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For more information on notebooks and Mathematica-compatible applications, contact Wolfram Research: web: http://www.wolfram.com email: info@wolfram.com phone: +1-217-398-0700 (U.S.) Notebook reader applications are available free of charge from Wolfram Research. ***********************************************************************) (*CacheID: 232*) (*NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest*) (*NotebookOptionsPosition[ 106756, 3495]*) (*NotebookOutlinePosition[ 107433, 3519]*) (* CellTagsIndexPosition[ 107389, 3515]*) (*WindowFrame->Normal*) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Qualitative Behavior of Non-Linear Systems: Limit Cycles.", "Subsection", FontFamily->"Helvetica", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Needs["\"]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[TextData[{ "We again consider a non-linear autonomous 2 x 2 system of ODE's.\n \ x' = f(x,y)\n y' = g(x,y)\nwhere for simplicity we assume that all \ partial derivatives of f and g with respect to x and y exist and are \ continuous. The Poincare-Bendixson Theorem asserts that any solution (x(t), \ y(t)) of such a system exhibits one of three behaviors as t goes to infinity. \ The first possibility is divergence--i.e. (x,y) goes to infinity as t \ increases. The second possibility is convergence to\na critical point--i.e. \ \n\n ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TextForm \`lim\+\(t\[LongRightArrow]\[Infinity]\)\((x \((t)\), y \((t)\))\)\ = \ \((x\_0, y\_0)\)\)]], ",\n \nwhere (", Cell[BoxData[ \(TextForm\`\(\(x\_0, y\_0)\)\ \)\)]], "is a constant solution of the system. The last possibility,\nand the one \ we will illustrate here, is that of convergence to a so-called\nlimit cycle. \ That is, it can happen for some systems and some intial conditions that ( \ x(t), y(t) ) is asymptotically periodic. A simple example of such behavior \ is exhibited by solutions of the linear system \n\n x'(t) = y(t)\n\ y'(t) = -x(t).\n \nThe general solution is \n\n \ ( x(t), y(t) ) = ( r cos (t+", Cell[BoxData[ \(TextForm\`\(\(\(t\_0)\), \ r\ sin \((t + t\_0)\)\ )\), \)\)]], "\n \nwhere ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TextForm \`\(t\_0\) and\ r\ are\ constants . \ \ One\ can\ easily\ see\ that\ when\ r\ is\)]], " not zero that\nall solution curves are circles, and (x(t), y(t) ) moves \ around one of these\ncircles at a constant rate. In this case, non-zero \ solutions are not just asymptotically periodic; they are simply periodic... \ period.\n\nA more complicated example of a limit cycle is provided by \ changing the previous example slightly so that it becomes non-linear. That \ is, we take the right side of the system" }], "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[{ \(f[x_, y_]\ = \ y\), \(g[x_, y_]\ = \ \(-x\)\ + \ .2 \((1 - x^2)\) y\)}], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(y\)], "Output"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{\(-x\), "+", RowBox[{ StyleBox["0.2`", StyleBoxAutoDelete->True, PrintPrecision->1], " ", \((1 - x\^2)\), " ", "y"}]}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ for some small but non-zero number a. Note that (0,0) is still a \ critical point of this system. We look at a direction field \t\t\t\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(\(PlotVectorField[{f[x, y], g[x, y]}, {x, \(-4\), 4}, {y, \(-4\), 4}, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, \n\tAxes -> \ True, \n\t ScaleFunction \[Rule] \((1&)\), Ticks \[Rule] None, Frame \[Rule] True, AspectRatio \[Rule] 1, \ PlotPoints\ -> \ 20]; \)\n\)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.116084 0.5 0.115782 [ [.03566 -0.0125 -6 -9 ] [.03566 -0.0125 6 0 ] [.26783 -0.0125 -6 -9 ] [.26783 -0.0125 6 0 ] [.5 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.5 -0.0125 3 0 ] [.73217 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.73217 -0.0125 3 0 ] [.96434 -0.0125 -3 -9 ] [.96434 -0.0125 3 0 ] [ 0 0 -0.125 0 ] [-0.0125 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of user PostScript .1823 .28062 m .16555 .32642 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 -1.89474 -2.88108 -1.49916 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .32937 m .16753 .37585 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 -1.47368 -2.86405 -1.07231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .37812 m .17015 .42535 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 -1.05263 -2.84147 -0.644786 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .42687 m .17375 .47487 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 -0.631579 -2.81046 -0.217012 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .47562 m .17889 .52426 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 -0.210526 -2.76622 0.2095 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .52438 m .18646 .57295 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 0.210526 -2.70099 0.63005 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .57313 m .19759 .61943 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.73684 0.631579 -2.60509 1.03149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .1823 .62188 m .21207 .66054 L s % Start of 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PostScript .23117 .03687 m .20344 .07702 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -4. -2.55466 -3.65327 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .08562 m .20431 .12635 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -3.57895 -2.54725 -3.22722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .13437 m .20534 .17576 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -3.15789 -2.53836 -2.80047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .18312 m .20659 .22526 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -2.73684 -2.52754 -2.37291 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .23187 m .20815 .27488 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -2.31579 -2.51413 -1.94438 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .28062 m .21012 .32462 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -1.89474 -2.49718 -1.51476 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .32937 m .21266 .37449 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -1.47368 -2.47524 -1.08399 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .37812 m .21605 .42448 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -1.05263 -2.4461 -0.65225 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .42687 m .22066 .47448 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -0.631579 -2.40638 -0.220386 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .47562 m .22707 .5242 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 -0.210526 -2.35113 0.209041 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .52438 m .23598 .57289 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 0.210526 -2.27442 0.629541 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .57313 m .24764 .61902 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 0.631579 -2.17391 1.02801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .62188 m .26058 .66081 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 1.05263 -2.06244 1.38893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .67063 m .27124 .69855 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 1.47368 -1.97066 1.71488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .71938 m .27731 .73547 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 1.89474 -1.91833 2.03371 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .76813 m .27966 .77429 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 2.31579 -1.89811 2.36901 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .81688 m .28003 .81559 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 2.73684 -1.89488 2.72572 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .86563 m .27958 .8589 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 3.15789 -1.89876 3.09983 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .91438 m .27885 .90365 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 3.57895 -1.90505 3.48632 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .23117 .96313 m .27807 .94939 L s % Start of user PostScript -2.31579 4. -1.91179 3.88137 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .03687 m .24535 .0712 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -4. -2.19371 -3.70352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .08562 m .2463 .12088 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -3.57895 -2.18549 -3.2744 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .13437 m .24747 .17071 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -3.15789 -2.17544 -2.84406 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .18312 m .24892 .2207 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -2.73684 -2.16293 -2.41225 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .23187 m .25077 .2709 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -2.31579 -2.14702 -1.97869 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .28062 m .25316 .32133 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -1.89474 -2.12637 -1.54312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .32937 m .25635 .37201 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -1.47368 -2.0989 -1.10544 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .37812 m .26069 .42289 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -1.05263 -2.06152 -0.666021 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .42687 m .26669 .47377 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -0.631579 -2.00986 -0.226571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .47562 m .27494 .52411 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 -0.210526 -1.93873 0.208221 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .52438 m .28577 .57279 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 0.210526 -1.84544 0.628683 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .57313 m .29832 .61834 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 0.631579 -1.73739 1.02212 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .62188 m .31011 .66031 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 1.05263 -1.63577 1.38463 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .67063 m .31882 .70031 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 1.47368 -1.56075 1.73009 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .71938 m .32408 .74054 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 1.89474 -1.51544 2.07755 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .76813 m .32687 .78214 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 2.31579 -1.49146 2.43684 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .81688 m .3282 .82525 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 2.73684 -1.47994 2.80914 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .86563 m .32877 .86961 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 3.15789 -1.47509 3.1923 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .91438 m .32893 .91493 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 3.57895 -1.47371 3.58375 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .28005 .96313 m .32888 .96097 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.89474 4. -1.4741 3.98136 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .03687 m .28707 .06204 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -4. -1.83429 -3.78264 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .08562 m .28788 .11208 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -3.57895 -1.82734 -3.35045 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .13437 m .28891 .16236 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -3.15789 -1.81846 -2.9162 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .18312 m .29025 .21293 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -2.73684 -1.80684 -2.47937 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .23187 m .29207 .26389 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -2.31579 -1.79123 -2.0393 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .28062 m .29458 .3153 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -1.89474 -1.76961 -1.59522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .32937 m .29816 .36725 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -1.47368 -1.73873 -1.14652 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .37812 m .30342 .41971 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -1.05263 -1.69344 -0.693475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .42687 m .31119 .4723 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -0.631579 -1.62649 -0.239231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .47562 m .32224 .52392 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 -0.210526 -1.53134 0.20656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .52438 m .33608 .5726 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 0.210526 -1.41212 0.627054 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .57313 m .34995 .61714 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 0.631579 -1.29259 1.0117 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .62188 m .36075 .65888 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 1.05263 -1.19953 1.3722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .67063 m .36774 .70026 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 1.47368 -1.13937 1.72965 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .71938 m .37187 .74265 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 1.89474 -1.10373 2.09578 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .76813 m .37428 .78631 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 2.31579 -1.08302 2.47284 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .81688 m .37569 .83106 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 2.73684 -1.07085 2.85935 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .86563 m .37654 .87666 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 3.15789 -1.06355 3.25318 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .91438 m .37705 .92289 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 3.57895 -1.05911 3.6525 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .32893 .96313 m .37737 .96961 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.47368 4. -1.05637 4.05595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .03687 m .3308 .05022 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -4. -1.45759 -3.88468 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .08562 m .3312 .1003 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -3.57895 -1.45415 -3.45218 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .13437 m .33174 .15068 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -3.15789 -1.44943 -3.01705 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .18312 m .33252 .20147 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -2.73684 -1.44273 -2.57838 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .23187 m .33368 .25283 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -2.31579 -1.43279 -2.13478 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .28062 m .33547 .30499 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -1.89474 -1.4173 -1.68426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .32937 m .33844 .35827 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -1.47368 -1.39176 -1.22412 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .37812 m .34362 .41296 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -1.05263 -1.34716 -0.751738 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .42687 m .3529 .46882 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -0.631579 -1.26721 -0.269308 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .47562 m .36826 .52344 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 -0.210526 -1.13487 0.202418 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .52438 m .38743 .57217 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 0.210526 -0.969712 0.623333 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .57313 m .4032 .61478 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 0.631579 -0.833921 0.991372 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .62188 m .41274 .65597 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 1.05263 -0.751669 1.34709 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .67063 m .41799 .69839 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 1.47368 -0.706506 1.71344 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .71938 m .42092 .74234 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 1.89474 -0.68121 2.09306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .76813 m .42266 .7875 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 2.31579 -0.666237 2.48307 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .81688 m .42375 .83351 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 2.73684 -0.656849 2.88051 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .86563 m .42447 .88014 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 3.15789 -0.650657 3.2832 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .91438 m .42496 .9272 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 3.57895 -0.646393 3.68965 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37781 .96313 m .42532 .97457 L s % Start of user PostScript -1.05263 4. -0.64335 4.09886 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .03687 m .37784 .03871 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -4. -1.05233 -3.98415 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .08562 m .37788 .08836 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -3.57895 -1.05197 -3.5553 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .13437 m .37796 .13825 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -3.15789 -1.0513 -3.12441 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .18312 m .3781 .18848 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -2.73684 -1.05008 -2.69058 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .23187 m .37836 .23922 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -2.31579 -1.04782 -2.25231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .28062 m .37888 .29078 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -1.89474 -1.04338 -1.80698 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .32937 m .37998 .34374 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -1.47368 -1.03394 -1.34962 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .37812 m .38262 .39921 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -1.05263 -1.0112 -0.870497 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .42687 m .38999 .45908 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -0.631579 -0.947704 -0.353459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .47562 m .41065 .52168 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 -0.210526 -0.769699 0.187228 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .52438 m .4416 .5708 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 0.210526 -0.503074 0.61149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .57313 m .45923 .60949 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 0.631579 -0.351182 0.945686 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .62188 m .46635 .65037 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 1.05263 -0.289916 1.2987 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .67063 m .46953 .69408 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 1.47368 -0.262458 1.67626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .71938 m .4712 .73951 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 1.89474 -0.248124 2.06865 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .76813 m .47218 .78596 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 2.31579 -0.239696 2.46978 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .81688 m .4728 .83302 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 2.73684 -0.234288 2.87629 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .86563 m .47323 .88049 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 3.15789 -0.230584 3.2863 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .91438 m .47354 .92824 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 3.57895 -0.227918 3.69871 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .42668 .96313 m .47377 .97619 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.631579 4. -0.225923 4.11282 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .03687 m .42715 .03018 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -4. -0.627598 -4.05777 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .08562 m .42711 .07923 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -3.57895 -0.627941 -3.63418 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .13437 m .42706 .12835 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -3.15789 -0.628355 -3.2099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .18312 m .427 .17759 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -2.73684 -0.628859 -2.78462 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .23187 m .42693 .22701 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -2.31579 -0.62948 -2.35778 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .28062 m .42684 .27673 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -1.89474 -0.630237 -1.92832 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .32937 m .42674 .32702 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -1.47368 -0.631089 -1.49399 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .37812 m .42669 .37856 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -1.05263 -0.631562 -1.0489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .42687 m .42717 .43374 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -0.631579 -0.627386 -0.572303 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .47562 m .43756 .50628 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 -0.210526 -0.537893 0.0542688 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .52438 m .50699 .56171 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 0.210526 0.0602035 0.533002 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .57313 m .51885 .59577 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 0.631579 0.162354 0.827143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .62188 m .52108 .63963 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 1.05263 0.181598 1.20601 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .67063 m .52192 .68607 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 1.47368 0.18884 1.60707 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .71938 m .52235 .73348 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 1.89474 0.192519 2.01656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .76813 m .5226 .78136 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 2.31579 0.194716 2.43009 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .81688 m .52277 .8295 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 2.73684 0.196168 2.84586 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .86563 m .52289 .8778 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 3.15789 0.197195 3.26301 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .91438 m .52298 .9262 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 3.57895 0.197959 3.68105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .47556 .96313 m .52305 .97467 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.210526 4. 0.198548 4.09972 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .03687 m .47695 .02533 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -4. -0.198548 -4.09972 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .08562 m .47702 .0738 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -3.57895 -0.197959 -3.68105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .13437 m .47711 .1222 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -3.15789 -0.197195 -3.26301 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .18312 m .47723 .1705 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -2.73684 -0.196168 -2.84586 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .23187 m .4774 .21864 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -2.31579 -0.194716 -2.43009 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .28062 m .47765 .26652 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -1.89474 -0.192519 -2.01656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .32937 m .47808 .31393 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -1.47368 -0.18884 -1.60707 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .37812 m .47892 .36037 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -1.05263 -0.181598 -1.20601 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .42687 m .48115 .40423 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -0.631579 -0.162354 -0.827143 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .47562 m .49301 .43829 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 -0.210526 -0.0602035 -0.533002 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .52438 m .56244 .49372 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.210526 0.537893 -0.0542688 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .57313 m .57283 .56626 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 0.631579 0.627386 0.572303 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .62188 m .57331 .62144 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 1.05263 0.631562 1.0489 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .67063 m .57326 .67298 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 1.47368 0.631089 1.49399 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .71938 m .57316 .72327 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 1.89474 0.630237 1.92832 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .76813 m .57307 .77299 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 2.31579 0.62948 2.35778 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .81688 m .573 .82241 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 2.73684 0.628859 2.78462 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .86563 m .57294 .87165 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 3.15789 0.628355 3.2099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .91438 m .57289 .92077 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 3.57895 0.627941 3.63418 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .52444 .96313 m .57285 .96982 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.210526 4. 0.627598 4.05777 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .03687 m .52623 .02381 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -4. 0.225923 -4.11282 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .08562 m .52646 .07176 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -3.57895 0.227918 -3.69871 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .13437 m .52677 .11951 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -3.15789 0.230584 -3.2863 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .18312 m .5272 .16698 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -2.73684 0.234288 -2.87629 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .23187 m .52782 .21404 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -2.31579 0.239696 -2.46978 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .28062 m .5288 .26049 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -1.89474 0.248124 -2.06865 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .32937 m .53047 .30592 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -1.47368 0.262458 -1.67626 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .37812 m .53365 .34963 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -1.05263 0.289916 -1.2987 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .42687 m .54077 .39051 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -0.631579 0.351182 -0.945686 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .47562 m .5584 .4292 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 -0.210526 0.503074 -0.61149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .52438 m .58935 .47832 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 0.210526 0.769699 -0.187228 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .57313 m .61001 .54092 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 0.631579 0.947704 0.353459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .62188 m .61738 .60079 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 1.05263 1.0112 0.870497 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .67063 m .62002 .65626 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 1.47368 1.03394 1.34962 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .71938 m .62112 .70922 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 1.89474 1.04338 1.80698 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .76813 m .62164 .76078 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 2.31579 1.04782 2.25231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .81688 m .6219 .81152 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 2.73684 1.05008 2.69058 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .86563 m .62204 .86175 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 3.15789 1.0513 3.12441 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .91438 m .62212 .91164 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 3.57895 1.05197 3.5553 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57332 .96313 m .62216 .96129 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.631579 4. 1.05233 3.98415 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .03687 m .57468 .02543 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -4. 0.64335 -4.09886 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .08562 m .57504 .0728 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -3.57895 0.646393 -3.68965 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .13437 m .57553 .11986 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -3.15789 0.650657 -3.2832 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .18312 m .57625 .16649 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -2.73684 0.656849 -2.88051 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .23187 m .57734 .2125 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -2.31579 0.666237 -2.48307 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .28062 m .57908 .25766 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -1.89474 0.68121 -2.09306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .32937 m .58201 .30161 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -1.47368 0.706506 -1.71344 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .37812 m .58726 .34403 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -1.05263 0.751669 -1.34709 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .42687 m .5968 .38522 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -0.631579 0.833921 -0.991372 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .47562 m .61257 .42783 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 -0.210526 0.969712 -0.623333 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .52438 m .63174 .47656 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 0.210526 1.13487 -0.202418 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .57313 m .6471 .53118 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 0.631579 1.26721 0.269308 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .62188 m .65638 .58704 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 1.05263 1.34716 0.751738 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .67063 m .66156 .64173 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 1.47368 1.39176 1.22412 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .71938 m .66453 .69501 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 1.89474 1.4173 1.68426 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .76813 m .66632 .74717 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 2.31579 1.43279 2.13478 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .81688 m .66748 .79853 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 2.73684 1.44273 2.57838 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .86563 m .66826 .84932 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 3.15789 1.44943 3.01705 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .91438 m .6688 .8997 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 3.57895 1.45415 3.45218 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .62219 .96313 m .6692 .94978 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.05263 4. 1.45759 3.88468 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .03687 m .62263 .03039 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -4. 1.05637 -4.05595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .08562 m .62295 .07711 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -3.57895 1.05911 -3.6525 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .13437 m .62346 .12334 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -3.15789 1.06355 -3.25318 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .18312 m .62431 .16894 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -2.73684 1.07085 -2.85935 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .23187 m .62572 .21369 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -2.31579 1.08302 -2.47284 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .28062 m .62813 .25735 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -1.89474 1.10373 -2.09578 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .32937 m .63226 .29974 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -1.47368 1.13937 -1.72965 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .37812 m .63925 .34112 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -1.05263 1.19953 -1.3722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .42687 m .65005 .38286 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -0.631579 1.29259 -1.0117 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .47562 m .66392 .4274 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 -0.210526 1.41212 -0.627054 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .52438 m .67776 .47608 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 0.210526 1.53134 -0.20656 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .57313 m .68881 .5277 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 0.631579 1.62649 0.239231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .62188 m .69658 .58029 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 1.05263 1.69344 0.693475 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .67063 m .70184 .63275 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 1.47368 1.73873 1.14652 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .71938 m .70542 .6847 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 1.89474 1.76961 1.59522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .76813 m .70793 .73611 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 2.31579 1.79123 2.0393 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .81688 m .70975 .78707 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 2.73684 1.80684 2.47937 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .86563 m .71109 .83764 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 3.15789 1.81846 2.9162 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .91438 m .71212 .88792 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 3.57895 1.82734 3.35045 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .67107 .96313 m .71293 .93796 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.47368 4. 1.83429 3.78264 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .03687 m .67112 .03903 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -4. 1.4741 -3.98136 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .08562 m .67107 .08507 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -3.57895 1.47371 -3.58375 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .13437 m .67123 .13039 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -3.15789 1.47509 -3.1923 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .18312 m .6718 .17475 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -2.73684 1.47994 -2.80914 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .23187 m .67313 .21786 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -2.31579 1.49146 -2.43684 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .28062 m .67592 .25946 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -1.89474 1.51544 -2.07755 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .32937 m .68118 .29969 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -1.47368 1.56075 -1.73009 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .37812 m .68989 .33969 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -1.05263 1.63577 -1.38463 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .42687 m .70168 .38166 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -0.631579 1.73739 -1.02212 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .47562 m .71423 .42721 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 -0.210526 1.84544 -0.628683 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .52438 m .72506 .47589 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 0.210526 1.93873 -0.208221 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .57313 m .73331 .52623 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 0.631579 2.00986 0.226571 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .62188 m .73931 .57711 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 1.05263 2.06152 0.666021 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .67063 m .74365 .62799 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 1.47368 2.0989 1.10544 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .71938 m .74684 .67867 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 1.89474 2.12637 1.54312 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .76813 m .74923 .7291 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 2.31579 2.14702 1.97869 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .81688 m .75108 .7793 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 2.73684 2.16293 2.41225 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .86563 m .75253 .82929 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 3.15789 2.17544 2.84406 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .91438 m .7537 .87912 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 3.57895 2.18549 3.2744 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .71995 .96313 m .75465 .9288 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.89474 4. 2.19371 3.70352 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .03687 m .72193 .05061 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -4. 1.91179 -3.88137 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .08562 m .72115 .09635 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -3.57895 1.90505 -3.48632 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .13437 m .72042 .1411 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -3.15789 1.89876 -3.09983 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .18312 m .71997 .18441 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -2.73684 1.89488 -2.72572 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .23187 m .72034 .22571 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -2.31579 1.89811 -2.36901 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .28062 m .72269 .26453 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -1.89474 1.91833 -2.03371 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .32937 m .72876 .30145 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -1.47368 1.97066 -1.71488 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .37812 m .73942 .33919 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -1.05263 2.06244 -1.38893 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .42687 m .75236 .38098 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -0.631579 2.17391 -1.02801 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .47562 m .76402 .42711 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 -0.210526 2.27442 -0.629541 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .52438 m .77293 .4758 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 0.210526 2.35113 -0.209041 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .57313 m .77934 .52552 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 0.631579 2.40638 0.220386 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .62188 m .78395 .57552 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 1.05263 2.4461 0.65225 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .67063 m .78734 .62551 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 1.47368 2.47524 1.08399 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .71938 m .78988 .67538 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 1.89474 2.49718 1.51476 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .76813 m .79185 .72512 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 2.31579 2.51413 1.94438 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .81688 m .79341 .77474 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 2.73684 2.52754 2.37291 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .86563 m .79466 .82424 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 3.15789 2.53836 2.80047 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .91438 m .79569 .87365 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 3.57895 2.54725 3.22722 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .76883 .96313 m .79656 .92298 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.31579 4. 2.55466 3.65327 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .03687 m .77605 .06238 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -4. 2.378 -3.77973 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .08562 m .77458 .10856 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -3.57895 2.36533 -3.3808 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .13437 m .77282 .15368 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -3.15789 2.35023 -2.99111 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .18312 m .77086 .19705 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -2.73684 2.33333 -2.61657 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .23187 m .76915 .2375 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -2.31579 2.31861 -2.26717 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .28062 m .76934 .27356 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -1.89474 2.32023 -1.95572 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .32937 m .77504 .30558 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -1.47368 2.36933 -1.67916 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .37812 m .78793 .33946 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -1.05263 2.48036 -1.38655 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .42687 m .80241 .38057 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -0.631579 2.60509 -1.03149 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .47562 m .81354 .42705 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 -0.210526 2.70099 -0.63005 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .52438 m .82111 .47574 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 0.210526 2.76622 -0.2095 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .57313 m .82625 .52513 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 0.631579 2.81046 0.217012 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .62188 m .82985 .57465 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 1.05263 2.84147 0.644786 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .67063 m .83247 .62415 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 1.47368 2.86405 1.07231 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .71938 m .83445 .67358 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 1.89474 2.88108 1.49916 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .76813 m .83598 .72291 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 2.31579 2.89431 1.92529 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .81688 m .83721 .77218 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 2.73684 2.90485 2.35076 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .86563 m .8382 .82137 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 3.15789 2.91342 2.77566 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .91438 m .83903 .87051 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 3.57895 2.92052 3.20007 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .8177 .96313 m .83972 .9196 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.73684 4. 2.92649 3.62407 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .03687 m .83211 .07143 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -4. 2.86091 -3.70153 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .08562 m .83047 .11847 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -3.57895 2.84681 -3.2952 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .13437 m .82831 .1647 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -3.15789 2.82822 -2.89598 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .18312 m .82542 .20942 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -2.73684 2.80335 -2.50972 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .23187 m .82169 .25116 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -2.31579 2.7712 -2.14919 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .28062 m .8181 .2868 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -1.89474 2.74024 -1.84136 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .32937 m .82042 .31333 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -1.47368 2.76028 -1.61221 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .37812 m .83538 .3406 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -1.05263 2.88908 -1.3767 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .42687 m .85203 .38034 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -0.631579 3.0325 -1.03353 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .47562 m .86289 .42701 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 -0.210526 3.1261 -0.630377 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .52438 m .86949 .47571 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 0.210526 3.18292 -0.209782 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .57313 m .8737 .52489 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 0.631579 3.2192 0.215014 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .62188 m .87656 .57415 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 1.05263 3.24387 0.640449 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .67063 m .87861 .62338 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 1.47368 3.26154 1.06559 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .71938 m .88015 .67254 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 1.89474 3.27477 1.49023 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .76813 m .88134 .72165 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 2.31579 3.285 1.91438 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .81688 m .88228 .77071 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 2.73684 3.29314 2.3381 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .86563 m .88305 .81973 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 3.15789 3.29976 2.76146 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .91438 m .88369 .86871 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 3.57895 3.30524 3.18452 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .86658 .96313 m .88422 .91766 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.15789 4. 3.30986 3.60733 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .03687 m .88793 .07715 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -4. 3.34179 -3.65209 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .08562 m .88653 .12492 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -3.57895 3.32973 -3.23957 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .13437 m .8846 .17218 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -3.15789 3.31313 -2.83136 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .18312 m .88182 .21849 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -2.73684 3.28916 -2.43138 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .23187 m .87759 .2627 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -2.31579 3.25277 -2.04953 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .28062 m .87127 .30146 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -1.89474 3.19831 -1.71474 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .32937 m .86669 .32612 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -1.47368 3.15883 -1.50175 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .37812 m .88155 .34301 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -1.05263 3.28685 -1.35589 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .42687 m .9013 .38021 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -0.631579 3.457 -1.03459 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .47562 m .91213 .42699 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 -0.210526 3.55025 -0.6306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .52438 m .91798 .47569 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 0.210526 3.60067 -0.209966 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .57313 m .9215 .52475 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 0.631579 3.63099 0.213755 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .62188 m .92382 .57384 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 1.05263 3.65095 0.637781 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .67063 m .92545 .6229 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 1.47368 3.66499 1.06152 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .71938 m .92665 .67192 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 1.89474 3.67537 1.48487 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .76813 m .92758 .7209 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 2.31579 3.68334 1.90788 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .81688 m .92831 .76984 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 2.73684 3.68965 2.3306 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .86563 m .9289 .81876 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 3.15789 3.69477 2.75309 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .91438 m .92939 .86765 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 3.57895 3.699 3.17537 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .91546 .96313 m .92981 .91653 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.57895 4. 3.70255 3.5975 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .96434 .03687 m .94248 .08048 L s % Start of user PostScript 4. -4. 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0.0318144}}] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ We definitely see a lot of rotation in this vector field--not \ surprising considering the fact that the system under scrutiny is a slight variation on a linear \ system with purely imaginary eigenvalues. To see if anything else is going on, we \ linearize about the origin and look at the eigenvalues of the linearization.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Jac[x_, y_]\ = \ {{D[f[x, y], x], D[f[x, y], y]}, \n \t\t{D[g[x, y], x], D[g[x, y], y]}}; \nMatrixForm[Jac[x, y]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(Eigenvalues[Jac[0, 0]]\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ So actually the eigenvalues have become complex with positive real \ parts. Hence we expect solutions starting near zero to spiral outward. We \ check this for the nonlinear system by plotting a solution curve with \ initial condition (0,.01).\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(soln[t1_, t2_, a_, b_]\ := \ {x[t], y[t]} /. First[\n\t\t\t NDSolve[\ {\(x'\)[t] == f[x[t], y[t]], \(y'\)[t] == g[x[t], y[t]], \n\t\t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x[0]\ == \ a, \ y[0]\ == \ b}, \n \t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {x[t], y[t]}, \n \t\t\t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {t, t1, t2}]\n\t\t\t] \n\)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ParametricPlot[Evaluate[soln[0, 100, 0, \ .1]], \n \t\ \ \ {t, 0, 100}, \n\tAspectRatio -> Automatic, \n\t AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, \n\tPlotRange -> {{\(-4\), 4}, {\(-4\), 4}}, \n\t Ticks \[Rule] None, \n\tFrame \[Rule] True\t\ \ \ \n]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ That is, the solution spirals outward until it settles down into a \ sort of circular pattern. The limiting shape is what we mean by a limit cycle. We \ now replot this solution together with two solution curves beginning outside the limit cycle.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[{soln[0, 50, 0, \ .1], \n \t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ soln[0, 50, 0, \ 4], \n \t\t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ soln[0, 50, 0, \ \(-4\)]}], \n \t\ \ \ {t, 0, 50}, \n\tAspectRatio -> Automatic, \n\t AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, \n\tPlotRange -> {{\(-4\), 4}, {\(-4\), 4}}, \n\t Ticks \[Rule] None, \n\tFrame \[Rule] True\t\ \ \ \n]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ So solutions starting from outside the limit cycle can also spiral \ in toward the limit cycle. It is interesting to explore the limits of this behavior. If we increase the scale of the picture, and consider solutions with starting points evenly space along the line y=-x, we obtain the \ following\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Table[soln[0, 50, c, \ \(-c\)], \n\t{c, \(-50\), 50, 4}]], \t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \n\ \ {t, 0, 50}, \n\tAspectRatio -> Automatic, \n\tAxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, \n\t PlotRange -> {{\(-50\), 50}, {\(-50\), 50}}, \n\tTicks \[Rule] None, \n \tFrame \[Rule] True\t\ \ \ \n]; \)\)], "Input", FontSize->24], Cell["\<\ It's looking like no matter how far out we start, the solution \ spirals in toward the limit cycle.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->24] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"X 3.0", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 1024}}, ScreenStyleEnvironment->"Presentation", WindowSize->{800, 781}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 125}, {Automatic, 52}} ] (*********************************************************************** Cached data follows. 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