Computer Assignment and Mathematica This assignment is due Monday, Nov 23, 1998. Print out your answer to the problems. This assignment will be counted as one homework. Most of the students have learned at least some computing language. You will be expected to do the assignment using Mathematica on the Sun workstations or Macintoshes in lab that has the appropriate software. This guide applies to all sections (Sections 01, 02 and 03) To get the assignment: If you are using a Sun workstation, simply type /afs/ Then a subdirectory called math325 will be created for you with the homework assignment in that folder. You may then open the assignment with mathematica. If you are using a Macintosh: Connect your Macintosh to AFS course server (ask lab consultant if you don't know how to do this), then go to the folder /afs/ You can then drag the assignment on to your desktop. You may then open the assignment with mathematica. You may want to save your work in your own AFS partition. You have to register for the course in order to have access to the directories. To start Mathematica If you are using a Sun workstation, simply type mathematica to get started. If you are using a Macintosh, click on Mathematica icon. If you never used Mathematica, an on line 3rd edition Mathematica book (ISBN 0-521-58888-X) is available: Click on Help inside Help Menu, and click on Mathematica Book. It should answer most of your questions. There will be a one hour Lecture on how to use mathematica. You do not have to attend if you already know mathematica. It is scheduled for Tuesday October 13 from 6:30 pm. to 7:30 pm. at DBRT 131. The room is not large enough for everyone, please register as soon as possible if you want to attend: Login to your account on a Sun workstation, and type /afs/ We will make other arrangement if the number of students registered is bigger than the capacity of the room.