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We proceed by first setting up the system and finding its critical points with the help of \ a direction field.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Needs["\"]\n\)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[{ \(f[x_, y_]\ = \ x \((1 - x - y)\)\), \(g[x_, y_]\ = \ y \((2 - 4 x - y)\)\t\)}], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(x\ \((1 - x - y)\)\)], "Output"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((2 - 4\ x - y)\)\ y\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[{f[x, y], g[x, y]}, {x, 0, .5}, {y, .5, 1}, Axes -> \ False, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 20]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier 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MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .17419 .93084 m .17373 .97619 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.0789474 1. 0.0787077 1.02631 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .06916 m .22816 .11438 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.5 0.107284 0.526238 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .11451 m .22781 .15975 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.526316 0.107101 0.552567 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .15986 m .22749 .20512 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.552632 0.106931 0.578894 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .20522 m .22718 .25049 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.578947 0.106772 0.60522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .25057 m .2269 .29586 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.605263 0.106622 0.631544 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .29592 m .22663 .34122 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.631579 0.10648 0.657867 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .34127 m .22637 .38658 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.657895 0.106345 0.684188 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .38662 m .22612 .43194 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.684211 0.106215 0.710509 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .43197 m .22589 .4773 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.710526 0.10609 0.736829 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .47732 m .22565 .52266 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.736842 0.105968 0.763148 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .52268 m .22543 .56802 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.763158 0.105848 0.789467 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .56803 m .2252 .61337 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.789474 0.105731 0.815785 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .61338 m .22498 .65873 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.815789 0.105614 0.842103 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .65873 m .22476 .70408 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.842105 0.105498 0.86842 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .70408 m .22454 .74943 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.868421 0.105381 0.894737 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .74943 m .22431 .79478 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.894737 0.105263 0.921053 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .79478 m .22408 .84014 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.921053 0.105143 0.947368 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .84014 m .22385 .88549 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.947368 0.10502 0.973683 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .88549 m .2236 .93083 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 0.973684 0.104892 0.999997 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .22431 .93084 m .22335 .97618 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.105263 1. 0.10476 1.02631 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .06916 m .2794 .11429 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.5 0.134186 0.526186 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .11451 m .27894 .15968 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.526316 0.133945 0.552525 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .15986 m .27851 .20507 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.552632 0.13372 0.57886 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .20522 m .27811 .25044 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.578947 0.133509 0.605192 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .25057 m .27773 .29582 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.605263 0.133309 0.631522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .29592 m .27737 .34119 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.631579 0.133118 0.65785 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .34127 m .27702 .38656 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.657895 0.132935 0.684176 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .38662 m .27668 .43193 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.684211 0.132759 0.7105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .43197 m .27636 .47729 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.710526 0.132586 0.736823 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .47732 m .27603 .52265 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.736842 0.132418 0.763145 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .52268 m .27572 .56801 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.763158 0.132251 0.789465 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .56803 m .2754 .61337 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.789474 0.132085 0.815785 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .61338 m .27508 .65873 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.815789 0.131918 0.842103 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .65873 m .27476 .70408 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.842105 0.13175 0.86842 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .70408 m .27444 .74943 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.868421 0.131579 0.894737 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .74943 m .2741 .79478 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.894737 0.131403 0.921052 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .79478 m .27375 .84013 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.921053 0.131221 0.947366 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .84014 m .27339 .88548 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.947368 0.131031 0.973679 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .88549 m .27301 .93082 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 0.973684 0.130831 0.999989 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .27444 .93084 m .27261 .97616 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.131579 1. 0.130618 1.0263 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .06916 m .33075 .11417 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.5 0.161143 0.526114 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .11451 m .33017 .15958 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.526316 0.160837 0.552467 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .15986 m .32962 .20498 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.552632 0.160549 0.578813 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .20522 m .3291 .25038 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.578947 0.160277 0.605155 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .25057 m .32861 .29577 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.605263 0.160018 0.631493 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .29592 m .32813 .34115 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.631579 0.15977 0.657828 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .34127 m .32767 .38653 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.657895 0.159529 0.68416 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .38662 m .32723 .43191 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.684211 0.159294 0.710489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .43197 m .32679 .47728 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.710526 0.159063 0.736816 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .47732 m .32635 .52265 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.736842 0.158834 0.763141 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .52268 m .32591 .56801 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.763158 0.158605 0.789464 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .56803 m .32547 .61337 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.789474 0.158373 0.815785 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .61338 m .32502 .65873 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.815789 0.158137 0.842104 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .65873 m .32456 .70408 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.842105 0.157895 0.868421 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .70408 m .32408 .74943 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.868421 0.157643 0.894736 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .74943 m .32358 .79478 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.894737 0.157379 0.921048 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .79478 m .32305 .84012 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.921053 0.157099 0.947356 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .84014 m .32247 .88545 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.947368 0.156799 0.973661 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .88549 m .32186 .93077 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 0.973684 0.156474 0.999962 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32456 .93084 m .32118 .97609 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.157895 1. 0.156118 1.02626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .06916 m .38224 .11399 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.5 0.188177 0.526015 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .11451 m .38151 .15944 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.526316 0.187795 0.552386 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .15986 m .38083 .20487 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.552632 0.187435 0.578749 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .20522 m .38017 .25029 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.578947 0.187092 0.605105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .25057 m .37955 .2957 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.605263 0.186761 0.631455 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .29592 m .37894 .34111 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.631579 0.186441 0.6578 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .34127 m .37834 .3865 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.657895 0.186128 0.684141 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .38662 m .37775 .43189 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.684211 0.185818 0.710477 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .43197 m .37716 .47727 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.710526 0.185508 0.73681 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .47732 m .37657 .52264 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.736842 0.185197 0.763139 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .52268 m .37596 .56801 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.763158 0.184879 0.789465 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .56803 m .37534 .61337 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.789474 0.184552 0.815787 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .61338 m .37469 .65873 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.815789 0.184211 0.842105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .65873 m .374 .70408 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.842105 0.183851 0.868419 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .70408 m .37327 .74941 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.868421 0.183467 0.894726 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .74943 m .37248 .79474 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.894737 0.183051 0.921027 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .79478 m .37161 .84005 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.921053 0.182594 0.947319 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .84014 m .37064 .88534 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.947368 0.182085 0.973598 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .88549 m .36954 .9306 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 0.973684 0.181509 0.999861 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37469 .93084 m .36828 .97582 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.184211 1. 0.180845 1.0261 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .06916 m .43394 .11375 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.5 0.21532 0.525875 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .11451 m .43305 .15925 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.526316 0.214853 0.552274 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .15986 m .4322 .20472 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.552632 0.214406 0.57866 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .20522 m .43138 .25018 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.578947 0.213976 0.605036 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .25057 m .43058 .29562 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.605263 0.213557 0.631404 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .29592 m .4298 .34104 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.631579 0.213145 0.657764 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .34127 m .42902 .38646 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.657895 0.212735 0.684118 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .38662 m .42823 .43187 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.684211 0.212321 0.710465 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .43197 m .42743 .47726 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.710526 0.2119 0.736806 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .47732 m .4266 .52265 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.736842 0.211466 0.763141 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .52268 m .42573 .56802 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.763158 0.21101 0.789469 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .56803 m .42481 .61338 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.789474 0.210526 0.815789 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .61338 m .42382 .65872 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.815789 0.210004 0.8421 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .65873 m .42273 .70404 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.842105 0.209431 0.868398 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .70408 m .42151 .74933 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.868421 0.20879 0.89468 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .74943 m .42012 .79459 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.894737 0.20806 0.920937 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .79478 m .4185 .83977 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.921053 0.207211 0.947159 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .84014 m .41657 .88487 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.947368 0.2062 0.973326 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .88549 m .41422 .92981 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.973684 0.204965 0.999406 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42481 .93084 m .41127 .9745 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 1. 0.203414 1.02534 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .06916 m .48597 .1134 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.5 0.242633 0.525671 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .11451 m .48489 .15896 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.526316 0.242065 0.552108 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .15986 m .48384 .20449 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.552632 0.241515 0.578529 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .20522 m .48281 .25 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.578947 0.240977 0.604936 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .25057 m .48179 .29549 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.605263 0.240442 0.631332 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .29592 m .48077 .34096 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.631579 0.239905 0.657716 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .34127 m .47973 .38641 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.657895 0.239357 0.68409 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .38662 m .47865 .43185 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.684211 0.238789 0.710454 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .43197 m .4775 .47726 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.710526 0.23819 0.736808 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .47732 m .47628 .52266 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.736842 0.237547 0.763148 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .52268 m .47494 .56803 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.763158 0.236842 0.789474 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .56803 m .47343 .61336 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.789474 0.236053 0.815778 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .61338 m .47171 .65864 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.815789 0.235148 0.842051 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .65873 m .46968 .70383 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.842105 0.234082 0.868276 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .70408 m .46722 .74889 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.868421 0.23279 0.894423 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .74943 m .46414 .79372 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.894737 0.231173 0.920435 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .79478 m .46016 .83812 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.921053 0.229083 0.946198 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .84014 m .45485 .88169 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.947368 0.226294 0.971478 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .88549 m .44766 .92354 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 0.973684 0.222521 0.995762 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47494 .93084 m .43838 .96187 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.236842 1. 0.217651 1.01801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .06916 m .53852 .11285 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.5 0.270221 0.52535 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .11451 m .53722 .15851 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.526316 0.26954 0.551846 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .15986 m .53594 .20414 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.552632 0.268867 0.578321 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .20522 m .53465 .24973 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.578947 0.26819 0.604778 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .25057 m .53333 .2953 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.605263 0.267498 0.631219 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .29592 m .53196 .34084 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.631579 0.266778 0.657645 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .34127 m .5305 .38635 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.657895 0.266012 0.684055 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .38662 m .52891 .43184 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.684211 0.265176 0.710449 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .43197 m .52712 .47729 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.710526 0.26424 0.73682 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .47732 m .52506 .52268 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.736842 0.263158 0.763158 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .52268 m .5226 .56797 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.763158 0.261863 0.789442 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .56803 m .51953 .6131 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.789474 0.260252 0.815629 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .61338 m .51554 .6579 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.815789 0.258157 0.841626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .65873 m .51011 .70202 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.842105 0.255309 0.867223 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .70408 m .50247 .74456 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.868421 0.251294 0.891911 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .74943 m .4919 .78344 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.894737 0.245747 0.914469 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .79478 m .48023 .81507 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.921053 0.23962 0.932821 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .84014 m .47494 .84014 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.947368 0.236842 0.947368 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .88549 m .4787 .86824 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 0.973684 0.238819 0.963678 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52506 .93084 m .48515 .9034 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.263158 1. 0.242206 0.984077 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .06916 m .59201 .11188 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.5 0.298306 0.524789 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .11451 m .5905 .1577 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.526316 0.297513 0.551374 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .15986 m .58896 .20347 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.552632 0.296703 0.577935 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .20522 m .58735 .24921 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.578947 0.295856 0.604477 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .25057 m .58561 .29493 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.605263 0.294945 0.631004 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .29592 m .58368 .34061 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.631579 0.293931 0.657514 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .34127 m .58144 .38627 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.657895 0.292756 0.684005 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .38662 m .57871 .43186 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.684211 0.291325 0.710461 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .43197 m .57519 .47732 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.710526 0.289474 0.736842 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .47732 m .57029 .52246 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.736842 0.286901 0.763032 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .52268 m .5629 .56664 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.763158 0.283022 0.788671 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .56803 m .55103 .60776 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.789474 0.276792 0.812532 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .61338 m .53421 .6395 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.815789 0.267961 0.830946 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .65873 m .52506 .65873 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.842105 0.263158 0.842105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .70408 m .53035 .6838 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.868421 0.265936 0.856652 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .74943 m .53762 .71941 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.894737 0.269749 0.877317 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .79478 m .54299 .76003 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.921053 0.27257 0.900884 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .84014 m .54679 .80276 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.947368 0.274565 0.925683 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .88549 m .54957 .84651 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 0.973684 0.276024 0.951065 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57519 .93084 m .55169 .89078 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.289474 1. 0.277137 0.976755 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .06916 m .64741 .10987 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.5 0.327392 0.52362 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .11451 m .64588 .15587 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.526316 0.326589 0.550314 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .15986 m .64426 .20185 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.552632 0.325734 0.576996 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .20522 m .64244 .24784 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.578947 0.324783 0.603679 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .25057 m .64029 .29385 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.605263 0.323651 0.630377 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .29592 m .63747 .33992 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.631579 0.322172 0.657109 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .34127 m .63323 .38605 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.657895 0.319947 0.68388 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .38662 m .62531 .43197 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.684211 0.315789 0.710526 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .43197 m .60496 .47342 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.710526 0.305102 0.734574 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .47732 m .57519 .47732 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.736842 0.289474 0.736842 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .52268 m .58628 .49423 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.763158 0.295296 0.746649 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .56803 m .594 .53261 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.789474 0.29935 0.768925 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .61338 m .59814 .57527 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.815789 0.301523 0.793676 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .65873 m .60074 .6192 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.842105 0.302888 0.819169 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .70408 m .60257 .66367 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.868421 0.30385 0.844969 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .74943 m .60397 .7084 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.894737 0.304584 0.870926 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .79478 m .60509 .75329 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.921053 0.305175 0.896973 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .84014 m .60603 .79827 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.947368 0.305668 0.923077 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .88549 m .60684 .84333 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 0.973684 0.306092 0.94922 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62531 .93084 m .60755 .88843 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.315789 1. 0.306464 0.975392 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .06916 m .70725 .10421 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.5 0.358804 0.520339 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .11451 m .70705 .14971 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.526316 0.3587 0.54674 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .15986 m .70735 .19484 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.552632 0.358857 0.572927 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .20522 m .70869 .23915 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.578947 0.359561 0.598641 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .25057 m .71298 .28062 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.605263 0.361816 0.622699 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .29592 m .72556 .29592 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.631579 0.368421 0.631579 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .34127 m .67544 .29592 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.657895 0.342105 0.631579 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .38662 m .66328 .34262 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.684211 0.335723 0.65868 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .43197 m .66012 .38879 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.710526 0.334062 0.68547 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .47732 m .65896 .4345 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.736842 0.333451 0.71199 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .52268 m .65852 .47999 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.763158 0.333222 0.738387 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .56803 m .65841 .52537 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.789474 0.333167 0.764722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .61338 m .65848 .5707 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.815789 0.333204 0.791025 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .65873 m .65865 .616 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.842105 0.333291 0.817309 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .70408 m .65887 .66128 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.868421 0.333408 0.843584 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .74943 m .65913 .70655 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.894737 0.333542 0.869853 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .79478 m .6594 .75182 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.921053 0.333686 0.89612 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .84014 m .65969 .79708 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.947368 0.333836 0.922386 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .88549 m .65997 .84235 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 0.973684 0.333987 0.948652 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67544 .93084 m .66026 .88762 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.342105 1. 0.334138 0.974919 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .06916 m .77394 .08104 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.5 0.393818 0.506893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .11451 m .77569 .11451 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.526316 0.394737 0.526316 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .15986 m .7704 .13958 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.552632 0.391959 0.540863 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .20522 m .75247 .16695 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.578947 0.382549 0.556746 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .25057 m .73553 .20612 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.605263 0.373654 0.579473 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .29592 m .72556 .25057 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.631579 0.368421 0.605263 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .34127 m .71998 .2962 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.657895 0.365492 0.631742 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .38662 m .71671 .34198 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.684211 0.363772 0.658309 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .43197 m .71469 .3877 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.710526 0.362712 0.684837 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .47732 m .71341 .43333 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.736842 0.362039 0.711312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .52268 m .71258 .47887 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.763158 0.361604 0.73774 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .56803 m .71205 .52436 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.789474 0.361326 0.764133 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .61338 m .71172 .56979 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.815789 0.361152 0.790497 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .65873 m .71153 .61519 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.842105 0.361053 0.816842 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .70408 m .71144 .66057 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.868421 0.361005 0.843172 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .74943 m .71142 .70592 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.894737 0.360996 0.86949 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .79478 m .71145 .75127 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.921053 0.361014 0.895801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .84014 m .71153 .7966 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.947368 0.361053 0.922105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .88549 m .71163 .84192 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 0.973684 0.361107 0.948405 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .72556 .93084 m .71176 .88724 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.368421 1. 0.361172 0.974702 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .06916 m .81203 .03793 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.5 0.413816 0.481875 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .11451 m .80026 .07499 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.526316 0.407638 0.50338 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .15986 m .78946 .11626 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.552632 0.401966 0.527328 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .20522 m .78135 .16015 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.578947 0.397708 0.5528 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .25057 m .77569 .20522 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.605263 0.394737 0.578947 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .29592 m .77179 .2507 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.631579 0.392687 0.605343 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .34127 m .76906 .29632 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.657895 0.391259 0.63181 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .38662 m .76714 .34193 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.684211 0.390249 0.65828 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .43197 m .76576 .38752 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.710526 0.389526 0.684732 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .47732 m .76477 .43306 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.736842 0.389004 0.711158 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .52268 m .76405 .47856 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.763158 0.388626 0.737561 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .56803 m .76353 .52403 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.789474 0.388354 0.763944 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .61338 m .76316 .56947 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.815789 0.388161 0.790308 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .65873 m .76291 .61488 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.842105 0.388027 0.816659 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .70408 m .76274 .66027 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.868421 0.387939 0.842998 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .74943 m .76264 .70565 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.894737 0.387887 0.869328 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .79478 m .76259 .75101 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.921053 0.387861 0.895651 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .84014 m .76259 .79636 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.947368 0.387857 0.921968 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .88549 m .76261 .84171 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 0.973684 0.387871 0.94828 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77569 .93084 m .76266 .88705 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.394737 1. 0.387898 0.974588 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .06916 m .84283 .0265 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.5 0.429986 0.475247 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .11451 m .83564 .07004 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.526316 0.426214 0.500511 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .15986 m .83004 .11467 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.552632 0.423272 0.52641 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .20522 m .82581 .15986 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.578947 0.421053 0.552632 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .25057 m .82265 .20531 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.605263 0.419392 0.579 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .29592 m .82028 .25084 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.631579 0.418147 0.605424 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .34127 m .81849 .29641 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.657895 0.417208 0.631861 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .38662 m .81713 .34195 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.684211 0.416496 0.658292 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .43197 m .8161 .38748 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.710526 0.415953 0.684709 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .47732 m .81531 .43298 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.736842 0.415539 0.71111 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .52268 m .81471 .47845 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.763158 0.415223 0.737496 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .56803 m .81425 .5239 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.789474 0.414983 0.763867 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .61338 m .81391 .56932 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.815789 0.414803 0.790227 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .65873 m .81366 .61473 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.842105 0.41467 0.816575 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .70408 m .81348 .66013 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.868421 0.414575 0.842915 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .74943 m .81335 .70551 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.894737 0.41451 0.869247 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .79478 m .81327 .75088 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.921053 0.414469 0.895574 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .84014 m .81323 .79624 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.947368 0.414448 0.921895 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .88549 m .81323 .84159 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 0.973684 0.414444 0.948212 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .82581 .93084 m .81324 .88694 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.421053 1. 0.414452 0.974525 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .06916 m .88399 .0244 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.5 0.451594 0.474026 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .11451 m .87948 .06927 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.526316 0.449228 0.500066 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .15986 m .87594 .11451 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.552632 0.447368 0.526316 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .20522 m .87318 .15993 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.578947 0.445918 0.552672 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .25057 m .87102 .20543 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.605263 0.444787 0.579074 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .29592 m .86934 .25096 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.631579 0.443904 0.605492 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .34127 m .86802 .29649 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.657895 0.443211 0.631909 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .38662 m .86698 .342 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.684211 0.442666 0.658318 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .43197 m .86616 .38749 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.710526 0.442237 0.684716 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .47732 m .86552 .43296 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.736842 0.441898 0.711101 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .52268 m .86502 .47841 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.763158 0.441633 0.737475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .56803 m .86462 .52385 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.789474 0.441426 0.763838 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .61338 m .86431 .56926 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.815789 0.441265 0.790191 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .65873 m .86408 .61467 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.842105 0.441143 0.816537 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .70408 m .86391 .66006 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.868421 0.441051 0.842875 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .74943 m .86378 .70544 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.894737 0.440986 0.869207 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .79478 m .8637 .75081 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.921053 0.440941 0.895534 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .84014 m .86365 .79617 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.947368 0.440914 0.921856 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .88549 m .86362 .84153 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 0.973684 0.440902 0.948175 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .87594 .93084 m .86362 .88688 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.447368 1. 0.440902 0.974491 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .06916 m .92922 .0239 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.5 0.475343 0.473737 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .11451 m .92607 .06916 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.526316 0.473684 0.5 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .15986 m .92354 .11457 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.552632 0.472359 0.526349 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .20522 m .92153 .16005 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.578947 0.471302 0.55274 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .25057 m .91992 .20556 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.605263 0.470457 0.579146 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .29592 m .91863 .25107 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.631579 0.469781 0.605554 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .34127 m .9176 .29657 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.657895 0.469238 0.631957 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .38662 m .91677 .34206 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.684211 0.468802 0.658352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .43197 m .9161 .38753 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.710526 0.468451 0.684736 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .47732 m .91556 .43298 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.736842 0.46817 0.71111 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .52268 m .91513 .47842 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.763158 0.467946 0.737475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .56803 m .91479 .52384 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.789474 0.467767 0.763832 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .61338 m .91453 .56925 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.815789 0.467626 0.79018 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .65873 m .91432 .61464 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.842105 0.467517 0.816522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .70408 m .91416 .66003 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.868421 0.467434 0.842858 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .74943 m .91404 .70541 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.894737 0.467372 0.869189 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .79478 m .91396 .75078 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.921053 0.467329 0.895516 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .84014 m .91391 .79614 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.947368 0.467302 0.921838 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .88549 m .91388 .8415 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 0.973684 0.467287 0.948158 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .92607 .93084 m .91387 .88685 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.473684 1. 0.467283 0.974475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .06916 m .97619 .02381 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.473684 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .11451 m .97381 .06921 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.526316 0.498751 0.50003 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .15986 m .97189 .11468 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.552632 0.497741 0.526413 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .20522 m .97033 .16018 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.578947 0.496922 0.552812 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .25057 m .96906 .20568 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.605263 0.496258 0.579215 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .29592 m .96803 .25117 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.631579 0.495718 0.605614 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .34127 m .9672 .29665 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.657895 0.495278 0.632006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .38662 m .96651 .34212 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.684211 0.49492 0.65839 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .43197 m .96596 .38758 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.710526 0.494629 0.684765 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .47732 m .96551 .43301 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.736842 0.494392 0.711131 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .52268 m .96514 .47844 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.763158 0.494201 0.737489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .56803 m .96485 .52385 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.789474 0.494047 0.76384 MAarrowhead1 % End of 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000700030@0000P000<100000`000`40000100005@3o0@T10`000?l08@000?l08@000?l08@000?l0 8@000?l08@000001\ \>"], ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 287}, {287, 0}} -> {-0.0550006, 0.419801, 0.00199642, 0.00220656}}] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Why was the above choice of ranges for x and y a reasonable one? \ Think in terms of the situation we are trying to model. \t\t Critical points can be approximately detected with a direction field by looking for those places in which the vector field seems to be turning \ quite a lot. In this picture there appear to be three such places--roughly speaking, the points (.4,.5), (0,1.75), and (.9,0). We can improve these guesses with a little help:\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[{ \(FindRoot[{f[x, y]\ == \ 0, \ g[x, y]\ == \ 0}, \ {x, .4}, {y, .5}]\ \), \(FindRoot[{f[x, y]\ == \ 0, \ g[x, y]\ == \ 0}, \ {x, .9}, {y, 0}]\ \), \(FindRoot[{f[x, y]\ == \ 0, \ g[x, y]\ == \ 0}, \ {x, 0}, {y, 1.75}]\ \n\)}], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ That is, (1/3, 2/3), (1,0), and (0,2) are the critical points. \ Note that we missed the critical point (x,y) = (0,0). \t Now we want to examine the behavior of solutions near each critical point in turn. First we pick on (1/3,2/3). The direction field nears this \ point looks like:\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[{f[x, y], g[x, y]}, {x, 1/3 - .01, 1/3\ + .01}, { y, 2/3 - .01, 2/3 + .01}, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {1/3, 2/3}, \n\t Axes -> \ True, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 20]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ This looks a bit like the vector field of a linear homogeneous constant coefficient system with one positive and one negative eigenvalue. Now we look at a phase portrait. Since the system is non-linear, we must use NDSolve to generate solution curves. We define a function to produce these solution given (in order) starting time t1 stopping time t2 x(0) a y(0) b Note that this will be most meaningful if t1<0", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(soln[t1_, t2_, a_, b_]\ := \ {x[t], y[t]} /. First[\n\t\t\t NDSolve[\ {\(x'\)[t] == f[x[t], y[t]], \(y'\)[t] == g[x[t], y[t]], \n\t\t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x[0]\ == \ a, \ y[0]\ == \ b}, \n \t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {x[t], y[t]}, \n \t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {t, t1, t2}]\n\t\t\t] \n\)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(\n\(Show[\n\n ParametricPlot[\n\t\ \ Evaluate[ Table[\n\t\t\t soln[\(-4\), 4, 1/3 + s, 2/3 + .01], {s, \(- .01\), .01, .001} \n\t\t]], \n\t\ \ \ {t, \(-4\), 4}\n], \n ParametricPlot[\n\t\ \ Evaluate[ Table[\n\t\t\t soln[\(-4\), 4, 1/3 + s, 2/3 - .01], {s, \(- .01\), .01, .001} \n\t\t]], \n\t\ \ \ {t, \(-4\), 4}\n], \n\n\t AspectRatio -> Automatic, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {1/3, 2/3}, \n\t PlotRange -> {{1/3 - .01, 1/3 + .01}, {2/3 - .01, 2/3 + .01}}, \n\t Ticks \[Rule] None, \n\tFrame \[Rule] True\t\ \ \ \n]; \)\t\t\t\)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[{ FormBox[ RowBox[{ "Again", ",", " ", \(this\ looks\ very\ much\ like\ the\ picture\ of\ linear\ homogeneous \ system\ of\ saddle\ type . \ \ In\ particular\), ",", " ", \(solutions\ that\ begin\ close\ to\ \((1/3, 2/3)\)\ tend\ to\ move\ away\ from\ this\ point\ when\ t\ gets\ large . \ \ For\ this\ reason\), ",", " ", RowBox[{ "we", " ", "refer", " ", "to", " ", \((1/3, 2/3)\), " ", "as", " ", "an", " ", StyleBox["unstable", FontSlant->"Italic"], StyleBox[" ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "critical", " ", \(point . \ \ To\), " ", "see", " ", "why", " ", "the", " ", "phase", " ", "portrait", " ", "near", " ", "this", " ", "point", " ", "looks", " ", "the", " ", "way", " ", "it", " ", "does"}], ",", " ", \(we\ compute\ a\ linearization\ of\ the\ \ system\ about\ the\ point \ \((1/3, 2/3)\) . \ That\ is\), ",", " ", \(near\ this\ point\ we\ \(have : \n\t\t\n \((x - 1/3)\)'\ \[TildeTilde] \ \(f\_x\) \((x - 1/3)\)\ + \ \(f\_y\) \((y - 2/3)\)\)\)}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ \(\((y - 2/3)\)'\ \[TildeTilde] \ \(g\_x\) \((x - 1/3)\)\ + \ \(g\_y\) \((y - 2/3)\)\), "\n"}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ \(where\ all\ derivatives\ on\ the\ right\ side\ are\ evaluated\ at\ the\ point\ \((1/3, 2/3)\) . \ \ In\ matrix\ form, \ this\ is\ written\), "\n"}], TextForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "\[NegativeThinSpace]", GridBox[{ {\(x' \((t)\) - 1/3\)}, {\(y' \((t)\) - 2/3\)} }], "\[NegativeThinSpace]", ")"}], " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "\[NegativeThinSpace]", GridBox[{ {\(f\_x\), \(f\_y\)}, {\(g\_x\), \(g\_y\)} }], "\[NegativeThinSpace]", ")"}], RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "\[NegativeThinSpace]", GridBox[{ {\(x \((t)\) - 1/3\)}, {\(y \((t)\) - 2/3\)} }], "\[NegativeThinSpace]", ")"}], ".", "\n", "\n", "The"}], " ", "matrix", " ", "on", " ", "the", " ", "right", " ", "side", " ", "is", " ", "the", " ", "Jacobian", " ", "matrix", " ", "of", " ", "the", " ", "vector", " ", "function", " ", "f", \(\((x, y)\) . \ We\), " ", "compute", " ", "this", " ", "and", " ", "examine", " ", "the", " ", "corresponding", " ", "linear", " ", \(system . \)}]}], TextForm]}], "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Jac[x_, y_]\ = \ {{D[f[x, y], x], D[f[x, y], y]}, \n \t\t{D[g[x, y], x], D[g[x, y], y]}}; \nMatrixForm[Jac[x, y]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = \ Jac[1/3, 2/3]; MatrixForm[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[ A . {x, y}, {x, \(- .01\), .01}, {y, \(- .01\), .01}, \n\t Axes -> \ True, \n\tScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 20]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ This looks exactly like the direction field picture for the orginal \ system near (1/3,2/3). \ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(rhs = \ A . {x[t], y[t]}; \ MatrixForm[rhs]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(system\ = \ {\(x'\)[t]\ == \ Part[rhs, 1], \ \(y'\)[t]\ == \n\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Part[rhs, 2], \ x[0] == a, y[0]\ == \ b}\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(linsoln[a_, b_]\ = \ Simplify[{x[t], y[t]} /. First[\n\t\t\ DSolve[system, {x[t], y[t]}, t]\n\t\t]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[""], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(\n\(Show[\n\n ParametricPlot[\n\t\ \ Evaluate[ Table[\n\t\t\tlinsoln[s, .01], {s, \(- .01\), .01, .001}\n \t\t]], \n\t\ \ \ {t, \(-4\), 4}\n], \n ParametricPlot[\n\t\ \ Evaluate[ Table[\n\t\t\tlinsoln[s, \(- .01\)], {s, \(- .01\), .01, .001}\n \t\t]], \n\t\ \ \ {t, \(-4\), 4}\n], \n\t\t AspectRatio -> Automatic, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, \n\t PlotRange -> {{\(- .01\), .01}, {\(- .01\), .01}}, \n\t Ticks \[Rule] None, \n\tFrame \[Rule] True\t\ \ \ \n]; \)\t\t\t\)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ The phase portrait also matches with that of the original system.\ \ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ Now we turn to the other critical points of our example, examining \ these in somewhat less detail than the first one.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["(x,y) = (0,0).", "Subsubsection", FontSize->24], Cell["The Jacobian matrix of (f,g) at this point is ", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = \ Jac[0, 0]; \ MatrixForm[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["If we look at the eigenvalues of A", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Eigenvalues[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ we see that the linear system associated to the point (0,0) has a \ source at the origin. In particular, all solutions that begin near the \ origin move away as t increases and (0,0) is an unstable critical point of \ the orginal system. This can be seen by looking at a direction field near \ (0,0):\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[{f[x, y], g[x, y]}, {x, \(- .01\), .01}, {y, \(- .01\), .01}, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, \n\tAxes -> \ True, \n\t ScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 20]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["(x,y) = (1,0)", "Subsubsection", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = \ Jac[1, 0]; MatrixForm[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Eigensystem[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ This time we have a sink in the associated linear system. Thus \ (1,0) is a stable critical point.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(PlotVectorField[{f[x, y], g[x, y]}, {x, 1 - .01, 1\ + .01}, {y, \(- .01\), .01}, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {1, 0}, \n\tAxes -> \ True, \n\t ScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 20]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["(x,y) =(0,2)", "Subsubsection", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(A\ = \ Jac[0, 2]; \ MatrixForm[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Eigensystem[A]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ Again, a sink. The point (0,2) is also a stable critical \ point.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ Now we know more or less how solutions of our system behave near \ each critical point. It remains to understand the global behavior of the system. To this end we plot some trajectories on a larger scale. We will \ take our initial conditions in the first quadrant along the line 2x + y = \ 1.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Show[\n\t\n ParametricPlot[\n\t\ \ Evaluate[ Table[\n\t\t\tsoln[\(-2\), 3, s, 1 - 2 s], {s, 0, .5, .025}\n \t\t]], \n\t\ \ \ {t, \(-2\), 3}\n], \n ParametricPlot[\n\t\ \ Evaluate[ Table[\n\t\t\tsoln[\(-2\), 3, s, 4 - 2 s], {s, 0, 2, .05}\n \t\t]], \n\t\ \ \ {t, \(-2\), 3}\n], \n\tAspectRatio -> 1, \n\t PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 2}}, \n\tTicks \[Rule] None, \n\t Frame \[Rule] True\t\ \ \ \n]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[TextData[{ "Notice that there are two distinguished solution curves implied in this \ picture--both passing through the saddle point at (1/3,2/3). One of the \ curves joins the two sinks (1,0) and(0,2). The other joins the source (0,0) \ to the saddle (1/3,2/3) and seems to separate solutions that converge to \ (1,0) as t goes to infinity from those that converge to(0,2). These curves \ are called ", StyleBox["separatrices", FontSlant->"Italic"], " for the system. There is a general theorem due to Poincare\nand \ Bendixson that describes the possible limiting behaviors of a 2 x 2 system in \ terms of separatrices and critical points. This example illustrates some of \ the flavor of that theorem." }], "Text", FontSize->24] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"X 3.0", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 1024}}, ScreenStyleEnvironment->"Presentation", WindowSize->{859, 692}, WindowMargins->{{177, Automatic}, {Automatic, 102}} ] (*********************************************************************** Cached data follows. If you edit this Notebook file directly, not using Mathematica, you must remove the line containing CacheID at the top of the file. 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