361 Honors Algebra III, Fall 1996 Classes meet MWF 10:40 - 11:30 AM in Room 328 CCMB Instructor: Abraham Goetz, Room 352 CCBM, Phone 17393, e-mail: goetz.2@nd.edu Office hours: MWF 9:00-10:15 AM, You are encouraged to use my office hours and contact me early with any difficulties, before problems accumulate beyond help. If the office hour time is inconvenient, please make an appointment to see me at some other time. Text: Abstract Algebra, Third Edition, by I. N. Herstein, Prentice-Hall 1990 Homework: Homework will be assigned at each class meeting due the next meeting. Tests: There will be three one hour tests and a final examination. Short quizzes, announced or unannounced may be given as need arises. The schedule of tests is as follows: Test 1 Monday, September 23 Test 2 Wednesday, October 16 Test 3 Wednesday, November 27 Final: Monday, December 16, 8:00-10.00 AM The exams are given during the class period. To give you a full hour for the exam we shall start 5 minutes before the scheduled beginning of the class and finish 5 minutes after the scheduled end. The final examination will be held in the same room as the class meets Honor code: All Notre Dame students are bound by the Notre Dame Honor Code Students may cooperate and consult books and notes, while working on their homework, but mustn't copy others work or submit work done by others. The use of books, notes, etc. and communication with others is not allowed during tests and quizzes. Grading: Each test will be worth 100 points and the final 150 points. Quizzes will contribute 50 points for a total of 500 points. An approximate letter grade corresponding to the number of points earned will be announced after each test has been graded and may vary with the degree of difficulty of the test. Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings. Excessive absences may result in lowering the grade or even failing the class. Make up tests or quizzes will be given only if the absence is excused. The schedule of tests is known early enough, and travel arrangement should be made so that they do not interfere with tests. e-mail: Please activate your e-mail right away, if it is not active yet. I will use e-mail to communicate with you, if necessary. Copies of assignments and other handouts will be placed on the courseware server. To access it from any Macintosh connected to the network: click on COURSEWARE under the apple menu, then double click, in the new window, on COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, and then on Goetz.