .90573 L .36076 .85836 L .35163 .83027 L .34457 .80312 L .33966 .77863 L .33763 .76582 L .33587 .75202 L .3351 .74447 L .33451 .73755 L .33407 .73111 L .33388 .72771 L .3337 .72407 L .33357 .72079 L .33348 .7178 L .33341 .71481 L .33336 .71198 L .33333 .70883 L .33333 .70593 L .33336 .70275 L .33341 .69939 L .3335 .69605 L .33361 .69301 L .33394 .68619 L .33434 .68025 L .33487 .67407 L .33637 .66121 L .33858 .6476 L .34113 .63555 L .34399 .6246 L .35047 .60537 L .35906 .58666 L .37014 .56893 L .38114 .55589 L .39459 .54421 L .40185 .53944 L .40997 .53516 L .41794 .53194 L .42185 .53068 L .42544 .5297 L .42905 .52887 L .43301 .52816 L .4352 .52784 L .43723 .52759 L .43931 .52739 L Mistroke .44125 .52724 L .44293 .52715 L .44474 .52708 L .44676 .52705 L .4486 .52705 L .45053 .5271 L .45264 .52719 L .45463 .52732 L .45648 .52748 L .46067 .52796 L .46461 .52857 L .47369 .53055 L .4826 .53323 L .49226 .53697 L .49431 .53787 L Mfstroke .60902 1.07937 m .60127 1.08319 L .59383 1.08613 L .58545 1.08864 L .58066 1.08973 L .57625 1.09052 L .57399 1.09084 L .57157 1.09113 L .56947 1.09134 L .5672 1.09151 L .56475 1.09164 L .56245 1.09172 L .56104 1.09174 L .5597 1.09174 L .55849 1.09172 L .55717 1.0917 L .55475 1.0916 L .55254 1.09147 L .54998 1.09126 L .54757 1.09101 L .54324 1.09044 L .53853 1.08964 L .52852 1.08732 L .51743 1.0838 L .49491 1.07364 L .4741 1.06068 L .45496 1.04566 L .41673 1.0059 L .38514 .96106 L .35719 .90823 L .34492 .87893 L .33331 .84549 L .32495 .81568 L .31789 .78327 L .3149 .76543 L .31273 .74914 L .31117 .73368 L .31058 .72596 L .3103 .72159 L .31009 .71757 L .30991 .71387 L .30976 .70982 L .30965 .70576 L .3096 .70355 L .30957 .70148 L .30953 .69769 L .30952 .69424 L .30953 .69234 L .30955 .69028 L .30961 .68654 L Mistroke .3097 .68289 L .30982 .67961 L .31016 .6723 L .31059 .66561 L .3111 .65937 L .31274 .64464 L .31474 .63149 L .31749 .61753 L .321 .60338 L .32838 .58081 L .33817 .55896 L .3491 .54076 L .3604 .52639 L .37465 .51276 L .38905 .50285 L .39698 .49874 L .40602 .49506 L .41068 .49355 L .41578 .49219 L .4203 .49122 L .4228 .49077 L .42518 .49041 L .42749 .49011 L .43 .48985 L .4323 .48966 L .43443 .48953 L .43644 .48945 L .43866 .4894 L .44099 .4894 L .44318 .48945 L .44442 .4895 L .44578 .48956 L .44825 .48972 L .45066 .48994 L .45291 .49018 L .45802 .49089 L .46349 .4919 L .4737 .49444 L .48335 .49762 L .50549 .50772 L .52505 .51986 L .54537 .53576 L .58022 .57154 L .61402 .61871 L .64114 .66927 L .65436 .70036 L .66513 .73074 L .67323 .75837 L .6804 .7891 L .68569 .81974 L Mistroke .68776 .8364 L .68855 .84436 L .68918 .85188 L .68964 .85873 L .69004 .86617 L .69017 .86943 L .69028 .87289 L .69037 .87615 L .69042 .87909 L .69047 .8828 L .69048 .88621 L .69046 .88993 L .6904 .89384 L .69032 .89723 L .69022 .90038 L .68991 .90748 L .6897 .91115 L .68944 .91502 L .68888 .92192 L .68716 .9372 L .68519 .95003 L .68248 .96372 L .67608 .98758 L .66845 1.00817 L .65838 1.02848 L .64596 1.04712 L .63399 1.06064 L .61958 1.07275 L .61116 1.07816 L .6029 1.08245 L .59524 1.08562 L .58671 1.08832 L .58219 1.08941 L .57715 1.09037 L .57458 1.09076 L .57181 1.09111 L .56918 1.09136 L .56676 1.09154 L .56436 1.09166 L .56212 1.09172 L .55965 1.09174 L .55827 1.09172 L .55701 1.09169 L .55469 1.0916 L .55218 1.09144 L .5498 1.09125 L .5476 1.09102 L .5428 1.09038 L .53841 1.08962 L .52846 1.08731 L Mistroke .51918 1.08442 L .51035 1.08104 L .49053 1.0712 L .46913 1.05707 L .43095 1.02232 L .39375 .97458 L .36379 .92219 L .34087 .86804 L .33043 .83594 L .32237 .80492 L .31675 .77693 L .31444 .76228 L .31243 .74651 L .31155 .73788 L .31087 .72998 L .31037 .72261 L .31014 .71873 L .30994 .71457 L .3098 .71082 L .30969 .7074 L .30961 .70398 L .30956 .70075 L .30953 .69715 L .30952 .69383 L .30955 .69021 L .30962 .68637 L .30972 .68255 L .30984 .67907 L .31022 .67128 L .31068 .66449 L .31128 .65742 L .313 .64273 L .31552 .62717 L .31844 .6134 L .3217 .6009 L .32911 .57892 L .33892 .55753 L .35159 .53727 L .36416 .52236 L .37953 .50902 L .38782 .50357 L .39711 .49868 L .40621 .49499 L .41068 .49355 L .41479 .49243 L .41892 .49149 L .42344 .49067 L .42594 .4903 L .42826 .49002 L .43064 .48979 L Mistroke .43286 .48962 L .43478 .48951 L .43685 .48944 L .43915 .4894 L .44126 .48941 L .44346 .48946 L .44587 .48957 L .44815 .48972 L .45027 .4899 L .45505 .49045 L .45956 .49115 L .46993 .4934 L .48012 .49647 L .49115 .50074 L .4935 .50177 L Mfstroke .62264 1.11547 m .61393 1.11977 L .60556 1.12307 L .59613 1.1259 L .59075 1.12713 L .58578 1.12801 L .58323 1.12838 L .58051 1.1287 L .57815 1.12893 L .5756 1.12913 L .57285 1.12928 L .57026 1.12936 L .56867 1.12938 L .56716 1.12938 L .5658 1.12937 L .56432 1.12934 L .56159 1.12923 L .55911 1.12908 L .55623 1.12885 L .55351 1.12857 L .54864 1.12793 L .54335 1.12703 L .53208 1.12442 L .51961 1.12045 L .49427 1.10902 L .47087 1.09445 L .44933 1.07755 L .40632 1.03282 L .37078 .98238 L .33934 .92294 L .32554 .88997 L .31248 .85236 L .30307 .81882 L .29513 .78236 L .29176 .76228 L .28932 .74396 L .28757 .72657 L .2869 .71789 L .28659 .71297 L .28635 .70845 L .28615 .70429 L .28598 .69973 L .28585 .69516 L .2858 .69267 L .28576 .69034 L .28572 .68608 L .28571 .6822 L .28572 .68007 L .28575 .67774 L .28581 .67353 L Mistroke .28592 .66943 L .28604 .66573 L .28643 .65752 L .28692 .64999 L .28749 .64298 L .28933 .6264 L .29159 .61161 L .29468 .5959 L .29863 .57998 L .30693 .55459 L .31794 .53001 L .33024 .50953 L .34294 .49337 L .35899 .47804 L .37518 .46689 L .3841 .46226 L .39427 .45812 L .39952 .45643 L .40525 .45489 L .41033 .4538 L .41315 .4533 L .41583 .45289 L .41843 .45255 L .42125 .45226 L .42384 .45204 L .42623 .4519 L .4285 .45181 L .431 .45176 L .43362 .45176 L .43608 .45181 L .43747 .45186 L .439 .45194 L .44178 .45212 L .4445 .45236 L .44702 .45263 L .45278 .45343 L .45893 .45456 L .47041 .45742 L .48127 .461 L .50618 .47236 L .52818 .48602 L .55104 .50391 L .59025 .54416 L .62827 .59722 L .65878 .65411 L .67366 .68908 L .68578 .72326 L .69488 .75434 L .70296 .78891 L .7089 .82339 L Mistroke .71123 .84213 L .71212 .85108 L .71283 .85954 L .71335 .86725 L .71379 .87562 L .71394 .87929 L .71407 .88318 L .71416 .88684 L .71423 .89015 L .71427 .89433 L .71428 .89816 L .71426 .90235 L .7142 .90675 L .71411 .91056 L .714 .9141 L .71365 .92209 L .71341 .92622 L .71312 .93058 L .71249 .93834 L .71056 .95553 L .70833 .96996 L .70529 .98537 L .69809 1.01221 L .68951 1.03537 L .67818 1.05822 L .6642 1.07919 L .65073 1.0944 L .63452 1.10803 L .62505 1.11411 L .61576 1.11894 L .60715 1.1225 L .59755 1.12554 L .59246 1.12677 L .58679 1.12785 L .58391 1.12829 L .58079 1.12867 L .57783 1.12896 L .57511 1.12916 L .5724 1.1293 L .56989 1.12937 L .56711 1.12938 L .56555 1.12937 L .56414 1.12933 L .56153 1.12923 L .5587 1.12905 L .55602 1.12883 L .55355 1.12858 L .54815 1.12785 L .54321 1.127 L .53202 1.1244 L Mistroke .52158 1.12115 L .51165 1.11735 L .48935 1.10628 L .46527 1.09039 L .42232 1.05129 L .38047 .99758 L .34676 .93864 L .32098 .87772 L .30924 .84162 L .30017 .80671 L .29385 .77522 L .29124 .75875 L .28898 .741 L .28799 .7313 L .28723 .72241 L .28666 .71412 L .28641 .70975 L .28619 .70508 L .28602 .70085 L .2859 .69701 L .28581 .69316 L .28575 .68953 L .28572 .68548 L .28571 .68174 L .28575 .67766 L .28582 .67334 L .28593 .66905 L .28607 .66513 L .28649 .65637 L .28701 .64873 L .2877 .64078 L .28962 .62425 L .29246 .60675 L .29574 .59125 L .29941 .57719 L .30775 .55246 L .31879 .5284 L .33303 .50561 L .34718 .48884 L .36447 .47383 L .3738 .46769 L .38425 .46219 L .39449 .45805 L .39952 .45643 L .40414 .45516 L .40878 .45411 L .41387 .45318 L .41669 .45277 L .4193 .45245 L .42197 .45219 L Mistroke .42447 .452 L .42663 .45188 L .42895 .4518 L .43155 .45175 L .43392 .45176 L .4364 .45182 L .4391 .45194 L .44167 .45211 L .44405 .45231 L .44943 .45293 L .45451 .45372 L .46617 .45625 L .47763 .45971 L .49005 .46451 L .49268 .46567 L Mfstroke .63627 1.15157 m .62659 1.15635 L .61729 1.16002 L .60682 1.16316 L .60083 1.16452 L .59532 1.1655 L .59248 1.16591 L .58946 1.16627 L .58684 1.16653 L .584 1.16675 L .58094 1.16691 L .57806 1.167 L .5763 1.16703 L .57463 1.16703 L .57312 1.16701 L .57147 1.16698 L .56843 1.16686 L .56568 1.16669 L .56248 1.16644 L .55946 1.16613 L .55405 1.16541 L .54816 1.16441 L .53564 1.16151 L .52179 1.15711 L .49364 1.1444 L .46763 1.12821 L .4437 1.10943 L .39592 1.05974 L .35642 1.00369 L .32149 .93765 L .30615 .90102 L .29164 .85923 L .28119 .82196 L .27236 .78145 L .26862 .75914 L .26591 .73878 L .26396 .71946 L .26323 .70981 L .26288 .70435 L .26261 .69932 L .26239 .6947 L .2622 .68963 L .26206 .68456 L .262 .68179 L .26196 .67921 L .26191 .67447 L .2619 .67016 L .26192 .66779 L .26194 .66521 L .26202 .66053 L Mistroke .26213 .65597 L .26227 .65186 L .2627 .64273 L .26324 .63437 L .26388 .62658 L .26592 .60816 L .26843 .59173 L .27186 .57427 L .27625 .55658 L .28547 .52837 L .29771 .50106 L .31138 .47831 L .32549 .46034 L .34332 .44331 L .36131 .43093 L .37122 .42578 L .38253 .42118 L .38835 .4193 L .39472 .41759 L .40037 .41638 L .4035 .41582 L .40647 .41537 L .40936 .41499 L .4125 .41466 L .41538 .41443 L .41803 .41427 L .42055 .41417 L .42333 .41411 L .42624 .41411 L .42897 .41417 L .43053 .41423 L .43222 .41431 L .43531 .41451 L .43833 .41478 L .44114 .41508 L .44753 .41597 L .45437 .41723 L .46712 .42041 L .47919 .42439 L .50687 .43701 L .53131 .45218 L .55671 .47206 L .60027 .51678 L .64252 .57574 L .67642 .63895 L .69295 .6778 L .70642 .71578 L .71653 .75032 L .72551 .78873 L .73211 .82703 L Mistroke .7347 .84786 L .73569 .8578 L .73647 .8672 L .73706 .87577 L .73754 .88507 L .73771 .88915 L .73785 .89347 L .73796 .89754 L .73803 .90122 L .73808 .90586 L .73809 .91012 L .73807 .91477 L .738 .91966 L .7379 .92389 L .73778 .92783 L .73739 .93671 L .73713 .9413 L .7368 .94614 L .7361 .95476 L .73395 .97386 L .73148 .98989 L .7281 1.00701 L .7201 1.03684 L .71056 1.06256 L .69797 1.08796 L .68245 1.11126 L .66748 1.12816 L .64947 1.1433 L .63895 1.15006 L .62863 1.15542 L .61905 1.15939 L .60839 1.16275 L .60273 1.16412 L .59643 1.16532 L .59323 1.16581 L .58977 1.16624 L .58648 1.16656 L .58346 1.16678 L .58045 1.16693 L .57765 1.16701 L .57456 1.16703 L .57283 1.16701 L .57127 1.16697 L .56837 1.16686 L .56523 1.16666 L .56225 1.16642 L .5595 1.16613 L .5535 1.16533 L .54801 1.16438 L .53558 1.16149 L Mistroke .52397 1.15788 L .51294 1.15366 L .48816 1.14135 L .46141 1.1237 L .41368 1.08026 L .36719 1.02058 L .32974 .95509 L .30109 .88741 L .28804 .84729 L .27796 .80851 L .27094 .77352 L .26805 .75521 L .26554 .7355 L .26443 .72471 L .26359 .71483 L .26296 .70563 L .26268 .70077 L .26243 .69558 L .26225 .69088 L .26211 .68661 L .26201 .68234 L .26194 .6783 L .26191 .6738 L .26191 .66965 L .26194 .66512 L .26202 .66032 L .26214 .65555 L .2623 .65119 L .26277 .64146 L .26335 .63297 L .26411 .62414 L .26625 .60577 L .26941 .58632 L .27305 .56911 L .27713 .55348 L .28639 .526 L .29866 .49927 L .31448 .47394 L .3302 .45531 L .34941 .43863 L .35978 .43182 L .37139 .4257 L .38277 .4211 L .38835 .4193 L .39348 .4179 L .39865 .41672 L .4043 .41569 L .40743 .41524 L .41033 .41488 L .41329 .41459 L Mistroke .41607 .41438 L .41848 .41425 L .42106 .41415 L .42394 .41411 L .42658 .41412 L .42933 .41418 L .43234 .41432 L .43519 .4145 L .43783 .41473 L .44381 .41542 L .44945 .41629 L .46241 .41911 L .47515 .42295 L .48894 .42828 L .49187 .42957 L Mfstroke .6499 1.18767 m .63925 1.19292 L .62902 1.19696 L .6175 1.20042 L .61091 1.20192 L .60485 1.203 L .60173 1.20344 L .59841 1.20384 L .59552 1.20413 L .5924 1.20437 L .58904 1.20455 L .58587 1.20465 L .58393 1.20467 L .58209 1.20468 L .58043 1.20466 L .57861 1.20462 L .57528 1.20449 L .57224 1.20431 L .56873 1.20402 L .5654 1.20368 L .55945 1.2029 L .55298 1.2018 L .53921 1.1986 L .52397 1.19376 L .493 1.17979 L .46439 1.16198 L .43807 1.14132 L .38551 1.08666 L .34207 1.025 L .30364 .95236 L .28677 .91206 L .2708 .86609 L .2593 .8251 L .2496 .78054 L .24549 .756 L .2425 .7336 L .24036 .71235 L .23955 .70174 L .23917 .69573 L .23887 .6902 L .23863 .68511 L .23842 .67954 L .23827 .67396 L .2382 .67091 L .23815 .66807 L .2381 .66286 L .23809 .65812 L .23811 .65551 L .23813 .65267 L .23822 .64752 L Mistroke .23834 .64251 L .2385 .63799 L .23897 .62795 L .23957 .61874 L .24027 .61018 L .24252 .58992 L .24527 .57184 L .24905 .55264 L .25388 .53319 L .26402 .50215 L .27748 .47211 L .29252 .44708 L .30804 .42732 L .32765 .40858 L .34744 .39496 L .35834 .3893 L .37078 .38424 L .37719 .38217 L .38419 .3803 L .39041 .37896 L .39385 .37835 L .39712 .37785 L .4003 .37744 L .40376 .37707 L .40691 .37682 L .40984 .37664 L .41261 .37653 L .41566 .37647 L .41887 .37647 L .42187 .37653 L .42358 .3766 L .42544 .37669 L .42884 .37691 L .43216 .3772 L .43525 .37753 L .44228 .37851 L .44981 .37989 L .46383 .38339 L .47711 .38777 L .50755 .40165 L .53445 .41835 L .56238 .44021 L .6103 .4894 L .65678 .55426 L .69406 .62378 L .71225 .66653 L .72706 .7083 L .73819 .74629 L .74806 .78854 L .75532 .83068 L Mistroke .75817 .85359 L .75926 .86453 L .76012 .87487 L .76076 .88429 L .7613 .89452 L .76148 .899 L .76164 .90376 L .76176 .90824 L .76183 .91228 L .76189 .91739 L .7619 .92207 L .76188 .92719 L .7618 .93257 L .76169 .93723 L .76156 .94156 L .76113 .95132 L .76084 .95637 L .76048 .9617 L .75971 .97118 L .75735 .99219 L .75463 1.00982 L .75091 1.02866 L .74211 1.06146 L .73162 1.08976 L .71777 1.1177 L .7007 1.14332 L .68423 1.16192 L .66442 1.17857 L .65284 1.18601 L .64149 1.19191 L .63096 1.19627 L .61923 1.19997 L .61301 1.20148 L .60608 1.2028 L .60255 1.20333 L .59874 1.20381 L .59512 1.20416 L .5918 1.2044 L .58849 1.20457 L .58542 1.20465 L .58202 1.20468 L .58012 1.20465 L .57839 1.20461 L .5752 1.20449 L .57175 1.20427 L .56847 1.204 L .56546 1.20369 L .55885 1.20281 L .55281 1.20176 L .53914 1.19859 L Mistroke .52637 1.19462 L .51424 1.18997 L .48698 1.17643 L .45755 1.15701 L .40505 1.10923 L .3539 1.04358 L .31271 .97154 L .2812 .89709 L .26685 .85296 L .25576 .8103 L .24804 .77181 L .24485 .75168 L .24209 .72999 L .24088 .71813 L .23995 .70726 L .23925 .69713 L .23895 .69179 L .23867 .68608 L .23847 .68091 L .23832 .67622 L .23821 .67151 L .23814 .66707 L .2381 .66212 L .2381 .65756 L .23814 .65257 L .23822 .64729 L .23836 .64205 L .23853 .63726 L .23905 .62655 L .23968 .61721 L .24052 .6075 L .24287 .58729 L .24635 .5659 L .25035 .54696 L .25484 .52977 L .26503 .49955 L .27852 .47014 L .29593 .44228 L .31322 .42179 L .33435 .40344 L .34576 .39594 L .35853 .38922 L .37104 .38415 L .37719 .38217 L .38283 .38063 L .38851 .37934 L .39473 .37821 L .39817 .3777 L .40136 .37732 L .40462 .377 L Mistroke .40768 .37677 L .41032 .37662 L .41317 .37651 L .41634 .37646 L .41923 .37647 L .42226 .37654 L .42557 .37669 L .42871 .3769 L .43162 .37715 L .43819 .3779 L .4444 .37886 L .45865 .38196 L .47266 .38619 L .48784 .39205 L .49106 .39347 L Mfstroke .66353 1.22377 m .6519 1.2295 L .64075 1.2339 L .62818 1.23768 L .621 1.23931 L .61438 1.24049 L .61098 1.24098 L .60735 1.24142 L .6042 1.24172 L .6008 1.24198 L .59713 1.24218 L .59368 1.24229 L .59157 1.24232 L .58955 1.24232 L .58774 1.2423 L .58576 1.24226 L .58212 1.24212 L .57881 1.24192 L .57498 1.24161 L .57135 1.24124 L .56486 1.24038 L .55779 1.23918 L .54277 1.2357 L .52615 1.23042 L .49236 1.21517 L .46116 1.19574 L .43244 1.17321 L .3751 1.11357 L .32771 1.04631 L .28579 .96707 L .26738 .92311 L .24997 .87296 L .23742 .82824 L .22684 .77962 L .22235 .75285 L .21909 .72842 L .21676 .70524 L .21587 .69366 L .21546 .6871 L .21513 .68108 L .21487 .67553 L .21464 .66945 L .21447 .66336 L .2144 .66003 L .21435 .65693 L .21429 .65125 L .21429 .64608 L .2143 .64323 L .21433 .64014 L .21442 .63452 L Mistroke .21456 .62905 L .21472 .62412 L .21524 .61317 L .21589 .60312 L .21666 .59378 L .21911 .57168 L .22212 .55196 L .22624 .53101 L .2315 .50979 L .24257 .47593 L .25725 .44316 L .27365 .41586 L .29059 .3943 L .31198 .37386 L .33357 .359 L .34547 .35282 L .35903 .34731 L .36602 .34505 L .37367 .343 L .38045 .34154 L .3842 .34087 L .38777 .34033 L .39123 .33988 L .39501 .33948 L .39845 .3392 L .40164 .33901 L .40466 .33889 L .40799 .33882 L .41149 .33882 L .41477 .33889 L .41663 .33896 L .41866 .33906 L .42237 .3393 L .426 .33962 L .42936 .33998 L .43703 .34105 L .44524 .34256 L .46054 .34637 L .47503 .35115 L .50824 .36629 L .53758 .38451 L .56805 .40836 L .62033 .46202 L .67103 .53277 L .71171 .60862 L .73154 .65525 L .7477 .70083 L .75984 .74227 L .77061 .78836 L .77853 .83433 L Mistroke .78165 .85932 L .78283 .87125 L .78377 .88253 L .78447 .89282 L .78505 .90397 L .78525 .90886 L .78543 .91405 L .78555 .91894 L .78564 .92335 L .7857 .92892 L .78571 .93403 L .78568 .93961 L .7856 .94548 L .78548 .95056 L .78534 .95528 L .78487 .96594 L .78455 .97144 L .78416 .97725 L .78332 .98759 L .78075 1.01052 L .77778 1.02976 L .77372 1.0503 L .76412 1.08609 L .75267 1.11696 L .73757 1.14744 L .71894 1.17539 L .70098 1.19567 L .67937 1.21385 L .66674 1.22196 L .65435 1.2284 L .64287 1.23315 L .63007 1.23719 L .62328 1.23883 L .61572 1.24028 L .61187 1.24086 L .60772 1.24138 L .60377 1.24176 L .60015 1.24203 L .59654 1.24221 L .59318 1.2423 L .58948 1.24232 L .5874 1.2423 L .58552 1.24225 L .58204 1.24211 L .57827 1.24188 L .5747 1.24158 L .57141 1.24124 L .5642 1.24028 L .55761 1.23914 L .5427 1.23568 L Mistroke .52877 1.23135 L .51553 1.22627 L .4858 1.21151 L .4537 1.19033 L .39642 1.1382 L .34062 1.06658 L .29568 .988 L .26131 .90678 L .24565 .85863 L .23356 .81209 L .22513 .77011 L .22166 .74814 L .21864 .72448 L .21732 .71154 L .21631 .69969 L .21555 .68864 L .21522 .68281 L .21492 .67658 L .2147 .67094 L .21453 .66582 L .21441 .66069 L .21433 .65585 L .21429 .65044 L .21429 .64547 L .21433 .64002 L .21443 .63427 L .21457 .62854 L .21476 .62332 L .21533 .61164 L .21602 .60145 L .21693 .59085 L .2195 .56881 L .22329 .54547 L .22766 .52482 L .23255 .50606 L .24367 .47309 L .25839 .44101 L .27738 .41062 L .29623 .38826 L .31929 .36825 L .33174 .36007 L .34567 .35273 L .35932 .34721 L .36603 .34504 L .37218 .34336 L .37838 .34195 L .38515 .34072 L .38892 .34017 L .3924 .33975 L .39595 .3394 L Mistroke .39929 .33915 L .40217 .33899 L .40527 .33887 L .40873 .33881 L .41189 .33883 L .4152 .33891 L .41881 .33907 L .42223 .33929 L .4254 .33956 L .43257 .34039 L .43934 .34144 L .45489 .34482 L .47018 .34942 L .48673 .35582 L .49025 .35737 L Mfstroke .67715 1.25987 m .66456 1.26608 L .65248 1.27085 L .63886 1.27494 L .63108 1.27671 L .62391 1.27798 L .62023 1.27851 L .6163 1.27899 L .61289 1.27932 L .6092 1.2796 L .60523 1.27982 L .60148 1.27993 L .5992 1.27997 L .59701 1.27997 L .59505 1.27995 L .59291 1.2799 L .58897 1.27975 L .58538 1.27953 L .58122 1.2792 L .57729 1.27879 L .57026 1.27787 L .56261 1.27656 L .54634 1.27279 L .52833 1.26707 L .49173 1.25055 L .45792 1.22951 L .42681 1.20509 L .36469 1.14049 L .31335 1.06762 L .26794 .98178 L .248 .93416 L .22913 .87982 L .21554 .83138 L .20407 .77871 L .19921 .74971 L .19568 .72325 L .19315 .69813 L .1922 .68559 L .19174 .67848 L .19139 .67195 L .19111 .66594 L .19087 .65935 L .19068 .65275 L .1906 .64916 L .19054 .6458 L .19048 .63964 L .19048 .63404 L .19049 .63095 L .19052 .6276 L .19062 .62152 L Mistroke .19077 .61559 L .19095 .61025 L .19151 .59838 L .19221 .5875 L .19304 .57738 L .1957 .55344 L .19896 .53207 L .20342 .50938 L .20913 .48639 L .22112 .44971 L .23702 .41421 L .25479 .38463 L .27314 .36128 L .29631 .33913 L .3197 .32303 L .33259 .31635 L .34729 .31037 L .35486 .30792 L .36314 .3057 L .37048 .30412 L .37455 .3034 L .37842 .30281 L .38217 .30232 L .38626 .30189 L .38999 .30159 L .39344 .30138 L .39672 .30125 L .40033 .30118 L .40411 .30118 L .40767 .30125 L .40968 .30133 L .41189 .30143 L .4159 .3017 L .41983 .30204 L .42348 .30243 L .43179 .30359 L .44068 .30523 L .45726 .30936 L .47295 .31453 L .50893 .33094 L .54071 .35067 L .57372 .37651 L .63036 .43465 L .68528 .51129 L .72935 .59346 L .75084 .64397 L .76834 .69335 L .78149 .73824 L .79316 .78818 L .80174 .83798 L Mistroke .80512 .86505 L .8064 .87797 L .80742 .89019 L .80817 .90134 L .80881 .91342 L .80902 .91872 L .80921 .92434 L .80935 .92963 L .80944 .93441 L .80951 .94045 L .80952 .94598 L .80949 .95203 L .8094 .95839 L .80927 .96389 L .80911 .96901 L .80861 .98055 L .80827 .98651 L .80784 .99281 L .80693 1.00401 L .80414 1.02885 L .80093 1.04969 L .79653 1.07194 L .78613 1.11072 L .77373 1.14416 L .75737 1.17718 L .73719 1.20746 L .71773 1.22943 L .69431 1.24912 L .68063 1.25791 L .66721 1.26488 L .65477 1.27003 L .6409 1.27441 L .63355 1.27619 L .62536 1.27775 L .6212 1.27838 L .6167 1.27894 L .61242 1.27936 L .60849 1.27965 L .60458 1.27984 L .60095 1.27994 L .59693 1.27997 L .59469 1.27994 L .59265 1.27989 L .58888 1.27974 L .58479 1.27949 L .58092 1.27917 L .57736 1.2788 L .56955 1.27776 L .56241 1.27653 L .54625 1.27277 L Mistroke .53117 1.26808 L .51683 1.26258 L .48461 1.24659 L .44984 1.22364 L .38779 1.16717 L .32734 1.08958 L .27866 1.00445 L .24142 .91646 L .22446 .8643 L .21135 .81389 L .20223 .7684 L .19846 .7446 L .1952 .71898 L .19376 .70495 L .19267 .69211 L .19184 .68014 L .19149 .67383 L .19116 .66708 L .19092 .66097 L .19075 .65543 L .19061 .64987 L .19053 .64462 L .19048 .63877 L .19048 .63337 L .19052 .62748 L .19063 .62124 L .19079 .61504 L .19098 .60938 L .1916 .59672 L .19235 .58569 L .19334 .57421 L .19612 .55033 L .20023 .52505 L .20496 .50267 L .21026 .48235 L .22231 .44663 L .23825 .41188 L .25883 .37896 L .27925 .35473 L .30424 .33305 L .31771 .32419 L .33281 .31624 L .3476 .31026 L .35486 .30792 L .36153 .3061 L .36824 .30457 L .37558 .30323 L .37966 .30264 L .38343 .30218 L .38728 .3018 L Mistroke .3909 .30153 L .39402 .30135 L .39738 .30123 L .40112 .30117 L .40455 .30118 L .40813 .30127 L .41204 .30144 L .41575 .30169 L .41918 .30198 L .42695 .30287 L .43429 .30401 L .45113 .30767 L .46769 .31266 L .48563 .3196 L .48943 .32127 L Mfstroke .69078 1.29597 m .67722 1.30266 L .66421 1.30779 L .64954 1.3122 L .64116 1.3141 L .63344 1.31548 L .62948 1.31605 L .62525 1.31656 L .62157 1.31692 L .6176 1.31722 L .61332 1.31745 L .60929 1.31758 L .60683 1.31761 L .60448 1.31761 L .60236 1.31759 L .60005 1.31754 L .59581 1.31738 L .59195 1.31715 L .58747 1.31678 L .58324 1.31635 L .57567 1.31535 L .56743 1.31395 L .5499 1.30989 L .5305 1.30372 L .49109 1.28594 L .45468 1.26327 L .42118 1.23698 L .35428 1.16741 L .299 1.08894 L .25009 .99648 L .22861 .9452 L .2083 .88669 L .19366 .83452 L .18131 .7778 L .17607 .74657 L .17228 .71807 L .16955 .69102 L .16852 .67751 L .16803 .66986 L .16765 .66283 L .16735 .65635 L .16709 .64926 L .16688 .64215 L .1668 .63828 L .16674 .63466 L .16668 .62803 L .16667 .622 L .16668 .61868 L .16672 .61506 L .16682 .60851 L Mistroke .16698 .60213 L .16718 .59638 L .16778 .5836 L .16854 .57188 L .16943 .56098 L .1723 .5352 L .1758 .51219 L .18061 .48775 L .18675 .46299 L .19966 .42349 L .2168 .38526 L .23593 .3534 L .25569 .32825 L .28065 .30441 L .30583 .28707 L .31971 .27987 L .33554 .27343 L .34369 .27079 L .35261 .2684 L .36052 .2667 L .3649 .26592 L .36906 .26529 L .37311 .26477 L .37751 .2643 L .38153 .26398 L .38525 .26375 L .38877 .26361 L .39266 .26353 L .39674 .26353 L .40056 .26361 L .40274 .26369 L .40511 .26381 L .40944 .26409 L .41366 .26446 L .41759 .26488 L .42654 .26613 L .43612 .26789 L .45397 .27234 L .47087 .27791 L .50961 .29558 L .54384 .31683 L .5794 .34466 L .64039 .40727 L .69953 .48981 L .74699 .5783 L .77013 .6327 L .78899 .68587 L .80315 .73422 L .81571 .78799 L .82495 .84162 L Mistroke .82859 .87078 L .82997 .8847 L .83106 .89786 L .83188 .90986 L .83256 .92287 L .8328 .92858 L .833 .93463 L .83314 .94033 L .83324 .94548 L .83331 .95198 L .83333 .95794 L .8333 .96445 L .8332 .9713 L .83306 .97723 L .83289 .98273 L .83235 .99516 L .83198 1.00159 L .83152 1.00837 L .83054 1.02043 L .82754 1.04718 L .82408 1.06962 L .81934 1.09359 L .80813 1.13534 L .79479 1.17136 L .77716 1.20692 L .75543 1.23953 L .73448 1.26319 L .70926 1.2844 L .69453 1.29386 L .68008 1.30137 L .66668 1.30691 L .65174 1.31163 L .64383 1.31354 L .63501 1.31523 L .63052 1.31591 L .62567 1.31651 L .62107 1.31696 L .61684 1.31727 L .61263 1.31748 L .60871 1.31759 L .60439 1.31761 L .60197 1.31759 L .59977 1.31753 L .59571 1.31737 L .59132 1.3171 L .58715 1.31675 L .58331 1.31636 L .5749 1.31524 L .56721 1.31391 L .54981 1.30986 L Mistroke .53356 1.30481 L .51812 1.29889 L .48343 1.28167 L .44598 1.25695 L .37916 1.19614 L .31406 1.11259 L .26163 1.0209 L .22153 .92614 L .20326 .86998 L .18915 .81568 L .17932 .7667 L .17527 .74107 L .17175 .71347 L .17021 .69837 L .16903 .68454 L .16814 .67165 L .16775 .66485 L .1674 .65758 L .16715 .65101 L .16696 .64503 L .16682 .63904 L .16672 .63339 L .16667 .62709 L .16667 .62128 L .16672 .61493 L .16683 .60822 L .167 .60154 L .16721 .59544 L .16788 .58181 L .16868 .56993 L .16975 .55757 L .17275 .53185 L .17717 .50462 L .18227 .48052 L .18798 .45864 L .20095 .42018 L .21812 .38275 L .24028 .34729 L .26227 .32121 L .28918 .29786 L .30369 .28832 L .31995 .27976 L .33587 .27331 L .3437 .27079 L .35088 .26883 L .35811 .26718 L .36601 .26574 L .3704 .2651 L .37446 .26461 L .37861 .2642 L Mistroke .3825 .26391 L .38587 .26372 L .38949 .26359 L .39352 .26352 L .39721 .26354 L .40106 .26363 L .40527 .26382 L .40926 .26408 L .41297 .26439 L .42133 .26536 L .42923 .26658 L .44737 .27052 L .4652 .2759 L .48452 .28337 L .48862 .28517 L Mfstroke .70441 1.33207 m .68988 1.33924 L .67594 1.34474 L .66023 1.34946 L .65125 1.3515 L .64298 1.35297 L .63872 1.35358 L .63419 1.35413 L .63026 1.35451 L .626 1.35484 L .62141 1.35508 L .6171 1.35522 L .61446 1.35526 L .61194 1.35526 L .60968 1.35524 L .6072 1.35518 L .60265 1.35501 L .59851 1.35476 L .59372 1.35437 L .58919 1.35391 L .58107 1.35284 L .57224 1.35133 L .55347 1.34698 L .53268 1.34038 L .49045 1.32132 L .45145 1.29704 L .41555 1.26887 L .34387 1.19432 L .28464 1.11025 L .23224 1.01119 L .20923 .95625 L .18746 .89356 L .17178 .83766 L .15855 .77689 L .15294 .74343 L .14887 .71289 L .14595 .6839 L .14484 .66944 L .14432 .66124 L .14391 .6537 L .14359 .64677 L .14331 .63916 L .14309 .63155 L .143 .6274 L .14294 .62353 L .14287 .61642 L .14286 .60996 L .14287 .6064 L .14291 .60253 L .14303 .59551 L Mistroke .1432 .58867 L .14341 .58251 L .14405 .56882 L .14486 .55626 L .14582 .54458 L .14889 .51696 L .15265 .4923 L .1578 .46612 L .16438 .43959 L .17821 .39727 L .19657 .3563 L .21707 .32218 L .23824 .29523 L .26498 .26968 L .29196 .2511 L .30683 .24339 L .32379 .23649 L .33253 .23366 L .34208 .23111 L .35056 .22928 L .35526 .22845 L .35971 .22777 L .36404 .22721 L .36876 .22671 L .37307 .22636 L .37705 .22612 L .38083 .22597 L .38499 .22588 L .38936 .22589 L .39346 .22597 L .39579 .22606 L .39833 .22618 L .40297 .22649 L .4075 .22688 L .41171 .22733 L .42129 .22867 L .43155 .23056 L .45068 .23532 L .46878 .24129 L .5103 .26022 L .54697 .28299 L .58507 .3128 L .65041 .37989 L .71378 .46833 L .76463 .56314 L .78943 .62142 L .80963 .67839 L .8248 .73019 L .83826 .78781 L .84816 .84527 L Mistroke .85206 .87651 L .85354 .89142 L .85471 .90552 L .85558 .91838 L .85632 .93232 L .85657 .93843 L .85678 .94492 L .85694 .95103 L .85704 .95654 L .85712 .96351 L .85714 .96989 L .85711 .97687 L .857 .9842 L .85685 .99056 L .85667 .99646 L .85609 1.00978 L .85569 1.01666 L .8552 1.02392 L .85415 1.03685 L .85093 1.06551 L .84722 1.08955 L .84215 1.11523 L .83014 1.15997 L .81584 1.19856 L .79696 1.23666 L .77368 1.2716 L .75122 1.29695 L .72421 1.31967 L .70842 1.32981 L .69294 1.33785 L .67858 1.34379 L .66258 1.34885 L .6541 1.3509 L .64465 1.3527 L .63984 1.35343 L .63465 1.35408 L .62972 1.35456 L .62518 1.35489 L .62068 1.35511 L .61648 1.35523 L .61185 1.35526 L .60925 1.35523 L .6069 1.35517 L .60255 1.355 L .59784 1.35471 L .59337 1.35434 L .58926 1.35391 L .58026 1.35271 L .57202 1.35129 L .55337 1.34696 L Mistroke .53596 1.34154 L .51942 1.3352 L .48225 1.31675 L .44212 1.29026 L .37053 1.22511 L .30078 1.13559 L .24461 1.03735 L .20164 .93583 L .18207 .87565 L .16695 .81747 L .15641 .765 L .15207 .73753 L .14831 .70796 L .14665 .69178 L .14539 .67697 L .14444 .66315 L .14402 .65587 L .14365 .64808 L .14337 .64104 L .14317 .63464 L .14302 .62822 L .14292 .62216 L .14286 .61541 L .14286 .60919 L .14291 .60239 L .14303 .59519 L .14322 .58804 L .14344 .58151 L .14416 .5669 L .14502 .55417 L .14616 .54092 L .14937 .51337 L .15411 .4842 L .15957 .45838 L .16569 .43493 L .17959 .39372 L .19799 .35362 L .22173 .31563 L .24529 .28768 L .27412 .26267 L .28967 .25244 L .30709 .24327 L .32415 .23636 L .33253 .23366 L .34023 .23156 L .34797 .2298 L .35644 .22826 L .36115 .22757 L .3655 .22704 L .36994 .22661 L Mistroke .37411 .22629 L .37772 .22609 L .38159 .22595 L .38591 .22588 L .38986 .22589 L .394 .22599 L .39851 .22619 L .40278 .22647 L .40675 .22681 L .41572 .22784 L .42418 .22915 L .44361 .23338 L .46272 .23914 L .48342 .24714 L .48781 .24907 L Mfstroke .71804 1.36817 m .70254 1.37581 L .68767 1.38168 L .67091 1.38672 L .66133 1.38889 L .65251 1.39046 L .64797 1.39112 L .64314 1.3917 L .63894 1.39211 L .6344 1.39246 L .62951 1.39272 L .6249 1.39286 L .62209 1.3929 L .6194 1.39291 L .61699 1.39288 L .61435 1.39282 L .6095 1.39263 L .60508 1.39237 L .59997 1.39196 L .59513 1.39146 L .58648 1.39032 L .57706 1.38872 L .55703 1.38408 L .53486 1.37703 L .48982 1.3567 L .44821 1.3308 L .40992 1.30075 L .33347 1.22124 L .27028 1.13156 L .21438 1.0259 L .18984 .96729 L .16663 .90042 L .1499 .8408 L .13578 .77598 L .1298 .74028 L .12546 .70771 L .12234 .67679 L .12117 .66136 L .12061 .65261 L .12017 .64458 L .11983 .63718 L .11953 .62907 L .1193 .62095 L .1192 .61652 L .11913 .61239 L .11906 .60481 L .11905 .59792 L .11907 .59412 L .1191 .58999 L .11923 .5825 L Mistroke .11941 .57521 L .11963 .56864 L .12032 .55403 L .12119 .54064 L .12221 .52818 L .12548 .49871 L .12949 .47242 L .13498 .4445 L .142 .41619 L .15676 .37105 L .17634 .32735 L .19821 .29095 L .22079 .26221 L .24931 .23495 L .27809 .21514 L .29395 .20691 L .31205 .19955 L .32137 .19654 L .33155 .19381 L .34059 .19187 L .34561 .19097 L .35036 .19025 L .35498 .18965 L .36001 .18912 L .3646 .18875 L .36885 .18849 L .37288 .18833 L .37733 .18824 L .38199 .18824 L .38636 .18833 L .38884 .18843 L .39155 .18856 L .3965 .18888 L .40133 .1893 L .40582 .18979 L .41605 .19121 L .42699 .19323 L .44739 .19831 L .4667 .20468 L .51099 .22487 L .5501 .24915 L .59074 .28095 L .66044 .35251 L .72804 .44684 L .78228 .54797 L .80872 .61014 L .83027 .67091 L .84645 .72617 L .86081 .78762 L .87137 .84892 L Mistroke .87553 .88224 L .87711 .89814 L .87836 .91318 L .87929 .9269 L .88007 .94177 L .88034 .94829 L .88057 .95522 L .88074 .96173 L .88085 .96761 L .88093 .97504 L .88095 .98185 L .88091 .98929 L .8808 .99711 L .88064 1.00389 L .88045 1.01019 L .87983 1.02439 L .8794 1.03173 L .87888 1.03948 L .87776 1.05327 L .87433 1.08384 L .87037 1.10949 L .86496 1.13688 L .85215 1.1846 L .8369 1.22576 L .81676 1.2664 L .79192 1.30367 L .76797 1.33071 L .73915 1.35494 L .72232 1.36576 L .7058 1.37434 L .69049 1.38068 L .67342 1.38607 L .66437 1.38826 L .65429 1.39018 L .64917 1.39095 L .64363 1.39164 L .63836 1.39216 L .63353 1.39251 L .62872 1.39275 L .62424 1.39288 L .6193 1.39291 L .61654 1.39287 L .61403 1.39281 L .60939 1.39263 L .60436 1.39232 L .5996 1.39192 L .59521 1.39147 L .58561 1.39019 L .57682 1.38867 L .55693 1.38405 L Mistroke .53836 1.37827 L .52071 1.37151 L .48106 1.35183 L .43826 1.32358 L .3619 1.25408 L .2875 1.15859 L .22758 1.0538 L .18174 .94551 L .16087 .88132 L .14474 .81927 L .13351 .76329 L .12888 .734 L .12486 .70245 L .12309 .6852 L .12175 .66939 L .12073 .65466 L .12029 .64689 L .11989 .63858 L .11959 .63107 L .11938 .62424 L .11922 .6174 L .11911 .61094 L .11905 .60374 L .11905 .5971 L .11911 .58984 L .11923 .58217 L .11943 .57454 L .11967 .56757 L .12044 .55199 L .12135 .53841 L .12257 .52428 L .126 .49489 L .13105 .46377 L .13687 .43623 L .1434 .41122 L .15823 .36726 L .17785 .32449 L .20317 .28397 L .22831 .25416 L .25906 .22747 L .27565 .21657 L .29423 .20678 L .31243 .19942 L .32137 .19654 L .32958 .19429 L .33784 .19241 L .34687 .19077 L .35189 .19004 L .35653 .18947 L .36127 .18901 L Mistroke .36572 .18867 L .36956 .18846 L .3737 .18831 L .37831 .18823 L .38252 .18825 L .38693 .18835 L .39174 .18857 L .3963 .18887 L .40053 .18923 L .4101 .19033 L .41912 .19172 L .43985 .19623 L .46023 .20238 L .48231 .21091 L .487 .21297 L Mfstroke .73166 1.40427 m .7152 1.41239 L .6994 1.41863 L .68159 1.42398 L .67141 1.42629 L .66204 1.42796 L .65722 1.42865 L .65209 1.42927 L .64762 1.4297 L .6428 1.43007 L .6376 1.43035 L .63271 1.43051 L .62972 1.43055 L .62687 1.43055 L .6243 1.43053 L .62149 1.43046 L .61634 1.43026 L .61165 1.42998 L .60622 1.42954 L .60108 1.42902 L .59188 1.4278 L .58188 1.4261 L .5606 1.42117 L .53704 1.41369 L .48918 1.39209 L .44497 1.36456 L .40429 1.33264 L .32306 1.24816 L .25592 1.15287 L .19653 1.04061 L .17046 .97834 L .14579 .90729 L .12802 .84394 L .11302 .77506 L .10666 .73714 L .10205 .70253 L .09874 .66968 L .09749 .65328 L .0969 .64399 L .09643 .63545 L .09607 .62759 L .09575 .61898 L .0955 .61035 L .0954 .60565 L .09533 .60125 L .09525 .5932 L .09524 .58588 L .09526 .58184 L .0953 .57746 L .09543 .5695 L Mistroke .09562 .56175 L .09586 .55477 L .09659 .53925 L .09751 .52502 L .0986 .51178 L .10207 .48047 L .10633 .45254 L .11217 .42287 L .11963 .39279 L .13531 .34483 L .15611 .2984 L .17934 .25972 L .20334 .22919 L .23364 .20023 L .26422 .17918 L .28108 .17043 L .3003 .16261 L .3102 .15941 L .32103 .15651 L .33063 .15445 L .33596 .1535 L .34101 .15273 L .34592 .15209 L .35126 .15153 L .35614 .15113 L .36066 .15086 L .36494 .15069 L .36966 .15059 L .37461 .1506 L .37926 .15069 L .3819 .15079 L .38478 .15093 L .39003 .15128 L .39516 .15172 L .39993 .15224 L .4108 .15375 L .42243 .15589 L .4441 .16129 L .46462 .16806 L .51167 .18951 L .55323 .21532 L .59641 .2491 L .67047 .32513 L .74229 .42536 L .79992 .53281 L .82802 .59887 L .85091 .66343 L .86811 .72214 L .88336 .78744 L .89458 .85256 L Mistroke .899 .88797 L .90068 .90487 L .90201 .92085 L .903 .93542 L .90383 .95123 L .90411 .95815 L .90435 .96551 L .90453 .97242 L .90465 .97867 L .90474 .98657 L .90476 .9938 L .90472 1.00171 L .9046 1.01002 L .90443 1.01722 L .90423 1.02391 L .90357 1.03901 L .90312 1.04681 L .90256 1.05504 L .90137 1.06969 L .89772 1.10217 L .89352 1.12942 L .88777 1.15852 L .87416 1.20922 L .85796 1.25296 L .83656 1.29614 L .81017 1.33574 L .78472 1.36447 L .7541 1.39022 L .73621 1.40171 L .71866 1.41082 L .70239 1.41756 L .68426 1.42328 L .67465 1.42561 L .66394 1.42765 L .65849 1.42848 L .6526 1.42921 L .64701 1.42976 L .64188 1.43013 L .63677 1.43039 L .63201 1.43052 L .62676 1.43055 L .62382 1.43052 L .62115 1.43045 L .61623 1.43026 L .61088 1.42993 L .60582 1.42951 L .60116 1.42903 L .59096 1.42766 L .58162 1.42605 L .56049 1.42114 L Mistroke .54075 1.41501 L .522 1.40782 L .47988 1.3869 L .4344 1.35689 L .35326 1.28305 L .27422 1.18159 L .21055 1.07026 L .16185 .9552 L .13967 .88699 L .12254 .82106 L .1106 .76159 L .10568 .73046 L .10141 .69695 L .09954 .67861 L .09811 .66182 L .09703 .64617 L .09656 .63791 L .09613 .62908 L .09582 .6211 L .09559 .61384 L .09542 .60657 L .09531 .59971 L .09524 .59206 L .09524 .58501 L .0953 .5773 L .09544 .56914 L .09565 .56103 L .0959 .55363 L .09671 .53708 L .09769 .52265 L .09898 .50764 L .10262 .47642 L .10799 .44335 L .11418 .41409 L .12111 .38751 L .13687 .34081 L .15772 .29535 L .18462 .25231 L .21133 .22063 L .244 .19228 L .26163 .18069 L .28137 .1703 L .30071 .16247 L .3102 .15941 L .31892 .15703 L .3277 .15503 L .3373 .15328 L .34263 .1525 L .34756 .15191 L .3526 .15141 L Mistroke .35732 .15105 L .36141 .15083 L .3658 .15066 L .3707 .15058 L .37518 .1506 L .37986 .15071 L .38498 .15094 L .38982 .15126 L .39432 .15164 L .40448 .15281 L .41407 .1543 L .4361 .15909 L .45775 .16561 L .4812 .17468 L .48618 .17687 L Mfstroke .74529 1.44037 m .72786 1.44897 L .71113 1.45557 L .69227 1.46124 L .6815 1.46368 L .67157 1.46545 L .66647 1.46618 L .66103 1.46684 L .65631 1.4673 L .6512 1.46769 L .6457 1.46799 L .64052 1.46815 L .63735 1.4682 L .63433 1.4682 L .63161 1.46817 L .62864 1.46811 L .62318 1.46789 L .61822 1.4676 L .61246 1.46713 L .60702 1.46657 L .59729 1.46529 L .58669 1.46348 L .56416 1.45826 L .53922 1.45034 L .48854 1.42747 L .44174 1.39833 L .39866 1.36453 L .31265 1.27508 L .24157 1.17418 L .17868 1.05532 L .15107 .98938 L .12495 .91415 L .10614 .84708 L .09025 .77415 L .08352 .734 L .07864 .69735 L .07514 .66257 L .07381 .64521 L .07319 .63537 L .07269 .62633 L .07231 .61801 L .07197 .60888 L .07171 .59975 L .0716 .59477 L .07152 .59012 L .07144 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mathtops translate 0 0 Mdot grestore } def % End of user PostScript .0001 w .0744 .0833 m .0644 .02459 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -3. -3.07046 -3.42274 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .14283 m .06247 .08446 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -2.57143 -3.08405 -2.99168 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .20236 m .06039 .14443 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -2.14286 -3.09877 -2.55989 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .26189 m .05813 .20453 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -1.71429 -3.1147 -2.12722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .32142 m .05568 .26478 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -1.28571 -3.13192 -1.69348 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .38094 m .05305 .32521 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -0.857143 -3.15048 -1.25843 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .44047 m .05022 .38585 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -0.428571 -3.1704 -0.82181 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .5 m .04721 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 0 -3.19166 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .55953 m .04402 .50797 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 0.428571 -3.21417 0.057349 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .61906 m .04067 .56953 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 0.857143 -3.23773 0.50055 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .67858 m .03722 .63148 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 1.28571 -3.26205 0.946592 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .73811 m .03373 .69386 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 1.71429 -3.2867 1.39573 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .79764 m .03026 .7567 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 2.14286 -3.31112 1.84811 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .85717 m .02692 .81998 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 2.57143 -3.33466 2.3037 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .0744 .9167 m .02381 .88368 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 3. -3.35659 2.76227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .0833 m .12727 .02429 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -3. -2.62734 -3.42491 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .14283 m .1252 .08411 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -2.57143 -2.64189 -2.99417 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .20236 m .12294 .14406 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -2.14286 -2.65785 -2.56262 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .26189 m .12045 .20414 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -1.71429 -2.67537 -2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .32142 m .11773 .2644 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -1.28571 -2.69458 -1.69621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .38094 m .11475 .32488 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -0.857143 -2.71557 -1.26075 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .44047 m .11151 .38565 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -0.428571 -2.73842 -0.823272 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .5 m .10801 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0 -2.76309 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .55953 m .10427 .50828 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.428571 -2.78946 0.0596029 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .61906 m .10033 .57029 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.857143 -2.8172 0.506043 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .67858 m .09628 .63285 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.28571 -2.84579 0.956477 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .73811 m .09221 .69602 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.71429 -2.87447 1.41124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .79764 m .08827 .7598 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 2.14286 -2.90226 1.87041 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .85717 m .08461 .82415 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 2.57143 -2.92802 2.3337 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1352 .9167 m .0814 .88897 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 3. -2.95068 2.80039 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .0833 m .19065 .02401 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -3. -2.18053 -3.42691 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .14283 m .18846 .08376 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -2.57143 -2.19601 -2.99669 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .20236 m .186 .14364 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -2.14286 -2.21331 -2.5656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .26189 m .18326 .20368 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -1.71429 -2.23266 -2.13334 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .32142 m .18019 .26394 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -1.28571 -2.25427 -1.69955 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .38094 m .17677 .32447 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -0.857143 -2.27838 -1.26372 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .44047 m .17298 .38538 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -0.428571 -2.30513 -0.825234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .5 m .16881 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0 -2.33452 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .55953 m .16429 .50873 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.428571 -2.36634 0.0628792 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .61906 m .15952 .57143 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.857143 -2.4 0.514286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .67858 m .15463 .63496 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.28571 -2.43448 0.97166 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .73811 m .14984 .69937 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.71429 -2.46825 1.43538 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .79764 m .14541 .76462 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.14286 -2.49945 1.90513 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .85717 m .14162 .83055 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.57143 -2.52618 2.37977 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .196 .9167 m .13866 .89688 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 3. -2.547 2.85736 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .0833 m .25477 .02381 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -3. -1.72856 -3.42833 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .14283 m .25247 .08346 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.57143 -1.74482 -2.99891 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .20236 m .24983 .14322 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.14286 -1.76341 -2.5686 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .26189 m .2468 .20317 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.71429 -1.78474 -2.13703 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .32142 m .24332 .26337 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.28571 -1.80927 -1.70363 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .38094 m .23933 .32393 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.857143 -1.83743 -1.26764 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .44047 m .23476 .38499 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.428571 -1.86962 -0.828002 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .5 m .22961 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0 -1.90595 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .55953 m .22392 .50945 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.428571 -1.94604 0.0680664 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .61906 m .21788 .57333 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.857143 -1.98865 0.527905 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .67858 m .21181 .63854 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.28571 -2.0314 0.997426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .73811 m .20621 .70509 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.71429 -2.07088 1.47656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .79764 m .20159 .77269 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.14286 -2.10341 1.96326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .85717 m .19834 .84081 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.57143 -2.12637 2.45369 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2568 .9167 m .19653 .90883 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 3. -2.1391 2.94336 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .0833 m .31994 .02382 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -3. -1.26924 -3.42825 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .14283 m .3176 .0833 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.57143 -1.28571 -3. MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .20236 m .31484 .14289 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.14286 -1.30517 -2.57099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .26189 m .31155 .20266 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.71429 -1.32836 -2.14073 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .32142 m .3076 .2627 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.28571 -1.35617 -1.70845 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .38094 m .30285 .32319 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.857143 -1.38966 -1.27292 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .44047 m .29715 .38441 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.428571 -1.42986 -0.832175 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .5 m .29041 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0 -1.47738 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .55953 m .28273 .51076 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.428571 -1.53148 0.077472 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .61906 m .27461 .57696 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.857143 -1.58876 0.554097 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .67858 m .26701 .64556 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.28571 -1.64231 1.04799 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .73811 m .26115 .716 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.71429 -1.68363 1.55512 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .79764 m .25778 .78699 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.14286 -1.70737 2.06619 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .85717 m .2568 .85717 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.57143 -1.71429 2.57143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3176 .9167 m .25751 .92575 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 3. -1.7093 3.06517 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .0833 m .38661 .02432 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -3. -0.799237 -3.42464 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .14283 m .38445 .0836 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.57143 -0.814498 -2.99787 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .20236 m .38177 .14292 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.14286 -0.83337 -2.57077 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .26189 m .3784 .20236 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.71429 -0.857143 -2.14286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .32142 m .37407 .26204 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.28571 -0.887677 -1.7132 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .38094 m .3684 .32223 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.857143 -0.9276 -1.27988 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .44047 m .36093 .38345 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.428571 -0.980292 -0.839068 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .5 m .35121 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0 -1.04881 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .55953 m .33948 .5138 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.428571 -1.13151 0.0993337 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .61906 m .32781 .58604 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.857143 -1.21374 0.619414 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .67858 m .31994 .66223 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.28571 -1.26922 1.16798 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .73811 m .3176 .73811 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.71429 -1.28571 1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .79764 m .31905 .81055 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.14286 -1.27551 2.23583 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .85717 m .32195 .87928 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.57143 -1.25506 2.7306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .3784 .9167 m .32502 .9452 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 3. -1.23338 3.20522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .0833 m .45547 .02595 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -3. -0.313867 -3.41294 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .14283 m .45395 .08508 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.57143 -0.324628 -2.9872 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .20236 m .45194 .14415 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.14286 -0.338773 -2.56192 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .26189 m .4492 .20317 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.71429 -0.358115 -2.13703 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .32142 m .44525 .26218 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.28571 -0.385927 -1.71216 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .38094 m .4392 .32142 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.857143 -0.428571 -1.28571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .44047 m .4292 .38175 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.428571 -0.499028 -0.851312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .5 m .41201 .44676 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0 -0.620234 -0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .55953 m .38861 .52651 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.428571 -0.785164 0.190843 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .61906 m .3784 .61906 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.857143 -0.857143 0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .67858 m .38275 .70069 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.28571 -0.82649 1.44488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .73811 m .38861 .77113 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.71429 -0.785164 1.95201 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .79764 m .39304 .83638 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.14286 -0.753967 2.42177 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .85717 m .39621 .89926 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.57143 -0.731617 2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .4392 .9167 m .39853 .96094 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 3. -0.715271 3.31855 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .0833 m .52719 .03006 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -3. 0.191663 -3.38333 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .14283 m .52719 .08959 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.57143 0.191663 -2.95475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .20236 m .52719 .14912 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.14286 0.191663 -2.52618 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .26189 m .52719 .20864 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.71429 0.191663 -2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .32142 m .52719 .26817 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.28571 0.191663 -1.66904 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .38094 m .52719 .3277 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.857143 0.191663 -1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .44047 m .52719 .38723 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.428571 0.191663 -0.811897 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .5 m .5 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0 MAarrowzero1 % End of user PostScript .5 .55953 m .47281 .61277 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.428571 -0.191663 0.811897 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .61906 m .47281 .6723 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.857143 -0.191663 1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .67858 m .47281 .73183 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.28571 -0.191663 1.66904 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .73811 m .47281 .79136 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.71429 -0.191663 2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .79764 m .47281 .85088 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.14286 -0.191663 2.52618 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .85717 m .47281 .91041 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.57143 -0.191663 2.95475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .9167 m .47281 .96994 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 3. -0.191663 3.38333 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .0833 m .60147 .03906 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -3. 0.715271 -3.31855 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .14283 m .60379 .10074 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.57143 0.731617 -2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .20236 m .60696 .16362 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.14286 0.753967 -2.42177 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .26189 m .61139 .22887 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.71429 0.785164 -1.95201 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .32142 m .61725 .29931 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.28571 0.82649 -1.44488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .38094 m .6216 .38094 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.857143 0.857143 -0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .44047 m .61139 .47349 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.428571 0.785164 -0.190843 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .5 m .58799 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0 0.620234 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .55953 m .5708 .61825 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.428571 0.499028 0.851312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .61906 m .5608 .67858 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.857143 0.428571 1.28571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .67858 m .55475 .73782 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.28571 0.385927 1.71216 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .73811 m .5508 .79683 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.71429 0.358115 2.13703 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .79764 m .54806 .85585 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.14286 0.338773 2.56192 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .85717 m .54605 .91492 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.57143 0.324628 2.9872 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5608 .9167 m .54453 .97405 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 3. 0.313867 3.41294 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .0833 m .67498 .0548 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -3. 1.23338 -3.20522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .14283 m .67805 .12072 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.57143 1.25506 -2.7306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .20236 m .68095 .18945 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.14286 1.27551 -2.23583 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .26189 m .6824 .26189 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.71429 1.28571 -1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .32142 m .68006 .33777 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.28571 1.26922 -1.16798 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .38094 m .67219 .41396 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.857143 1.21374 -0.619414 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .44047 m .66052 .4862 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.428571 1.13151 -0.0993337 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .5 m .64879 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0 1.04881 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .55953 m .63907 .61655 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.428571 0.980292 0.839068 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .61906 m .6316 .67777 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.857143 0.9276 1.27988 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .67858 m .62593 .73796 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.28571 0.887677 1.7132 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .73811 m .6216 .79764 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.71429 0.857143 2.14286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .79764 m .61823 .85708 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.14286 0.83337 2.57077 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .85717 m .61555 .9164 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.57143 0.814498 2.99787 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6216 .9167 m .61339 .97568 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 3. 0.799237 3.42464 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .0833 m .74249 .07425 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -3. 1.7093 -3.06517 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .14283 m .7432 .14283 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.57143 1.71429 -2.57143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .20236 m .74222 .21301 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.14286 1.70737 -2.06619 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .26189 m .73885 .284 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.71429 1.68363 -1.55512 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .32142 m .73299 .35444 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.28571 1.64231 -1.04799 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .38094 m .72539 .42304 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.857143 1.58876 -0.554097 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .44047 m .71727 .48924 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.428571 1.53148 -0.077472 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .5 m .70959 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0 1.47738 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .55953 m .70285 .61559 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.428571 1.42986 0.832175 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .61906 m .69715 .67681 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.857143 1.38966 1.27292 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .67858 m .6924 .7373 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.28571 1.35617 1.70845 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .73811 m .68845 .79734 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.71429 1.32836 2.14073 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .79764 m .68516 .85711 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.14286 1.30517 2.57099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .85717 m .6824 .9167 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.57143 1.28571 3. MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .6824 .9167 m .68006 .97618 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 3. 1.26924 3.42825 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .0833 m .80347 .09117 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -3. 2.1391 -2.94336 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .14283 m .80166 .15919 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.57143 2.12637 -2.45369 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .20236 m .79841 .22731 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.14286 2.10341 -1.96326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .26189 m .79379 .29491 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.71429 2.07088 -1.47656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .32142 m .78819 .36146 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.28571 2.0314 -0.997426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .38094 m .78212 .42667 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.857143 1.98865 -0.527905 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .44047 m .77608 .49055 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.428571 1.94604 -0.0680664 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .5 m .77039 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0 1.90595 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .55953 m .76524 .61501 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.428571 1.86962 0.828002 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .61906 m .76067 .67607 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.857143 1.83743 1.26764 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .67858 m .75668 .73663 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.28571 1.80927 1.70363 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .73811 m .7532 .79683 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.71429 1.78474 2.13703 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .79764 m .75017 .85678 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.14286 1.76341 2.5686 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .85717 m .74753 .91654 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.57143 1.74482 2.99891 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7432 .9167 m .74523 .97619 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 3. 1.72856 3.42833 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .0833 m .86134 .10312 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -3. 2.547 -2.85736 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .14283 m .85838 .16945 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.57143 2.52618 -2.37977 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .20236 m .85459 .23538 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.14286 2.49945 -1.90513 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .26189 m .85016 .30063 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.71429 2.46825 -1.43538 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .32142 m .84537 .36504 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.28571 2.43448 -0.97166 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .38094 m .84048 .42857 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.857143 2.4 -0.514286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .44047 m .83571 .49127 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.428571 2.36634 -0.0628792 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .5 m .83119 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0 2.33452 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .55953 m .82702 .61462 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.428571 2.30513 0.825234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .61906 m .82323 .67553 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.857143 2.27838 1.26372 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .67858 m .81981 .73606 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.28571 2.25427 1.69955 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .73811 m .81674 .79632 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.71429 2.23266 2.13334 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .79764 m .814 .85636 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.14286 2.21331 2.5656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .85717 m .81154 .91624 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.57143 2.19601 2.99669 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .804 .9167 m .80935 .97599 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 3. 2.18053 3.42691 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .0833 m .9186 .11103 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -3. 2.95068 -2.80039 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .14283 m .91539 .17585 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.57143 2.92802 -2.3337 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .20236 m .91173 .2402 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.14286 2.90226 -1.87041 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .26189 m .90779 .30398 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.71429 2.87447 -1.41124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .32142 m .90372 .36715 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.28571 2.84579 -0.956477 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .38094 m .89967 .42971 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.857143 2.8172 -0.506043 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .44047 m .89573 .49172 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.428571 2.78946 -0.0596029 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .5 m .89199 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0 2.76309 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .55953 m .88849 .61435 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.428571 2.73842 0.823272 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .61906 m .88525 .67512 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.857143 2.71557 1.26075 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .67858 m .88227 .7356 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.28571 2.69458 1.69621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .73811 m .87955 .79586 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.71429 2.67537 2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .79764 m .87706 .85594 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.14286 2.65785 2.56262 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .85717 m .8748 .91589 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.57143 2.64189 2.99417 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8648 .9167 m .87273 .97571 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 3. 2.62734 3.42491 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .0833 m .97619 .11632 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -3. 3.35659 -2.76227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .14283 m .97308 .18002 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.57143 3.33466 -2.3037 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .20236 m .96974 .2433 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.14286 3.31112 -1.84811 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .26189 m .96627 .30614 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.71429 3.2867 -1.39573 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .32142 m .96278 .36852 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.28571 3.26205 -0.946592 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .38094 m .95933 .43047 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.857143 3.23773 -0.50055 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .44047 m .95598 .49203 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.428571 3.21417 -0.057349 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 .5 m .95279 .55324 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0 3.19166 0.383326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .9256 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First[%]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Table[\n\t\t\tsoln[t, .01*Cos[angle], .01*Sin[angle]], \n \t\t\t{angle, 0, 2*Pi, .1*Pi}]], \n\t\ \ \ \ \ {t, \(-1.5\), 1.5}, AspectRatio -> Automatic]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ How would this have been different had the eigenvalues been -1\ \[PlusMinus]i?\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Example 5: Improper node (A has repeated eigenvalues)", "Subsubsection", FontSize->24], Cell["We start with the simplest possible example.", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = {{1, 1}, {0, 1}}\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({{1, 1}, {0, 1}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(directions\ = \ RHS[x1, x2]\ \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \({x1 + x2, x2}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[directions, {x1, \(-3\), 3}, {x2, \(-3\), 3}, \ Axes -> \ True, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 15]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.138889 0.5 0.138889 [ [.08333 -0.0125 -6 -9 ] [.08333 -0.0125 6 0 ] [.22222 -0.0125 -6 -9 ] [.22222 -0.0125 6 0 ] [.36111 -0.0125 -6 -9 ] [.36111 -0.0125 6 0 ] [.5 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.5 -0.0125 3 0 ] [.63889 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.63889 -0.0125 3 0 ] [.77778 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.77778 -0.0125 3 0 ] [.91667 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.91667 -0.0125 3 0 ] [ 0 0 -0.125 0 ] [-0.0125 .08333 -12 -4.5 ] [-0.0125 .08333 0 4.5 ] [-0.0125 .22222 -12 -4.5 ] [-0.0125 .22222 0 4.5 ] [-0.0125 .36111 -12 -4.5 ] 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% Start of user PostScript /mathtops { gsave MBeginOrig moveto MEndOrig currentpoint grestore } bind def /MAtocoords { mathtops 4 2 roll mathtops 4 copy pop pop 3 -1 roll sub /arry exch def exch sub /arrx exch def arrx dup mul arry dup mul add sqrt /arrl exch def translate } bind def /MAarrowhead1 { gsave MAtocoords arrl 0. eq { 0 0 Mdot } { [ arrx arrl div arry arrl div -1 arry mul arrl div arrx arrl div 0 0 ] concat -0.02 0.005 moveto 0 0 lineto -0.02 -0.005 lineto fill -0.02 0.005 moveto 0 0 lineto -0.02 -0.005 lineto -0.02 0.005 lineto stroke } ifelse grestore } def /MAarrowzero1 { gsave mathtops translate 0 0 Mdot grestore } def % End of user PostScript .0001 w .08333 .08333 m .03009 .05671 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -3. -3.38333 -3.19166 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .08333 .14286 m .02929 .11791 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. -2.57143 -3.38913 -2.75102 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .08333 .20238 m .02839 .17949 L s % Start of user PostScript -3. 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.08759 .2398 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -1.71429 -2.96935 -1.87345 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .32143 m .08639 .30261 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -1.28571 -2.97801 -1.42124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .38095 m .08511 .36652 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -0.857143 -2.9872 -0.961087 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .44048 m .08393 .43206 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 -0.428571 -2.99569 -0.489181 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .5 m .08333 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0 -3. 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .55952 m .08449 .5712 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.428571 -2.99168 0.512621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .61905 m .08962 .64567 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 0.857143 -2.95475 1.04881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .67857 m .10077 .72066 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 1.28571 -2.87447 1.58876 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MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .14286 .91667 m .15128 .97559 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.57143 3. -2.51082 3.42426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .08333 m .15097 .05334 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -3. -2.51305 -3.21594 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .14286 m .15013 .11435 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -2.57143 -2.5191 -2.77665 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .20238 m .14914 .17576 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -2.14286 -2.52618 -2.33452 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .2619 m .14799 .23773 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -1.71429 -2.53449 -1.88835 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .32143 m .14665 .30053 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -1.28571 -2.54414 -1.4362 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .38095 m .14515 .3646 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -0.857143 -2.55494 -0.97488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .44048 m .14367 .43069 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 -0.428571 -2.5656 -0.499028 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .5 m .14286 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0 -2.57143 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .55952 m .14463 .57396 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.428571 -2.55863 0.532515 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .61905 m .15285 .65207 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 0.857143 -2.49945 1.09487 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .67857 m .16936 .7281 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.28571 -2.38059 1.64231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .7381 m .18794 .79584 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 1.71429 -2.2468 2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .79762 m .20238 .85714 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.14286 -2.14286 2.57143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .85714 m .21217 .91586 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 2.57143 -2.0724 2.99417 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .20238 .91667 m .21873 .9739 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.14286 3. -2.02512 3.41208 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .08333 m .21169 .05138 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -3. -2.07585 -3.23009 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .14286 m .21086 .11223 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.57143 -2.08178 -2.79193 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .20238 m .20987 .17347 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -2.14286 -2.08892 -2.35099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .2619 m .20867 .23528 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.71429 -2.09761 -1.90595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .32143 m .20719 .29798 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -1.28571 -2.10821 -1.45454 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .38095 m .20544 .36213 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.857143 -2.12086 -0.992669 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .44048 m .20354 .4288 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 -0.428571 -2.13453 -0.512621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .5 m .20238 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0 -2.14286 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .55952 m .20544 .57835 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.428571 -2.12086 0.564098 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .61905 m .21982 .66114 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 0.857143 -2.01733 1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .67857 m .24308 .73504 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.28571 -1.84981 1.69229 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .7381 m .2619 .79762 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 1.71429 -1.71429 2.14286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .79762 m .27358 .85599 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.14286 -1.63024 2.56311 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .85714 m .28073 .91361 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 2.57143 -1.57876 2.97801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .2619 .91667 m .28535 .97138 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.71429 3. -1.54546 3.39392 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .08333 m .27266 .0492 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -3. -1.63681 -3.24577 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .14286 m .2719 .10984 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.57143 -1.64231 -2.80916 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .20238 m .27095 .17083 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -2.14286 -1.64914 -2.37 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .2619 m .26975 .23237 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.71429 -1.65782 -1.92692 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .32143 m .26819 .29481 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -1.28571 -1.66904 -1.47738 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .38095 m .26616 .35885 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.857143 -1.68363 -1.01631 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .44048 m .26368 .42604 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 -0.428571 -1.70149 -0.532515 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .5 m .2619 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0 -1.71429 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .55952 m .26819 .58614 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.428571 -1.66904 0.620234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .61905 m .29481 .67229 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 0.857143 -1.47738 1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .67857 m .32143 .7381 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.28571 -1.28571 1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .7381 m .33587 .79584 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 1.71429 -1.18177 2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .79762 m .34354 .85289 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.14286 -1.12655 2.54078 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .85714 m .34805 .91038 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 2.57143 -1.09405 2.95475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32143 .91667 m .35096 .96835 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.28571 3. -1.07308 3.3721 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .08333 m .33397 .04679 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -3. -1.19544 -3.26312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .14286 m .33333 .10714 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.57143 -1.2 -2.82857 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .20238 m .33252 .16778 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -2.14286 -1.20589 -2.39196 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .2619 m .33143 .22889 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.71429 -1.21374 -1.95201 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .32143 m .32991 .2908 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -1.28571 -1.22464 -1.50621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .38095 m .32771 .35433 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.857143 -1.24047 -1.04881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .44048 m .32448 .42165 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 -0.428571 -1.26372 -0.564098 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .5 m .32143 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0 -1.28571 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .55952 m .33886 .60161 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.428571 -1.16019 0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .61905 m .38095 .67857 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 0.857143 -0.857143 1.28571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .67857 m .39978 .73504 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.28571 -0.721617 1.69229 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .7381 m .40757 .79133 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 1.71429 -0.66548 2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .79762 m .41158 .84866 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.14286 -0.636645 2.51035 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .85714 m .41397 .90667 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 2.57143 -0.619414 2.92802 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .38095 .91667 m .41555 .9651 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.857143 3. -0.608041 3.34874 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .08333 m .39568 .04414 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -3. -0.751104 -3.28222 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .14286 m .39528 .10412 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.57143 -0.753967 -2.85034 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .20238 m .39475 .16427 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -2.14286 -0.757809 -2.41722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .2619 m .394 .22472 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.71429 -0.763229 -1.98201 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .32143 m .39286 .28571 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -1.28571 -0.771429 -1.54286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .38095 m .39095 .34793 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.857143 -0.785164 -1.09487 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .44048 m .38724 .41386 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 -0.428571 -0.811897 -0.620234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .5 m .38095 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0 -0.857143 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .55952 m .44048 .61905 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.428571 -0.428571 0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .61905 m .4671 .67229 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 0.857143 -0.236908 1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .67857 m .47349 .7281 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.28571 -0.190843 1.64231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .7381 m .47619 .78571 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 1.71429 -0.171429 2.05714 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .79762 m .47766 .8441 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.14286 -0.160845 2.47752 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .85714 m .47858 .90287 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 2.57143 -0.154207 2.90067 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44048 .91667 m .47921 .96186 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.428571 3. -0.149661 3.3254 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .08333 m .45791 .04124 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -3. -0.303046 -3.30305 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .14286 m .45791 .10077 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.57143 -0.303046 -2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .20238 m .45791 .16029 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -2.14286 -0.303046 -2.4459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .2619 m .45791 .21982 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.71429 -0.303046 -2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .32143 m .45791 .27934 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -1.28571 -0.303046 -1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .38095 m .45791 .33886 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.857143 -0.303046 -1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .44048 m .45791 .39839 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 -0.428571 -0.303046 -0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .5 m .5 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0 MAarrowzero1 % End of user PostScript .5 .55952 m .54209 .60161 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.428571 0.303046 0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .61905 m .54209 .66114 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 0.857143 0.303046 1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .67857 m .54209 .72066 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.28571 0.303046 1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .7381 m .54209 .78018 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.71429 0.303046 2.01733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .79762 m .54209 .83971 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.14286 0.303046 2.4459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .85714 m .54209 .89923 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 2.57143 0.303046 2.87447 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5 .91667 m .54209 .95876 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 3. 0.303046 3.30305 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .08333 m .52079 .03814 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -3. 0.149661 -3.3254 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .14286 m .52142 .09713 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.57143 0.154207 -2.90067 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .20238 m .52234 .1559 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -2.14286 0.160845 -2.47752 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .2619 m .52381 .21429 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.71429 0.171429 -2.05714 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .32143 m .52651 .2719 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -1.28571 0.190843 -1.64231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .38095 m .5329 .32771 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.857143 0.236908 -1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .44048 m .55952 .38095 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 -0.428571 0.428571 -0.857143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .5 m .61905 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0 0.857143 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .55952 m .61276 .58614 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.428571 0.811897 0.620234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .61905 m .60905 .65207 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 0.857143 0.785164 1.09487 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .67857 m .60714 .71429 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.28571 0.771429 1.54286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .7381 m .606 .77528 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 1.71429 0.763229 1.98201 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .79762 m .60525 .83573 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.14286 0.757809 2.41722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .85714 m .60472 .89588 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 2.57143 0.753967 2.85034 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .55952 .91667 m .60432 .95586 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.428571 3. 0.751104 3.28222 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .08333 m .58445 .0349 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -3. 0.608041 -3.34874 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .14286 m .58603 .09333 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.57143 0.619414 -2.92802 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .20238 m .58842 .15134 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -2.14286 0.636645 -2.51035 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .2619 m .59243 .20867 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.71429 0.66548 -2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .32143 m .60022 .26496 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -1.28571 0.721617 -1.69229 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .38095 m .61905 .32143 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.857143 0.857143 -1.28571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .44048 m .66114 .39839 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 -0.428571 1.16019 -0.731617 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .5 m .67857 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0 1.28571 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .55952 m .67552 .57835 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.428571 1.26372 0.564098 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .61905 m .67229 .64567 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 0.857143 1.24047 1.04881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .67857 m .67009 .7092 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.28571 1.22464 1.50621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .7381 m .66857 .77111 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 1.71429 1.21374 1.95201 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .79762 m .66748 .83222 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.14286 1.20589 2.39196 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .85714 m .66667 .89286 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 2.57143 1.2 2.82857 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .61905 .91667 m .66603 .95321 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.857143 3. 1.19544 3.26312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .08333 m .64904 .03165 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -3. 1.07308 -3.3721 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .14286 m .65195 .08962 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.57143 1.09405 -2.95475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .20238 m .65646 .14711 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -2.14286 1.12655 -2.54078 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .2619 m .66413 .20416 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.71429 1.18177 -2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .32143 m .67857 .2619 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -1.28571 1.28571 -1.71429 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .38095 m .70519 .32771 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.857143 1.47738 -1.24047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .44048 m .73181 .41386 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 -0.428571 1.66904 -0.620234 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .5 m .7381 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0 1.71429 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .55952 m .73632 .57396 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.428571 1.70149 0.532515 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .61905 m .73384 .64115 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 0.857143 1.68363 1.01631 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .67857 m .73181 .70519 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.28571 1.66904 1.47738 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .7381 m .73025 .76763 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 1.71429 1.65782 1.92692 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .79762 m .72905 .82917 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.14286 1.64914 2.37 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .85714 m .7281 .89016 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 2.57143 1.64231 2.80916 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67857 .91667 m .72734 .9508 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.28571 3. 1.63681 3.24577 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .08333 m .71465 .02862 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -3. 1.54546 -3.39392 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .14286 m .71927 .08639 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.57143 1.57876 -2.97801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .20238 m .72642 .14401 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -2.14286 1.63024 -2.56311 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .2619 m .7381 .20238 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.71429 1.71429 -2.14286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .32143 m .75692 .26496 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -1.28571 1.84981 -1.69229 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .38095 m .78018 .33886 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.857143 2.01733 -1.16019 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .44048 m .79456 .42165 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 -0.428571 2.12086 -0.564098 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .5 m .79762 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0 2.14286 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .55952 m .79646 .5712 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.428571 2.13453 0.512621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .61905 m .79456 .63787 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 0.857143 2.12086 0.992669 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .67857 m .79281 .70202 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.28571 2.10821 1.45454 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .7381 m .79133 .76472 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 1.71429 2.09761 1.90595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .79762 m .79013 .82653 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.14286 2.08892 2.35099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .85714 m .78914 .88777 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 2.57143 2.08178 2.79193 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .7381 .91667 m .78831 .94862 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.71429 3. 2.07585 3.23009 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .08333 m .78127 .0261 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -3. 2.02512 -3.41208 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .14286 m .78783 .08414 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.57143 2.0724 -2.99417 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .20238 m .79762 .14286 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -2.14286 2.14286 -2.57143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .2619 m .81206 .20416 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.71429 2.2468 -2.13006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .32143 m .83064 .2719 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -1.28571 2.38059 -1.64231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .38095 m .84715 .34793 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.857143 2.49945 -1.09487 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .44048 m .85537 .42604 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 -0.428571 2.55863 -0.532515 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .5 m .85714 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0 2.57143 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .55952 m .85633 .56931 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.428571 2.5656 0.499028 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .61905 m .85485 .6354 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 0.857143 2.55494 0.97488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .67857 m .85335 .69947 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.28571 2.54414 1.4362 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .7381 m .85201 .76227 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 1.71429 2.53449 1.88835 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .79762 m .85086 .82424 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.14286 2.52618 2.33452 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .85714 m .84987 .88565 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 2.57143 2.5191 2.77665 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .79762 .91667 m .84903 .94666 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.14286 3. 2.51305 3.21594 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .08333 m .84872 .02441 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -3. 2.51082 -3.42426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .14286 m .85714 .08333 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.57143 2.57143 -3. MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .20238 m .86882 .14401 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -2.14286 2.65548 -2.56311 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .2619 m .88376 .20867 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.71429 2.76309 -2.09761 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .32143 m .89923 .27934 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -1.28571 2.87447 -1.58876 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .38095 m .91038 .35433 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.857143 2.95475 -1.04881 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .44048 m .91551 .4288 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 -0.428571 2.99168 -0.512621 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .5 m .91667 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0 3. 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .55952 m .91607 .56794 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.428571 2.99569 0.489181 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .61905 m .91489 .63348 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 0.857143 2.9872 0.961087 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .67857 m .91361 .69739 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.28571 2.97801 1.42124 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .7381 m .91241 .7602 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 1.71429 2.96935 1.87345 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .79762 m .91133 .82225 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.14286 2.96159 2.3202 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .85714 m .91038 .88376 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 2.57143 2.95475 2.76309 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .85714 .91667 m .90955 .94489 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.57143 3. 2.94877 3.20319 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .08333 m .91667 .02381 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -3. 3. -3.42857 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .14286 m .92645 .08414 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.57143 3.07046 -2.99417 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .20238 m .93877 .14711 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -2.14286 3.15917 -2.54078 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .2619 m .95238 .21429 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.71429 3.25714 -2.05714 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .32143 m .96429 .28571 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -1.28571 3.34286 -1.54286 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .38095 m .97193 .35885 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.857143 3.39792 -1.01631 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .44048 m .97538 .43069 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. -0.428571 3.42274 -0.499028 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .5 m .97619 .5 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0 3.42857 0 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .55952 m .97573 .56691 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0.428571 3.42526 0.481729 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .61905 m .97477 .63196 L s % Start of user PostScript 3. 0.857143 3.41837 0.950113 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91667 .67857 m 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