Math 262

Problem set 1, due Wednesday, January 21

1. Can you find a field with three elements? With 4 elements? [Extra credit: for which integers n > 1 can you find a field with n elements?]

2. Let R denote the field of real numbers. Let Rinfinity x infinity denote the set of all ``infinite matrices'' with entries in R; this is the set of all arrays of real numbers of the form:

a11 a12 a13 ...
a21 a22 a23 ...
a31 a32 a33 ...
 .   .   .
 .   .   .
 .   .   .
You can add these the way you would expect, but I claim that the standard matrix multiplication law has problems in this setting. Explain. Can you find a subset of Rinfinity x infinity that forms a ring?

3. Write down addition and multiplication tables for the ring Z/6Z.

[optional: Suppose that K is a commutative ring. Let K[[x]] denote the set of ``formal power series'' with coefficients in K: these are all things of the form

where each an is an element of K, and where there may be infinitely many nonzero terms. Do these form a ring? (The associative law may be a bit tedious to verify.)]

4. Do problems 3 and 12 from Section 5.2 in the book.

5. Find some properties of the determinant. You might look in the book at Sections 5.2-5.4, both the text and the problems. Try to figure out how to prove them. By mid-day on Tuesday, let me know (by email, for example) what properties you have found. On Wednesday, don't turn turn them in, but instead be prepared to present your findings to the rest of the class.

Some properties that no one's mentioned yet:

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John H. Palmieri, Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame,