MATH 325: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, FALL 1995 PROFESSORS: Mast, Shaw, Smyth TEXT: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by Boyce and di Prima. 5th Edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc.) HOMEWORK is an important part of this course: this will be regularly assigned, graded and returned. Your performance on homework will be used to determine your final grade in the course in all borderline cases. There will be 3 tests (worth a 100 pts. each) and a Final Exam (worth 150 pts.) which will cover the material of the entire course. The tests will take place in class on the following days: TEST I Monday September 18 TEST II Wednesday October 25 TEST III Monday November 20 The Final Examination is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13, 1995 at 1:45p.m.- 3:45p.m. Missing a scheduled test without an official excuse will result in a score of zero for that test.