MATH 325: Differential Equations PROFESSORS: Hwang, Mast, SMYTH TEXT: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, by Boyce and di Prima. 5th Edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc.) The material covered will be from Chapters 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Homework is an important part of this course: this will be regularly assigned, graded and returned. Your performance on homework will be used to determine your final grade in the course in all borderline cases. Late homework will not be accepted. There will be 3 tests (worth a 100 pts. each) and a Final Examination (worth 150 pts.) which will cover the material of the entire course. The tests will take place in class on the following days: TEST I Monday 27th, September TEST II Monday 1st, November TEST III Monday 29th, November The Final Examination is scheduled for Tuesday December 14, 1993 at 1:45p.m. - 3:45p.m. Unexcused absences from a test or exam will result in a grade of zero for that test or exam. The Honor Code is in effect. Disscussion between students on homework is, however, allowed.