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StyleBox[" x'[t] ==", FontFamily->"Courier"], StyleBox[" ", "Input", FontFamily->"Courier"], StyleBox["4x[t] - x[t]^2 - x[t] y[t]", "Input"], StyleBox["\n y'[t] ==", FontFamily->"Courier"], StyleBox[" ", "Input", FontFamily->"Courier"], StyleBox["y - 2x y - y^2", "Input"], StyleBox["\n", FontFamily->"Courier"], StyleBox["a) ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "Find all the critical points of this system.\n", StyleBox["b)", FontSlant->"Italic"], " Find the corrseponding linear system near each critical point and \ determine its eigenvalues.\n", StyleBox["c) ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "Discuss the type and stability of each critical point of the original \ system." }], "Subsubsection", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["Solution"], "Subsubsection", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, PageBreakWithin->Automatic, CellLabelMargins->{{18, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell["\<\ F[x_,y_] = 4x - x^2 - x y; G[x_,y_] = y - 2x y - y^2;\ \>", "Input", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["a) ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "Find the critical points:" }], "Text", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["cp = Solve[{F[x,y] == 0, G[x,y] == 0}]", "Input", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[BoxData[ \({{x \[Rule] \(-3\), y \[Rule] 7}, {x \[Rule] 0, y \[Rule] 0}, { x \[Rule] 0, y \[Rule] 1}, {y \[Rule] 0, x \[Rule] 4}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The critical points are thus ", StyleBox["{-3,7}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["{0,0}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", ", StyleBox["{0,1}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ", and ", StyleBox["{4,0}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ".\n\n", StyleBox["b) and c) ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "To find the correspoinding linear systems and eigenvalues we need to \ examine the matrix of partial derivatives evaluated at each critical point." }], "Text", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ A = {{D[F[x,y],x], D[F[x,y],y]}, {D[G[x,y],x], D[G[x,y],y]}}; A//MatrixForm\ \>", "Input", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ {\(4 - 2\ x - y\), \(-x\)}, {\(\(-2\)\ y\), \(1 - 2\ x - 2\ y\)} }], ")"}], (MatrixForm[ #]&)]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "At the critical point ", StyleBox["{-3,7}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ A1 = A /. cp[[1]]; A1//MatrixForm\ \>", "Input", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ {"3", "3"}, {\(-14\), \(-7\)} }], ")"}], (MatrixForm[ #]&)]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Eigenvalues[A1]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({\(-2\) - I\ \@17, \(-2\) + I\ \@17}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The eigenvalues are complex with negative real part so ", StyleBox["{-3,7}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " is an asymptotically stable spiral.\nAt the point ", StyleBox["{0,0}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ A2 = A /. cp[[2]]; A2//MatrixForm\ \>", "Input", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ {"4", "0"}, {"0", "1"} }], ")"}], (MatrixForm[ #]&)]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The eigenvalues are both positive so ", StyleBox["{0,0}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " is an unstable node.\nAt the point ", StyleBox["{0,1}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ A3 = A /. cp[[3]]; A3//MatrixForm\ \>", "Input", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, AspectRatioFixed->True], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ {"3", "0"}, {\(-2\), \(-1\)} }], ")"}], (MatrixForm[ #]&)]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The eigenvalues have opposite signs, so ", StyleBox["{0,1}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], " is an unstable saddle.\nAt the point ", StyleBox["{4,0}", FontFamily->"Courier", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 38}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, Evaluatable->False, AspectRatioFixed->True], 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5.35897 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37474 .76337 m .37521 .75346 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.785714 6.07143 -0.781181 5.97607 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37474 .8302 m .37545 .81722 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.785714 6.71429 -0.778914 6.58946 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37474 .89702 m .37568 .8806 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.785714 7.35714 -0.776647 7.19914 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .37474 .96385 m .37592 .94359 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.785714 8. -0.774381 7.80511 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .02826 m .44123 .0272 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 -1. -0.146154 -1.01026 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .09509 m .44127 .09482 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 -0.357143 -0.145742 -0.359776 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .16192 m .44131 .16205 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 0.285714 -0.14533 0.286996 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .22875 m .44136 .2289 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 0.928571 -0.144918 0.93006 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .29558 m .4414 .29537 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 1.57143 -0.144506 1.56941 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .3624 m .44144 .36144 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 2.21429 -0.144094 2.20506 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .42923 m .44148 .42714 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 2.85714 -0.143681 2.83699 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .49606 m .44153 .49244 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 3.5 -0.143269 3.46522 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .56289 m .44157 .55736 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 4.14286 -0.142857 4.08974 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .62971 m .44161 .6219 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 4.78571 -0.142445 4.71055 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .69654 m .44166 .68605 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 5.42857 -0.142033 5.32765 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .76337 m .4417 .74981 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 6.07143 -0.141621 5.94104 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .8302 m .44174 .81319 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 6.71429 -0.141209 6.55072 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .89702 m .44178 .87619 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 7.35714 -0.140797 7.15669 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .44157 .96385 m .44183 .93879 L s % Start of user PostScript -0.142857 8. -0.140384 7.75895 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .02826 m .50945 .0278 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 -1. 0.510097 -1.00449 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .09509 m .5093 .09503 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 -0.357143 0.508655 -0.357715 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .16192 m .50915 .16188 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.285714 0.507212 0.285348 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .22875 m .509 .22835 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 0.928571 0.50577 0.924702 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .29558 m .50885 .29442 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 1.57143 0.504327 1.56035 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .3624 m .5087 .36012 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 2.21429 0.502885 2.19228 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .42923 m .50855 .42542 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 2.85714 0.501442 2.82051 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .49606 m .5084 .49034 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 3.5 0.5 3.44503 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .56289 m .50825 .55488 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 4.14286 0.498558 4.06584 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .62971 m .5081 .61903 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 4.78571 0.497115 4.68293 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .69654 m .50795 .68279 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 5.42857 0.495673 5.29632 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .76337 m .5078 .74617 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 6.07143 0.49423 5.90601 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .8302 m .50765 .80917 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 6.71429 0.492788 6.51198 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .89702 m .5075 .87177 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 7.35714 0.491345 7.11424 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .5084 .96385 m .50735 .934 L s % Start of user PostScript 0.5 8. 0.489903 7.71279 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .02826 m .57728 .0284 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 -1. 1.16264 -0.998718 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .09509 m .57694 .09525 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 -0.357143 1.15934 -0.355655 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .16192 m .5766 .16171 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 0.285714 1.15605 0.283699 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .22875 m .57625 .22779 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 0.928571 1.15275 0.919344 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .29558 m .57591 .29348 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 1.57143 1.14945 1.55128 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .3624 m .57557 .35879 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 2.21429 1.14615 2.17951 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .42923 m .57522 .42371 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 2.85714 1.14286 2.80402 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .49606 m .57488 .48824 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 3.5 1.13956 3.42483 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .56289 m .57454 .55239 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 4.14286 1.13626 4.04193 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .62971 m .5742 .61616 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 4.78571 1.13297 4.65532 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .69654 m .57385 .67954 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 5.42857 1.12967 5.265 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .76337 m .57351 .74253 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 6.07143 1.12637 5.87097 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .8302 m .57317 .80514 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 6.71429 1.12308 6.47324 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .89702 m .57283 .86736 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 7.35714 1.11978 7.07179 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .57522 .96385 m .57248 .9292 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.14286 8. 1.11648 7.66663 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .02826 m .64473 .029 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 -1. 1.81147 -0.992948 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .09509 m .64419 .09546 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 -0.357143 1.80632 -0.353594 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .16192 m .64366 .16154 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 0.285714 1.80117 0.282051 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .22875 m .64312 .22723 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 0.928571 1.79602 0.913987 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .29558 m .64259 .29254 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 1.57143 1.79087 1.54221 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .3624 m .64205 .35746 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 2.21429 1.78571 2.16673 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .42923 m .64152 .42199 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 2.85714 1.78056 2.78754 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .49606 m .64098 .48614 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 3.5 1.77541 3.40464 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .56289 m .64045 .54991 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 4.14286 1.77026 4.01803 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .62971 m .63991 .61329 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 4.78571 1.76511 4.62771 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .69654 m .63937 .67628 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 5.42857 1.75996 5.23368 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .76337 m .63884 .73889 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 6.07143 1.7548 5.83594 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .8302 m .6383 .80111 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 6.71429 1.74965 6.4345 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .89702 m .63777 .86295 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 7.35714 1.7445 7.02934 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .64205 .96385 m .63723 .9244 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.78571 8. 1.73935 7.62048 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .02826 m .71179 .0296 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 -1. 2.4566 -0.987178 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .09509 m .71106 .09568 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 -0.357143 2.44959 -0.351533 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .16192 m .71034 .16137 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 0.285714 2.44258 0.280402 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .22875 m .70961 .22667 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 0.928571 2.43558 0.908629 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .29558 m .70888 .2916 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 1.57143 2.42857 1.53315 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .3624 m .70815 .35613 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 2.21429 2.42157 2.15395 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .42923 m .70742 .42028 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 2.85714 2.41456 2.77105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .49606 m .7067 .48405 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 3.5 2.40755 3.38444 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .56289 m .70597 .54742 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 4.14286 2.40055 3.99412 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .62971 m .70524 .61042 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 4.78571 2.39354 4.6001 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .69654 m .70451 .67303 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 5.42857 2.38653 5.20236 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .76337 m .70378 .73525 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 6.07143 2.37953 5.80091 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .8302 m .70305 .79708 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 6.71429 2.37252 6.39576 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .89702 m .70233 .85853 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 7.35714 2.36552 6.98689 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .70888 .96385 m .7016 .9196 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.42857 8. 2.35851 7.57432 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .02826 m .77847 .0302 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 -1. 3.09801 -0.981408 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .09509 m .77755 .09589 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 -0.357143 3.08915 -0.349473 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .16192 m .77663 .1612 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 0.285714 3.08029 0.278754 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .22875 m .77571 .22612 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 0.928571 3.07143 0.903271 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .29558 m .77479 .29065 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 1.57143 3.06257 1.52408 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .3624 m .77387 .3548 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 2.21429 3.05371 2.14118 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .42923 m .77294 .41857 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 2.85714 3.04485 2.75457 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .49606 m .77202 .48195 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 3.5 3.03599 3.36425 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .56289 m .7711 .54494 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 4.14286 3.02712 3.97022 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .62971 m .77018 .60755 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 4.78571 3.01826 4.57248 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .69654 m .76926 .66977 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 5.42857 3.0094 5.17104 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .76337 m .76834 .73161 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 6.07143 3.00054 5.76588 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .8302 m .76742 .79306 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 6.71429 2.99168 6.35702 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .89702 m .7665 .85412 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 7.35714 2.98282 6.94444 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .77571 .96385 m .76558 .9148 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.07143 8. 2.97396 7.52816 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .02826 m .84476 .0308 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 -1. 3.73572 -0.975639 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .09509 m .84365 .0961 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 -0.357143 3.725 -0.347412 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .16192 m .84254 .16102 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 0.285714 3.71429 0.277105 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .22875 m .84142 .22556 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 0.928571 3.70357 0.897914 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .29558 m .84031 .28971 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 1.57143 3.69286 1.51501 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .3624 m .83919 .35347 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 2.21429 3.68214 2.1284 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .42923 m .83808 .41685 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 2.85714 3.67142 2.73808 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .49606 m .83697 .47985 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 3.5 3.66071 3.34406 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .56289 m .83585 .54245 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 4.14286 3.64999 3.94632 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .62971 m .83474 .60468 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 4.78571 3.63928 4.54487 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .69654 m .83362 .66651 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 5.42857 3.62856 5.13972 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .76337 m .83251 .72796 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 6.07143 3.61785 5.73085 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .8302 m .8314 .78903 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 6.71429 3.60713 6.31828 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .89702 m .83028 .84971 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 7.35714 3.59642 6.90199 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .84254 .96385 m .82917 .91 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.71429 8. 3.5857 7.482 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .02826 m .91067 .0314 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 -1. 4.36971 -0.969869 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .09509 m .90936 .09632 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 -0.357143 4.35714 -0.345351 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .16192 m .90806 .16085 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 0.285714 4.34457 0.275457 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .22875 m .90675 .225 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 0.928571 4.332 0.892556 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .29558 m .90544 .28877 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 1.57143 4.31943 1.50595 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .3624 m .90414 .35215 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 2.21429 4.30686 2.11563 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .42923 m .90283 .41514 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 2.85714 4.29429 2.7216 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .49606 m .90152 .47775 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 3.5 4.28172 3.32386 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .56289 m .90022 .53997 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 4.14286 4.26915 3.92241 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .62971 m .89891 .60181 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 4.78571 4.25658 4.51726 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .69654 m .8976 .66326 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 5.42857 4.24401 5.10839 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .76337 m .8963 .72432 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 6.07143 4.23144 5.69582 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .8302 m .89499 .785 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 6.71429 4.21887 6.27954 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .89702 m .89368 .8453 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 7.35714 4.2063 6.85954 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .90936 .96385 m .89238 .9052 L s % Start of user PostScript 4.35714 8. 4.19373 7.43584 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .02826 m .97619 .032 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. -1. 5. -0.964099 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .09509 m .97469 .09653 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. -0.357143 4.98558 -0.343291 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .16192 m .97319 .16068 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 0.285714 4.97115 0.273808 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .22875 m .97169 .22445 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 0.928571 4.95673 0.887198 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .29558 m .97019 .28783 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 1.57143 4.9423 1.49688 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .3624 m .96869 .35082 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 2.21429 4.92788 2.10285 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .42923 m .96719 .41343 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 2.85714 4.91345 2.70511 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .49606 m .96569 .47565 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 3.5 4.89903 3.30367 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .56289 m .96419 .53748 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 4.14286 4.8846 3.89851 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .62971 m .9627 .59894 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 4.78571 4.87018 4.48965 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .69654 m .9612 .66 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 5.42857 4.85576 5.07707 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .76337 m .9597 .72068 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 6.07143 4.84133 5.66079 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .8302 m .9582 .78098 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 6.71429 4.82691 6.2408 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .89702 m .9567 .84088 L s % Start of user PostScript 5. 7.35714 4.81248 6.8171 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript .97619 .96385 m .9552 .90041 L 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